4,185 research outputs found

    Accounting for unobservables in production models:management and inefficiency

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    This paper explores the role of unobserved managerial ability in production and its relationship with technical efficiency. Previous analyses of managerial ability have been based on strong assumptions about its role in production or on the use of proxies. We avoid these limitations by introducing managerial ability as an unobserved random variable in a translog production function. The resulting empirical model can be estimated as a stochastic production frontier with random coefficients.Managerial ability, technical efficiency, production frontier, random coefficients model, maximum simulated likelihood.

    Econometric testing of spatial productivity spillovers from public capital

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    In this paper we review two different approaches followed in the empirical literature to test for the existence of public capital spillovers. Additionally, we explore the role played by an additive aggregator of public capital in neighboring regions versus the multiplicative aggregator used previously in the literature. In the empirical application we compare the different methodologies using a panel data set of the 47 mainland Spanish provinces. We do not find evidence of the existence of spillover effects of public infrastructure.Public capital, public infrastructure, spatial spillovers.

    Mantoux frente a test de inmunoferón-γ para diagnóstico de infección tuberculosa latente en contactos con tuberculosis

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    ResumenObjetivoComparar, utilizando fuentes secundarias, sensibilidad, especificidad y eficiencia, entre Mantoux y técnicas de inmunoferón-γ.DiseñoEstudio de revisión bibliográfica con fuentes de información de alta evidencia científica.Fuentes de datosBúsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos Cochrane y Trip Database. Estrategia de búsqueda: «tuberculosis and (interferon or quantiferon or quantiferonTB) and diagnosis». Límites: publicado en los últimos 5 años, seres humanos, metaanálisis, guía de práctica clínica, Ensayo aleatorio controlado. Se concluye la búsqueda en octubre de 2009.Selección de los estudiosLocalizamos 3 guías de práctica clínica y 9 artículos que incluyen una revisión sistemática, un metaanálisis, un artículo sobre sensibilidad de las nuevas técnicas, 3 estudios sobre coste-eficiencia y 3 estudios prospectivos sobre el papel de la liberación de inmunoferón-γ en el diagnóstico de tuberculosis.ResultadosLas nuevas técnicas presentan mayor especificidad que el Mantoux para diagnóstico de la infección tuberculosa latente en contactos vacunados en infancia con BCG. La estrategia diagnóstica más coste-efectiva para la infección tuberculosa latente fue screening con Mantoux y confirmación con QuantiFERON-Gold in tube.ConclusiónDeberían coordinarse los recursos y limitar su uso en los estudios de contactos a adultos inmunocompetentes vacunados con BCG, con Mantoux superior a 5mm o casos con tuberculina dudosa.AbstractObjectiveTo compare the sensitivity, specificity and efficiency between Mantoux and Interferon-gamma techniques, using secondary sources.DesignStudy of the published literature with a high evidence-based sources of scientific information.Data sourcesA bibliographic search in the Cochrane database and Trip-database.Study selectionWe found three Clinical Practice Guidelines and nine articles, which included one Systematic Review, one Meta-analysis, one article on the sensitivity of the new techniques, three cost-efficiency studies, and three prospective studies on the role of interferon-gamma release in the diagnosis of TB.ResultsThe new techniques have a higher specificity than Mantoux for the diagnosis of LTBI in contacts vaccinated in childhood with BCG. The most cost-effective diagnostic strategy for LTBI was Mantoux screening and confirmation with QFT-G.ConclusionResources should be coordinated, limiting its use in studies of contacts in immunocompetent adults vaccinated with BCG, with Mantoux>5mm or Tuberculin doubtful cases


