9,566 research outputs found

    Chance Constrained Optimization for Targeted Internet Advertising

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    We introduce a chance constrained optimization model for the fulfillment of guaranteed display Internet advertising campaigns. The proposed formulation for the allocation of display inventory takes into account the uncertainty of the supply of Internet viewers. We discuss and present theoretical and computational features of the model via Monte Carlo sampling and convex approximations. Theoretical upper and lower bounds are presented along with a numerical substantiation

    The impact of nonlocal response on metallo-dielectric multilayers and optical patch antennas

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    We analyze the impact of nonlocality on the waveguide modes of metallo-dielectric multilayers and optical patch antennas, the latter formed from metal strips closely spaced above a metallic plane. We model both the nonlocal effects associated with the conduction electrons of the metal, as well as the previously overlooked response of bound electrons. We show that the fundamental mode of a metal-dielectric-metal waveguide, sometimes called the gap-plasmon, is very sensitive to nonlocality when the insulating, dielectric layers are thinner than 5 nm. We suggest that optical patch antennas, which can easily be fabricated with controlled dielectric spacer layers and can be interrogated using far-field scattering, can enable the measurement of nonlocality in metals with good accuracy

    Mode identification in rapidly rotating stars from BRITE data

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    Apart from recent progress in Gamma Dor stars, identifying modes in rapidly rotating stars is a formidable challenge due to the lack of simple, easily identifiable frequency patterns. As a result, it is necessary to look to observational methods for identifying modes. Two popular techniques are spectroscopic mode identification based on line profile variations (LPVs) and photometric mode identification based on amplitude ratios and phase differences between multiple photometric bands. In this respect, the BRITE constellation is particularly interesting as it provides space-based multi-colour photometry. The present contribution describes the latest developments in obtaining theoretical predictions for amplitude ratios and phase differences for pulsation modes in rapidly rotating stars. These developments are based on full 2D non-adiabatic pulsation calculations, using models from the ESTER code, the only code to treat in a self-consistent way the thermal equilibrium of rapidly rotating stars. These predictions are then specifically applied to the BRITE photometric bands to explore the prospects of identifying modes based on BRITE observations.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the 3rd BRITE Science Worksho

    Ribbon Turbulence

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    We investigate the non-linear equilibration of a two-layer quasi-geostrophic flow in a channel forced by an imposed unstable zonal mean flow, paying particular attention to the role of bottom friction. In the limit of low bottom friction, classical theory of geostrophic turbulence predicts an inverse cascade of kinetic energy in the horizontal with condensation at the domain scale and barotropization on the vertical. By contrast, in the limit of large bottom friction, the flow is dominated by ribbons of high kinetic energy in the upper layer. These ribbons correspond to meandering jets separating regions of homogenized potential vorticity. We interpret these result by taking advantage of the peculiar conservation laws satisfied by this system: the dynamics can be recast in such a way that the imposed mean flow appears as an initial source of potential vorticity levels in the upper layer. The initial baroclinic instability leads to a turbulent flow that stirs this potential vorticity field while conserving the global distribution of potential vorticity levels. Statistical mechanical theory of the 1-1/2 layer quasi-geostrophic model predict the formation of two regions of homogenized potential vorticity separated by a minimal interface. We show that the dynamics of the ribbons results from a competition between a tendency to reach this equilibrium state, and baroclinic instability that induces meanders of the interface. These meanders intermittently break and induce potential vorticity mixing, but the interface remains sharp throughout the flow evolution. We show that for some parameter regimes, the ribbons act as a mixing barrier which prevent relaxation toward equilibrium, favouring the emergence of multiple zonal jets

    Ubiquitous diffraction resonances in positronium formation from fullerenes

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    Due to the dominant electron capture by positrons from the molecular wall and the spatial dephasing across the wall-width, a powerful diffraction effect universally underlies the positronium (Ps) formation from fullerenes. This results into trains of resonances in the Ps formation cross section as a function of the positron beam energy, producing uniform structures in recoil momenta in analogy with classical single-slit diffraction fringes in the configuration space. The prediction opens a hitherto unknown avenue of Ps spectroscopy with nanomaterials.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    The Hatano-Sasa equality: transitions between steady states in a granular gas

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    An experimental study is presented, about transitions between Non-Equilibrium Steady States (NESS) in a dissipative medium. The core device is a small rotating blade that imposes cycles of increasing and decreasing forcings to a granular gas, shaken independently. The velocity of this blade is measured, subject to the transitions imposed by the periodic torque variation. The Hatano-Sasa equality, that generalises the second principle of thermodynamics to NESS, is verified with a high accuracy (a few 10−310^{-3}), at different variation rates. Besides, it is observed that the fluctuating velocity at fixed forcing follows a generalised Gumbel distribution. A rough evaluation of the mean free path in the granular gas suggests that it might be a correlated system, at least partially

    Competing itinerant and localized states in strongly correlated BaVS3_3

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    The electronic structure of the quasi-lowdimensional vanadium sulfide \bavs3 is investigated for the different phases above the magnetic ordering temperature. By means of density functional theory and its combination with dynamical-mean field theory, we follow the evolution of the relevant low-energy electronic states on cooling. Hence we go in the metallic regime from the room temperature hexagonal phase to the orthorhombic phase after the first structural transition, and close with the monoclinic insulating phase below the metal-insulator transition. Due to the low symmetry and expected intersite correlations, the latter phase is treated within cellular dynamical mean-field theory. It is generally discussed how the intriguing interplay between band-structure and strong-correlation effects leads to the stabilization of the various electronic phases with decreasing temperature.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to PR

    Observation of soliton explosions in a passively mode-locked fiber laser

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    Soliton explosions are among the most exotic dissipative phenomena studied in mode-locked lasers. In this regime, a dissipative soliton circulating in the laser cavity experiences an abrupt structural collapse, but within a few roundtrips returns to its original quasi-stable state. In this work we report on the first observation of such events in a fiber laser. Specifically, we identify clear explosion signatures in measurements of shot-to-shot spectra of an Yb-doped mode-locked fiber laser that is operating in a transition regime between stable and noise-like emission. The comparatively long, all-normal-dispersion cavity used in our experiments also permits direct time-domain measurements, and we show that the explosions manifest themselves as abrupt temporal shifts in the output pulse train. Our experimental results are in good agreement with realistic numerical simulations based on an iterative cavity map.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitte
