3,225 research outputs found

    Bifosfonati e disfunzione renale

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    Disphosphonates and renal impairmentOsteoporosis and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are two frequent pathological conditions in the adult and geriatric population and often coexist. These conditions ..

    50+ years of R&D Management: a retrospective synthesis and new research trajectories

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    In 2020, R&D Management celebrated 50 years of publication. The present study honors that milestone by conducting a retrospective examination of the research conducted in the journal over time and reflects on its rich history to look forward in the R&D management field. Using bibliometric techniques, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the journal’s most prominent topics and themes, as well as its most prolific authors, institutions, and countries. The findings indicate that R&D Management has increased its productivity and reputation as measured by the number of published articles and citations per year and expanded its international reach from the initial European-dominated author base. We complement this analysis by performing an in-depth systematic literature review of the most frequently cited papers –annually and of all time –to disentangle the themes and concepts that prominently shaped the progress of the discipline itself. The results suggest that R&D Management has progressively widened its field of investigation from an intra-organizational perspective (1970–1992) to an inter-organizational view (1992–2006) and then to an extra-organizational outlook (2006–2018). Finally, based on this history and viewing the contributions from 2019 onwards, we identify an emerging set of research trajectories that we expect will pave the way for the future impact of R&D Management and the field at large

    Self-induced consensus of Reddit users to characterise the GameStop short squeeze

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordData availability: Reddit conversation data used in this study can be retrieved from the Pushshift API at https://www.reddit.com/r/pushshift/. Stock price and traded volumes data are instead obtained by the Polygon API at https://polygon.io.The short squeeze of GameStop (GME) shares in mid-January 2021 has been primarily orchestrated by retail investors of the Reddit r/wallstreetbets community. As such, it represents a paramount example of collective coordination action on social media, resulting in large-scale consensus formation and significant market impact. In this work we characterise the structure and time evolution of Reddit conversation data, showing that the occurrence and sentiment of GME-related comments (representing how much users are engaged with GME) increased significantly much before the short squeeze actually took place. Taking inspiration from these early warnings as well as evidence from previous literature, we introduce a model of opinion dynamics where user engagement can trigger a self-reinforcing mechanism leading to the emergence of consensus, which in this particular case is associated to the success of the short squeeze operation. Analytical solutions and model simulations on interaction networks of Reddit users feature a phase transition from heterogeneous to homogeneous opinions as engagement grows, which we qualitatively compare to the sudden hike of GME stock price. Although the model cannot be validated with available data, it offers a possible and minimal interpretation for the increasingly important phenomenon of self-organized collective actions taking place on social networks.Tor Vergata University of Rom


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    In questo rapporto di attività viene illustrata la seconda fase delle ricerche svolte dall’UR-INGV nei due comuni selezionati ai fini del progetto, Nocera Umbra e Cerreto di Spoleto. Per quanto riguarda Nocera Umbra, si sono analizzati i dati sismometrici registrati durante un esperimento mediante array sismico a piccola apertura, appositamente installato sulla collina di Nocera Umbra per lo studio dell'effetto topografico e la quantificazione del ruolo delle variazioni topografiche locali sull'input sismico. Va ricordato che la torre campanaria, pesantemente danneggiata durante le scosse più forti del Settembre e Ottobre 1997, come pure l’intero centro storico di Nocera Umbra, sono situati sulla sommità di una collina. E' apparso pertanto importante valutare gli effetti di amplificazione del moto del suolo con grande dettaglio spaziale nella zona dove sono localizzati gli edifici monumentali e la parte storica della città. Sono stati anche effettuati due profili geoelettrici a cavallo della faglia, probabilmente inattiva, che attraversa Nocera Umbra, e tramite inversione tomografica dei dati di resistività si è cercata una conferma dell’estensione laterale della zona di faglia, alla cui presenza è stata attribuita la causa principale dell’accelerazione di 0.6 g registrata nella stazione della rete accelerometrica nazionale ubicata nella cabina ENEL di Nocera Umbra, a circa 20 m dalla parete della faglia stessa. E' stato infine analizzato in dettaglio il ruolo giocato dalla zona di faglia nella propagazione delle onde sismiche, sia in termini di picchi di accelerazione e velocità che di amplificazioni spettrali, in campo lineare e non lineare. L’intervento su Cerreto di Spoleto ha visto l’installazione di stazioni sismiche nell’area urbana congiuntamente all’UR-ENEA, e l’esecuzione di misure geoelettriche per la definizione delle geometrie sepolte nella piana di Borgo Cerreto. Inoltre, si è studiato in dettaglio l’effetto di amplificazione in prossimità di una faglia che attraversa il centro storico di Cerreto di Spoleto, dove le registrazioni sismiche hanno evidenziato, analogamente al caso di Nocera Umbra, un forte effetto di canalizzazione dell’energia incidente sotto forma di "trapped waves", e dove precedentemente si era constatata la massima concentrazione dei danni durante le più forti scosse, localizzate nella zona di Sellano-Preci, dell’Ottobre 1997. Nei successivi paragrafi vengono mostrati i risultati di queste indagini

