22 research outputs found


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    The objective of the research work was to propose a teaching method that allowed the self-management of knowledge related to the zoology of invertebrates by the students of the 3rd year of the Bachelor of Education career, comparing in-person learning vs. those not in attendance. For the development of the research, information gathering and processing methods were used, which allowed us to verify the shortcomings in terms of the use and elaboration of this type of teaching medium, for the teaching-learning process from the non-face-to-face modality. The illustrations were made to correspond with the pedagogical and hygienic requirements, which contributed to the aesthetic education of the students and raised the interest in the didactic material. Suggestions and arguments made by different experts were taken into consideration, which were largely the basis for the realization of the work from the point of view of its methodological conception. The criteria offered by teachers and students once the album was implemented, in the teaching-learning process of Invertebrate Zoology in the academic year 2021, were also considered. The effectiveness of the developed teaching medium became evident, taking into consideration the results obtained by the students during the teaching-learning process of the subject. It is concluded that the topic addressed is important and coincides with the transformations that are taking place in the National Education System in Cuba in times of COVID-19.El trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo proponer un medio de enseñanza que permita la autogestión de conocimientos relacionados con la Zoología de los invertebrados por parte de los estudiantes del 3er año de la carrera de la Licenciatura en Educación. Biología del Curso Encuentro, desde la no presencialidad. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se emplearon métodos de recopilación y procesamiento de información, que posibilitaron constatar las carencias en cuanto a la utilización y elaboración de este tipo de medio de instrucción, para el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje desde la modalidad no presencial. Se hizo corresponder las ilustraciones con los requerimientos pedagógicos e higiénicos, lo que contribuyó a la educación estética de los estudiantes y elevó el interés por el material didáctico, se tomó en consideración las sugerencias y argumentaciones realizadas por diferentes expertos que fueron en gran medida la base para la realización de la obra desde el punto de vista de su concepción metodológica. También se contempló, los criterios ofrecidos por profesores y estudiantes una vez implementado el álbum, en el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje de la Zoología de los invertebrados en el curso académico 2021. Se hizo evidente la efectividad del medio de enseñanza elaborado, tomando en consideración los resultados obtenidos por los estudiantes, durante el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje de la asignatura. Se concluye que la temática abordada es importante y coincide con las transformaciones que se llevan a cabo en el Sistema Nacional de Educación en Cuba en tiempos de COVID-19


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    The Practice of Field is recognized in the study of the specialty of Biology, for the importance that represents in the preparation of the professors in initial formation, in her, the principle theory settles down - practice with the characteristics of the nature and the society. This investigation responds to the necessity of perfecting the process of teaching-learning of the Practical discipline of Field and he/she has as objective: to propose a didactic conception with focus ecosistémico and integrative of confrontation to the climatic change, and in function of the local development that allows a bigger development of the intellectual and practical abilities, in the basic formation and the students' professional in the career Degree in Education Biology of the University of Guantánamo. For the development of the investigation methods of summary of information were used and of prosecution of these. As a result lacks like insufficient conception of a focus ecosistémico were obtained, integrative and of confrontation to the climatic change, the absence of a basic bibliography that facilitates the students to acquire intellectual and practical abilities, in correspondence with the demands of the different programs that compose the discipline, insufficient didactic and methodological precisions of the program of the Discipline of Practice of Field to incorporate the biological culture that demands the confrontation to the climatic change and the local development. The valuation carried out by the experts before the setting in practice of the proposal facilitated, to recommend this didactic conception as a valid option to be able to develop new qualities in the process of the professor's of Biology initial formation. Their implementation in the course 2018-2019, it demonstrated the effectiveness of the same one. Key words: didactic conception – ecosystemic approach – field practice – initial training – local developmentLa Práctica de Campo es reconocida en el estudio de la especialidad de Biología, por la importancia que representa en la preparación de los profesores en formación inicial, en ella, se establece el principio teoría – práctica con las características de la naturaleza y la sociedad. Esta investigación responde a la necesidad de perfeccionar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la disciplina Práctica de Campo y tiene como objetivo: proponer una concepción didáctica con enfoque ecosistémico e integrador de enfrentamiento al cambio climático, y en función del desarrollo local, que permita un mayor desarrollo de las habilidades intelectuales y prácticas, en la formación básica y profesional de los estudiantes en la carrera Licenciatura en Educación. Biología de la Universidad de Guantánamo. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se emplearon métodos de recopilación de información y de procesamiento de estas. Como resultado se obtuvieron carencias como insuficiente concepción de un enfoque ecosistémico, integrador de enfrentamiento al cambio climático y en función del desarrollo local, la ausencia de una bibliografía básica que facilite a los estudiantes adquirir habilidades intelectuales y prácticas, en correspondencia con las exigencias de los diferentes programas que componen la disciplina, insuficientes precisiones didácticas y metodológicas del programa de la Disciplina de Práctica de Campo para incorporar la cultura biológica que demanda el enfrentamiento al cambio climático y el desarrollo local. La valoración realizada por los expertos antes de la puesta en práctica de la propuesta posibilitó, recomendar dicha concepción didáctica como una opción válida para lograr desarrollar nuevas cualidades en el proceso de formación inicial del profesor de Biología. Su implementación en el curso 2018-2019, demostró la eficacia de la concepción. Palabras clave: concepción didáctica – desarrollo local – enfoque ecosistémico – formación inicial – Práctica de Camp

    Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (third edition)

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    The third edition of Flow Cytometry Guidelines provides the key aspects to consider when performing flow cytometry experiments and includes comprehensive sections describing phenotypes and functional assays of all major human and murine immune cell subsets. Notably, the Guidelines contain helpful tables highlighting phenotypes and key differences between human and murine cells. Another useful feature of this edition is the flow cytometry analysis of clinical samples with examples of flow cytometry applications in the context of autoimmune diseases, cancers as well as acute and chronic infectious diseases. Furthermore, there are sections detailing tips, tricks and pitfalls to avoid. All sections are written and peer‐reviewed by leading flow cytometry experts and immunologists, making this edition an essential and state‐of‐the‐art handbook for basic and clinical researchers.DFG, 389687267, Kompartimentalisierung, Aufrechterhaltung und Reaktivierung humaner Gedächtnis-T-Lymphozyten aus Knochenmark und peripherem BlutDFG, 80750187, SFB 841: Leberentzündungen: Infektion, Immunregulation und KonsequenzenEC/H2020/800924/EU/International Cancer Research Fellowships - 2/iCARE-2DFG, 252623821, Die Rolle von follikulären T-Helferzellen in T-Helferzell-Differenzierung, Funktion und PlastizitätDFG, 390873048, EXC 2151: ImmunoSensation2 - the immune sensory syste

    Unbalanced Web Phishing Classification through Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Web phishing is a form of cybercrime aimed at tricking people into visiting malicious URLs to exfiltrate sensitive data. Since the structure of a malicious URL evolves over time, phishing detection mechanisms that can adapt to such variations are paramount. Furthermore, web phishing detection is an unbalanced classification task, as legitimate URLs outnumber malicious ones in real-life cases. Deep learning (DL) has emerged as a promising technique to minimize concept drift to enhance web phishing detection. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) combines DL with reinforcement learning (RL); that is, a sequential decision-making paradigm in which the problem to be addressed is expressed as a Markov decision process (MDP). Recent studies have proposed an ad hoc MDP formulation to tackle unbalanced classification tasks called the imbalanced classification Markov decision process (ICMDP). In this paper, we exploit the ICMDP to present a double deep Q-Network (DDQN)-based classifier to address the unbalanced web phishing classification problem. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on a Mendeley web phishing dataset, from which three different data imbalance scenarios are generated. Despite a significant training time, it results in better geometric mean, index of balanced accuracy, F1 score, and area under the ROC curve than other DL-based classifiers combined with data-level sampling techniques in all test cases

    Real-world outcomes in patients with chronic hepatitis C: primary results of the PROBE study.

