16 research outputs found

    Extreme weather affects Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus tundrius) breeding success in South Greenland

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    In order to better understand the potential effects of climate change on the Peregrine Falcon, we investigated the relationship between extreme weather events and Peregrines’ breeding success in South Greenland. We defined three variables – number of days with extremely low temperatures, extreme precipitation, consecutive rainy days – and an additive variable, total days with extreme weather, and tested their relationship with Peregrines’ breeding success (measured as young per site and nest success) over a 33 year study period. Breeding success was negatively influenced by the number of days with extreme weather and extremely low temperature. The strongest relationship found was total days with extreme weather in the entire breeding season, which explained 22% and 27% of the variation in nest success and young per site, respectively. The number of days with extreme weather in our study related to fluctuations in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Thus, with a strengthening of the NAO, linked to climate change, more extreme weather may occur in the Arctic and induce increased variation in Peregrines’ breeding success. Our data did not allow us to pinpoint when in the breeding cycle inclement weather was particularly harmful, and we recommend finer-scale research (e.g. automated nest cameras) to better monitor the species-specific effects of rapidly changing climate

    Quality assurance of diatom counts in Europe: towards harmonized datasets

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    Investigations on organism ecology, biodiversity and biogeography often use large compiled datasets to extract information on species ecological preferences, which then can be used in environmental assessment. Freshwater benthic diatoms are commonly used in this context. However, it is important that the taxonomic information of the separate diatom datasets is compatible. At present, inconsistencies between diatom datasets, mainly due to differences and uncertainties in diatom identification, may misinform diatom taxon-specific ecological preferences, geographical distribution and water quality assessment. It is our opinion that these inconsistencies in diatom datasets can be reduced with quality assurance (QA), such as identification exercises. However, the results of these exercises must be well documented and well communicated; otherwise, gained knowledge may not spread inter-regionally or internationally. As a first step to reach greater consistency in QA/harmonization studies, this article (1) presents and compares information of existing diatom identification and counting QA from published and grey (non-peer reviewed) European literature to identify advantages and drawbacks of each approach; (2) summarizes taxa that can easily be misidentified according to European identification exercises; and (3) suggests a consistent design of identification exercises for diatom dataset QA

    Toward a stoichiometric framework for evolutionary biology. Oikos

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    2005. Toward a stoichiometric framework for evolutionary biology. Á/ Oikos 109: 6 Á/17. Ecological stoichiometry, the study of the balance of energy and materials in living systems, may serve as a useful synthetic framework for evolutionary biology. Here, we review recent work that illustrates the power of a stoichiometric approach to evolution across multiple scales, and then point to important open questions that may chart the way forward in this new field. At the molecular level, stoichiometry links hereditary changes in the molecular composition of organisms to key phenotypic functions. At the level of evolutionary ecology, a simultaneous focus on the energetic and material underpinnings of evolutionary tradeoffs and transactions highlights the relationship between the cost of resource acquisition and the functional consequences of biochemical composition. At the macroevolutionary level, a stoichiometric perspective can better operationalize models of adaptive radiation and escalation, and elucidate links between evolutionary innovation and the development of global biogeochemical cycles. Because ecological stoichiometry focuses on the interaction of energetic and multiple material currencies, it should provide new opportunities for coupling evolutionary dynamics across scales from genomes to the biosphere

    A Synthesis of Marine Monitoring Methods With the Potential to Enhance the Status Assessment of the Baltic Sea

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    Highlights - We rated novel methods regarding their ability to improve the Baltic Sea monitoring. - Methods were assessed with respect to their costs and applicability. - All methods can potentially increase data resolution or monitor novel ecosystem elements. - We recommend several novel methods for the Baltic status assessment.A multitude of anthropogenic pressures deteriorate the Baltic Sea, resulting in the need to protect and restore its marine ecosystem. For an efficient conservation, comprehensive monitoring and assessment of all ecosystem elements is of fundamental importance. The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission HELCOM coordinates conservation measures regulated by several European directives. However, this holistic assessment is hindered by gaps within the current monitoring schemes. Here, twenty-two novel methods with the potential to fill some of these gaps and improve the monitoring of the Baltic marine environment are examined. We asked key stakeholders to point out methods likely to improve current Baltic Sea monitoring. We then described these methods in a comparable way and evaluated them based on their costs and applicability potential (i.e., possibility to make them operational). Twelve methods require low to very low costs, while five require moderate and two high costs. Seventeen methods were rated with a high to very high applicability, whereas four methods had moderate and one low applicability for Baltic Sea monitoring. Methods with both low costs and a high applicability include the Manta Trawl, Rocket Sediment Corer, Argo Float, Artificial Substrates, Citizen Observation, Earth Observation, the HydroFIA®pH system, DNA Metabarcoding and Stable Isotope Analysis

