428 research outputs found

    Patriachy, indoctrination and education. The therapeutic power of creation in women's literature. Two case studies: Carmen Martín Gaite's "The back room" (1978) and Ian McEwan's "Atonnement" (2001)

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    My dissertation deals with the patriarchal education that indoctrinates women and forces them to be domestic angels and how this education provokes a trauma that they try to heal by creation in the form of writing. I will use two case studies to illustrate my point: Carmen Martín Gaite’s C., who is Martín Gaite’s alter ego in El Cuarto de Atrás [The Back Room] (1978), and Briony Tallis, who is a fictional character in Ian McEwan’s Atonement (2001). Briony is actually the one who writes Atonement in McEwan’s novel. By researching into texts dealing with the education received by Spanish unmarried women from the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939 to Francisco Franco’s death in 1975, I have understood the current situation of many old and middle-aged Spanish women whose sole occupation in life is looking after their husbands and children. They are not qualified for other jobs because they were not given the opportunity to receive life-long education and they could not attend University. Women, who were given certain rights during the Second Republic (1931-1936), lost them after 1939 and the Sección Femenina indoctrinated them with a different system of beliefs with the sole aim of making good future Spanish wives and mothers and those who did not follow this assigned role were doomed to have a life full of grief, as we will see when analyzing Martín Gaite’s The Back Room. The comparative approach adopted in this dissertation has given me the opportunity also of reaching conclusions on the education given to women in England between 1919 and 1945 (between the end of World War I [1914-1919] and the end of World War II [1939-1945]). Sadly, the situation was not very different because the period after World War I was one of conservatism about sex roles. In short, by the 1928 women in the United Kingdom found themselves with little progress besides the vote because they were encouraged to remain domestic angels and were strongly influenced by the reading of romance fiction, which will ruin young Briony’s life forever in McEwan’s Atonement. The current dissertation is distributed as follows: in the first part of my research, I try to find the connections between patriarchal education, indoctrination and trauma. The deficiencies of a patriarchal education, which indoctrinates women and imposes on them a fixed system of knowledge that oppresses them causes these women a trauma. Regarding the second part, I have explored how this trauma can be healed if it is expressed in words. I have researched on these tenets using two case studies, as I said before, one of them a piece of literature in Spanish, Carmen Martín Gaite’s The Back Room (1978), and the other a piece of literature in English, Ian McEwan’s Atonement (2001). Finally the conclusions find their commonalty and differences in the relation between indoctrination, trauma and the therapeutic power of creation.Proyecto Fin de Máster Univ. Granada, Dpto. Filogías Inglesa y Alemana, Máster en Literatura y Lingüística Inglesas, curso 2010-201

    The Momo Challenge: measuring the extent to which YouTube portrays harmful and helpful depictions of a suicide game

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    Suicide is the second leading cause of death among adolescents (15 to 29 years), who are in a life stage of exceptional vulnerability and susceptibility to depictions of non-suicidal self-injury and suicide. Allegedly, the suicide game Momo Challenge used this vulnerability to demand their players to perform self-harming dares and, ultimately, commit suicide. This study gives insight into the content, engagement rates and community formation of Momo Challenge videos on YouTube. We combine a network analysis (n = 209) with a manual content analysis of the videos (n = 105; 50%). Results show that more than two thirds of the videos include some form of harmful depiction. In addition, videos with a higher extent of harmful depictions are more likely to be engaged with, e.g., through likes (ρ = 0.332, p < 0.001). We discuss how YouTube has responded to the challenge and which implications arise for practice and theory

    «El alisado es lo más propio de la mujer dominicana»: prácticas ritualizada y mimética del «brushing dominicano»

