2,795 research outputs found

    Progetto di un Flight Management System per un UAV della categoria MALE

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    L’obbiettivo di questo lavoro è il computo delle derivate aerodinamiche dell’aereo in caso di avaria di una superficie mobile di controllo, sia essa in ala o in coda, così da poterne prevedere il comportamento dinamico e come si possa sopperire all’avaria in corso utilizzando altre superfici mobili per controllare e manovrare l’aereo ottenendo così delle nuove derivate aerodinamiche per i comandi di pilotaggi

    Bottoming Organic Rankine Cycles for Passenger Cars

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    Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC) are very efficient and flexible conversion systems with a high degree of maturity. They can be used with different heat sources, mainly using exhaust heat from different processing also with low temperature level sources. They have been mainly considered suitable for stationary power plants. Furthermore, the limitations of layout and size are less stringent if compared with road transportation propulsion systems, in particular when passenger cars are considered. In this paper, the authors numerically investigate an ORC system as a bottoming solution for energy recovery from exhaust gases for internal combustion engine (ICE) passenger car. A passenger car was tested over a Real Driving Emission (RDE) cycle. Exhaust gas mass flow rate and temperature have been sampled allowing calculation of the thermal power available for the ORC plant at realistic driving conditions. The engine operational range was discretized using engine torque and speed values. As a result, a grid of 10 points was set up in the operational plane and the running conditions assigned to the closest discretized point in the grid, each one characterized by a residence time. The ORC recovered power resulted between 0.5 and 2.5 kW, the Rankine cycle efficiency ranged from 11 to 12% while engine efficiency increase varied from 2.5 to 12%. By considering the permanence time in each discretized operating condition the engine efficiency increment resulted slightly higher than 6%

    A Review of Hydrogen-Natural Gas Blend Fuels in Internal Combustion Engines

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    ""The world today is at crossroads in terms of energy, as fossil fuel continues to shape global geopolitics. Alternative energy has become rapidly feasible, with thousands of wind-turbines emerging in the landscapes of the US and Europe. Solar energy and bio-fuels have found similarly wide applications. This book is a compilation of 13 chapters. The topics move mostly seamlessly from fuel combustion and coexistencewith renewable energy, to the environment, and finally to the economics of energy, and food security. The research and vision defines much of the range of our scientific knowledge on the subject and is a driving force for the future. Whether feasible or futuristic, this book is a great read for researchers, practitioners, or just about anyone with an enquiring mind on this subject."

    Comunicação para o Turismo no Espaço Rural

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    O turismo no espaço rural é uma modalidade relativamente nova e em fase de expansão no Brasil. Atraídos por uma oportunidade de mercado, muitos empreendedores rurais encontraram no turismo rural uma alternativa de obtenção de renda extra, mas depararam-se também com iniciativas públicas e privadas ainda insuficientes para promover e fomentar a modalidade. O presente artigo apresenta algumas contribuições teóricas para uma reflexão sobre o estudo de duas áreas analisadas sob uma ótica de complementaridade: a comunicação e o turismo rural. O estudo é conduzido sob o prisma de que a atividade turística recorre à dinâmica do processo comunicacional – elemento base da comunicação – com a finalidade de estabelecer um contato cada vez mais próximo entre a oferta (atrativo turístico rural) e a procura (agências de turismo e turistas), para influenciar e conduzir o potencial turista ao “consumo” do produto turístico no espaço rural. Concluiu-se que o uso intensivo das Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (NTICS) aparece como alternativa adequada para ampliar e fortalecer estas relações necessárias para a competitividade dos produtos turísticos no espaço rural.------------------------------In Brazil, the tourism in rural areas is relatively a new modality in expansion. Attracted by the market, many rural entrepreneurs found in rural tourism an alternative to obtain extra income, but they also encountered with both insufficient public and private initiatives to promote this kind of tourism. This article presents some theoretical contributions to the study of the two areas examined in a complementary perspective: communication and rural tourism. This study is conducted under the prism of communication process dynamics used by the tourism with the aim of establishing a close contact between supply and demand to influence and lead the potential tourists to the consumption of tourism in rural areas. It was concluded that the intense use of Information and Communication of New Technologies appears as a suitable alternative to enlarge and strengthen these relations with the rural tourism competitiveness.Turismo Rural, Comunicação, Processo Comunicacional, Rural tourism, Communication, Communication process, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Network Formation via Anion Coordination: Crystal Structures Based on the Interplay of Non-Covalent Interactions

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    We describe the synthesis and the structural characterization of new H2L(CF3CO2)2 (1) and H2L(Ph2PO4)2 (2) compounds containing the diprotonated form (H2L2+) of the tetrazine-based molecule 3,6-di(pyridin-4-yl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of single crystals of these compounds showed that H2L2+ displays similar binding properties toward both anions when salt bridge interactions are taken into account. Nevertheless, the different shapes, sizes and functionalities of trifluoroacetate and diphenyl phosphate anions define quite different organization patterns leading to the peculiar crystal lattices of 1 and 2. These three-dimensional (3D) architectures are self-assembled by a variety of non-covalent forces, among which prominent roles are played by fluorine–π (in 1) and anion–π (in 2) interactions

    Optimal Modulation of Regenerative Braking in Through-The-Road Hybridized Vehicles

