112 research outputs found

    Ecografía prostática transrectal en cáncer de próstata: correlación con tacto rectal y antígeno prostático específico como optimizadores en la selección de pacientes para biopsia prostática

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    El Cáncer de Prostata ha adquirido una gran importancia en los últimos años, debido al incremeneto de la tasa de mortalidad. El diagnóstico precoz del cáncer prostático asienta sobre el Tacto Rectal (TR), el Antígeno Prostático Específico e suero (APE) y el examen con Ecografía Transrectal (ETR), seguido de la Biopsia Transrectal (BTR). Es conocido el problema de decidir a qué pacientes indicar biopsia en base a parámetros específicos, teniendo en cuenta la morbilidad del procedimiento y sabiendo que sólo un 40 de las biopsias transrectales arrojan resultados positivos. La ecografía transrectal ha aportado elementos para identificar pacientes candidatos a efectuar una biopsia, con más probabilidad de encontrar cáncer: lesión hipoecogénica, alteración del borde glandular, modificación del plano graso perioprostático, y/o un cambio en la vascularización del parenquima.Fil: Marangoni, Alberto Antonio. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; Argentin

    Ecografía prostática transrectal en cáncer de próstata: correlación con tacto rectal y antígeno prostático específico como optimizadores en la selección de pacientes para biopsia prostática

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    El Cáncer de Prostata ha adquirido una gran importancia en los últimos años, debido al incremeneto de la tasa de mortalidad. El diagnóstico precoz del cáncer prostático asienta sobre el Tacto Rectal (TR), el Antígeno Prostático Específico e suero (APE) y el examen con Ecografía Transrectal (ETR), seguido de la Biopsia Transrectal (BTR). Es conocido el problema de decidir a qué pacientes indicar biopsia en base a parámetros específicos, teniendo en cuenta la morbilidad del procedimiento y sabiendo que sólo un 40 de las biopsias transrectales arrojan resultados positivos. La ecografía transrectal ha aportado elementos para identificar pacientes candidatos a efectuar una biopsia, con más probabilidad de encontrar cáncer: lesión hipoecogénica, alteración del borde glandular, modificación del plano graso perioprostático, y/o un cambio en la vascularización del parenquima.Fil: Marangoni, Alberto Antonio. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; Argentin


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    O desenvolvimento deste trabalho é um esforço embrionário para apresentar de maneira sistematizada três indicadores acadêmicos que afetam os Institutos Federais (IFs) no estado de Santa Catarina por decisão do Tribunal de Contas da União e pautados no Acordo de Metas, estabelecido entre o Poder Executivo e as instituições de ensino da Rede Federal de Educação. Objetiva-se identificar se a relação número de professores por aluno causa impacto direto nos indicadores de eficiência e eficácia das instituições, comparando a realidade das duas instituições situadas no Estado de Santa Catarina. Os dados levantados foram referentes ao período de 2009 a 2015. Para atender o objetivo foram utilizados procedimentos de pesquisa bibliográfica, por meio do Acordo de Metas e dos Relatórios de Gestão das Instituições. Observa-se que os indicadores analisados ainda não atingiram as metas, não sendo possível identificar relação direta entre o número de docentes por aluno e os demais indicadores que aferem o bom aproveitamento do ensino nas instituições. O resultado da pesquisa converge para a orientação empírica inicial demonstrando níveis de maturidade organizacional diferente entre as instituições e as praticas em consolidação

    Cavity-ring-down Doppler-broadening primary thermometry

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    A step forward in Doppler-broadening thermometry is demonstrated using a comb-assisted cavity-ring-down spectroscopic approach applied to an isolated near-infrared line of carbon dioxide at thermodynamic equilibrium. Specifically, the line-shape of the Pe(12) line of the (30012)â\u86\u90(00001) band of CO2 at 1.578 μm is accurately measured and its Doppler width extracted from a refined multispectrum fitting procedure accounting for the speed dependence of the relaxation rates, which were found to play a role even at the very low pressures explored, from 1 to 7 Pa. The thermodynamic gas temperature is retrieved with relative uncertainties of 8Ã\u9710-6 (type A) and 11Ã\u9710-6 (type B), which ranks the system at the first place among optical methods. Thanks to a measurement time of only â\u89\u885h, the technique represents a promising pathway toward the optical determination of the thermodynamic temperature with a global uncertainty at the 10-6 level

