18 research outputs found


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    People use language to construct their identity or identities and narrative is one of the forms of the language use. The narrative functions as a site for enacting what they are, who they are, and how they view the others (Gee, 2011). This paper discusses the identity construction in the narrative of the 2015 richest Indonesian people ranked by Forbes magazine. A discourse analytic approach is employed in this study. The analysis shows that the identity constructions are relevant to the cultural dimensions proposed by Hofstede (1987, 2016) in which the collectivistic culture emerged predominantly in the narrative. Since the data were taken from English narratives in business, the implication for the use of English as a business’ lingua franca is also discussed


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    Nowadays, the promotional media is increasingly growing. This can be seen from the number of companies that do promotions and to be known by the public. Zetizen Batam Pos is a tool for teenagers between 13 to 20 years old that provides the information about lifestyle and daily life, through various media such as printed media, online media, and other various offline activities. The problems that were found are some people do not know much about Zetizen Batam Pos. Therefore, Zetizen Batam Pos needs more attractive, creative and effective promotional media such as motion graphics.This study uses the Villamil-Molina (1997) development method which consists of five stages: development, pre-production, production, post-production, and delivery. Softwares used in this study are Adobe Illustrator CC 2017, Adobe After Effects CC 2017, and Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017. After the motion graphic had been completed, an EPIC model analysis was conducted to test the motion graphic’s effectiveness as a promotional media for Zetizen Batam Pos. There are four dimensions of EPIC such as Empathy, Persuasion, Impact, dan Communication. Testing the effectiveness of Zetizen Batam Pos's motion graphics by using the EPIC model is very effective because the results for the dimension of Empathy, Persuasion, Impact, and Communication are 4.38, 4.37, 4.52, and 4.59 respectively. In that case, the communication dimension is becoming the most dominant of all dimensions. This could happen because the display of motion graphics on Zetizen Batam Pos can deliver the right, clear, and understandable information to the audience

    Filsafat Pancasila Sebagai Basis Pergerakan Mahasiswa, Kehidupan Sosial, dan Spirit Kewirausahaan

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    The article discusses the meaning and implementation of philosophy of Pancasila in nowdays life. As theoritical study, many students get difficulties in understanding philosophy of Pancasila and how it is related to real life. By analyzing the practices of philosopy of Pancasila, it is found that there is a number of relationships between philosophy of Pancasila and the values in student movements as well as social life. Further, it is also related to the spirit of entrepreneurship since it is based on the faith in God Almight

    Penulisan Cerita Pendek Mengenai Lingkungan Alam di Mubut Darat

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    The shift from an industrial city to a tourist city in Batam may have a negative impact on the sustainability of its coastal environment, one of which is on Mubut Darat, which is planned to become a tourist destination. In addition to science, there is a need for a cultural approach through ecocriticism to reduce and prevent the negative impact of damage to the environment, disguised under the need for development. It is clear that humans are part of nature and the dualism of culture and nature is one of the main issues in ecocriticism. The main purpose of this article is to explore the perspective of the local community regarding the development of tourist villages and the problems of damage to the environment that goes along with it. The data were obtained through interviews with the managers of Mubut Darat beach and Batam Pos crews. Through the interview, informants are invited to participate in a dialogue, receive feedbacks, and express their opinions. The resulting short story is published in the form of a short story in Batam Pos’ Zetizen column as a medium to promote Mubut Darat beach and offer readers perspective on environmental issues. According to the interview, the characters, plot, and setting of the story are interesting and easy to understand. However, the issue of environment is not suitable to be conveyed through the genre of romance.Perubahan Batam dari kota industri ke kota wisata berpotensi memberi dampak buruk terhadap kelestarian lingkungan pantai, salah satunya di pulau Mubut Darat, yang direncanakan menjadi tempat tujuan wisata. Selain sains, perlu adanya pendekatan dari sisi budaya melalui ekokritik guna mencegah dan mengurangi dampak buruk perusakan lingkungan atas nama pembangunan. Jelas bahwa manusia adalah bagian dari alam dan dualisme budaya dan alam merupakan salah satu sorotan dalam ekokritik. Tujuan utama kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah menggali perspektif masyarakat setempat terkait pembangunan desa wisata dan permasalahan kerusakan lingkungan yang menyertainya. Data didapat melalui wawancara dengan pengelola pantai di Mubut Darat dan awak media Batam Pos. Melalui wawancara, warga diajak untuk berdialog, menerima opini, dan mengungkapkan pendapatnya. Cerpen yang dihasilkan diterbitkan dalam bentuk cerita pendek di kolom Zetizen Batam Pos sebagai media untuk memperkenalkan pantai di Mubut darat dan memberi perspektif kepada pembaca mengenai pelestarian lingkungan. Menurut hasil wawancara, tokoh, alur, dan latar cerita menarik dan mudah dipahami tetapi isu lingkungan tidak cocok disampaikan lewat genre romansa


