606 research outputs found


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    Dos mil años de fe: luces y sombras en la larga historia de la Iglesia (Reseña)

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    Reseña del libro de Guillermo PONS PONS, Dos mil años de fe: luces y sombras en la larga historia de la Iglesia, Eunate («Raíces y hojas» 5), Pamplona 1997,417 p

    Distinct mechanisms regulate hemocyte chemotaxis during development and wound healing in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Drosophila melanogaster hemocytes are highly motile macrophage-like cells that undergo a stereotypic pattern of migration to populate the whole embryo by late embryogenesis. We demonstrate that the migratory patterns of hemocytes at the embryonic ventral midline are orchestrated by chemotactic signals from the PDGF/VEGF ligands Pvf2 and -3 and that these directed migrations occur independently of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling. In contrast, using both laser ablation and a novel wounding assay that allows localized treatment with inhibitory drugs, we show that PI3K is essential for hemocyte chemotaxis toward wounds and that Pvf signals and PDGF/VEGF receptor expression are not required for this rapid chemotactic response. Our results demonstrate that at least two separate mechanisms operate in D. melanogaster embryos to direct hemocyte migration and show that although PI3K is crucial for hemocytes to sense a chemotactic gradient from a wound, it is not required to sense the growth factor signals that coordinate their developmental migrations along the ventral midline during embryogenesis

    Algebraic cycles and functorial lifts from G2G_2 to PGSp6\mathrm{PGSp}_6

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    We establish instances of Beilinson-Tate conjectures for automorphic representations of PGSp6\mathrm{PGSp}_6 whose Spin LL-function has a pole at s=1s=1. Using the exceptional theta correspondence between the split group of type G2G_2 and PGSp6\mathrm{PGSp}_6 and assuming the non-vanishing of a certain archimedean integral, this allows us to confirm a conjecture of Gross and Savin on rank 77 motives of type G2G_2.Comment: 57 pages; extended acknowledgements in the last versio

    Bullying and Cyberbullying in Adolescents from Disadvantaged Areas: Validation of Questionnaires; Prevalence Rates; and Relationship to Self-Esteem, Empathy and Social Skills

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    Although bullying and cyberbullying have been widely studied in diverse geographical areas, the number of studies in isolated regions, located in rainforests such as the Peruvian Amazonia, is low. Most research has been conducted in wealthy, Western countries, although disadvantaged areas are usually the most affected by various problems. Thus, the aims of this study were to validate bullying and cyberbullying measurement instruments among adolescents in the Peruvian Amazonia, to determine the prevalence rates of bullying and cyberbullying among this population, and to examine how bullying and cyberbullying relate to self-esteem, empathy, and social skills. The sample included 607 students from the region of Loreto (Peruvian Amazonia) who completed self-report questionnaires. Both questionnaires used in the sample were found to have good psychometric properties. Results showed that bullying and cyberbullying are prevalent among teenagers in the Amazonia. Low self-esteem and high affective empathy predicted bullying victimization. Being a bully was related to high assertiveness. Being a bully-victim was related to low self-esteem and low assertiveness. Cybervictims showed higher cognitive empathy. Cyberbullies showed higher affective empathy in comparison to uninvolved adolescents. Having low self-esteem and higher affective empathy were related to being a cyberbully/victim. This study provides a validated questionnaire that can be used for research and practice in the Amazonia. Based on the current results, tailored anti-bullying and anti-cyberbullying interventions with components focused on self-esteem, empathy, and social skills should be implemented in Peruvian secondary schools

    The right time for senescence

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    Funding: We are truly grateful to Pedro Sousa-Vitor, Miguel Godinho-Ferreira, and Mariana AscençãoFerreira for critical reading of the manuscript. This work was supported by a FCT PhD Fellowship (PD/BD/105770/2014) to DPC, and co-funded by the FCT (PTDC/MED-NEU/30428/2017), 'la Caixa' Banking Foundation and FCT, IP, under project code HR18-00187 and SCML Melo e Castro Award (MC36-2020).Cellular senescence is a highly complex and programmed cellular state with diverse and, at times, conflicting physiological and pathological roles across the lifespan of an organism. Initially considered a cell culture artifact, senescence evolved from an age-related circumstance to an intricate cellular defense mechanism in response to stress, implicated in a wide spectrum of biolog­ical processes like tissue remodelling, injury and cancer. The development of new tools to study senescence in vivo paved the way to uncover its functional roles in various frameworks, which are sometimes hard to reconcile. Here, we review the functional impact of senescent cells on different organismal contexts. We provide updated insights on the role of senescent cells in tissue repair and regeneration, in which they essentially modulate the levels of fibrosis and inflammation, discussing how “time” seems to be the key maestro of their effects. Finally, we overview the current clinical research landscape to target senescent cells and contemplate its repercussions on this fast-evolving field.publishersversionpublishe