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    En torno a la práctica sociocultural del alisado del cabello de las mujeres afrodescendientes, se ha configurado un campo de debates respecto a su interpretación. A la luz de dicho debate, se exponen algunos de los resultados de una investigación etnográfica que buscaba describir y analizar, en el contexto de la inmigración de mujeres dominicanas a Chile, las prácticas del alisado de las peluquerías en una zona de la comuna de Estación Central. Allí, se identificó que el alisado y «brushing dominicano» se configura como práctica ritualizada y mimética en el cuerpo de la mujer dominicana, de un discurso valorativo y normativo de sujeción colonial e ideología nacionalista. Lo anterior, opera en un orden de jerarquías de valorizaciones sobre el «arreglo» de la mujer que, situadas en Santiago, les permite disputar en clave nacional, racial y de género con las mujeres colombianas, haitianas, así como peruanas y chilenas.Around the socio-cultural practice of hair straightening for women of African descent, a field of debate has been formed regarding its interpretation. In light of this debate, some of the results of an ethnographic investigation are presented, which sought to describe and analyze, in the context of the immigration of Dominican women to Chile, the practices of hair straightening in hairdressing salons in an area of the commune of Estación Central. There, it was identified that the hair straightening and «Dominican brushing» is configured as a ritualized and mimetic practice in the body of the Dominican woman, of a valuative and normative discourse of colonial subjection and nationalist ideology. The aforementioned operates in an order of hierarchies of valorization on the «arrangement» of women that, located in Santiago, allows them to dispute in a national, racial and gender key with Colombian, Haitian, as well as Peruvian and Chilean women.Em torno da prática sociocultural de alisar o cabelo das mulheres de ascendência africana, formou-se um campo de debate sobre a sua interpretação. À luz deste debate, apresentamos alguns dos resultados de uma pesquisa etnográfica que procurou descrever e analisar, no contexto da imigração feminina dominicana para o Chile, as práticas de alisamento de cabeleireiros em uma área da comuna de Estación Central. Aí se identificou que o alisado e o «brushing dominicano» se configura como uma prática ritualizada e mimética no corpo da mulher dominicana, de um discurso valorativo e normativo da sujeição colonial e da ideologia nacionalista. O precedente opera em uma ordem de hierarquias de valorizações sobre o «arranjo» da mulher que, localizada em Santiago, lhes permite disputar em chave nacional, racial e de gênero com mulheres colombianas, haitianas, bem como peruanas e chilenas

    Untersuchungen zur Expression myeloider Suppressorzellen in der Muttermilch von Frühgeborenen und die Mechanismen ihrer Akkumulation

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    Das neonatale Immunsystem steht nach der Geburt vor einer besonderen Herausforderung. Während der Fötus intrauterin durch das mütterliche Immunsystem weitestgehend geschützt ist, muss sich das Neugeborene nach der Geburt selbst vor möglichen Krankheitserregern schützen und gleichzeitig kommensale Keime des Mikrobioms tolerieren. Dies führt dazu, dass Neugeborene und insbesondere Frühgeborene besonders anfällig für Infektionen sind. Sowohl bei der Neugeborenen-Sepsis als auch bei der NEK konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei den Betroffenen vor der Erkrankung ein verändertes intestinales Mikrobiom bestand. Einer der wichtigsten Einflussfaktoren für das Mikrobiom, sowie für die intestinale Immunantwort – insbesondere beim Neugeborenen – ist die Ernährung. MDSC sind myeloide Zellen mit suppressiver Funktion, die in der Muttermilch in relevanten Mengen vorkommen. Ziel der hier vorliegenden Dissertation war es, die Rolle von MDSC aus der Muttermilch in Bezug auf die Immunantwort des Neugeborenen näher zu charakterisieren. Es sollte untersucht werden, ob Bestandteile der Muttermilch MDSC induzieren können. Weiter sollte analysiert werden, wie sich die MDSC-Zahlen in der Muttermilch Frühgeborener in Abhängigkeit von Gestations- und postnatalem Alter über die ersten 5 Lebenswochen hinweg verhalten und ob es Zusammenhänge zwischen mütterlichen oder kindlichen Parametern und MDSC-Zahlen in der Muttermilch gibt. Zuletzt sollte in einem Tiermodell untersucht werden, ob MDSC aus der Muttermilch in die Systemzirkulation neugeborener Mäuse gelangen können. Hierfür wurden, neben einer klinischen Longitudinalstudie, verschiedene in-vitro-Ansätze und ein in-vivo-Modell etabliert und durchgeführt. Unsere Untersuchungen ergaben, dass zellfreier Muttermilch-Überstand konzentrationsabhängig zu einer Induktion von MDSC aus PBMC führte und dass diese induzierten MDSC T-Zell-suppressive Eigenschaften besaßen. In einer Longitudinalstudie, bei der MM-MDSC über die ersten 5 Lebenswochen des Neugeborenen hinweg quantifiziert wurden, zeigte sich, dass diese mit steigendem Gestationsalter und postnatalen Lebenswochen zunehmen. Überdies ließ sich ein Zusammenhang zwischen bestimmten Faktoren wie kindlichem Geschlecht und pränataler Tokolyse-Therapie und den MDSC-Zahlen in der Muttermilch herstellen. Zuletzt konnte anhand eines in-vivo-Modells erstmals gezeigt werden, dass MDSC die Darmpassage überstehen und in den Organismus des Neugeborenen aufgenommen werden. Diese Ergebnisse erhärten die Hypothese, dass MDSC aus der Muttermilch eine entscheidende Rolle für die Immunität des Neugeborenen während der ersten Lebenswochen spielen. Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen könnten insbesondere bei Frühgeborenen neue präventive oder therapeutische Ansätze zur Behandlung von inflammatorischen Erkrankungen entwickelt werden

