5 research outputs found

    THE use of green and blue infrastructure for urban revitalization and to improve management of Rainwater: the case of the Comprido river sub-basin

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    A expansão das áreas urbanas e a pressão sobre o uso do solo alteraram as funções ecológicas e ecossistêmicas do ambiente. Estratégias de adaptação como as infraestruturas verde e azul podem reduzir os efeitos negativos das ações antrópicas, além de proporcionarem benefícios para a saúde e qualidade de vida da população. Essas estratégias podem destacar-se como alternativas mais sustentáveis, econômicas, multifuncionais e flexíveis em comparação com as soluções tradicionais. Dentre as diversas funções que as infraestruturas verde e azul podem assumir, o trabalho pretende destacar a capacidade de diminuição do risco hidráulico aliada à promoção da revitalização do ambiente urbano, por meio da implantação de parques urbanos, recomposição da vegetação e interligação de áreas verdes às novas áreas de lazer. Para o desenvolvimento dessa análise, foram propostas intervenções na sub-bacia do Rio Comprido, no Rio de Janeiro, considerando o rio como elemento estruturador da paisagem. Essas intervenções foram simuladas através de um modelo matemático, denominado MODCEL, que permite estimar as alturas de inundação nos cenários atual e de projeto. Como resultado, observa-se que, apesar dos limitados espaços livres, a multifuncionalidade das infraestruturas verde e azul introduz diversas melhorias para a sociedade.The expansion of urban areas and the pressure on land use have changed the ecological and ecosystemic functions of the environment. Adaptive strategies such as the establishment of green and blue infrastructure can reduce the adverse effects of anthropic actions, as well as provide health and quality of life benefits to the population. These strategies are more sustainable, economical, multifunctional and flexible alternatives than traditional solutions. Among the various functions that green and blue infrastructure can assume, this work highlights the capacity for reducing the hydraulic risk allied to revitalization of the urban environment, through the establishment of urban parks, restoration of vegetation and interconnection of green areas with new leisure areas. For this analysis, interventions were proposed in the Comprido River sub-basin, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, considering the river as a structuring element of the landscape. These interventions were simulated through a mathematical model called MODCEL, which allows estimating flood heights in current and design scenarios. As a result, the authors observed that despite the limited open spaces, the multifunctionality of the green and blue infrastructure introduces several improvements for society

    Drainage system and flood control as a preliminary structuring axis for urban planning: case study of the Acari River basin, in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro

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    In the last decades, the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, like most other urban centers in underdeveloped countries, observed a strong vector of disordered urban growth, often associated with inadequate planning. Several areas of environmental value, especially flood plains, were occupied informally and irregularly. In addition to the fact of being exposed to flood hazards, these occupations contribute significantly to amplify the flood itself, due to increased runoff generation and higher flood peaks. Soil waterproofing and the suppression of natural spaces previously used by rivers are the main drivers of this process. Floods may cause: people to be exposed to sewage and garbage, exposing them to waterborne diseases, losses to buildings and their contents; traffic blockage; and economic losses and incapacity of recovering from these losses (in successive events); and environment and urban degradation. Thus, this work discusses the role of urban drainage and flood control as a preceding driver in urban planning, taking water as a structuring axis for city development. Therefore, seeking to support this perception, a bibliographic review was made to find historic elements that put in evidence the significance of this proposition. In addition, a critical urban watershed in the Metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro was modelled, and hydrodynamic simulations were performed to estimate urban gains due to flood mitigation, in relation to habitation, sanitation, transportation, urban facilities and economy. The mitigation strategies, where urban planning was not sensible to the presence of water, were based on sustainable urban drainage concepts integrated with the use of the urban open spaces system, improving resilience to floods and allocating water volumes in adequate multifunctional spaces for re-organizing flood flows.Nas últimas décadas, o Rio de Janeiro observou um forte vetor de crescimento urbano desordenado, associado a um planejamento muitas vezes inadequado. Diversas áreas com valor ambiental, em particular áreas inundáveis com potencial de amortecimento de cheias, foram ocupadas sem nenhum tipo de ordenamento. Estas ocupações, além de expostas ao perigo de inundações, acabam por aumentar escoamentos superficiais e picos de vazões devido à impermeabilização do solo e à supressão de espaços antes destinados para o espraiamento dos rios. Esta degradação do espaço acaba por afetar todos os sistemas que compõem a cidade. Pessoas e habitações são expostas a inundações; doenças de veiculação hídrica, pela mistura de águas pluviais com esgoto e lixo, proliferam; os eixos de transportes são paralisados temporariamente, causando transtornos aos usuários; e oportunidades econômicas são perdidas, seja pelo prejuízo causado diretamente pelas inundações ou pela falta de segurança em relação às enchentes, o que afasta os investimentos nestes locais. Desta forma, este trabalho incentiva que o planejamento do sistema de manejo de águas pluviais deva preceder a determinação de uso e ocupação do solo, sendo a drenagem o eixo estruturante do planejamento. Para isso, será realizada uma revisão bibliográfica em relação aos problemas trazidos pelas falhas do sistema de drenagem e serão realizadas simulações matemáticas para a bacia do Rio Acari, que quantifiquem os ganhos urbanísticos trazidos pela mitigação das inundações, em relação aos eixos de habitação, saneamento, transporte, equipamentos comunitários e economia. Além disso, o trabalho traz como principal solução para os problemas de inundações, onde o planejamento urbano não foi sensível às demandas naturais de passagem das inundações, o conceito de drenagem urbana sustentável e resiliente

    Evaluating the Role of Urban Drainage Flaws in Triggering Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure, Affecting Urban Resilience

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    The urban drainage system plays an important role in the urban infrastructure resilience discussion. Its functional failures can trigger cascading effects on other urban systems and critical infrastructures. The main aim of this work is to investigate and quantify urban flood resilience, offering an integrated methodological approach. In this process, the flooding consequences were quantified by hydrodynamic simulations, using a case study in an exploratory research method. A set of indicators was proposed to map the cascading effects generated by floods and the consequent quantification of urban flooding resilience. Two simulation scenarios were proposed to validate the methodological assessment framework proposed in this work. The first scenario represented the current flooding situation and showed the negative effects on the city systems resulting from disordered urban growth. The second scenario considered the improvement of the drainage behavior, considering a sustainable urban drainage approach supported by the concept of blue-green infrastructure integrated with the urban open spaces system. A comprehensive flood resilience assessment over time was conducted by analyzing the evolution of the System Integrity Index on both scenarios. The results showed that water dynamics play an important role in ordering land use and that preserving water spaces can efficiently respond to urban developing threats, dealing with floods in an earlier development moment, proving the importance of the drainage system as a preliminary structuring driver for supporting a sustainable urban planning, ordered according to environmental constraints defined by water dynamics