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    Public Service Advertisement  have an important role in disseminating information to public. Along with the development of information and communication technology, the delivery of information such as Public Service Advertisement is also more interactive and modern. This is seen by the number of Public Service Advertisement using motion graphic techniques. Motion graphics are graphics that use video or animation to create the illusion of motion or transformation. Motion graphic based of Public Service Advertisement is simple in messaging, easy to absorb information and more appealing to the public. One of the information presented using motion graphic of Public Service Advertisement is about “Pedoman Gizi Seimbang”. Motion graphics of  Public Service Advertisement raises the topic of  “Pedoman Gizi Seimbang” which is aimed at the community, especially housewife who acts as the observer of foof consumed by all family.  Desaigned of “Pedoman Gizi Seimbang” applied some aspects in motion graphics. These aspects are spatial, temporal, live action, and typography. The research will use Villamil-Molina (1997) development method which each stage is interconnected and has an important role. Stages of the method are development, pre-preduction, production, post-production, and delivery. The software  used in this research is Adobe Illustrator CS6, Adobe After Effects CC 2018, and Adobe Premiere CS6. The results of this research indicate that motion graphic Pedoman Gizi Seimbang that apply spatial, temporal, live action, and typography aspects get response “Sangat Setuju” from respondents which is proved by the final value of interpretation of 83.62%

    Pemanfaatan Moodle pada Identifikasi Kendala dalam Soal Reading dengan Format Tes TOEIC

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    Most TOEIC test takers who score low are unfamiliar with the format of the test. This study aims to identify the problems that will likely become obstacles in the Reading Section of the TOEIC test. The data come from the results of the English I online final exam in the second term of 2017/2018 as well as the English II online mid-term and final exam in the first term of 2018/2019, all of which were held in Politeknik Negeri Batam. The exams are part of Moodle-based e-learning courses. The data consist of questions which have a low percentage of correct answers. The analysis was done by classifying the questions based on the five abilities measured in the Reading Section (vocabulary, grammar, specific information, inference, and connection). Based on the analysis, it can be observed that the biggest challenge comes from grammar, while the search for specific information poses little to no problem at all. It means the students still consider Reading Section of TOEIC test requires no special attention. &nbsp

    Language variation in Minang colloquial language spoken in Kabun Region: Sociolinguistic study on millennial citizens

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    Despite the endless discussion on standard and non-standard language, Minangkabau and its dialect have less attention from scholars to study. This paper, therefore, aims to elaborate and compare the variation of Minang colloquial language and Sijunjung dialect spoken in Kabun region. Sociolinguistic theory on language variation and contact were employed to reveal such differences. In terms of data collection, we make use of Buffalo Trophy" as the data source and transcribe some potential words that fit the criteria. Afterward, we ask Sijunjung speakers to respond to those words. This process is recorded in a way to get sufficient interpretation of the possible variation among speakers. This study revealed that Minang and Sijunjung have several prominent dissimilarities in terms of phonological aspects. The changes occur from alveolar /r/ to voiced velar fricative /gh/, from /r/-/w/, from /a/-/o/, and /a/- /aw/. The findings confirmed that Minang as a standard language has phonological variations in Sijunjung dialect. Some of them may carry out new meanings, but the rest may not

    Analisis dan Implementasi Motion Grafis Iklan Layanan Masyarakat (ILM) dengan Metode Semiotika Peirce

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    Motion grafis merupakan teknik yang banyak digunakan dalam teknologi pembuatan animasi, termasuk dalam pembuatan iklan layanan masyarakat (ILM). Alasan utama para editor menggunakan motion grafis adalah karena lebih menarik dan lebih murah dibandingkan teknik lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini, teknologi motion grafis digunakan untuk membuat animasi ILM dan menyampaikan pesan dari bahaya merokok. Metode semiotika Peirce digunakan dalam analisis data guna memahami bagaimana pesan dalam ILM dapat ditangkap oleh penonton. Selain itu, dalam perancangan ILM, ada beberapa obyek yang digunakan untuk melakukan analisis berdasarkan beberapa aspek, seperti tipologi sebuah simbol yang memiliki fitur icon, index, dan simbol disetiap desain obyek. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa icon bisa digunakan untuk menjelaskan penyakit-penyakit yang ditimbulkan dari merokok, index memiliki fungsi sebagai penanda dari sebuah desain obyek dalam animasi bahaya merokok, dan simbol berguna untuk memperjelas sebuah desain animasi tersebut.Kata kunci: Semiotika, metode Peirce, motion grafis, iklan layanan masyarakat, merokok,  icon, index, symbo