    Long-time effects of an experimental therapy with mesenchymal stem cells in congenital hydrocephalus

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    Introduction: Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) are a potential therapeutic tool due to their ability for migrating and producing neuroprotector factors when they are transplanted in other neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, some investigations have shown that BM-MSC are able to modulate astrocyte activation and neuroprotector factor production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-time effects of a BM-MSC experimental therapy in the hyh mouse model of congenital hydrocephalus. Methods: BM-MSC were characterized in vitro and then transplanted into the ventricles of young hydrocephalic hyh mice, before they develop the severe hydrocephalus. Non-hydrocephalic normal mice (wt) and hydrocephalic hyh mice sham-injected (sterile saline serum) were used as controls. Samples were studied by analyzing and comparing mRNA, protein level expressions and immunoreaction related with the progression and severity of hydrocephalus. Results: Fourteen days after transplantation, hydrocephalic hyh mice with BM-MSC showed lower ventriculomegaly. In these animals, BM-MSC were found undifferentiated and spread into the periventricular astrocyte reaction. There, BM-MSC were detected producing several neuroprotector factors (BDNF, GDNF, NGF, VEGF), in the same way as reactive astrocytes. Total neocortical levels of NGF, TGF-β and VEGF were found increased in hydrocephalic hyh mice transplanted with BM-MSC. Furthermore, astrocytes showed increased expressions of aquaporin-4 (water channel protein) and Slit-2 (neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory molecule). Conclusions: BM-MSC seem to lead to recovery of the severe neurodegenerative conditions associated to congenital hydrocephalus mediated by reactive astrocytes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. PI15/0619 (ISCIII/FEDER

    Situación normativa actual de la educación permanente de adultos en Castilla y León

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    Vivimos en una sociedad en constante cambio, por ello, el Sistema Educativo debe ofrecer a la población que haya superado la edad máxima de escolaridad obligatoria, la posibilidad de mejorar sus competencias y capacidades para lograr una mejor adaptación a esta realidad. Así, el Sistema Educativo cuenta con la Educación Permanente de Adultos, para lograr la mejor adaptación de los ciudadanos adultos a la sociedad actual. Esta parte del Sistema Educativo tiene sus propias características y peculiaridades que serán las que desarrollemos en el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado. Así, hablaremos de las enseñanzas que se imparten, tan variadas y diferentes a las de un “colegio de niños”. Veremos la situación de los espacios y recursos en los Centros Específicos de Adultos, y sobre todo, que enseñanzas imparte un maestro de Educación Primaria en esta rama educativa. No son muchos los trabajos actuales que intenten dar una idea general de la Educación de Adultos que puede desarrollar un Maestro de Educación Primaria, y eso precisamente, intenta hacer este Trabajo de Fin de Grado.Grado en Educación Primari

    Efectividad de liberación miofacial versus tratamiento convencional terapéutico en jugadores de primera división liga pomares con diagnóstico de lesión del manguito rotador equipo Dantos e Indios del Bóer, Estadio nacional Denis Martínez agosto- diciembre 2016.

