2,164 research outputs found

    "Me emme ole kirkkoa politisoimassa" : Keskustapuolue ja Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon kirkolliskokous vuosina 1970-1977

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    Tutkielma käsittelee historiantutkimuksen keinoin Keskustapuolueen ja Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon kirkolliskokouksen suhdetta ja suhteen kehittymistä vuosina 1970 1977. Aihepiiriä lähestytään sekä henkilö- että organisaatiotasolla. Päälähteinä ovat kirkolliskokouksen pöytäkirjat sekä Keskustapuolueen eri puolue-elinten, ennen kaikkea kirkkopoliittisen toimikunnan, arkistokokoelmat. Keskustapuolue aktivoitui muiden puolueiden tavoin kirkkopolitiikassaan 1960- ja 1970-luvun vaihteessa. Vanhojen herätysliikkeiden edustajista muodostetulla puolueen kirkkopoliittisella toimikunnalla oli tässä aktivoitumisessa keskeinen sija. Vuosikymmenen alussa kirkon politisoituminen nähtiin toimikunnassa pääasiassa myönteisenä kehityksenä. Pyrkiessään säilyttämään herätysliikkeiden luottamuksen toimikunta joutui kuitenkin vuodesta 1974 lähtien muuttamaan kantaansa ja korostamaan, ettei Keskustapuolue ollut politisoimassa kirkkoa. Puolueen kirkkopoliitikkojen mukaan keskusta pyrki itse asiassa kirkkopolitiikallaan vapauttamaan kirkon muiden puolueiden politikoinnilta. Totta olikin, että kirkkopoliittinen toimikunta pysyi melko pitkälle vaiti opillisista kysymyksistä. Sen sijaan kirkon hallinnon demokratisointia ja köyhien seurakuntien aseman parantamista ajettiin voimakkaasti. Vaikka keskustasuuntautuneet kirkolliskokousedustajat eivät muodostaneetkaan toiminnassaan mitään yhtenäistä ryhmää, he kunnostautuivat hyvin näiden kysymysten esillä pitämisessä, aivan samoin kuin raittiuden ajamisessa. Kirkossa kuunneltiin 1970-luvun alussa puolueiden vaatimuksia ja uudistettiin hallintoa. Vuosikymmenen edetessä Keskustapuolueen vaikuttamispyrkimykset kirkolliskokouksen asiakysymyksiin kuitenkin vähenivät. Samaan aikaan kirkolliskokous puolestaan aktivoitui yhteiskunnallisille päättäjille, ja siten myös Keskustapuolueelle, suuntaamissaan kannanotoissa. Keskustapuolueessa kuunneltiinkin tarkasti kirkon ääntä. Haluttiin asettua samalle kannalle kirkon kanssa ja puolustaa kirkkoa. Siten pyrittiin vastaamaan SKL:n nousuun ja toisaalta tarjoamaan vaihtoehto SDP:n kirkkopolitiikalle, joka tähtäsi kirkon ja valtion erottamiseen. Vaikka keskustan vaikuttamispyrkimykset kirkolliskokouksen asiakysymyksiin vaimenivat tutkimuskauden kuluessa, puolue panosti jatkuvasti enemmän kirkolliskokousedustajien vaaleihin ja kirkolliskokouksessa suoritettaviin henkilövalintoihin. Vuonna 1977 keskustassa viritettiin puolueorganisaatiota jo hyvin tehokkaasti seuraavan vuoden kirkolliskokousvaaleihin. SDP:n haastaminen kirkollisissa henkilövalinnoissa alkoi toden teolla vuonna 1973 eli samaan aikaan, kun keskustan ja SDP:n nimityskilpa käynnistyi muuallakin yhteiskunnassa. SDP:n uhalla perusteltiin keskustassa myös omaa kirkkopoliittista aktiivisuutta. Keskusta pyrki haastamaan SDP:n kirkossa paljolti samoin keinoin ja samalla retoriikalla kuin ammattiyhdistysliikkeessä. Keskustapuolue säilytti edustuksensa kirkolliskokouksessa muita puolueita paremmin tutkimuskauden kuluessa. Keskustasuuntautuneet kirkolliskokousedustajat olivat lähes poikkeuksetta maallikoita ja tulivat lähinnä puolueen vahvoilta kannatusalueilta, kuten Lapuan ja Oulun hiippakunnasta. Edustajien joukossa vanhojen herätysliikkeiden osuus oli huomattava, ja keskustassa pyrittiinkin saamaan omiksi ehdokkaiksi nimenomaan herätysliike-, ei niinkään puoluevaikuttajia

