1,261 research outputs found


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    EFICACIA  DE  LOS    MAPAS CONCEPTUALES COMO RECURSO DIDÁCTICO EN EL APRENDIZAJE DE LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES EN LA ESCUELA ACADÉMICO PROFESIONAL DE TURISMO, HOTELERÍA Y GASTRONOMÍA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD ALAS PERUANAS EFFECTIVENESS OF MIND MAPS AS TEACHING RESOURCE IN THE LEARNING PROCESS OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IN THE PROFESSIONAL ACADEMIC SCHOOL OF TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND CUISINE OF PERUVIAN UNIVERSITY ALAS PERUANAS RESUMEN Objetivo. El objetivo de la Investigación fue Determinar que el desconocimiento del manejo de los mapas conceptuales como recurso didáctico influye en el aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales en los estudiantes del II ciclo de la Escuela Académico Profesional de Turismo Hotelería y Gastronomía UAP Materiales y Métodos. Para la selección de la muestra se consideró a los estudiantes del II ciclo de la escuela, la técnica de muestreo fue sistemático, se trabajó desarrollando clases haciendo uso de mapas conceptuales en la asignatura de historia de la cultura se aplicó la prueba estadística de hi2 teniendo en cuenta la relación de variables Resultados. Como el valor calculado es mayor al de la tabla (24.894 > 16.919), la hipótesis nula es rechazada, aceptándose la hipótesis alterna H1, con lo cual queda demostrada la hipótesis. Conclusión. El manejo de los mapas conceptuales como recurso didáctico influye significativamente en el aprendizaje de los alumnos, produce un auténtico aprendizaje, porque proporciona conceptos de manera coherente y no arbitraria, “construyendo”, de manera sólida los conceptosABSTRACT Objective. The aim of the research was to determine that the lack of management of mind maps as a teaching resource influences in the learning of Social Sciences students in cycle II of the Professional Academic School of Tourism Hospitality and Gastronomy in Alas Peruanas University.  For the selection of the sample, the students of the second cycle school were considered, the sampling technique was systematic, classes were developed making use of concept maps in the history of culture subject statistic hi2 tests were applied taking in account the variables relation. ResultsAs the calculated value is bigger that the table (24,894> 16,919), the null hypothesis is rejected accepting the alternative hypothesis H1whereupon, the hypothesis ends up being demonstrated. In conclusion. The management of mind maps as a teaching resource influences significantly on the student learning process, It produces an effective learning because it provides concepts in a coherent and not arbitrary way by “building” concepts solidly

    Airways oxidative stress, lung function and cognitive impairment in aging.

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: An altered balance of oxidants/antioxidants is one of the pathological mechanisms of many age-dependent disorders. We aimed to investigate the age-related airways oxidative stress, using non invasive, safe and repeatable techniques; to evaluate the correspondence between systemic and local oxidative stress in healthy subjects of different age ranges; to analyse the correlation between systemic and local oxidative stress with lung function and with cognitive impairment. METHODS: Thirty consecutive healthy high school graduated subjects (8 M, 22 F), divided in three ranges of age ( 60 years) were enrolled. All subjects underwent oxygen free radicals and exhaled nitric oxide measurement (by the diacron reactive oxygen metabolites test and by a rapid-response chemiluminescence nitric oxide analyzer), lung function tests, and cognitive impairment scales (Mini Mental State Examination and Geriatric Depression Scale). RESULTS: A significant increase of oxygen free radicals, exhaled nitric oxide, and Geriatric Depression Scale score and a significant decrease of forced expiratory volume in 1 second and forced expiratory vital capacity from younger to older subjects were identified. Moreover, the significant positive correlation between oxygen free radicals and exhaled nitric oxide, and between oxygen free radicals and exhaled nitric oxide with Geriatric Depression Scale score were found. The significant negative correlation between forced expiratory volume in 1 second and oxygen free radicals or exhaled nitric oxide was also demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: Our data supports the role of progressive local oxidative stress in damaging the lung function and in inducing depression symptoms

    PARP inhibitors affect growth, survival and radiation susceptibility of human alveolar and embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines

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    PARP inhibitors (PARPi) are used in a wide range of human solid tumours but a limited evidence is reported in rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), the most frequent childhood soft-tissue sarcoma. The cellular and molecular effects of Olaparib, a specific PARP1/2 inhibitor, and AZD2461, a newly synthesized PARP1/2/3 inhibitor, were assessed in alveolar and embryonal RMS cells both as single-agent and in combination with ionizing radiation (IR)