    Nutrient Stoichiometry in Benthic Food Webs – Interactions Between Algae, Herbivores and Fish

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    The aim of this thesis was to identify general structuring mechanisms in benthic food webs within the framework of ecological stoichiometry theory. Ecological stoichiometry is defined as the balance of multiple chemical substances in ecological interactions and explicitly considers the combined dynamics of key elements such as carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Ecological stoichiometry theory was developed for pelagic environments, thus it must be tested whether the same mechanisms are applicable to benthic environments. In this thesis, ecological stoichiometry theory was used as a framework to investigate nutrient pathways in benthic littoral ecosystems. I conducted one invertebrate field sampling and six experiments. In the experiments, factors such as grazing, light, nutrients and fish presence were manipulated. The results showed that stoichiometric variability in consumers could mostly be explained by taxa. However, there was some stoichiometric variability due to sampling season, site, and nutrient enrichment. Grazing mostly increased periphyton N and P content, although nutrient recycling effects were dependent on grazer stoichiometry. Grazing changed benthic algal community composition by increasing the proportion of grazing resistant algae species. Additionally, grazing decreased algal diversity, especially under nutrient poor conditions. The manipulation of fish presence revealed that fish affected primary producer biomass and stoichiometry through nutrient recycling. The manipulation of abiotic factors, such as light and nutrient addition could affect periphyton nutrient content, biomass and benthic algal chlorophyll a content. The separate addition of N or P led to an increase of the added nutrient in the periphyton. Increased light intensities led to a decreased cellular chlorophyll a content and increased C:nutrient ratios. This thesis arrives at the conclusion that periphyton-grazer-predator interactions in the benthic are bound by stoichiometric constraints. Nutrient recycling by benthic invertebrates and fish are important mechanism in benthic littoral ecosystems

    Nutrient Stoichiometry in Benthic Food Webs – Interactions Between Algae, Herbivores and Fish

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    The aim of this thesis was to identify general structuring mechanisms in benthic food webs within the framework of ecological stoichiometry theory. Ecological stoichiometry is defined as the balance of multiple chemical substances in ecological interactions and explicitly considers the combined dynamics of key elements such as carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Ecological stoichiometry theory was developed for pelagic environments, thus it must be tested whether the same mechanisms are applicable to benthic environments. In this thesis, ecological stoichiometry theory was used as a framework to investigate nutrient pathways in benthic littoral ecosystems. I conducted one invertebrate field sampling and six experiments. In the experiments, factors such as grazing, light, nutrients and fish presence were manipulated. The results showed that stoichiometric variability in consumers could mostly be explained by taxa. However, there was some stoichiometric variability due to sampling season, site, and nutrient enrichment. Grazing mostly increased periphyton N and P content, although nutrient recycling effects were dependent on grazer stoichiometry. Grazing changed benthic algal community composition by increasing the proportion of grazing resistant algae species. Additionally, grazing decreased algal diversity, especially under nutrient poor conditions. The manipulation of fish presence revealed that fish affected primary producer biomass and stoichiometry through nutrient recycling. The manipulation of abiotic factors, such as light and nutrient addition could affect periphyton nutrient content, biomass and benthic algal chlorophyll a content. The separate addition of N or P led to an increase of the added nutrient in the periphyton. Increased light intensities led to a decreased cellular chlorophyll a content and increased C:nutrient ratios. This thesis arrives at the conclusion that periphyton-grazer-predator interactions in the benthic are bound by stoichiometric constraints. Nutrient recycling by benthic invertebrates and fish are important mechanism in benthic littoral ecosystems

    Nutrient Stoichiometry in Benthic Food Webs – Interactions Between Algae, Herbivores and Fish