    Entrepreneurial roles, creativity and play

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    Previous research has defined diverse entrepreneurial identity roles. Although the division between these roles is clear, the impact of these roles on entrepreneurial ventures and the daily actions of entrepreneurs is yet rather ambiguous. Further, creativity and play are essential components of entrepreneurship. This derives from the significant influence creativity and play have on the emergence of innovation which is essential in entrepreneurship. However, since creativity and playfulness are not well-acknowledged in an organizational context nor in entrepreneurship as such, this study aims to increase the knowledge of creativity and play as a mediator to increase entrepreneurial emergence. The present Master’s thesis thus focuses on the relationship between entrepreneurial identity roles, creativity and play. The purpose of the study is to find out which types of creativity and play different entrepreneurial identity roles may invoke. The study was conducted through an exploratory research utilizing qualitative research methodologies to analyze the findings of semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted to gain the insights of five entrepreneurs and their subjective approach to different types of creativity and play which they utilize in their daily entrepreneurial endeavors. In order to analyze the impact of entrepreneurial identity role on the reported types of creativity and play, the interviewees were asked which one of the roles (1) inventor identity, (2) founder identity, and (3) developer identity would best describe them. The findings of the study suggest that there are some connections between the types of creativity and play invoked by particular entrepreneurial identity roles. The study was able to define the source of motivation related to each entrepreneurial identity role. Moreover, the study distinguished degrees of proactive and responsive creativity between the roles. In terms of play, the study reconciled the purpose of play which different roles are likely to utilize. Further, the study determined different types of play and was able to define which entrepreneurial identity role is likely to exploit certain types of play. However, since entrepreneurs may relate to several entrepreneurial identity roles at the same time, it is challenging to determine specific types of creativity and play invoked by a certain entrepreneurial identity role. Moreover, since creativity and play, as concepts, are rather scarcely utilized in the daily endeavors of entrepreneurs, more research should be conducted to increase the knowledge of the influences of these on entrepreneurial performance. This study contributes to the research on entrepreneurial identity roles with the perspective of creativity and play. Moreover, the study increases the practical insights of the variety of entrepreneurial identity roles

    Human trafficking as a crime against humanity : the potential to prosecute human trafficking at the International Criminal Court

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    Human trafficking is not a new phenomenon, but in the recent years it has started to gain more and more attention. One of the reasons for this increased interest can be found in the largest refugee and migrant crisis since WWII, which was set in motion in 2014. The Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court (ICC) includes an explicit reference to “trafficking in persons” as a crime against humanity. So far no cases of human trafficking have, however, been brought before the ICC or other international criminal courts and there remains ambiguity about its status as a crime against humanity. The main purpose of this thesis is to examine whether human trafficking constitutes a crime against humanity under the Rome Statute and consider the legal potential of bringing a case of human trafficking before the ICC. The thesis is divided into three parts. The thesis will begin by analyzing how human trafficking has been defined in international law. As the legal definition of human trafficking is still rather new, there are questions relating to the scope of it, its customary law status and relationship with the legal concept of slavery. The second part will analyze the contextual elements of crimes against humanity and review categories of crimes against humanity under which human trafficking could potentially fall within. The third part of the thesis takes the form of a case study. In order to concretize the challenges (and possibilities) of prosecuting human trafficking at the ICC, this thesis will analyze the situation in Libya. Libya was chosen because of the interest the OTP has shown in it indicating that the ICC might soon be confronted with the question of human trafficking. The conclusion of the thesis is that the Rome Statute includes all the necessary elements to bring a case of human trafficking before the ICC. There are even alternative provisions in the Rome Statute under which human trafficking could potentially fall, but this multiplicity of options can also lead to confusion and weaken the deterrent effect of the ICC. Recognizing human trafficking as a crime against humanity would enforce State’s obligation to criminalize and prosecute such conduct and contribute to counteracting human trafficking in the long run

