51 research outputs found

    Controlled three-dimensional manipulation of vanadium oxide nanotubes with optical tweezers

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    We present a direct nanotube-microsphere tagging technique for the controlled three-dimensional 3D manipulation and transportation of vanadium oxide nanotubes VOx-NTs with optical tweezers. The high scattering and absorptive nature of the VOx-NTs preclude the 3D optical trapping of such nanostructures. VOx-NTs are adhered to 3-aminopropyl-triethoxysilane functionalized silica microspheres, which act as handles for indirectly manipulating and transporting the nanotubes in three dimensions with optical tweezers. The optical tweezers can also operate as optical scissors that can remove the dielectric handles and trim these nanotubes. This technique may be extended to the optical manipulation of nanotubes of any material.Hernández-Pozos acknowledges the support from the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias and the Royal Society U.K.. K.D. is a Royal Society-Wolfson Merit Award holder. We thank the EPSRC for funding

    Propuesta de mejora en las áreas de producción y logística para reducir los costos operativos en una empresa agroindustrial de la ciudad de Trujillo

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    El presente trabajo de investigación plantea una serie de Propuestas de Mejora en las áreas de producción y logística con el objetivo de determinar su impacto en la reducción de los costos operativos de la empresa de estudio. Para ello, se realizó un análisis previo empleando el Diagrama Ishikawa para la identificación de las causas raíces que afectan negativamente en los costos operativos; luego, mediante a través de la Matriz de Prioridad y Diagrama Pareto se priorizó a los problemas de mayor influencia. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo el diagnóstico cuantificando cada problemática en términos monetarios alcanzando pérdidas mensuales de S/ 12 036.26 y S/ 3 771.66 en las áreas de producción y logística respectivamente. A través de las Propuestas de Mejora se logró un beneficio mensual de S/ 13 859.65, reduciendo los costos operativos en un 87.68% siendo la Ingeniería de Métodos, Gestión de Proveedores, Control Estadístico de la Calidad y MRP las herramientas más destacadas. Finalmente, se desarrolló el estudio económico - financiero para comprobar el impacto de las propuestas en la economía de la empresa dando como resultado un VAN de S/ 34 364.43 con una Tasa Interna de Retorno de 71.48%, recuperándose la inversión en 1 años, 7 meses y 23 días obteniendo un B/C de S/ 1.15.This research presents a series of Proposals for Improvement in the areas of production and logistics. The main goal was determining its impact on reducing the operating costs of the study company. To do this, a previous analysis was carried out using the Ishikawa Diagram to identify the root causes that negatively affect the operating costs. Then, through a Priority Matrix and the Pareto Chart, we prioritized the most influential problems. Subsequently, these root causes were quantified in monetary terms, reaching monthly losses of S/ 12 036.26 and S/ 3 771.66 in both production and logistics areas respectively. The Improvement Proposals achieved a monthly benefit of S/ 13 859.65, reducing operating costs by 87.68%. The most outstanding tools applied during the thesis were Method Engineering, Supplier Management, Statistical Quality Control and MRP. Finally, the economic-financial study was developed to verify the impact and feasibility of the proposals. The obtained results were: NPV of S/ 34 364.43, an Internal Rate of Return of 71.48% and a Benefit/Cost of S/ 1.15 recovering the investment in 1 year, 7 months and 23 days

    Search for Monopoles Above the 15-Foot Bubble Chamber

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    Magnetic monopoles having energies less than about 40 TeV will be slowed to their terminal velocity by the earth's atmosphere. They may then be gathered by the fringing magnetic field of the 15-foot bubble chamber. We propose placing detectors of Lexan and nuclear emulsion at convenient locations above and below the bubble chamber. Such a systom would be sensitive to monopole masses between 10 GeV and 100 TeV and to monopole charges between {approx}0.7 and 10 hc/2e. The experiment would require the construction of a special light roof and would run for 5 weeks during a time when the bubble chamber is filled with air and not in use for other experiments. This study would lower the existing limit on in-flight detection of monopoles (at the earth's surface) by a factor of 20

    Métodos de deposición de nanopartículas de oro en óxido de circonio monoclínico nanoestructurado en medio básico