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    Regenerative braking can significantly improve the energy efficiency of hybrid and electric vehicles, and many studies have been carried out in order to improve and optimize the energy recovery of the braking energy. In the paper, the optimization of regenerative braking by means of braking force modulation is analysed, with specific application to the case of cars converted into Through-the-road (TTR) hybrid vehicles, and an optimal modulation strategy is also proposed. Car hybridization is an emerging topic since it may be a feasible, low-cost, intermediate step toward the green transition of the transport system with a potential positive impact in third-world countries. In this case, the presence of two in-wheel-motors installed on the rear axle and of the original mechanical braking system mounted on the vehicle can result in limited braking energy recovery in the absence of proper braking management strategies. A vehicle longitudinal model has been integrated with an algorithm of non-linear constrained optimization to maximize the energy recovery for various starting speed and stopping time, also considering the efficiency map and power limitations of the electric components. In the best conditions, the recovery can reach about 40% of the vehicle energy, selecting the best deceleration at each speed and proper modulation, and with a realistic estimate of the grip coefficient


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    Busca-se neste trabalho estudar a implantação do método PDCA. (Plan, Do, Check, Action), também reconhecido como metodologia de análise e solução de problemas - MASP. É um estudo desenvolvido por meio de uma pesquisa-ação. Os autores relatam tal estudo com grande envolvimento na implementação do projeto. A pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o método e as ferramentas da qualidade utilizadas no processo (Diagrama de Causa e Efeito, Estratificação, Gráfico de Pareto, 5W e 2 H, Folha de Verificação) fornece a fundamentação teórica do trabalho. Para o estudo de caso foi realizada pesquisa de dados primários e secundários gerados durante o processo de implantação do método na organização. O trabalho relata os importantes resultados financeiros conquistados e aponta o direcionamento do método para o atendimento de demandas do cliente.This work searches to study the implantation of the method PDCA. (Plan, Do, Check, Action), also recognized as Methodology of Analysis and Solution of Problems - MASP. It is a study developed by means of a research-action. The authors had participation in the implementation of the methodology in a productive process. The bibliographical research on P.D.C.A. and others tools of quality used in the process (Diagram of Cause and Effect, Stratification, Graph of Pareto, 5W and 2 H, Leaf of Verification), give the theoretical foundation of the paper. For the case study, gathering primary and secondary data was done during the process of implantation of the method in the organization being studied. The study shows important financial results in the process and points how the method can reach the demands of the organization customer

    Le sfide dell'operatore turistico 2.0 tra OTA e brand reputation management

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    Durante i miei cinque anni di studi in ambito turistico, ho potuto seguire i cambiamenti del settore e come a questi si sono adattati gli operatori. In particolare, nel lavoro che ho svolto, mi sono occupato di analizzare l'evoluzione del turismo su Internet e l'avvento dei suoi nuovi attori. Nel primo capitolo ho descritto il web 2.0 ed i nuovi strumenti portati da questo, in particolare quelli utilizzati per il marketing turistico. Nel secondo capitolo vengono presentati i nuovi attori del turismo online, ovvero gli intermediari come le Online Travel Agiencies, i motori di ricerca di hotel, TripAdvisor, il social commerce e tutti i cambiamenti che questi hanno portato nell'industria turistica. Nel terzo capitolo viene preso in analisi il fenomeno della brand reputation e delle recensioni online. Vengono presentate le problematiche che incontrano gli operatori nel gestirle, ma anche le opportunità offerte da esse. Infine, nel quarto ed ultimo capitolo, ho presentato il caso della Maremma toscana. Una destinazione nella quale le istituzioni hanno capito l'importanza di conoscere quale fosse la sua reputazione. In questo modo, successivamente all'analisi di ciò che pensano i turisti della destinazione, sono stati formati gli operatori turistici della Maremma, indicandogli la strada da percorrere per il successo turistico della destinazione

    Verification of precipitation forecasts from two limited-area models over Italy and comparison with ECMWF forecasts using a resampling technique

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    This paper presents the first systematic limited area model (LAM) precipitation verification work over Italy. A resampling technique was used to provide skill score results along with confidence intervals. Two years of data were used, starting in October 2000. Two operational LAMs have been considered, the Limited Area Model Bologna (LAMBO) operating at the Agenzia Regionale Prevenzione e Ambiente- Servizio Meteorologico Regionale (ARPA-SMR) of the Emilia–Romagna region, and the QUADRICS Bologna Limited Area Model (QBOLAM) running at the Agenzia per la Protezione dell’Ambiente e per i Servizi Tecnici (APAT). A 24-h forecast skill score comparison was first performed on the native 0.1° high-resolution grids, using a Barnes scheme to produce the observed 24-h accumulated rainfall analysis. Two nonparametric skill scores were used: the equitable threat score (ETS) and the Hanssen and Kuipers score (HK). Frequency biases (BIA) were also calculated. LAM forecasts were also remapped on a lowerresolution grid (0.5°), using a nearest-neighbor average method; this remapping allowed for comparison with ECMWF model forecasts, and for LAM intercomparisons at lower resolution, with the advantage of reducing the skill score sensitivity to small displacements errors. LAM skill scores depend on the resolution of the verification grid, with an increase when they are verified on a lower-resolution grid. The selected LAMs have a higher BIA compared to ECMWF, showing a tendency to overforecast precipitation, especially along mountain ranges, possibly due to undesired effects from the large-scale and/or convective precipitation parameterizations. Lower ECMWF BIA accounts for skill score differences. LAMBO precipitation forecasts during winter (adjusted for BIA differences) have less misses than ECMWF over the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. Higher-resolution orography definitely adds value to LAM forecasts