    Bilingualism in Physics teaching for a Deaf preservice teacher

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    CONTEXT AND RESEARCH OBJECT We present the results of inclusive actions carried in order to support the learning of a Deaf student undertaking an undergraduate course training science teachers for rural education. We outline the development of the supervised internship for this student. These actions were carried out by two internship advisors with some fluency in one of the Brazilian Sign Languages (Libras). This Deaf preservice teacher went through the language acquisition process late and showed significant difficulties with Libras, with Portuguese and, consequently, with the scientific language. In addition, she did not learn the physics content that should have been taught in the internship, Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM), either in high school or during college. Thus, several coordinated actions were necessary for her to learn the content to be able to teach it. This led us to question how we design teaching physics content and assessment to meet Deaf students' needs in the university. THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK AND METHODOLOGY Based on Cultural Historical Activity Theory (Leontiev, 1988; Engeström, 2002), the research was limited to a study of the process of learning SHM by a Deaf preservice teacher. Monitoring was carried out in Libras, without interpretation into Portuguese, from the perspective of Deaf Education by Bilinguilism, that is considering the sign language as the student’s first language (L1) and the written modality of oral language, their second (L2) (Brasil, 2005). The research data were collected through two video recordings: (i) SHM teaching interventions for her, specifically an experiment with a simple pendulum to study its period of oscillation; and (ii) a simulation of the Physics internship regency conducted by her. BILINGUAL LINGUISTIC MEDIATIONS IN SCIENTIFIC LITERACY The research findings could be expressed into five categories (actions): (1) to anchor the communication process in visual resources, such as pictures and words written on the board, mobilizing the memory of mathematical and Physics concepts; (2) take care of the reading process in lexicalized Portuguese, which involves word-by-word signaling and compromises the meaning of the passages read; (3) to be aware of the scarcity of vocabulary in Libras for Maths and Physics concepts, which results in the imprecision of signs used for different concepts, such as ‘oscillation’ and ‘swing of the simple pendulum’; (4) to use spontaneous classifiers (gesture markers) that allow evidencing with precision the meaning of concepts, such as ‘periodic wave’ and ‘arithmetic mean’; (5) to mobilize memory for precise signaling of concepts such as ‘period’ and the relationship between arithmetic mean and repetition of the pendulum swing. These categories indicate teaching content and assessment criteria that must be considered to meet a Deaf student's needs from a perspective of inclusive Deaf Scientific Education through Bilingualism. REFERENCES Brasil. Decreto nº 5.626 (2005, 22 de dezembro). Regulamenta a Lei no 10.436, de 24 de abril de 2002. Retrieved August 12, 2022, from http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2005/Decreto/D5626.htm Engeström, Y. (2002). Non scolae sed vitae discimus: como superar a encapsulação da aprendizagem escolar. In H. Daniels, (Ed). Uma introdução a Vygotsky (pp. 175-197). São Paulo: Loyola. Leontiev, A. N. (1988). Uma contribuição à teoria do desenvolvimento da psique infantil. In L. S. Vygotsky (et al.), Linguagem, desenvolvimento e aprendizagem. São Paulo: Ícone

    Práctica del valor de la responsabilidad en los estudiantes del cuarto grado de primaria del C.E.P. Miguel Grau de la Provincia de Sechura, 2019

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    La tarea de educar en valores, se desarrolla en los entornos donde se socializa niños y niñas, proceso que se inicia en el hogar y continua en las instituciones educativas, con la finalidad de seguir formando a los estudiantes y enseñarles a vivir en forma correcta, comprometido con la verdad, y asumir las consecuencias de sus acciones; por tal motivo, la presente investigación se titula: “PRÁCTICA DEL VALOR DE LA RESPONSABILIDAD EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL CUARTO GRADO DE PRIMARIA DEL C.E.P. MIGUEL GRAU DE LA PROVINCIA DE SECHURA, 2019”. El estudio se ha desarrollado bajo el enfoque cualitativo de tipo descriptivo, los datos que permitieron evaluar la práctica del valor de la responsabilidad, se obtuvieron de la Institución educativa Particular Miguel Grau ubicada en la provincia de Sechura en el presente año 2019. La población cuenta con 30 alumnos el cual será igual a la muestra utilizando el muestro no probabilístico por conveniencia. El instrumento fue el cuestionario que se aplicó a los estudiantes. Los resultados fueron los siguientes, en el nivel de responsabilidad de uno mismo, los estudiantes del cuarto grado de educación primaria con el 53.3% tienen un nivel alto, para el nivel de responsabilidad en el hogar, el 66.7% de los estudiantes tienen un nivel alto y el 46.7% de los estudiantes tienen un nivel medio con respecto a la responsabilidad en el colegio. El estudio concluye, al reconocer las acciones de la práctica del valor de la responsabilidad de uno mismo, se evidencia poca preocupación en el orden y limpieza en su espacio personal, así mismo son poco responsables en sus conductas que realizan a diario, del mismo modo al reconocer las acciones de la práctica del valor de la responsabilidad en el hogar se concluyó que los estudiantes demostraron escaza planificación y organización de su tiempo y al reconocer las acciones de la práctica del valor de la responsabilidad en el colegio se concluye que los estudiantes manifestaron poca atención en clase y del escaso respeto a profesores, alumnos y trabajadores de la institución educativa también se demostró la manera incorrecta del cuidado de la infraestructura del plantel

    Oracion funebre : que en las exequias de N.Rmo.P.M.Fr. Alonso de Mier ...

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Sign.: A-D