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    The aim of this thesis was to identify general structuring mechanisms in benthic food webs within the framework of ecological stoichiometry theory. Ecological stoichiometry is defined as the balance of multiple chemical substances in ecological interactions and explicitly considers the combined dynamics of key elements such as carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Ecological stoichiometry theory was developed for pelagic environments, thus it must be tested whether the same mechanisms are applicable to benthic environments. In this thesis, ecological stoichiometry theory was used as a framework to investigate nutrient pathways in benthic littoral ecosystems. I conducted one invertebrate field sampling and six experiments. In the experiments, factors such as grazing, light, nutrients and fish presence were manipulated. The results showed that stoichiometric variability in consumers could mostly be explained by taxa. However, there was some stoichiometric variability due to sampling season, site, and nutrient enrichment. Grazing mostly increased periphyton N and P content, although nutrient recycling effects were dependent on grazer stoichiometry. Grazing changed benthic algal community composition by increasing the proportion of grazing resistant algae species. Additionally, grazing decreased algal diversity, especially under nutrient poor conditions. The manipulation of fish presence revealed that fish affected primary producer biomass and stoichiometry through nutrient recycling. The manipulation of abiotic factors, such as light and nutrient addition could affect periphyton nutrient content, biomass and benthic algal chlorophyll a content. The separate addition of N or P led to an increase of the added nutrient in the periphyton. Increased light intensities led to a decreased cellular chlorophyll a content and increased C:nutrient ratios. This thesis arrives at the conclusion that periphyton-grazer-predator interactions in the benthic are bound by stoichiometric constraints. Nutrient recycling by benthic invertebrates and fish are important mechanism in benthic littoral ecosystems

    Wetland nitrogen removal from agricultural runoff in a changing climate

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    Wetlands in agricultural areas mitigate eutrophication by intercepting nutrient transports from land to sea. The role of wetlands for nutrient removal may become even more important in the future because of the expected increase in agricultural runoff due to climate change. Because denitrification is temperature dependent, wetland nitrogen (N) removal usually peaks during the warm summer. However, climate change scenarios for the northern temperate zone predict decreased summer and increased winter flows. Future wetlands may therefore shift towards lower hydraulic loading rate and N load during summer. We hypothesised that low summer N loads would decrease annual wetland N removal and tested this by examining 1.5-3 years of continuous N removal data from created agricultural wetlands in two regions in southern Sweden (East and West) during different periods. West wetlands showed relatively stable hydraulic loads throughout the year, whereas East wetlands had pronounced no-flow periods during summer. We compared East and West wetlands and tested the effects of several variables (e.g., N concentration, N load, hydraulic load, depth, vegetation cover, hydraulic shape) on annual absolute and relative N removal. We found no difference in annual N removal between East and West wetlands, even though summer N loads were lower in East than in West wetlands. A possible explanation is that stagnant water conditions in East wetlands suppressed decomposition of organic matter during summer, making more organic matter available for denitrification during winter. Absolute N removal in all wetlands was best explained by N load and hydraulic shape, whereas relative N removal was best explained by emergent vegetation cover and hydraulic shape. This study highlights the importance of design and location of agricultural wetlands for high N removal, and we conclude that wetlands in a future climate may remove N from agricultural runoff as efficiently as today

