115 research outputs found

    Soluciones electroquímicas para la mejora del medio ambiente

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    Utilización de tres dosis de cloruro de colina en la alimentación de terneros mestizos desde la semana de edad hasta los tres meses en la finca las Malvinas de la parroquia Guasaganda.

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    La presente investigación se realizó en la Parroquia Guasaganda del Cantón La Maná Provincia de Cotopaxi, localizada a 512 m.s.n.m., durante el periodo de tres meses (noviembre 2011– febrero del 2012), lapso en el cual se efectuó el trabajo de campo, utilizando el cloruro de colina en la alimentación diaria de los terneros. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la influencia de tres dosis de Cloruro de Colina en terneros hasta los tres meses de edad, para cuantificar el efecto de la colina en el aumento de peso de los terneros y analizar el efecto sobre la sanidad de los mismos en los primeros tres meses de edad y abaratar costos en el crecimiento de los terneros. El diseño fue el de DCA (Diseño Completamente al Azar), ya que se trata de medir los parámetros productivos en la crianza de terneros con tres dosis de colina, para el tratamiento 1 (T1-20 mg), el tratamiento 2 (T2-30 mg), el tratamiento 3 (T3-40 mg), y el testigo hasta los 3 meses de edad y la metodología que se utilizó fue la experimental porque se manejó un diseño completamente al azar. Para la fase de campo se utilizaron terneros de raza mestizos de semana de edad, los cuales fueron alimentados con leche entera y pasto o forraje de la propiedad. Los parámetros a medir fueron la ganancia de peso, la altura de la cruz, mortalidad, morbilidad, y la rentabilidad económica. Con el análisis estadístico se demostró que si hubo diferencia significativa entre tratamientos dando como resultado que, los tres tratamientos donde se utilizó la colina fueron superiores al testigo, y entre ellos sobresalió el T2-30 mg alcanzando 100,5 kg de peso vivo. Durante toda la duración de la investigación no tuvimos ni morbilidad, ni mortalidad. También hay que destacar que los terneros con la alimentación de cloruro de colina si se acelera el cambio de monogástrico a rumiante antes de los tres meses. En esta investigación tuvimos ese cambio a partir de la novena semana de edad de los terneros ya consumían el pasto verde

    Cumplimiento de los principios registrales y eficiencia en la inscripción de títulos en la zona Registral N° III, Moyobamba, 2022

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el cumplimiento de los principios registrales y eficiencia en la inscripción de títulos en la Zona Registral N° III, Moyobamba, 2022. La investigación fue tipo básica, diseño no experimental, transversal y descriptivo correlacional, cuya población y muestra fue de 72 expedientes (títulos). La técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario. Ambos instrumentos son confiables, 0.976 para la primera variable y 0.978 para la segunda variable. Los resultados determinaron que el nivel de cumplimiento de los principios registrales, fue medio en 8%, alto en 92%; la inscripción de los títulos, fue 42%, alto en 58%. Concluyendo que existe relación significativa entre el cumplimiento de los principios registrales y eficiencia en la inscripción de títulos en la Zona Registral N° III, Moyobamba, 2022, ya que el análisis estadístico de Rho de Spearman fue de 0, 967 (correlación positiva muy alta) y un p valor igual a 0,000 (p-valor ≤ 0.01); además, solo el 93.51% del cumplimiento de lo

    Industrial synthesis of cysteine derivatives

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    Comunicación presentada en European Research Conference: "Organic Electrochemistry: Moving Towards Clean and Selective Synthesis", Agelonde-La Londe Les Maures, April 15-19, 1998

    On the addition of further treatments to Latin Square designs

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    Statisticians have made use of Latin Squares for randomized trials in the design of comparative experiments since the 1920s. Through cross-disciplinary use of Group theory, Statistics and Computing Science the author looks at the applications of the Latin Square as row-column design for scientific comparative experiments. The writer presents his argument, based on likelihood theory, for an F-test on Latin Square designs. A distinction between the combinatorial object and the row-column design known as the Latin Square is explicitly presented for the first time. Using statistical properties together with the tools of group actions on sets of block designs, the author brings new evidence to bear on well known issues such as (i) non-existence of two mutually orthogonal Latin Squares of size six and (ii) enumeration and classification of combinatorial layouts obtainable from superimposing two and three symbols on Latin Squares of size six. The possibility for devising non-parametric computer-intensive permutation tests in statistical experiments designed under 2 or 3 blocking constraints seems to have been explored by the author over the candidate's research period - See Appendix V: Part 2 - for the first time. The discovery that a projective plane does not determine all FIZ-inequivalent complete sets of Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares is proved by fully enumerating the possibilities for those of size p < 7. The discovery of thousands of representatives of a class of balanced superimpositions of four treatments on Latin Squares of size six through a systematic computer search is reported. These results were presented at the 16th British Combinatorial Conference 1997. Indications of openings for further research are given at the end of the manuscript