    High-grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia and risk of progression to vaginal cancer. a multicentre study of the Italian Society of Colposcopy and Cervico-Vaginal Pathology (SICPCV)

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyse the women with high grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (HG-VaIN), in order to identify a subset of women at higher risk of progression to invasive vaginal cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The medical records of all the women diagnosed with HG-VaIN, and subsequently treated, from January 1995 to December 2013 were analyzed in a multicentre retrospective case series. The rate of progression to invasive vaginal cancer and the potential risk factors were evaluated. RESULTS: 205 women with biopsy diagnosis of HG-VaIN were considered, with a mean follow up of 57 months (range 4-254 months). 12 cases of progression to vaginal squamocellular cancer were observed (5.8%), with a mean time interval from treatment to progression of 54.6 months (range 4-146 months). The rate of progression was significantly higher in women diagnosed with VaIN3 compared with VaIN2 (15.4% vs. 1.4%, p < 0.0001). Women with HG-VaIN and with previous hysterectomy showed a significantly higher rate of progression to invasive vaginal cancer compared to non-hysterectomised women (16.7% vs. 1.4%, p < 0.0001). A higher risk of progression for women with VaIN3 and for women with previous hysterectomy for cervical HPV-related disease was confirmed by multivariable logistic regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS: A higher rate of progression to vaginal cancer was reported in women diagnosed with VaIN3 on biopsy and in women with previous hysterectomy for HPV-related cervical disease. These patients should be considered at higher risk, thus a long lasting and accurate follow up is recommended

    El marketing digital en la decisión de compra de los clientes de las empresas de electrodomésticos de la ciudad de Jaén

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    The general objective was: To determine the relationship between digital marketing and the purchase decision of customers of household appliances companies in the city of Jaén. Under a study with a quantitative approach, applied, causal correlational, non-experimental cross-sectional, descriptive and inferential statistical method was used, surveying 380 customers. Regarding the results, digital marketing reached 34% in the regular level, likewise, it was evidenced that internal marketing reached 67% in the regular level, on the other hand, content marketing obtained 33% in the deficient level. Likewise, purchase decision reached 34% in the moderate level, social factors reached 34% in the moderate level and personal and psychological factors reached 65% in the high level. A significance of less than 0.05 was reached, demonstrating that the results are statistically very significant, in the same way it was evidenced that digital marketing maintains a moderate positive relationship with the purchase decision and with the social factors because both reached a Spearman's Rho of 0.506 and 0.504 respectively, on the other hand, the personal and Psychological factors maintain a high positive relationship because they reached a Spearman's Rho of 0.855.Se utilizó como objetivo general: Determinar la relación entre el marketing digital y la decisión de compra de los clientes de las empresas de electrodomésticos de la ciudad de Jaén. Bajo un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, aplicada, correlacional causal, no experimental de corte transversal, se utilizó el método estadístico descriptivo y el inferencial, encuestando a 380 clientes. Con respecto a los resultados el marketing digital alcanzó un 34% en el nivel regular, asimismo, se evidenció que el marketing interno alcanzó un 67% en el nivel regular, en cambio, el marketing de contenidos obtuvo un 33% en el nivel deficiente. Asimismo, la decisión de compra alcanzó un 34% en el nivel moderado, los factores sociales alcanzaron un 34% en el nivel moderado y los factores personales y Psicológicos alcanzaron un 65% en el nivel alto. Se alcanzó una significancia menor a 0.05, demostrando que los resultados son estadísticamente muy significativos, del mismo modo se evidenció que el marketing digital mantiene una relación positiva moderada con la decisión de compra y con los factores sociales porque ambas alcanzaron un Rho de Spearman de 0.506 y 0.504 respectivamente, en cambio, los factores personales y Psicológicos mantienen una relación positiva alta porque alcanzaron un Rho de Spearman de 0.855

