126 research outputs found

    Extraction des paramètres électriques sur les transistors CMOS de technologies avancées

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    Session POSTER 3L'extraction des paramètres électriques est un point clef pour la compréhension des phénomènes physiques qui régissent le fonctionnement des transistors. La réduction des dimensions impose aujourd'hui d'adapter les méthodes d'extraction préexistantes aux nouvelles générations de dispositifs. Ainsi, nous montrons comment – à partir de courbe courant-tension ID(VG) et capacité-tension Cgc(VG) – il est possible d'extraire avec précision la mobilité à bas champ (μ0) et les résistances séries (RSD) sur des transistors ultra-courts

    A New Technique to Extract the Gate Bias Dependent S/D Series Resistance of Sub-100nm MOSFETs

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    International audienceIn this study, a new technique to extract the S/D series resistance (Rsd) from the total resistance versus transconductance gain plot Rtot(1/beta) is proposed. The technique only requires the measurement of Id(Vgs)|Vgt and beta, allowing fast and statistical analysis in an industrial context. Unlike the usual Rtot(L)-based techniques, it has the advantage of being insensitive to the channel length and mobility variations and finally enables to extract very accurate values for Rsd(Vgs) and the effective mobility reduction factor mueff(Vgt)/mueff(0)

    Effective field and universal mobility in high-k metal gate UTBB-FDSOI devices

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    session 1: parameter extractionInternational audienceThis paper aims at reviewing experimental and theoretical behaviors of universal mobility in high-k metal gate UTBB-FDSOI devices. Based on split-CV mobility measurements, the parameter η, characterizing the effective field, has been extracted for a large range of back voltages and temperatures in devices with various equivalent oxide thicknesses. We demonstrated that a nearly universal trend for the mobility with respect to the effective field can be obtained in the front inversion regime but is difficult to obtain in the back channel inversion regime. Keywords—FDSOI, universal mobility, effective field, coefficient η

    The impact of patients’ and physicians’ characteristics on surgery decision for head and neck cancer: Results of a national survey

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    Background: Population’s aging leads to an increased diagnosis of head and neckcancer (HNC) in older patients (pts). Treatment can involve surgery, radiation, sys-temic therapy or multimodal therapy. Due to heterogeneity of older pts, thecomprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is considered the gold standard tool toclassify pts according to frailty profile. Multidisciplinary approach including a geria-trician is essential. CGA may be helpful to personalize treatment plan and to detectgeriatric conditions that can be reversible through geriatric interventions. We aim toevaluate the impact of CGA on therapeutic decision

    Protecting essential health services in low-income and middle-income countries and humanitarian settings while responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    In health outcomes terms, the poorest countries stand to lose the most from these disruptions. In this paper, we make the case for a rational approach to public sector health spending and decision making during and in the early recovery phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on ethics and equity principles, it is crucial to ensure that patients not infected by COVID-19 continue to get access to healthcare and that the services they need continue to be resourced. We present a list of 120 essential non-COVID-19 health interventions that were adapted from the model health benefit packages developed by the Disease Control Priorities project

    Childhood asthma outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from the PeARL multinational cohort

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    Background The interplay between COVID-19 pandemic and asthma in children is still unclear. We evaluated the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on childhood asthma outcomes.Methods The PeARL multinational cohort included 1,054 children with asthma and 505 non-asthmatic children aged between 4 and 18 years from 25 pediatric departments, from 15 countries globally. We compared the frequency of acute respiratory and febrile presentations during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic between groups and with data available from the previous year. In children with asthma, we also compared current and historical disease control.Results During the pandemic, children with asthma experienced fewer upper respiratory tract infections, episodes of pyrexia, emergency visits, hospital admissions, asthma attacks, and hospitalizations due to asthma, in comparison with the preceding year. Sixty-six percent of asthmatic children had improved asthma control while in 33% the improvement exceeded the minimal clinically important difference. Pre-bronchodilatation FEV1 and peak expiratory flow rate were improved during the pandemic. When compared to non-asthmatic controls, children with asthma were not at increased risk of LRTIs, episodes of pyrexia, emergency visits, or hospitalizations during the pandemic. However, an increased risk of URTIs emerged.Conclusion Childhood asthma outcomes, including control, were improved during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, probably because of reduced exposure to asthma triggers and increased treatment adherence. The decreased frequency of acute episodes does not support the notion that childhood asthma may be a risk factor for COVID-19. Furthermore, the potential for improving childhood asthma outcomes through environmental control becomes apparent.</p

    Etude des oscillations de vortex magnétiques induites par transfert de spin

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    Cette thèse a été consacrée à l étude théorique et expérimentale des oscillations de vortex magnétiques induites pas transfert de spin. Le but étant de réaliser des oscillateurs avec des propriétés améliorées, c est-à-dire avec des émissions de grande puissance, petite largeur de raie, est obtenues en l'absence de champ magnétique externe. Les émissions hyperfréquences générées par le mouvement persistant d un vortex magnétique induit par l effet de transfert de spin semblent être l unique manière d'atteindre de bonnes largeurs de raie. Nous présentons ici les premières oscillations de vortex magnétiques induites par transfert de spin dans des jonctions tunnel à base de MgO permettant de fortement améliorer le niveau de puissance des émissions. Nous avons également effectué des expériences de blocage de phase avec un courant électrique hyperfréquence provenant d une source externe afin de comprendre les mécanismes de synchronisation de tels oscillateurs. De grandes gammes de synchronisation ont été observées, nous permettant de démontrer la synchronisation simultanée de deux oscillateurs indépendants connectés en série avec la source externe. Nous offrons également une description théorique de la dynamique des vortex dans le régime non-linéaire et de leur capacité à se synchroniser avec un courant hyperfréquence. Enfin, nous démontrons qu il est possible d observer des oscillations de vortex sans champ magnétique externe grâce à l utilisation d un polariseur à aimantation perpendiculaire. Une puissance d émission très élevée a été mesurée (0,6 W), avec une largeur de raie pouvant descendre jusqu à 100 kHzPARIS-BIUSJ-Biologie recherche (751052107) / SudocSudocFranceF