11 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of changes in a functional condition of pro-oxidant and antioxidant systems in guinea pigs’ lungs in experimental allergic alveolitis under the conditions of immobilization stress

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    We have analyzed the results of investigation of alterations in indices of pro-oxidant (conjugated diene and malondialdehyde) and antioxidant (superoxide dismutase, ceruloplasmin, catalase) systems in guinea pigs’ lungs in experimental allergic alveolitis in the dynamics of EAA development under the conditions of immobilization stress. The investigation was conducted on 62 female guinea pigs weighing 180-220 g, divided into 4 groups: I – intact guinea pigs (n=20), II – guinea pigs (n=14) with EAA under the conditions of IS (1st day); III – guinea pigs (n=14) with EAA under the conditions of IS (2nd day); IV – guinea pigs (n=14) with EAA under the conditions of IS (34th day). The results of experimental investigation showed that a significant increase in conjugated diene level in animals’ lungs was observed at all stages of EAA development under the conditions of immobilization stress as compared with control group, indicating activation of this marker. The same changes occurred with MDA content, indicating excessive accumulation of this lipid peroxidation product in lung tissue. Intensive synthesis of free radical compounds caused activation of some components of enzymatic system of antioxidant defense. In particular, a moderate decrease in superoxide dismutase activity in lung tissue is observed in response to increased level of LOPs at early stages of EAA and immobilization stress development as compared with the indices in intact animals. The same situation is observed with catalase and ceruloplasmin activity in the lungs of guinea pigs with modeled AA and IS

    Formation and development of critical thinking of bioengineering students in english language classes for specific purposes

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    The article is devoted to one of the key skills of the 21st century – critical thinking, namely the issue of its formation and development among students of bioengineering specialties in English language classes for specific purposes. The rapid development of modern society, which is overflown with a large amount of information, dictates the need to educate critically-minded people who could effectively evaluate the validity, authenticity and reliability of information acquired while reading books and Internet sources, as well as solve a wide range of practical problems in professional and scientific activity. This is especially relevant for students of bioengineering specialties, since they are the ones who will develop vital technologies and complex medical cases will often require critical thinking to implement innovative devices and equipment. The essence of the concept of "critical thinking" has been determined and a set of other skills incorporated into it has been outlined. It has been found that the formation of critical thinking in English language classes for specific purposes should be carried out through all types of speech activity: listening, reading, speaking and writing. It has been emphasized that one of the most effective activities is working with authentic materials, which can be represented by scientific articles, educational texts, audio or video materials. Tasks should be of a problematic nature to awaken the research and creative activity of students, encourage reflection and help make generalizations and own conclusions. The main stages and elements of the English class aimed at developing critical thinking of students majoring in "Biomedical Engineering" have been illustrated. Methodological recommendations have been provided for the effective implementation of critical thinking technology into each of the three parts of the class (introductory, main, final) and examples of various types of oral and written tasks have been given. The role of the teacher in the development of critical thinking has been highlighted, namely stimulating students to think independently and logically, analyze, evaluate, and reach conclusions

    Peculiarities of changes in a functional condition of pro-oxidant and antioxidant systems in guinea pigs’ lungs in experimental allergic alveolitis under the conditions of immobilization stress

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    We have analyzed the results of investigation of alterations in indices of pro-oxidant (conjugated diene and malondialdehyde) and antioxidant (superoxide dismutase, ceruloplasmin, catalase) systems in guinea pigs’ lungs in experimental allergic alveolitis in the dynamics of EAA development under the conditions of immobilization stress. The investigation was conducted on 62 female guinea pigs weighing 180-220 g, divided into 4 groups: I – intact guinea pigs (n=20), II – guinea pigs (n=14) with EAA under the conditions of IS (1st day); III – guinea pigs (n=14) with EAA under the conditions of IS (2nd day); IV – guinea pigs (n=14) with EAA under the conditions of IS (64th day). The results of experimental investigation showed that a significant increase in conjugated diene level in animals’ lungs was observed at all stages of EAA development under the conditions of immobilization stress as compared with control group, indicating activation of this marker. The same changes occurred with MDA content, indicating excessive accumulation of this lipid peroxidation product in lung tissue. Intensive synthesis of free radical compounds caused activation of some components of enzymatic system of antioxidant defense. In particular, a moderate decrease in superoxide dismutase activity in lung tissue is observed in response to increased level of LOPs at early stages of EAA and immobilization stress development as compared with the indices in intact animals. The same situation is observed with catalase and ceruloplasmin activity in the lungs of guinea pigs with modeled AA and IS

    Condition of pro-oxidant and antioxidant systems in guinea pigs’ lungs under the condition of immobilization stress