    A GUERRA EM SURDINA DE BORIS SCHNAIDERMAN - Uma entrevista e algumas interferências

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    Optimizing Patient Care: A Systematic Review of Multidisciplinary Approaches for SLE Management

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is characterized by multisystemic clinical manifestations ranging from a relatively mild involvement to potentially life-threatening complications. Due to this complexity, a multidisciplinary (MD) approach is the best strategy for optimizing patients' care. The main aim of this systematic literature review (SLR) was to scrutinize the published data regarding the MD approach for the management of SLE patients. The secondary objective was to evaluate the outcomes of the MD approach in SLE patients. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines were used. We performed an SLR to retrieve articles available in English or Italian listed in PubMed, Embase, Cinahl, and Cochrane Library concerning the MD approach used in observational studies and clinical trials. Four independent reviewers performed the study selection and data collection. Of 5451 abstracts evaluated, 19 studies were included in the SLR. The MD approach was most frequently described in the context of SLE pregnancy, reported in 10 papers. MD teams were composed of a rheumatologist, except for one cohort study; a gynecologist; a psychologist; a nurse; and other health professionals. MD approaches had a positive impact on pregnancy-related complications and disease flares and improved SLE psychological impact. Although international recommendations advise an MD approach for managing SLE, our review highlighted the paucity of data supporting this strategy, with most of the available evidence on the management of SLE during pregnancy

    Tunable 30 fs light pulses at 1 W power level from a Yb-pumped optical parametric oscillator

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    We report on a Yb-pumped optical parametric oscillator (OPO) that delivers 30 fs pulses with spectral coverage from 680 to 910 nm and an average output power of up to 1.1 W. The resulting peak power is â\u88¼0.5 MW, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the highest ever demonstrated in a femtosecond OPO. The intensity noise remains at a level of 0.2% rms, and rapid wavelength tuning is obtained by simply scanning the resonator length. The performances of the OPO are promising for a variety of applications in nonlinear microscopy and ultrafast spectroscopy

    Lentiviral vector-mediated gene transfer in T cells from Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome patients leads to functional correction

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    Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is an X-linked primary immunodeficiency with a median survival below the age of 20 due to infections, severe hemorrhage, and lymphomas. Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells from HLA-identical sibling donors is a resolutive treatment, but is available for a minority of patients. Transplantation of genetically corrected autologous hematopoietic stem cells or T cells could represent an alternative treatment applicable to all patients. We investigated whether WAS gene transfer with MMLV-based oncoretroviral and HIV-based lentiviral vectors could restore normal functions of patients' T cells. T cells transduced either with lentiviral vectors expressing the WAS protein (WASP) from the ubiquitous PGK promoter or the tissue-specific WASP promoter or with an oncoretroviral vector expressing WASP from the LTR, reached normal levels of WASP with correction of functional defects, including proliferation, IL-2 production, and lipid raft upregulation. Lentiviral vectors transduced T cells from WAS patients at higher rates, compared to oncoretroviral vectors, and efficiently transduced both activated and naive WAS T cells. Furthermore, a selective growth advantage of T cells corrected with the lentiviral vectors was demonstrated. The observation that lentiviral vector-mediated gene transfer results in correction of T cell defects in vitro supports their application for gene therapy in WAS patients