    Liderazgo gerencial en las entidades gubernamentales

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    A documentary review was carried out on the scientific production published in journals indexed in the Scopus database, referring to Management Leadership in Government Entities during the 2014-2020 period. As a result of the first search, a total of 129 published research papers were identified that meet the search criteria such as those indicated by the methodological design proposed for the present research, which were subjected to a bibliometric analysis to determine the main characteristics of the current bibliography on the proposed topic. As a result, the United States is the country with the highest production of publications referring to the study of Managerial Leadership in Government Entities, with a total of 25 documents; the year in which the greatest number of publications were registered within the period indicated above was 2016 with 25 research papers; The area of ​​knowledge that had the greatest contribution in terms of the execution of research projects and subsequent publication was Social Sciences with a total of 61 documents and the type of publication most used by the participating authors was the Journal Article, which represents 75 % of total bibliographic production. In addition to the above, this work has a qualitative description of some documents identified to find out the position of the authors regarding the proposed topic.Se llevó a cabo una revisión documental sobre la producción científica publicada en revistas indexadas en base de datos Scopus, referente al Liderazgo Gerencial en las Entidades Gubernamentales durante el periodo 2014-2020. Como resultado de la primera búsqueda, se identificó un total de 129 trabajos de investigación publicados que cumplen con los criterios de búsqueda tales como los señalados por el diseño metodológico planteado para la presente investigación, los cuales fueron sometidos a un análisis bibliométrico para determinar las principales características de la bibliografía actual sobre el tema propuesto. Como resultado, se obtiene que Estados Unidos es el país con la mayor producción de publicaciones referentes al estudio del Liderazgo Gerencial en las Entidades Gubernamentales, con un total de 25 documentos; el año en que mayor número de publicaciones se registraron dentro del periodo señalado anteriormente fue 2016 con 25 trabajos de investigación; el área de conocimiento que mayor aporte tuvo en cuando a la ejecución de proyectos de investigación y posterior publicación fue Ciencias Sociales con un total de 61 documentos y el tipo de publicación mayormente usado por los autores participantes fue el Articulo de Revista los cuales representan el 75% de la producción bibliográfica total. Adicional a lo anterior, el presente trabajo cuenta con una descripción cualitativa de algunos documentos identificados para conocer la postura de los autores frente al tema propuesto

    Performance comparison of video encoders in light field image compression

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    Efficient compression plays a significant role in Light Fieldimaging technology because of the huge amount of data neededfor their representation. Video encoders using different strategiesare commonly used for Light Field image compression. In this pa-per, different video encoder implementations including HM, VTM,x265, xvc, VP9, and AV1 are analysed and compared in termsof coding efficiency, and encoder/decoder time-complexity. Lightfield images are compressed as pseudo-videos

    Long-term outcome of subthalamic nucleus DBS in Parkinson's disease: from the advanced phase towards the late stage of the disease?

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    Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus (STN-DBS) is an effective treatment for Parkinson's disease (PD), but only few studies investigated its long-term efficacy. Furthermore, little is known about the role of PD-subtype on STN-DBS long-term outcome

    Relación entre la comunicación interpersonal y el proceso de socialización en los alumnos, docentes, egresados y universidad, para mejorar el servicio educativo a distancia. Caso universidad privada de Argentina

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    The rise of distance education presents benefits that differentiate it from face-to-face education, such as the flexibility of times and spaces, supported by technological advances regarding information and communication. So: What is the relationship between interpersonal communication and the socialization process in students, teachers, graduates and the University, to improve the distance educational service at the Private University of Argentina? The general objective is to analyze the relationship between interpersonal communication and the socialization process between the mentioned parties, in order to improve the distance educational service. A mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative) is chosen, the data collection technique being the questionnaire. The main results of this study indicate that distance interpersonal communication is characterized by a constant interrelation mediated by technological resources. The socialization process is carried out through the change of role between teachers and students. There is a relationship between interpersonal communication and the socialization process, since, from the school organization, communication models were incorporated, adapted to current technological advances. Innovative strategies are implemented in order to improve the distance educational service.El auge de la Educación a distancia presenta beneficios que la diferencian de la educación presencial, como la flexibilidad de tiempos y espacios, apoyados en los avances tecnológicos respecto de la información y de la comunicación. Entonces: ¿Cuál es la relación entre la comunicación interpersonal y el proceso de socialización en los alumnos, docentes, egresados y Universidad, para mejorar el servicio educativo a distancia en la Universidad Privada de Argentina?&nbsp; El objetivo general es analizar la relación entre la comunicación interpersonal y el proceso de socialización entre las partes mencionadas, para mejorar el servicio educativo a distancia.&nbsp; Se opta por una metodología mixta (cuantitativa y cualitativa), siendo la técnica de recolección de datos el cuestionario. Los principales resultados de este estudio señalan que la comunicación interpersonal a distancia se caracteriza por una constante interrelación mediada por &nbsp;recursos tecnológicos. Se lleva adelante el proceso de socialización a través del cambio de rol entre docentes y alumnos. Existe una relación entre la comunicación interpersonal y el proceso de socialización, puesto que, desde la organización escolar, se incorporaron modelos, de comunicación, adecuados a los avances tecnológicos actuales. Las estrategias innovadoras se implementan a los fines de mejorar el servicio educativo a distancia