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    En este trabajo se presentan estudios de dos métodos de deposición de nanopartículas de oro (NPsAu) en nanopartículas de óxido de circonio (ZrO₂) nanoestructurado. Uno de los métodos consiste en preparar nanopartículas de -ZrO₂ nanoestructurado con las de oro in situ en medio básico. El otro, consiste en preparar -ZrO₂ nanoestructurado en medio básico, y obtener la solución coloidal de Au. En ambas síntesis se obtuvo -ZrO₂ nanoestructurado con tamaño de partícula 14.7 (2) nm y 11.4 (1) nm, respectivamente. En los dos métodos, el tamaño de las NPsAu está en el intervalo de 2-5 nm. Es de interés obtener NPsAu en -ZrO₂ nanoestructurado, que sean estables y que su distribución sea homogénea, para posteriormente, usar estos materiales en catálisis, como en la oxidación de CO a CO₂. Los resultados mostraron que el primer método es mejor porque las NPsAu soportadas son más estables después de varios días en condiciones ambientales.In this work we performed studies of two methods of deposition of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) on nanostructured zirconium oxide (ZrO₂). One of the methods consists of preparing -ZrO₂ nanoparticles with gold in situ in basic medium. The other method consists of preparing -ZrO₂ nanostructured in basic medium and then, it mix with colloidal solution of Au. In both methods the particle sizes obtained for -ZrO₂were 14.7(2) nm and 11.4(1) nm, respectively. The size of the AuNPs is in the range of 2-5 nm. It is of interest to obtain AuNPs in nanostructured m-ZrO₂, that are stable and with a homogeneous distribution in order to apply these materials in catalysis, as in the oxidation of CO to CO₂. The results showed that the first method is better since the supported AuNPs are more stable after several days under ambient conditions

    Cost-effectiveness of a technology-supported multimodal prehabilitation program in moderate-to-high risk patients undergoing lung cancer resection: randomized controlled trial protocol

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    Background: Multimodal prehabilitation is a preoperative intervention with the objective to enhance cancer patients' functional status which has been showed to reduce both postoperative morbidity and hospital length of stay in digestive oncologic surgery. However, in lung cancer surgery patients further studies with higher methodological quality are needed to clarify the benefits of prehabilitation. The main aim of the current protocol is to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a multimodal prehabilitation program supported by information and communication technologies in moderate-to-high risk lung cancer patients undergoing thoracic surgery. Methods: A Quadruple Aim approach will be adopted, assessing the prehabilitation program at the following levels: i) Patients' and professionals' experience outcomes (by means of standardized questionnaires, focus groups and structured interviews); ii) Population health-based outcomes (e.g. hospital length of stay, number and severity of postoperative complications, peak oxygen uptake and levels of systemic inflammation); and, iii) Healthcare costs. Discussion: This study protocol should contribute not only to increase the scientific basis on prehabilitation but also to detect the main factors modulating service adoption. Trial registration: NCT04052100 (August 9, 2019)

    Actualidad y prospectiva de la investigación científica en el Centro Universitario Amecameca de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

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    Con responsabilidad, se organizó un programa cuya finalidad fuera publicitar con transparencia dichos avances, a través de un esfuerzo de rendición de cuentas a la comunidad inmediata, la universitaria, y a la comunidad abierta, la sociedad que la principal referencia para tal efecto. El programa se concretiza a través del presente libro, conformado con una inspiración de investigación multidisciplinaria; sin embargo, para llegar a tal fin, el reto es realizar el proceso de búsqueda y generación de conocimiento transitando hacia la colaboración de los cuerpos académicos, que puedan construir nuevos conocimientos fortalecidos por la convergencia de diferentes campos del saber. En consecuencia, la primera etapa de esta estrategia es la publicidad de los trabajos investigativos ejercidos, para hacer un balance al día, pero también proyectar el futuro de cada campo y área del conocimiento. La organización explicativa está organizada por tres bloques representativos del quehacer en la generación de conocimiento del Centro Universitario, un primer bloque centra el interés en las humanidades, educación y sustentabilidad; el segundo bloque lo integra la reflexión científica sobre la construcción democrática, derechos humanos y equidad de género; en el tercer segmento se destina a la seguridad alimentaria, salud pública y sistemas agropecuarios. La actualidad de la investigación eleva la producción lograda y lo que en el momento se encuentra en construcción y los alcances que produce para la docencia, la investigación misma, y para la sociedad en general. La prospectiva es un área que todos los capítulos desarrollan con el propósito de delinear los alcances innovadores por andar en teoría, metodología e incluso en los saberes mismo

    The Stirling engine as a part of a hybrid power system : a study of applications in rural areas of Bolivia