    Näringsavskiljning i anlagda våtmarker i Kalmar län

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    I den här studien beräknades kväve- och fosforavskiljningen utifrån automatiserad flödesproportionell provtagning i fem anlagda våtmarker i Kalmar län under tre års tid samt i ett anlagt fosfordike i länet under två år (fortsättningsvis benämns alla sex studieobjekt som våtmarker). Syftet med studien var att utvärdera funktionen av våtmarker i Kalmar län för avskiljning av kväve och fosfor. I rapporten presenteras även nya beräkningsmetoder som tagits fram för att hantera de osäkerheter som oundvikligen följer av denna typ av situ-studier. Denna rapport bör kunna bidra till förbättrade mätmetoder och analyser i framtida våtmarksstudier. De våtmarker som ingår i studien är lokaliserade i fem olika kommuner i Kalmar län. Våtmarkerna som studerats är Hanåsa (Högsby kommun), Resmo (Mörbylånga kommun), Påboda (Torsås kommun), Grisbäck (Torsås kommun), Hossmo (Kalmar kommun) och Häckenstad (Västerviks kommun). Urvalet av våtmarker är gjort av Länsstyrelsen med målsättningen att få ett representativt urval av våtmarker i Kalmar län. Våtmarkerna i studien skiljer sig därför från varandra både i utformning och i vilken omgivning de är anlagda. De flesta av våtmarkerna är cirka en halv hektar stora, men den största våtmarkens area är 2,5 hektar och den minsta har en area på endast 220 kvadratmeter. Några av våtmarkerna har mycket hög andel åkermark i tillrinningsområdet, medan andra våtmarker främst har skog i sitt tillrinningsområde. Flödesproportionell provtagning har kontinuerligt genomförts vid in- och utlopp i fem våtmarker från november 2016 till och med december 2019, och i en våtmark från maj 2018 till och med december 2019. I tre av våtmarkerna mättes flöde både vid inlopp och utlopp, och i tre av våtmarkerna mättes flöde endast vid utlopp. Flödesmätning gjordes en gång per minut, och varje vecka hämtades vattenprover från våtmarkerna för att analyseras för bland annat innehåll av näringsämnen. Den data som samlats in har sedan bearbetats, beräknats och korrigerats för att kunna användas i bedömningen av våtmarkernas näringsavskiljning. Flödena i våtmarkerna följde vanligen tydliga säsongsmönster där sommarflöden var låga och flödestoppar skedde under höst, vinter och vår. Resmo, på Öland, hade längre torrperioder än övriga våtmarker i studien. Näringskoncentrationerna vid de olika våtmarkernas inlopp var i genomsnitt under studien mellan 1,7 och 9,9 mg kväve per liter och mellan 64 och 157 µg fosfor per liter. Kvävet var huvudsakligen i form av nitratkväve, och fosforn var i huvudsak partikelbunden fosfor. Både kväve- och fosforavskiljning i våtmarkerna ökade med ökad belastning. Den genomsnittliga årliga kväve- och fosforavskiljningen per hektar vattenyta skiljde sig stort mellan våtmarkerna. Den varierade från negativ avskiljning i den största våtmarken till över 1 000 kg per hektar vattenyta och år för både kväve och fosfor i den minsta våtmarken (tabell 1). Angivet i procent avskildes i genomsnitt upp till 14 % av den årliga kvävebelastningen och upp till 70 % av den årliga fosforbelastningen. Jämfört med tidigare modellerad kväve- och fosforavskiljning för våtmarker i Kalmar län och andra delar av Sverige var avskiljningen i våtmarkerna i denna studie generellt högre. Tabell 1. Genomsnittlig kväve- och fosforavskiljning angivet per hektar vattenyta och år och i procent av den årliga belastningen i de sex våtmarkerna i studien. På grund av mätosäkerheter anges avskiljningen i vissa av våtmarkerna som ett intervall.                       Kväveavskiljning                   Fosforavskiljning Våtmark       kg ha-1 år-1   %                     kg ha-1 år-1    % Hanåsa          -351               -37                   -49                  -91 Resmo           407                3,8                   19                    31 Påboda          845 – 1 013    12 – 14             20 – 28            22 – 29 Grisbäck        523 – 899       7,2 – 12            113 – 153        45 – 54 Hossmo         346 – 965       2,7 – 7,3           -1,1 – 14         -4,4 – 13 Häckenstad    1 471             4,3                    1 688              70 Resultaten i denna studie visar att våtmarker i Kalmar län kan uppnå hög näringsavskiljning, men att skillnaderna mellan olika våtmarker är stora. Resultaten visar också att hög kväve- och fosforavskiljning kan uppnås i våtmarker med relativt låg andel åkermark i tillrinningsområdet, och att mycket hög fosforavskiljning kan uppnås i små våtmarker även utan en djuphåla. Projektet bidrar till en bättre bild av vilken avskiljning av kväve och fosfor som kan uppnås i anlagda våtmarker i södra Sverige. Resultat från projektet kan tillsammans med tidigare mätningar utgöra en grund för säkrare modellberäkningar av kväve- och fosforavskiljning, vilka kan användas för att på ett enklare sätt undersöka avskiljningen i ett större antal våtmarker eller för att prediktera vad som kan uppnås i planerade våtmarksprogram.