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    We have investigated the results of alterations in indices of pro-oxidant (conjugated diene and malondialdehyde) and antioxidant (superoxide dismutase, ceruloplasmin, catalase) systems in guinea pigs’ lungs under the conditions of immobilization stress. The experiment was conducted on 40 female guinea pigs weighing 0.18-0.20 kg. The animals were divided into 4 groups, each contained 10 guinea pigs: I – intact guinea pigs (control), II–guinea pigs with model of IS on1st day of experiment;Ш–animals on 2nd  day of experiment;IV- group of animals on 34th day of experimental model of IS. The results of our experimental work showed a significant accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in the lung`s tissure in different periods (on 1st, 2nd and 34th days) of immobilization stress. The state of antioxidant defence was characterized by moderate decrease of inzymes activity (superoxide dismutase, catalase and ceruloplasmin). disorders of balance between pro-oxidant and antioxidant systems couse oxidative stress development

    Застосування тонкошарової хроматографії в аналізі ефавіренцу

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    Aim. To carry out the integrated study of visualization conditions of efavirenz on TLC-plates with aplication of standard and particular colored reagents, and the chromatographic behavior of efavirenz using standard mobile phases.Results and discussion. It has been shown that such widely used color reagents as UV-light, Erdmann reagent, Froehde reagent, Liebermann reagent, sulfuric acid, Marquis reagent, Mandelin reagent, acidified iodoplatinate solution, iodine vapor can be used for efavirenz detection on chromatographic plates. Efavirenz gives the positive detection results with reagents used in the TLC-screening of extracts from the biological material for substances of basic, acid and neutral nature. The chromatographic mobility of efavirenz has been studied in 17 solvents systems; the systems are used as standard mobile phases according to the recommendations of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists for TLC-screening of organic compounds of acid, neutral and basic nature, and as well as in the general TLC-screening of organic substances in the Ukrainian forensic toxicological laboratories.Experimental part. The chromatographic plates Sorbfil® PTLC-IIH-UV and Merck® TLC Silica gel 60G were used as thin layers.Conclusions. The behavior of efavirenz when developing on TLC-plates with two types of a substrate (plastic and glass) and with/without a luminophor with commonly used colored reagents has been studied. The Rf values of efavirenz under chromatographing conditions in the standard solvent systems used for TLC-screening of organic compounds of acid, neutral and basic nature have been set. Received: 17.12.2019Revised: 12.01.2020Accepted: 27.02.2020Цель. Провести комплексное исследование условий визуализации эфавиренца на ТСХ-пластинах с применением стандартных и частных цветных реагентов, а также хроматографического поведения эфавиренца с использованием стандартных подвижных фаз.Результаты и их обсуждение. Показано, что для обнаружения эфавиренца на хроматографических пластинах можно использовать такие широко применяемые проявители, как УФ-свет, реактив Эрдманна, реактив Фреде, реактив Либермана, серная кислота, реактив Марки, реактив Манделина, подкисленный раствор йодоплатината, пары йода. Эфавиренц дает положительные результаты обнаружения с реактивами, используемыми в ходе ТСХ-скрининга извлечений из биологического материала на вещества основного, кислого и нейтрального характера. Хроматографическая подвижность эфавиренца исследована в 17 системах растворителей, среди которых подвижные фазы, применяемые в качестве стандартных согласно рекомендациям Международного комитета по систематическому токсикологическому анализу Международной ассоциации судебных токсикологов для ТСХ-скрининга органических веществ кислого, нейтрального и основного характера, а также в общем ТСХ-скрининге органических веществ в судебно-токсикологических лабораториях Украины.Экспериментальная часть. В качестве тонких слоев использовали пластины Sorbfil ПТСХ-ІІВ-УФ и Merck TLC Silica gel 60G.Выводы. Исследовано поведение эфавиренца при проявлении общепринятыми хромогенными реагентами на пластинах для ТСХ с двумя типами подложки (пластик и стекло) и с УФ-индикатором и без него. Установлены значения Rf эфавиренца в условиях хроматографирования в стандартных системах растворителей, используемых для ТСХ-скрининга веществ кислого, нейтрального и основного характера. Received: 17.12.2019Revised: 12.01.2020Accepted: 27.02.2020Мета. Провести комплексне дослідження умов візуалізації ефавіренцу на ТШХ-пластинах із застосуванням стандартних і окремих кольорових реагентів, а також хроматографічної поведінки ефавіренцу з використанням стандартних рухомих фаз.Результати та їх обговорення. Показано, що для виявлення ефавіренцу на хроматографічних пластинах можна використовувати такі широко відомі проявники, як УФ-світло, реактив Ердмана, реактив Фреде, реактив Лібермана, сульфатна кислота, реактив Маркі, реактив Манделіна, підкислений розчин йодоплатинату, пари йоду. Ефавіренц дає позитивні результати виявлення з реактивами, що використовують в ТШХ-скринінгу витягів з біологічного матеріалу на речовини основного, кислого і нейтрального характеру. Хроматографічну рухливість ефавіренцу досліджено в 17 системах розчинників, серед яких рухомі фази, що застосовують як стандартні згідно з рекомендаціями Міжнародного комітету з систематичного токсикологічного аналізу Міжнародної асоціації судових токсикологів для ТШХ-скринінгу органічних речовин кислого, нейтрального та основного характеру, а також у загальному ТШХ-скринінгу органічних речовин у судово-токсикологічних лабораторіях України.Експериментальна частина. Як тонкі шари використовували пластини Sorbfil ПТСХ-ІІВ-УФ та Merck TLC Silica gel 60G.Висновки. Досліджено поведінку ефавіренцу при проявленні загальноприйнятими хромогенними реагентами на пластинах для ТШХ з двома типами підложки (пластик та скло) та з УФ-індикатором і без нього. Встановлено значення Rf ефавіренцу за умов хроматографування в стандартних системах розчинників, що використовуються для ТШХ-скринінгу речовин кислого, нейтрального та основного характеру. Received: 17.12.2019Revised: 12.01.2020Accepted: 27.02.202

    The Role of Information Technologies in Developing Future Specialists’ Communicative Competence

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    The use of information technologies in developing communicative competence is a research issue, which consists of analyzing the integration of innovative technologies into the educational process. The issue of the quality of organizing the educational process and the possibility of improving future specialists’ practical abilities is an important task for modern educational institutions. The primary purpose of the academic paper is to analyze the role of information technologies in education and their potential application for forming communicative competence, taking into account the format of remote communication, the organization of educational conferences, etc. Analysis of contemporary educational outcomes following the rise in popularity of distance learning, which served as a catalyst for advancing information technologies in education, is a key component of the research. The theoretical and practical principles of developing communicative competence were outlined and its components were characterized using the scientific research methods. The academic paper examines the features of the modern educational process and information technologies used to improve the communicative component, which is one of the tasks of an educational institution. In addition, the research analyzes the current state of educational services and characterizes the key tendencies in using information technologies, taking into account the opportunities for developing communication competence. The implementation of information technologies in the educational process, whether in a traditional or distance learning format, has the potential to improve it in terms of practicality and efficiency. Using information technologies in education remains a priority, but a debatable issue regarding the possibilities of their implementation, the feasibility of application and prospects for development. The obtained research results can become socially useful to improve the educational process and enhance future specialists’ communicative competence

    Assessment of the Nature of Dyslipoproteinemias and Correlations of Indicators of General Reactivity and Lipid Metabolism in Patients with Chronic Nonspecific Inflammation of the Reproductive System

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    Metabolic disorders can occur at all levels of biological organization - from molecular and cellular to the level of the organism as a whole. These changes may result from disruptions in hormonal mechanisms, actions of pathogenic factors, or infections. Primary metabolic disorders are the basis of many diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, and atherosclerosis, while secondary disorders accompany most pathological processes. Disruption of lipid metabolism leads to changes in their functions and the development of pathological processes, such as dyslipoproteinemia, and also contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Various intracellular infectious agents play a significant role in the development of dyslipoproteinemias and atherosclerosis, for example, chlamydia can alter the lipid metabolism in macrophages under the influence of low-density lipoproteins, leading to the formation of 'foam-like' cells. This, in turn, contributes to the development of atheromatous plaques-a favorable environment for chlamydia, where it can survive for an extended period and trigger immunopathological mechanisms

    Development of presentation skills and their role in the formation of soft skills among law students

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    The article examines the development of presentation skills and their role in the formation of soft skills among law students. The need to shift emphasis in favor of soft skills in the process of teaching law students has been determined. The most in-demand skills of the future have been summarized, which also include presentation skills that contribute to the development of creativity, successful teamwork and critical thinking. Justifying the importance of the formation of soft skills in the process of learning English, the role of presentation as a powerful educational tool has been discussed. The essence of the concept of "presentational skills of future lawyers" has been determined and their classification has been presented. A method of two-stage formation of presentation skills of undergraduate law students has been proposed. The key aspects of the first stage have been highlighted – sufficient formation of students' verbal foreign language skills, preparation of presentations as a monologue, evaluation of the presentation according to such parameters as: information content of the presentation, the principle of minimalism and the quality of the performance.У статті розглянуто розвиток презентаційних навичок та їх роль у формуванні soft skills у студентів-юристів. Визначено необхідність зміщення акцентів на користь м’яких навичок у процесі викладання студентам-юристам. Здійснено узагальнення найзатребуваніших навичок майбутнього, до яких також відносять і презентаційні навички, які сприяють розвитку креативності, успішній роботі в команді та критичного мислення. Обґрунтовуючи важливість формування soft skills у процесі навчання англійської мови, обговорюється роль презентації як потужного навчального засобу. Визначено сутність поняття «презентаційні навички майбутніх юристів» та представлено їх класифікацію. Пропонується методика двохетапного формування презентаційних навичок студентів-юристів бакалаврату. Виділено ключові аспекти першого етапу – недостатня сформованість вербальних іншомовних навичок у студентів, підготовка презентацій як монологічне висловлювання, оцінювання презентації за такими параметрам, як: інформаційне наповнення презентації, принцип мінімалізму і якість виступу