    Neuronal plasticity and neurotrophic factors in drug responses

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    Neurotrophic factors, particularly brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and other members of the neurotrophin family, are central mediators of the activity-dependent plasticity through which environmental experiences, such as sensory information are translated into the structure and function of neuronal networks. Synthesis, release and action of BDNF is regulated by neuronal activity and BDNF in turn leads to trophic effects such as formation, stabilization and potentiation of synapses through its high-affinity TrkB receptors. Several clinically available drugs activate neurotrophin signaling and neuronal plasticity. In particular, antidepressant drugs rapidly activate TrkB signaling and gradually increase BDNF expression, and the behavioral effects of antidepressants are mediated by and dependent on BDNF signaling through TrkB at least in rodents. These findings indicate that antidepressants, widely used drugs, effectively act as TrkB activators. They further imply that neuronal plasticity is a central mechanism in the action of antidepressant drugs. Indeed, it was recently discovered that antidepressants reactivate a state of plasticity in the adult cerebral cortex that closely resembles the enhanced plasticity normally observed during postnatal critical periods. This state of induced plasticity, known as iPlasticity, allows environmental stimuli to beneficially reorganize networks abnormally wired during early life. iPlasticity has been observed in cortical as well as subcortical networks and is induced by several pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. iPlasticity is a new pharmacological principle where drug treatment and rehabilitation cooperate; the drug acts permissively to enhance plasticity and rehabilitation provides activity to guide the appropriate wiring of the plastic network. Optimization of iPlastic drug treatment with novel means of rehabilitation may help improve the efficacy of available drug treatments and expand the use of currently existing drugs into new indications.Peer reviewe

    Hack the room:an augmented reality game for non-experts to learn ethical hacking

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    Abstract. The shortage of cybersecurity skills caused by a widespread talent drought is having a signifcant economic impact on organizations globally. Several initiatives have been implemented to address this defcit, providing new educational pathways for novice and advanced students. Recently, ethical hacking gamifcation platforms and Capture the Flag (CTF) online games have risen in popularity, offering fun and engaging content that motivate beginners to acquire offensive and defensive cybersecurity skills. However, the use of augmented reality (AR) applications for cybersecurity skill development remains mostly unexplored. Against this backdrop, the overall aim of the thesis is to examine whether CTF games in AR can improve learning outcomes in information security and enhance security situational awareness. Specifcally, we explore how AR gamifcation impacts training and overall experience in the context of ethical hacking tasks. To achieve this, we have created Hack the Room, which is an ethical hacking game developed in Unity, where players use Linux terminals to solve CTF-style tasks. The game can be used for learning key cybersecurity concepts vital for organizations, and target users who have no previous cybersecurity experience, and need to be retrained for future-proofng organizations. In the game, the player has to use simple simple Linux terminal commands like listing fles in directories and reading fles stored in virtual machines hosted in the cloud (CSC Pouta) to reach the predetermined tasks. Each playthrough lasts 20 minutes and features three tasks. The game can be modifed or made more diffcult by changing the tasks in the virtual machine. The main goal of the game is to complete all of the tasks in the game. Our gamifcation concept was evaluated in a feld experiment that included six participants divided into two groups, an expert group (N=3) and a non-expert group (N=3). The expert group responded to a questionnaire that assessed their situational awareness during the game, while the non-expert group responded to a questionnaire that evaluated learning outcomes. The participants reported positive learning outcomes and high situational awareness after playing the game.Hack the room : lisätyn todellisuuden peli eettisen hakkeroinnin oppimiseen. Tiivistelmä. Pula tietoturvaosaamisesta vaikuttaa taloudellisesti organisaatioihin maailmanlaajuisesti. Tämän puutteen korjaamiseksi on tehty useita aloitteita, joissa tarjotaan oppipolkuja aloitteleville sekä edistyneemmille oppillaille. Eettisen hakkeroinnin pelillistämisalustat sekä Capture the Flag- (CTF) (suom. lipunryöstö) verkkopelit ovat lisänneet suosiotaan viime vuosina ja ne tarjoavat hyvän mahdollisuuden vasta-alkajille opetella tietoturvahyökkäämistä ja -puolustamista. Lisätyn todellisuuden hyödyntämistä tietoturvakoulutuksessa ei ole kuitenkaan tutkittu laajalti. Tässä kandidaatin tutkinnossa käsitellään lisätyn todellisuuden hyödyntämistä CTF-peleissä sekä sitä, miten lisätty todellisuus vaikuttaa tietoturvallisuuden ja turvallisuuden tilannetietoisuuden oppimiseen. Käsittelemme erityisesti, miten lisätyn todellisuuden pelillistäminen vaikuttaa harjoitteluun sekä yleiseen kokemukseen eettisissä hakkerointitehtävissä. Tämän mahdollistamiseksi loimme Hack the Roomin, joka on Unityssä kehitetty kyberturvallisuuspeli, jossa pelaajat käyttävät Linux-terminaaleja läpäistäkseen lipunryöstötyyppisiä tehtäviä. Sitä voidaan käyttää työkaluna henkilöiden tietoturvaan tutustuttamiseen, kouluttamiseen ja uudelleen opettamiseen. Pelin tehtävät koostuivat yksinkertaisista tehtävistä, joissa käytettiin Linuxkomentoja, kuten tiedostojen listaamista ja -lukemista. Jokainen pelikerta on 20 minuutin pituinen ja sisältää kolme tehtävää. Peliä voi muokata tarpeiden mukaan, esimerkiksi nostaa vaikeustasoa muuttamalla pelin virtuaalikonetta. Pelin käyttämä virtuaalikone sijaitsee CSC Pouta-palvelimella. Kehittämämme pelillistämiskonsepti evaluoitiin kenttäkokeella. Kokeessa oli 6 osallistujaa, jotka jaettiin kahteen ryhmään. Ryhmät koostuivat asiantuntijoista ja henkilöistä, joilla ei ollut aiempaa kokemusta eettisestä hakkeroinnista. Asiantuntijoiden ryhmä vastasi kyselyyn, joka mittasi heidän tilannetietoisuuttaan ja toinen ryhmä kyselyyn, joka mittasi heidän oppimistaan pelissä. Kenttäkoe osoitti sekä positiivisia oppimistuloksia, että korkeaa tilannetietoisuutta pelissä