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    BackgroundThis large prospective multicentre cohort study aimed to improve knowledge of therapy for chronic hepatitis C (CHC) in real clinical practice.MethodsA diverse population of adults with CHC including patients with comorbid conditions, laboratory abnormalities and demographic features [comorbidities or special populations (CSP)] who were under-represented or excluded from peginterferon registration studies was treated with peginterferon -2a (40 kDa) or -2b (12 kDa) plus ribavirin at the investigator's discretion.ResultsDuring the study, 5399 treatment-naive patients [2527 (46.8%) with CSP] received peginterferon -2a (n=3513, 65.1%) or peginterferon -2b (n=1886, 34.9%). The sustained virological response rate was 56.6% (3057/5399) overall, 59.7% (1716/2872) in patients without CSP and 53.1% (1341/2527) in patients with CSP. Significant predictors of sustained virological response included hepatitis C virus genotype 2 or 3 infection, absence of cirrhosis, hepatitis C virus RNA500 000 IU/ml, alanine transaminase quotient >3x the upper limit of normal, age 65 years, BMI<25 kg/m(2), at least 80% of the planned exposure to peginterferon and ribavirin and prescription of peginterferon -2a.ConclusionThe results provide detailed information on the outcome of therapy for CHC in a diverse Italian population that included a large number of patients with CSP and provides an insight into the generalizability of the results obtained in the more restricted setting of randomized registration trials

    Conversion of osteoporotic vertebral fracture severity score to osteoporosis T-score equivalent status: a framework and a comparative study of Hong Kong Chinese and Rome Caucasian older women

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    We explored how the severity of radiological osteoporotic vertebral fracture (OVF) can be converted to the equivalent T-score values.Introduction To perform a study to define what portion of older community women with what severity of radiographic OVF correspond to what low T-score status.Methods There were age-matched 301 Italian community women and 301 Chinese community women (sub-group A, age, 73.6 +/- 6.1 years). In addition, Chinese sub-groups B and C included 110 community women (age, 68.9 +/- 5.5 years) and 101 community women (age: 82.2 +/- 4.3 years), respectively. For each vertebra in women, a score of 0, - 0.5, - 1, - 1.5, - 2, - 2.5, and - 3 was assigned for no OVF or OVF of &lt; 20%, &gt;= 20 similar to 25%, &gt;= 25% similar to 1/3, &gt;= 1/3 similar to 40%, &gt;= 40%-2/3, and &gt;= 2/3 vertebral height loss, respectively, OVFss was defined as the summed score of vertebrae T4 to L5. OVFss and T-scores were ranked from the smallest to the largest values.Results For the Chinese total group (sub-groups A, B, and C together), OVFss = - 1 corresponded to lowest T-score (lowest T-score of lumbar spine, femoral neck, and total hip) of - 3.4 similar to - 3.2. OVFss &lt;= - 1.5 corresponded to femoral neck T-score &lt;= - 2.5. OVFss = -1.5 corresponded to a mean femoral neck T-score of - 3.0, - 2.6, and - 2.4, among Chinese sub-groups B, A, and C subjects, respectively. For Italians, all cases with OVFss &lt;= - 1 had lowest T-score &lt;= - 2.5. For cases with femoral neck T-score = - 2.5, 41.7% had OVFss = - 1.5, and 58.3% had OVFss = - 1.Conclusion For older women, statistically OVFss &lt;= -1 suggests this subject is osteoporotic according to lowest T-score. If using femoral neck T-score, OVFss &lt;= - 1.5 qualifies osteoporosis diagnosis

    Much lower prevalence and severity of osteoporotic vertebral facture in elderly Chinese women than in age-matched Italian women: a radiographic comparison study.