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    La creciente demanda de recursos humanos formados en el área técnica, la articulación horizontal planteada por la Ley de Educación Superior (24521) y la continuidad de estudios para sus egresados, hicieron que el INSPT genere una propuesta de Articulación entre las carreras del INSPT y las Carreras de Ingeniería de la UTN. Para alcanzarla se tomaron decisiones fundacionales del proyecto: 1- La articulación debería abarcar a la mayor cantidad posible de carreras del INSPT. 2- Se debería acceder a la aprobación de una base similar de materias de la UTN para las distintas carreras del INSPT. 3- La articulación debería hacerse considerando que los alumnos del INSPT hayan finalizado la carrera que hicieron en el INSPT contando con las capacidades y competencias adquiridas como Técnicos Superiores egresados. Una de las principales fortalezas de la Articulación es que los interesados cuentan con un panorama integrado en lo que hace a los saberes de las Ciencias Básicas, los saberes propios de la especialidad de origen y conocimientos generales. El proyecto de Articulación se propuso como meta obtener la aprobación de: 1- El Seminario de Ingreso. 2- Las asignaturas de primer año de las carreras de Ingeniería. 3- Inglés I e Inglés II. Se consideró como punto de partida los contenidos básicos comunes a las carreras de Ingeniería contenidos en la Resolución 1232/01. A partir de esto se identificaron las asignaturas en las que se desarrollaban dichos contenidos. Posteriormente se generaron Módulos Complementarios para cubrir aquellos contenidos que no fueron abordados o no se generaron las capacidades vinculadas durante la carrera de Técnico Superior. Se pudo comprobar que la misión institucional, los planes de estudios, los objetivos de las carreras, los perfiles de los egresados, el Reglamento de Estudios, y la reglamentación en general, cumplen con las exigencias marcadas por la autoridad educativa

    Core excitation effects in halo nuclei using a transformed oscillator basis

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    A recent generalization of the Transformed Harmonic Oscillator basis, intended to consider core excitations in the structure of one nucleon halo nuclei, is applied to the break up of 11Be. The reaction studied is 11Be+208Pb at 69 MeV/nucleon. The experimental set up is designed to ensure pure dipole Coulomb excitations. Making use of the Equivalent Photon Method and the electromagnetic transition probabilities obtained with the transformed oscillator basis, a relevant contribution of the quadrupole excitations of the core is found. The inclusion of core excitations is, therefore, necessary for the correct extraction of the dipole electromagnetic transition probability of halo nuclei.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación FIS2011-28738-c02-01, FPA2009- 07653, FPA2009-08848, CSD2007-00042Junta de Andalucía FQM160, P07-FQM-0289

    Resource's Relationships in the Design of Collaborative Web Applications

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    At the moment of designing a web application, we usually run into the problem of how to deal with logical connections among resources. These connections have important implications in the operations that we take on a certain resource and its representation, as we could verify in the design of the collaborative web application that we have developed, the Virtual Conference Centre. For those reasons, in this paper we analyze the relationships among resources, especially focused on collaborative web applications, and we propose some solutions and good practices for the difficulties that we have encountered

    Stabilization method in two-body systems with core excitations

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    The validity of the stabilization method in core+valence systems including the possibility of exciting the core is studied. A pseudostate method, based on the transformed harmonic oscillator basis, is extended to include the core degrees of freedom. The method is applied to the case of 11Be structure considering the 0+ ground state and the 2+ first excited state of the 10Be core. The stabilization method is defined in terms of one parameter that can be chosen either discrete or continuous. In the application to 11Be, both cases are analyzed.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación FIS2011-28738-c02-01, FPA2009-07653, FPA2009-08848, CSD2007-00042Junta de Andalucía FQM160, P07-FQM-0289

    Management of the Faculty based on Competencies: A proposal for the Department of Sciences, Technology and Health

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    In the present education which considers that teaching should be based on competence, an investigation into the problems of teaching assignment in academic departments was carried out at Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Carazo in National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN-MANAGUA), taking as the main criterion the teacher profile and skills that the teacher should have to teach a subject. To find the attributes of those competencies, the investigation was initiated by applying a questionnaire to the department managers and coordinators of the careers, in which it questions the criteria taken into account to make the educational placement and core competencies that a teacher should have. It has also expanded this research to teachers on satisfaction with the subjects they teach. As result, the teacher must have skills: knowledge, mastery and satisfaction of their subject