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    Rural electrification in developing countries has become one of the greatest challenges for achieving global access to electricity—one of the United Nation’s sustainable development goals. Governments, international entities and private companies are tasked with improving the quality of life for people and reducing environmentally harmful emissions. Bolivia’s political agenda has been working in coordination with international cooperation organizations, and it has achieved great improvements in access to electricity in recent years. Different strategies and technologies have been used in the various climate scenarios that span Bolivia’s territory. Although more Bolivians have access to electricity than 10 years ago, insufficient knowledge, training, and follow-up from local and national actors (such as power producers, power distributors, and electricity service providers) prevent these solutions from operating as expected. This study explores the integration of a Stirling engine into a small power production system for use in remote rural areas. The Stirling engine is a well-known technology that can use local fuels to generate power and heat. Here two different hybrid power systems in three case studies are compared: the first system is using photovoltaic (PV) panels, batteries, and diesel engines and the second is using PV panels, batteries, and Stirling engines. In a sustainability analysis the environmental effects, economy, and performances—efficiency and reliability—of the two systems are compared. In addition, the study discusses the maintenance of the Stirling engine in Bolivia rural conditions. The study began by gathering data from 17 households in different communities, which had just obtained access to electricity. These communities are characterized by different environmental and climate conditions, which allows us to better understand how the systems operate under Bolivia’s varying climate and to consider the state of its economy and technical capacity. With the help of GIS (Geographical Information System) maps, three Bolivian communities were selected: Tirina, Tablani, and El Carmen. Six hybrid power system were simulated for these communities, two dynamic models per community.  The comparison between the two systems shows that Stirling engine hybrid power system produces at least 7 Tons per year less CO2 emissions than the Diesel hybrid power system per community. The financial analysis used the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) to show the two systems’ cost per kilowatt-hour (in USD). The LCOE of the Stirling system is higher than the diesel engine in the three communities. The net present value was calculated to reflect the costs of the initial investment, as well as maintenance, spare parts, and so on, over the duration of the study. Finally, performance of the two systems was analyzed through a simulated one-day dynamic test of both systems in the three communities. The two systems responded without problem to the communities’ power demands. These power demands have peaks between about 5 kW and 7 kW. Landsbygdselektrifiering i utvecklingsländer har blivit en av de största utmaningarna för global tillgång till el - ett av FN: s mål för hållbar utveckling. Regeringar, internationella enheter och privata företag står inför utmaningen att förbättra livskvaliteten för människor och minska miljöfarliga utsläpp. Bolivias politiska agenda har handlat om att arbeta samordnat med internationella samarbetsorganisationer och har uppnått stora förbättringar avseende tillgången till el de senaste åren. Olika strategier och tekniker har använts i de olika klimatscenarierna som spänner över Bolivias territorium. Även om fler bolivianer har tillgång till el än för tio år sedan, förhindrar otillräcklig kunskap, utbildning och uppföljning från lokala och nationella aktörer (som kraftproducenter, kraftdistributörer och elsleverantörer) att dessa lösningar fungerar som förväntat. Denna studie undersöker integrationen av en Stirling-motor i ett litet kraftproduktionssystem för användning i avlägsna landsbygdsområden. Stirling-motorn är en välkänd teknik som kan använda lokala bränslen för att generera energitjänster. Här jämförs två olika hybridsystem i tre fallstudier: det första systemet har solcellspaneler (PV), batterier och dieselmotorer [1] och det andra har solcellspaneler, batterier och Stirling-motorer. I en hållbarhetsanalys jämförs de två systemens miljöeffekter, kostnader och prestanda - effektivitet och tillförlitlighet. Dessutom diskuterar studien underhållet av Stirling-motorn i landsbygden i Bolivia. Studien började med insamling av data från 17 hushåll i olika samhällen, som just hade fått tillgång till el,. Dessa samhällen kännetecknas av olika miljö- och klimatförhållanden, vilket gör det möjligt för oss att bättre förstå hur systemen fungerar under Bolivias varierande klimat och att ta hänsyn till läget för dess ekonomi och tekniska kapacitet. Med hjälp av GIS-kartor (Geographical Information System) valdes tre bolivianska samhällen ut: Tirina, Tablani och El Carmen. Sex hybridsystem simulerades för dessa samhällen, två dynamiska modeller per samhälle. Jämförelsen mellan de två systemen visar att Stirling-motorns hybridkraftsystem producerar minst 7 ton per år mindre koldioxidutsläpp än Diesel-hybridkraftsystemet för respektive samhälle. I den finansiella analysen användes ”levelized cost” för el (LCOE) för att visa de två systemens kostnad per kilowattimme (i USD). LCOE för Stirling-systemet är högre än dieselmotorn i de tre samhällena. Nettonuvärdet beräknades för att återspegla kostnaderna för den initiala investeringen, såväl som underhåll, reservdelar med mera under studiens varaktighet. Slutligen analyserades de två systemens prestanda genom ett simulerat dynamiskt test omfattande en dag för respektive system i de tre samhällena. De två systemen uppfyllde då utan problem samhällenas effektbehov. Dessa effektbehov har toppar mellan  5 kW och 7 kW

    The Stirling engine as a part of a hybrid power system : a study of applications in rural areas of Bolivia