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    Introduction: Many studies reported that East Asian's prevalence of radiographic OVF is similar to that of Caucasian. Since elderly Chinese's osteoporotic hip fracture prevalence is half (or less than half) of that of their age-match Caucasians, we hypothesize that elderly Chinese's OVF prevalence could be only half, or even less than half, of that of their agematch Caucasians.Materials: Age-matched elderly women's radiographs (T4-L5) were from two OVF population-based epidemiological studies conducted in Hong Kong (n=200) and in Rome (n=200). The study subjects had a mean age of 74.1 yrs (range: 65-87 yrs). All radiographs were double read by one reader in Hong Kong and one reader in Rome. Radiological osteoporotic vertebral deformity (ROVD) classification included no ROVD (grade 0), and ROVDs with <20%, 20~25%, ≥25%~1/3, ≥1/3~40%, ≥40%~2/3, and ≥2/3 height loss (grade 1~6). Spinal deformity index (SDI) was calculated with each vertebra assigned a score of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 for no ROVD or ROVDs grade 1~6.Results: 77 (38.5%) Chinese subjects and 123 Italian subjects (61.5%) had ROVD respectively (p<0.0001). ROVDs in Italian subjects tended to be more severe (total and mean SDI: 454.5 and 3.71 for Italian, and 212 and 2.72 for Chinese, p<0.05), more likely to be multiple (p<0.001), more likely to have severe and collapsed grades (p<0.001). The slope of the relationship between age vs. SDI was steeper for the Italian subjects than for the Chinese subjects, suggesting aging Italian subjects developed faster for the prevalence of ROVD and their severity. A trend suggested earlier onset of ROVD among Italian.Conclusion: Compared with elderly Italian women, elderly Chinese women have much lower prevalence of OVF. OVF in Chinese women tend to be less severe and less likely to have multiple fractures and less likely to collapse

    Lumbar L3 marrow fat content in older Italian women is not apparently higher than in older Chinese women

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    Abstract Introduction Many earlier studies reported that East Asians and Caucasians have similar radiographic osteoporotic vertebral fracture (OVF) prevalence. Since elderly Chinese’s osteoporotic hip fracture prevalence is half (or less than half) of that of their age-match Caucasians, we hypothesize that elderly Chinese’s OVF prevalence could be only half, or even less than half, of that of their age-match Caucasians. Materials Age-matched (mean: 74.1&nbsp;years; range: 65–87&nbsp;years) elderly women’s radiographs (T4–L5) were from two OVF population-based epidemiological studies conducted in Hong Kong (n = 200) and in Rome (n = 200). All radiographs were double read by one reader in Hong Kong and one reader in Rome. Radiological osteoporotic vertebral deformity (ROVD) classiication included no ROVD (grade 0), and ROVDs with &lt; 20%, 20 ~ 25%, ≥ 25% ~ 1/3, ≥ 1/3 ~ 40%, ≥ 40% ~ 2/3, and ≥ 2/3 height loss (grade 1 ~ 6) as well as endplate/cortex fracture (ECF). Spinal deformity index (SDI) was calculated with each vertebra assigned a score of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 for no ROVD or ROVDs grade 1 ~ 6. Results Seventy-seven (38.5%) Chinese subjects and 123 Italian subjects (61.5%) had ROVD respectively (p &lt; 0.0001). Chinese subjects had ECF in 52 (26%) cases involving 100 vertebrae, while Italian subjects had ECF in 93 (47%) cases involving 230 vertebrae. ROVDs in Italian subjects tended to be more severe (total and mean SDI: 454.5 and 3.71 for Italian, and 212 and 2.72 for Chinese, p &lt; 0.05), more likely to be multiple, more likely to have severe and collapsed grades. The slope of the relationship between age vs. SDI was steeper for the Italian subjects than for the Chinese subjects, suggesting ROVD severity developed faster for aging Italian subjects. A trend suggested earlier onset of ROVD among Italian. Conclusion OVFs in Chinese women tend to be less common, less severe, and less likely to have multiple fractures