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    Este estudio es de gran importancia porque brinda un aporte innovador a los conocimientos para poder garantizar una mejor y satisfactoria atención fisioterapéutica, implementando el uso de nuevos métodos que pueden ser complementarios al tratamiento rehabilitativo para mejorar la funcionabilidad de vida del paciente, Identificando las características sociodemográficas y aplicando protocolos de evaluación para determinar la lesión se procede a intervenir con los tratamientos a los participantes el cual se realizó con 10 jugadores 5 de cada equipo con los que dividimos en dos subgrupos A (análisis) y B (control) para la aplicación de dichos tratamientos.En este documento se representan los resultados de la investigación sobre la Efectividad de liberación miofacial versus tratamiento convencional en beisbolistas de primera división con diagnóstico de lesión del manguito rotador, equipos Danto e Indios del Bóer. Por el cual al comparar los resultados de los análisis de ambos grupos para verificar la efectividad de tratamientos encontramos que el grupo A ( análisis) la liberación miofacial es efectiva, la técnica de liberación miofacial disminuye dolor dado que no todos los sistemas musculares tienen el mismo mecanismo fisiológico para reaccionar de manera favorable a la intervención, los resultados en arco de movimiento y fuerza no fueron muy satisfactorio, no todos los participantes lograron aumentar arco y la fuerza muscular dado que se mantuvieron en los rangos antes mencionados, sin embargo, para el grupo B los resultados en la exploración antes mencionada con intervención de tratamiento convencional ayudo aumentar fuerza y arco de movimiento, aunque el dolor persiste. Palabras claves Liberación miofacial, lesión manguito rotador

    Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells transplantation produces a tissue recovery in hydrocephalic mice

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    In congenital hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid accumulation is associated to ischemia/hypoxia, metabolic impairment, neuronal damage and astrocytic reaction, which cause significant mortality and life-long neurological complications. Currently, there are no effective therapies for congenital hydrocephalus. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) are considered as a potential therapeutic tool for neurodegenerative diseases due to their ability for migrating and producing neuroprotector factors when they are transplanted. The aim of this research was to study the ability of BM-MSC to reach the degenerated regions and to detect their neuroprotector effects, using an animal model of congenital hydrocephalus, the hyh mouse. Fluorescent BM-MSC were analyzed by flow-cytometry and multilineage cell differentiation. BM-MSC were brain-ventricle injected into hyh mice. Wild-type and saline-injected hyh mice were used as controls. Inmunohistochemical, RT-PCR and High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning spectroscopy (HRMAS) analyses were carried out. After administration, integrated BM-MSC were identified inside the periventricular astrocyte reaction. They were detected producing glial-derived neuroprotector factor (GDNF), neural growth factor (NGF), and brain-derived neuroprotector factor (BDNF). Tissue recovery was detected with a reduction of apoptotic cells in the periventricular walls and of the levels of glutamate, glutamine, taurine, and creatine, all of them markers of tissue damage in hydrocephalus.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. ISCIII PI15/00619 y FEDE

    Work techniques for the stydying of extremadurian geology

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    El conocimiento de las posibilidades didácticas de la Geología Regional se muestran necesarias porque facilitarán el aprendizaje activo de la Geología. Se presentan una serie de actividades didácticas que sirven de ayuda al conocimiento de la misma. El grado de utilidad de estas actividades depende de la dificultad y adecuación que el profesor imprima a las mismas.The knowledge of the didactic possibilities of the regional geology is necessary because it will facilitate the active learning of Geology. To help with this, a series of didactic activities are presented. These activities are useful depending on the difficulty and suitability the teacher perceives for the students.peerReviewe

    Luis Collado, director of Google Books España

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    Luis Collado answers some questions about the program Google Book Search. He describes what it is and what it is not. His words reveal Google’s philosophy of universal access to information