    Qualidade do solo e produtividade de Pinus taeda no planalto catarinense

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    In forest areas, the continual use of the soil alters its physical attributes and deteriorates its quality, in consequence of the traffic of machines used in forest operations, resulting in lower yields of crops. The relationship between soil quality at different sites and the production of Pinus taeda was evaluated in soils of the Planalto Catarinense region. Four farms were used, with two sites on each farm, chosen for the soil type and yield of the forest. The soil morphology was described and samples were collected in each pedogenetic horizon for physical and chemical analyses. Great variation exists in the physical attributes of the profiles, especially in the sequence and thickness of the horizons. Compaction was verified in the surface layer of the shallow profiles, evidenced by the higher bulk density and, or, soil resistance to penetration. In these profiles, the yield was reduced by between 14 and 36%, compared to the deeper profiles with a smaller degree of compaction.Em áreas florestais, o uso contínuo do solo altera seus atributos físicos e geralmente deteriora sua qualidade, em decorrência do tráfego de máquinas nas operações florestais, com redução da produtividade das culturas. Diante disso, avaliou-se a relação entre a qualidade do solo em diferentes sítios com a produção de Pinus taeda, em solos do Planalto Catarinense. Foram utilizadas quatro fazendas, com dois sítios em cada uma delas, escolhidos pelo tipo de solo e produtividade da floresta (alta e baixa produtividade). Foi descrita a morfologia e amostras de solo foram coletadas em cada horizonte pedogenético para análises físicas e químicas. Existe grande variação nas características físicas dos perfis, especialmente na sequência e espessura dos horizontes. Foi constatada compactação na camada superficial dos perfis mais rasos, evidenciada pela maior densidade e/ou, resistência à penetração do solo, nos quais, a produtividade foi reduzida entre 14 a 36 %, comparados aos perfis mais profundos e com menor grau de compactação

    Soil quality and yield of Pinus taeda in the Planalto Catarinense region

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    Em \ue1reas florestais, o uso cont\uednuo do solo altera seus atributos f\uedsicos e geralmente deteriora sua qualidade, em decorr\ueancia do tr\ue1fego de m\ue1quinas nas opera\ue7\uf5es florestais, com redu\ue7\ue3o da produtividade das culturas. Diante disso, avaliou-se a rela\ue7\ue3o entre a qualidade do solo em diferentes s\uedtios com a produ\ue7\ue3o de Pinus taeda , em solos do Planalto Catarinense. Foram utilizadas quatro fazendas, com dois s\uedtios em cada uma delas, escolhidos pelo tipo de solo e produtividade da floresta (alta e baixa produtividade). Foi descrita a morfologia e amostras de solo foram coletadas em cada horizonte pedogen\ue9tico para an\ue1lises f\uedsicas e qu\uedmicas. Existe grande varia\ue7\ue3o nas caracter\uedsticas f\uedsicas dos perfis, especialmente na sequ\ueancia e espessura dos horizontes. Foi constatada compacta\ue7\ue3o na camada superficial dos perfis mais rasos, evidenciada pela maior densidade e/ou, resist\ueancia \ue0 penetra\ue7\ue3o do solo, nos quais, a produtividade foi reduzida entre 14 a 36 %, comparados aos perfis mais profundos e com menor grau de compacta\ue7\ue3o.In forest areas, the continual use of the soil alters its physical attributes and deteriorates its quality, in consequence of the traffic of machines used in forest operations, resulting in lower yields of crops. The relationship between soil quality at different sites and the production of Pinus taeda was evaluated in soils of the Planalto Catarinense region. Four farms were used, with two sites on each farm, chosen for the soil type and yield of the forest. The soil morphology was described and samples were collected in each pedogenetic horizon for physical and chemical analyses. Great variation exists in the physical attributes of the profiles, especially in the sequence and thickness of the horizons. Compaction was verified in the surface layer of the shallow profiles, evidenced by the higher bulk density and, or, soil resistance to penetration. In these profiles, the yield was reduced by between 14 and 36%, compared to the deeper profiles with a smaller degree of compaction