9 research outputs found

    A new bigravity model with exclusively positive branes

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    We propose a new ``bigravity'' model with two positive tension AdS_4 branes in AdS_5 bulk and no negative tension branes. The bounce of the ``warp'' factor mimics the effect of a negative brane and thus gives rise to an anomalously light graviton KK mode. This configuration satisfies the weak energy condition and has no ghost state. In addition, the extra polarization states of the massive graviton practically decouple and thus it does not contradict to Einsteinian gravity. However, the model has certain phenomenological difficulties associated with the presence of a negative cosmological constant on the branes.Comment: 17 pages, 1 axodraw figure, comments added in the introduction, references added, minor typos correcte

    A Three three-brane Universe:New Phenomenology for the New Millennium?

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    We consider an extension of the Randall-Sundrum model with three parallel 3-branes in a 5-dimensional spacetime. This new construction, apart from providing a solution to the Planck hierarchy problem, has the advantage that the SM fields are confined on a positive tension brane. The study of the phenomenology of this model reveals an anomalous first KK state which is generally much lighter than the remaining tower and also much more strongly coupled to matter. Bounds on the parameter space of the model can be placed by comparison of specific processes with the SM background as well as by the latest Cavendish experiments. The model suggests a further exotic possibility if one drops the requirement of solving the hierarchy problem. In this case gravity may result from the exchange of the ordinary graviton plus an ultralight KK state and modifications of gravity may occur at both small and extremely large scales.Comment: 17 pages, 5 Postscript figures, uses axodraw.sty, corrected some typo

    Radion in Multibrane World

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    The radion dynamics related to the presence of moving branes with both positive or negative tensions is studied in the linearized approximation. The radion effective Lagrangian is computed for a compact system with three branes and in particular we examine the decompactification limit when one brane is sent to infinity. In the non-compact case we calculate the coupling of the gravitational modes (graviton, dilaton and radion) to matter on the branes. The character of gravity on the two branes for all possible combinations of brane tensions is also discussed. It turns out that one can have a normalizable dilaton mode even in the non-compact case. Finally, we speculate on the role of moving branes as a possible source of radion emission.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, comments added, version published in Nucl. Phys.

    Multi-Localization in Multi-Brane Worlds

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    We study bulk fields in various multi-brane models with localized gravity. In the case of spin 0, 1/2 and 3/2 fields, the non-trivial background geometry itself can induce (multi-) localization of the zero modes along the extra dimension. The addition of appropriate mass terms controls the strength or/and the position of this localization and can induce (multi-) localization of spin 1 fields as well. We show that multi-brane models may also give rise to anomalously light KK modes which are also localized. The possibility of multi-localization in the context of supersymmetric brane world models in AdS_5 spacetime is also discussed.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure

    Marine Strategy Framework Directive - Descriptor 2, Non-Indigenous Species, Delivering solid recommendations for setting threshold values for non-indigenous species pressure on European seas

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    Marine Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) are animals and plants introduced accidently or deliberately into the European seas, originating from other seas of the globe. About 800 marine non-indigenous species (NIS) currently occur in the European Union national marine waters, several of which have negative impacts on marine ecosystem services and biodiversity. Under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Descriptor 2 (D2), EU Member States (MSs) need to consider NIS in their marine management strategies. The Descriptor D2 includes one primary criterion (D2C1: new NIS introductions), and two secondary criteria (D2C2 and D2C3). The D2 implementation is characterized by a number of issues and uncertainties which can be applicable to the Descriptor level (e.g. geographical unit of assessment, assessment period, phytoplanktonic, parasitic, oligohaline NIS, etc.), to the primary criterion D2C1 level (e.g. threshold values, cryptogenic, questionable species, etc), and to the secondary criteria D2C2 and D2C3. The current report tackles these issues and provides practical recommendations aiming at a smoother and more efficient implementation of D2 and its criteria at EU level. They constitute a solid operational output which can result in more comparable D2 assessments among MSs and MSFD regions/subregions. When it comes to the policy-side, the current report calls for a number of different categories of NIS to be reported in D2 assessments, pointing the need for the species to be labelled/categorised appropriately in the MSFD reporting by the MSs. These suggestions are proposed to be communicated to the MSFD Working Group of Good Environmental Status (GES) and subsequently to the Marine Strategy Coordination Group (MSCG) of MSFD. Moreover, they can serve as an input for revising the Art. 8 Guidelines

    Venous Thromboembolism Risk and Prophylaxis in the Acute Care Hospital Setting (ENDORSE Survey) Findings in Surgical Patients

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    Objective: To evaluate venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk in patients who underwent a major operation, including the use of, and factors influencing, American College of Chest Physicians-recommended types of VTE prophylaxis