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    Rural electrification in developing countries has become one of the greatest challenges for achieving global access to electricity—one of the United Nation’s sustainable development goals. Governments, international entities and private companies are tasked with improving the quality of life for people and reducing environmentally harmful emissions. Bolivia’s political agenda has been working in coordination with international cooperation organizations, and it has achieved great improvements in access to electricity in recent years. Different strategies and technologies have been used in the various climate scenarios that span Bolivia’s territory. Although more Bolivians have access to electricity than 10 years ago, insufficient knowledge, training, and follow-up from local and national actors (such as power producers, power distributors, and electricity service providers) prevent these solutions from operating as expected. This study explores the integration of a Stirling engine into a small power production system for use in remote rural areas. The Stirling engine is a well-known technology that can use local fuels to generate power and heat. Here two different hybrid power systems in three case studies are compared: the first system is using photovoltaic (PV) panels, batteries, and diesel engines and the second is using PV panels, batteries, and Stirling engines. In a sustainability analysis the environmental effects, economy, and performances—efficiency and reliability—of the two systems are compared. In addition, the study discusses the maintenance of the Stirling engine in Bolivia rural conditions. The study began by gathering data from 17 households in different communities, which had just obtained access to electricity. These communities are characterized by different environmental and climate conditions, which allows us to better understand how the systems operate under Bolivia’s varying climate and to consider the state of its economy and technical capacity. With the help of GIS (Geographical Information System) maps, three Bolivian communities were selected: Tirina, Tablani, and El Carmen. Six hybrid power system were simulated for these communities, two dynamic models per community.  The comparison between the two systems shows that Stirling engine hybrid power system produces at least 7 Tons per year less CO2 emissions than the Diesel hybrid power system per community. The financial analysis used the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) to show the two systems’ cost per kilowatt-hour (in USD). The LCOE of the Stirling system is higher than the diesel engine in the three communities. The net present value was calculated to reflect the costs of the initial investment, as well as maintenance, spare parts, and so on, over the duration of the study. Finally, performance of the two systems was analyzed through a simulated one-day dynamic test of both systems in the three communities. The two systems responded without problem to the communities’ power demands. These power demands have peaks between about 5 kW and 7 kW. Landsbygdselektrifiering i utvecklingsländer har blivit en av de största utmaningarna för global tillgång till el - ett av FN: s mål för hållbar utveckling. Regeringar, internationella enheter och privata företag står inför utmaningen att förbättra livskvaliteten för människor och minska miljöfarliga utsläpp. Bolivias politiska agenda har handlat om att arbeta samordnat med internationella samarbetsorganisationer och har uppnått stora förbättringar avseende tillgången till el de senaste åren. Olika strategier och tekniker har använts i de olika klimatscenarierna som spänner över Bolivias territorium. Även om fler bolivianer har tillgång till el än för tio år sedan, förhindrar otillräcklig kunskap, utbildning och uppföljning från lokala och nationella aktörer (som kraftproducenter, kraftdistributörer och elsleverantörer) att dessa lösningar fungerar som förväntat. Denna studie undersöker integrationen av en Stirling-motor i ett litet kraftproduktionssystem för användning i avlägsna landsbygdsområden. Stirling-motorn är en välkänd teknik som kan använda lokala bränslen för att generera energitjänster. Här jämförs två olika hybridsystem i tre fallstudier: det första systemet har solcellspaneler (PV), batterier och dieselmotorer [1] och det andra har solcellspaneler, batterier och Stirling-motorer. I en hållbarhetsanalys jämförs de två systemens miljöeffekter, kostnader och prestanda - effektivitet och tillförlitlighet. Dessutom diskuterar studien underhållet av Stirling-motorn i landsbygden i Bolivia. Studien började med insamling av data från 17 hushåll i olika samhällen, som just hade fått tillgång till el,. Dessa samhällen kännetecknas av olika miljö- och klimatförhållanden, vilket gör det möjligt för oss att bättre förstå hur systemen fungerar under Bolivias varierande klimat och att ta hänsyn till läget för dess ekonomi och tekniska kapacitet. Med hjälp av GIS-kartor (Geographical Information System) valdes tre bolivianska samhällen ut: Tirina, Tablani och El Carmen. Sex hybridsystem simulerades för dessa samhällen, två dynamiska modeller per samhälle. Jämförelsen mellan de två systemen visar att Stirling-motorns hybridkraftsystem producerar minst 7 ton per år mindre koldioxidutsläpp än Diesel-hybridkraftsystemet för respektive samhälle. I den finansiella analysen användes ”levelized cost” för el (LCOE) för att visa de två systemens kostnad per kilowattimme (i USD). LCOE för Stirling-systemet är högre än dieselmotorn i de tre samhällena. Nettonuvärdet beräknades för att återspegla kostnaderna för den initiala investeringen, såväl som underhåll, reservdelar med mera under studiens varaktighet. Slutligen analyserades de två systemens prestanda genom ett simulerat dynamiskt test omfattande en dag för respektive system i de tre samhällena. De två systemen uppfyllde då utan problem samhällenas effektbehov. Dessa effektbehov har toppar mellan  5 kW och 7 kW