    Clinical management of endoscopically resected pT1 colorectal cancer

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    Background Implementation of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening programs increases endoscopic resection of polyps with early invasive CRC (pT1). Risk of lymph node metastasis often leads to additional surgery, but despite guidelines, correct management remains unclear. Our aim that are diagnosed and treated endoscopically and this number is expected to increase [1,2].Methods We retrospectively reviewed patients undergoing endoscopic resection of pT1 CRC from 2006 to 2016. Clinical, endoscopic, surgical treatment, and follow-up data were collected and analyzed. Lesions were categorized according to endoscopic/histological risk-factors into low and high risk groups. Comorbidities were classified according to the Charlson comorbidity index (CCI). Surgical referral for each group was computed, and dissociation from current European CRC screening guidelines recorded. Multivariate analysis for factors affecting the post-endoscopic surgery referral was performed.Results Seventy-two patients with endoscopically resected pT1-CRC were included. Overall, 20 (27.7%) and 52 (72.3%) were classified as low and high risk, respectively. In the low risk group, 11 (55%) were referred to surgery, representing over-treatment compared with current guidelines. In the high risk group, nonsurgical endoscopic surveillance was performed in 20 (38.5%) cases, representing potential under-treatment. After a median follow-up of 30 (6-130) months, no patients developed tumor recurrence. At multivariate analysis, age (OR 1.21, 95 %CI 1.02 -1.42; P = 0.02) and CCI (OR 1.67, 95 %CI 1.12 -3.14; P= 0.04) were independent predictors for subsequent surgery.Conclusions A substantial rate of inappropriate post-endoscopic treatment of pT1-CRC was observed when compared with current guidelines. This was apparently related to an overestimation of patient-related factors rather than endoscopically or histologically related factors

    Spontaneous Opinion Swings in the Voter Model with Latency

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    The cognitive process of opinion formation is often characterized by stubbornness or resistance of agents to changes of opinion. To capture such a feature we introduce a constant latency time in the standard voter model of opinion dynamics: after switching opinion, an agent must keep it for a while. This seemingly simple modification drastically changes the stochastic diffusive behavior of the original model, leading to deterministic dynamical oscillations in the average opinion of the agents. We explain the origin of the oscillations and develop a mathematical formulation of the dynamics that is confirmed by extensive numerical simulations. We further characterize the rich phase space of the model and its asymptotic behavior. Our work offers insights into understanding and modeling opinion swings in diverse social contexts

    Thinking in systems, sifting through simulations: a way ahead for cyber resilience assessment

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    The interaction between the physical world and information technologies creates advantages and novel emerging threats. Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) result vulnerable to cyber-related disruptive scenarios, and, for some critical systems, cyber failures may have fallouts on society and environment. Traditional risk analysis in no more sufficient to deal with these problems. New techniques are gaining increasing consensus, especially those based on systems theory. In this context, the System-Theoretic Process Analysis for Security (STPA-Sec) extends the Systems-Theoretic Accident Modelling and Processes (STAMP) model considering cyber threats, and identifying unsafe and unsecure controls throughout a cyber socio-technical system. Despite its large usage as a descriptive tool, there is still limited use of STPA-Sec in (semi-)quantitative terms. This article presents System-Theoretic Process Analysis for Security with Simulations (STPA-Sec/S), a methodological interface between STPA-Sec and quantitative resilience assessment based on simulation models. The methodology is instantiated in a demonstrative case study of a water treatment plant, and its critical CPSs which may impact both community health, and environment. The obtained results show how STPA-Sec/S foster systems understanding, allow a systematic identification of its major criticalities, and the respective quantification

    Indagine sismica a riflessione ad alta risoluzione con sorgente vibratoria Ivi-MiniVib svolta nel comune di Piedimonte Etneo (CT) in località Presa.

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    Il presente lavoro ha avuto come obiettivo lo studio dettagliato della porzione superficiale (0-500 metri di profondità) della faglia Pernicana attraverso l’acquisizione e l’elaborazione di dati sismici a riflessione e rifrazione ad alta risoluzione. E’ stato acquisito un profilo sismico di 715 metri, in località Presa nel comune di Piedimonte Etneo (CT), mediante l’impiego di una sorgente sismica vibratoria ad alta risoluzione. Questo sito è stato scelto in quanto è attraversato dalla rottura superficiale indotta dalla faglia Pernicana

    Skin to skin interactions. Does the infant massage improve the couple functioning?

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    Transition to parenthood is a critical stage of life due to several changes the couple has to handle. A large body of studies described how transition to parenthood can be linked to the onset of depressive symptoms, as well as the perception of a low social support, and an increased stress, representing a risk for the early mother—baby relationship. Infant Massage (IM) emerged as an helpful tool to improve maternal skills in interacting with the baby, and leading toward a decreasing of post partum symptoms. However, a growing body of literature highlights that men also may experience post-partum diseases, representing an additional risk for the development of the baby. To date, no study observed the impact of the infant massage on both partners. The aim of the current qualitative research is to observe the impact of the IM on a single couple of parents at childbirth. Pre (Time 1) and post-intervention (Time 3) procedure has been established to observe the changes occurring over the time in the couple. In particular, each member of the couple filled out the EPDS, the BDI-II, the MSPSS and the PSI-SF both at Time 1 and at Time 3. The treatment (Time 2) was represented by the IM training, and lasted 4 weeks. Findings revealed a decrease in depressive symptoms in both partners, as well as an improvement of their perception of stress related to parental role. No changes has been detected with respect to the perception of social support. The IM seems to be a helpful approach to prevent the establishment of pathological conditions in new parents. Although no direct measures on the child were used, the current qualitative data seem to suggest that the IM may represent a valuable tool to prevent the onset of early negative outcomes of the baby. Further investigations and empirical data are needed to improve the knowledge in this field
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