    An Easy Method for Calculating Kinetic Parameters of Electrochemical Mechanisms: Temkin’s Formalism

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    One of the typical problems addressed in electrochemical textbooks is how to define the theoretical kinetic law of an electrochemical reaction and how to propose a plausible mechanism for this reaction from its kinetic parameters, usually the Tafel slope and reaction orders.This work has been financially supported by the MEC (Spain) through CTQ2013-48280-C3-3-R project

    Electrocatalytic hydrogenation of acetophenone using a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrochemical Reactor

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    The use of a solid polymeric electrolyte, spe, is not commonly found in organic electrosynthesis despite its inherent advantages such as the possible elimination of the electrolyte entailing simpler purification processes, a smaller sized reactor and lower energetic costs. In order to test if it were possible to use a spe in industrial organic electrosynthesis, we studied the synthesis of 1-phenylethanol through the electrochemical hydrogenation of acetophenone using Pd/C 30 wt% with different loadings as cathode and a hydrogen gas diffusion anode. A Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrochemical Reactor, PEMER, with a fuel cell structure was chosen to carry out electrochemical reduction with a view to simplifying an industrial scale-up of the electrochemical process. We studied the influence of current density and cathode catalyst loading on this electroorganic synthesis. Selectivity for 1-phenylethanol was around 90% with only ethylbenzene and hydrogen detected as by-products.This work has been financially supported by MICINN (Feder) of Spain through the project CTQ2010-20347

    Electrochemical synthesis at pre-pilot scale of 1-phenylethanol by cathodic reduction of acetophenone using a solid polymer electrolyte

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    The pre-pilot scale synthesis of 1-phenylethanol was carried out by the cathodic hydrogenation of acetophenone in a 100 cm2 (geometric area) Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrochemical Reactor. The cathode was a Pd/C electrode. Hydrogen oxidation on a gas diffusion electrode was chosen as anodic reaction in order to take advantage of the hydrogen evolved during the reduction. This hydrogen oxidation provides the protons needed for the synthesis. The synthesis performed with only a solid polymer electrolyte, spe, has lower fractional conversion although a higher selectivity than that carried out using a support–electrolyte–solvent together with a spe. However, the difference between these two cases is rather small and since the work-up and purification of the final product are much easier when only a spe is used, this last process was chosen for the pre-pilot electrochemical synthesis of 1-phenylethanol.This work was financially supported by MICINN (Feder) of Spain through the project CTQ2010-20347

    Electrochemical treatment of wastewater from almond industry using DSA-type anodes: direct connection to a PV generator

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    Food industries such as almond industry generate large volumes of wastewater in their processes and common techniques are not always efficient for treating this kind of effluents. In this work, the feasibility of a treatment for pollutants removal of a real industrial wastewater by electrochemical oxidation s studied at laboratory scale and then scaled-up to pre-industrial scale. The first stage of the work was performed at laboratory scale, using a 63 cm2 cell, where different anodes (Ti/Pt, and DSA anodes (Ti/RuO2 and Ti/IrO2)) and the optimal experimental conditions (pH, current density, temperature and [Cl-]) were studied and established. By using a DSA-Cl2 anode (Ti/RuO2), pH 9, j = 50 mA cm-2, [Cl-] = 2000 mg L-1 and room temperature, chemical oxygen demand (COD) was removed up to 75% and results show that electrooxidation can remove organic pollutants. In the second stage the scaling-up of the process from laboratory to pre-industrial scale was performed, by using a 3300cm2 cell. The electrochemical reactor was finally powered by a photovoltaic generator directly connected, in order to operate by using a renewable energy and a COD elimination of 80% was achieved