600 research outputs found

    What can the spatial distribution of galaxy clusters tell about their scaling relations?

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    We aim to quantify the capability of the inhomogeneous distribution of galaxy clusters, represented by the two-point statistics in Fourier space, to retrieve information on the underlying scaling relations. We make a case study using the mass X-ray luminosity scaling relation for galaxy clusters and study its impact on the clustering pattern of these objects. We define the luminosity-weighted power spectrum and introduce the luminosity power spectrum as direct assessment of the clustering of the property of interest, in our case, the cluster X-ray luminosity. Using a suite of halo catalogs extracted from N-body simulations and realistic estimates of the mass X-ray luminosity relation, we measured these statistics with their corresponding covariance matrices. By carrying out a Fisher matrix analysis, we quantified the content of information (by means of a figure-of merit) encoded in the amplitude, shape, and full shape of our probes for two-point statistics. The full shape of the luminosity power spectrum, when analyzed up to scales of k~0.2 h/Mpc, yields a figure of merit which is two orders of magnitude above the figure obtained from the unweighted power spectrum, and only one order of magnitude below the value encoded in X-ray luminosity function estimated from the same sample. This is a significant improvement over the analysis developed with the standard (i.e., unweighted) clustering probes. The measurements of the clustering of galaxy clusters and its explicit dependence on the cluster intrinsic properties can contribute to improving the degree of knowledge regarding the underlying links between cluster observables and the cluster masses (Abridged).Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Los dos hundimientos del Prestige

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    Comparación del sistema logístico, infraestructura y ampliación del Canal de Panamá, frente al desarrollo y transformación del Puerto de Cartagena

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    Visita Técnica InternacionalEl desarrollo de este trabajo de grado contiene un análisis comparativo con base a la información obtenida en la visita técnica internacional, artículos y documentos, de los sistemas logísticos portuarios más relevantes del canal de Panamá, tomando como referencia el puerto de Manzanillo, y el puerto de Contecar en Cartagena, con el fin de establecer posibles propuestas que aporten al mejoramiento del puerto.INTRODUCCIÓN 1.GENERALIDADES 2. PROBLEMÁTICA ACTUAL DEL SISTEMA LOGÍSTICO E INFRAESTRUCTURA DEL PUERTO DE CARTAGENA, COMPARADO CON EL DE PANAMÁ 3. BENEFICIOS QUE OBTIENE EL PUERTO DE CARTAGENA ANTE EL AUMENTO EN LAS OPERACIONES PORTUARIAS CON LA AMPLIACIÓN DEL CANAL DE PANAMÁ 4. POLÍTICAS DE MEJORA PARA EL FORTALECIMIENTO DE LOS PROCESOS LOGÍSTICOS DEL PUERTO DE CARTAGENA 5. ALTERNATIVAS DE MEJORA AL PUERTO DE CARTAGENA 6. CONCLUSIONES7. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoIngeniero Industria

    Challenges to identify the vulnerability of migrant women on the southern border of europe: Contributions from biographical narratives

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    In the 1980s, the Southern Frontier of Spain became one of the southern borders of the European Union after Spain entered into the European Economic Community (EEC). On the African continent, the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla that border with Morocco are physically separated from Spain by the Mediterranean Sea. Those two cities became a privileged enclave for immigration control, but also for the detection of vulnerable conditions of the migrant population. This paper has a double objective: to describe the action research developed in the Center for the Temporary Residence of Immigrants in Ceuta and to analyze 49 biographical interviews with women residents of the Center within the framework of said action research. The results show the diversity of situations of vulnerability in which migrant women can find themselves in this border context. Hence, it is important to rethink the intervention to avoid secondary victimization within critical and humanistic models of intervention. This work, precisely, addresses the design of a tool for biographical narratives from the perspectives of integral health and care

    Razonamiento abductivo en una tarea con números 4-estelares

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    Esta ponencia presenta los avances y algunos resultados en un trabajo de grado de la Maestría en Docencia de la Matemática, el cual tiene como propósito caracterizar los razonamientos desarrollados por un grupo de estudiantes de primer semestre de universidad al resolver una tarea relacionada con los números 4-estelares. El referente teórico considerado en relación con los razonamientos abductivo, deductivo e inductivo es la teoría de Peirce en la segunda etapa de desarrollo. El análisis de los razonamientos logrados por los estudiantes se hace a partir del modelo de Toulmin sobre argumentación. Entre los resultados encontrados se observa que cada razonamiento abductivo se basa en una ruta que depende del nivel de dificultad de la expresión general encontrada


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