    Comparative analysis of energy security in the Nordic countries : the role of renewable energy resources in diversification

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    Security of energy supply has been one of the important debates among citizens and governments of the Nordic countries after the first energy crisis. In response, diversification was defined as the heart strategy to reach a certain level of energy supply. This article discusses about the level of energy security in the Nordic countries with comparison to other developed countries and their neighbors. Then, the support schemes and policies to achieve the energy security and diversification are reviewed based on the system thinking approach with especial focus on the renewable energy resources. This approach provides a unique and powerful tool to explain the complexity and the relationships among the elements of the support schemes in the energy security analysis.©2012 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Journal of renewable and sustainable energy 4(6) in 2012, and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4765695.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A variable time step self-consistent mean field DSMC model for three-dimensional environments

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    A self-consistent mean field direct simulation Monte Carlo (SCMFD) algorithm was recently proposed for simulating collision environments for a range of one-dimensional model systems. This work extends the one-dimensional SCMFD approach to three dimensions and introduces a variable time step (3D-vt-SCMFD), enabling the modeling of a considerably wider range of different collision environments. We demonstrate the performance of the augmented method by modeling a varied set of test systems: ideal gas mixtures, Poiseuille flow of argon, and expansion of gas into high vacuum. For the gas mixtures, the 3D-vt-SCMFD method reproduces the properties (mean free path, mean free time, collision frequency, and temperature) in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. From the Poiseuille flow simulations, we extract flow profiles that agree with the solution to the Navier–Stokes equations in the high-density limit and resemble free molecular flow at low densities, as expected. The measured viscosity from 3D-vt-SCMF is ∼15% lower than the theoretical prediction from Chapman–Enskog theory. The expansion of gas into vacuum is examined in the effusive regime and at the hydrodynamic limit. In both cases, 3D-vt-SCMDF simulations produce gas beam density, velocity, and temperature profiles in excellent agreement with analytical models. In summary, our tests show that 3D-vt-SCMFD is robust and computationally efficient, while also illustrating the diversity of systems the SCMFD model can be successfully applied to

    Management of postoperative complications may favour the centralization of distal pancreatectomies. Nationwide data on pancreatic distal resections in Finland 2012-2014

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    Background: Centralization of pancreatic surgery has proceeded in the last few years in many countries. However, information on the effect of hospital volume specifically on distal pancreatic resections (DP) is lacking. Aim: To investigate the effect of hospital volume on postoperative complications in DP patients in Finland. Methods: All DP performed in Finland during the period 2012-2014 were analyzed, information having been retrieved from the appropriate national registers. Hospital volumes, postoperative pancreatic fistulae (POPF) and overall complications were graded. High volume centre (HVC) was defined as performing > 10 DPs, median volume centre (MVC) 4-9 DPs and low volume centre (LVC) fewer than 4 DP annually. Results: A total of 194 DPs were performed at 18 different hospitals. Of these 42% (81) were performed in HVCs (2 hospitals), 43% (84) in MVCs (6 hospitals) and the remaining 15% (29) in LVCs (10 hospitals). Patient demographics did not differ between the hospital volume groups. The overall rate of clinically relevant POPF, Clavien-Dindo grade 3-5 complications, and 90-day mortality showed no significant differences between the different hospital volumes. Grade C POPF was found more often in LVCs, being 1.2% in HVCs, 0% in MCVs and 6.9% in LVCs, p = 0.030. More reoperations were performed in LVCs (10.3%) than in HVCs (1.2%) or MVCs (1.2%); p = 0.025. Conclusions: Even though the rate of postoperative complications after DP is not affected by hospital volume, reoperations were performed ten times more often in the low-volume centres. Optimal management of postoperative complications may favour centralization not only of PD, but also of DP. (C) 2018 IAP and EPC. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe