10 research outputs found

    Diagn贸stico de la producci贸n de plantas forestales en los viveros de la Municipalidad de Guatemala; evaluaci贸n del enraizamiento de matilisguate (Tabebuia rosea bertol) y servicios realizados en el Vivero Municipal Acat谩n, Zona 16, Ciudad De Guatemala, Guatemala, C.A.

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    El presente trabajo de investigaci贸n se orient贸 hacia la producci贸n de plantas forestales de los viveros de la Municipalidad de Guatemala, referente a distintos criterios de selecci贸n del material al momento de plantarse en campo, as铆 como principales modos de propagaci贸n que se utilizan en los viveros para abastecer a los distintos proyectos de jardinizaci贸n y arborizaci贸n urbana. Mediante el diagn贸stico se puedo conoce la situaci贸n actual de los sistemas de producci贸n de plantas forestales en los viveros, se determinaron las principales caracter铆sticas de las especies forestales que se utilizan para arborizaci贸n urbana, jardinizaci贸n, criterios de selecci贸n y modos de propagaci贸n, encontr谩ndose como principal medio de propagaci贸n la semilla y no otras alternativas que agilicen la obtenci贸n masal de pl谩ntulas de mayor tama帽o en el menor tiempo posible. La investigaci贸n se dirigi贸 a establecer el un m茅todo alternativo para la propagaci贸n vegetativa de una especie ampliamente utilizada para arborizaci贸n urbana: Tabebuia rosea bertol. Se evalu贸 la respuesta al enraizamiento en v谩stago, en funci贸n de tres concentraciones del 谩cido Indol3But铆rico y tres di谩metros de estaca, en plantas en fase de vivero con material juvenil para propagar. La investigaci贸n tuvo una duraci贸n de 4 meses. El estudio se realiz贸 en el Huerto y Vivero Urbano Municipal Acat谩n zona 16, ciudad de Guatemala. El resultado de la investigaci贸n, demostr贸 que existe respuesta a la propagaci贸n vegetativa por la especie bajo estudio, la respuesta fue mayor para el caso de propagaci贸n por v谩stago de 2.5cm. de di谩metro y 2500ppm del regulador. Los resultados se midieron en presencia de callo, de ra铆ces, y de brotes; adem谩s, peso seco de ra铆ces, altura de la planta. Este resultado es de importancia ya que permite obtener plantas de matilisguate de mayor tama帽o en menos tiempo y esto se ver铆a reflejado en el arbolado urbano

    Potential Short-Term Air Pollution Effects on Rheumatoid Arthritis Activity in Metropolitan Areas in the North of Italy: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) flare is related to increased joint damage, disability, and healthcare use. The impact of short-term air pollution exposure on RA disease activity is still a matter of debate. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated whether short-term exposure to particulate matter (PM)10, PM2.5, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and ozone (O3) affected RA disease activity (DAS28 and SDAI) in 422 consecutive RA residents in Lombardy, North of Italy. Air pollutant concentrations, estimated by Regional Environmental Protection Agency (Lombardy鈥擨taly) at the municipality level, were used to assign short-term exposure from the day of enrolment, back to seven days. Some significant negative associations emerged between RA disease activity, PM10, and NO2, whereas some positive associations were observed for O3. Patients were also stratified according to their ongoing Disease-Modifying anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) treatment: no DMARDs (n = 25), conventional synthetic DMARDs (n = 108), and biological or targeted synthetic DMARDs (n = 289). Therapy interaction seemed partially able to influence the relationship between short-term air pollution exposure and RA disease activity (PM2.5 levels and DAS28 at the day of the visit-O3 levels and disease activity scores for the seven days before the evaluation). According to our results, the impact of short-term air pollution exposure (seven days) minimally impacts disease activity. Moreover, our study suggests therapy could alter the response to environmental factors. Further evidence is needed to elucidate determinants of RA flare and its management

    Baseline ultrasound examination as possible predictor of relapse in patients affected by juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)

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    To define the correlation between joint ultrasonography and clinical examination in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and to assess whether synovitis detected by ultrasonography in clinically inactive patients predicts arthritis flares

    Personalized medicine in rheumatoid arthritis: How immunogenicity impacts use of TNF inhibitors

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    Up to 40% of patients treated with tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors (TNFi) do not respond to therapy. Testing drug bioavailability and/or anti-drug antibody (ADAb) levels may justify dosage adjustment or switch to different drugs, enabling a personalized medicine approach. We report a multicenter cross-sectional study on different methods [ELISA and a cell based functional assay (reporter gene assay - RGA)] for drug/ADAb detection, and on the relationship between drug bioavailability and ADAb. 163 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treated with infliximab (IFX; n = 67), adalimumab (ADL; n = 49) or etanercept (ETA; n = 47) were tested for drug and ADAb levels. Furthermore, we report prospective data from additional 70 patients (59 RA and 11 juvenile idiopathic arthritis - JIA) tested for drug and ADAb levels at baseline (T0) and after 3 (T3) and 6 months (T6) of treatment with ADL or ETA only. IFX-treated patients were not included because of the increasing use of IFX biosimilars. Stringent inclusion criteria were used in order to avoid unwanted variables in both studies; none of the patients used TNFi before the study, and TNFi was used only in combination with methotrexate. Clinical response was defined according to EULAR response criteria. The two assays performed comparably in the comparison study. Accordingly, ELISA was selected for the prospective study because of its feasibility in the clinical setting. The cross-sectional study found ADAb in IFX and ADL treated groups only, that were associated with a decrease in pharmacological drug availability in the blood. Comparable results were found for the ADL-treated group in the prospective study which also showed a relationship between drug/ADAb levels and the loss of clinical response. Altogether our findings support drug and anti-drug Ab monitoring in the real-world clinical setting thus enabling individualized treatment and reducing disability in chronic inflammatory arthritis