220 research outputs found
An overview of relations between Serbia and Bulgaria in 1914-1915
The subject matter of this paper are some issues of the Serbian-Bulgarian relations after the Balkan Wars in 1912-1913, and especially after reestablishing diplomatic relations in January 1914, up to the autumn of 1915. Special attention was paid to the attempts of the political leadership in Sofia to destabilize the security situation in the newly liberated parts of Serbia through negative propaganda, as well as the standpoint of the Kingdom of Bulgaria towards the Austro-German aggression on Serbia during the second half of 1914. The paper also discusses the standpoint of official Sofia towards the Balkan policy of the Central Powers at the beginning of World War I, up to Bulgaria’s accession to the block in September 191
Sadržaj fluora u zemljištima severnog Pomoravlja
Soil sampling was carried out in the Velika Morava river valley, covering the area from Velika Plana to the mouth of Morava to the Danube. The composite soil samples, representing alluvial soils (22 samples), cambisols (14) and smonitzas (4), were taken from plough layers, based on a regular square grid with intervals set at 5x5 km, covering total area of 100,000 ha. The total and available fluorine contents were determined in the soils samples. The highest average amount of total fluorine was found for alluvial soils (391 mg kg-1), then for smonitzas (348 mg kg-1) and the lowest one for cambisols (285 mg kg-1). These amounts are within normal fluorine content for soils (150-400 mg kg-1), although the maximum found levels were even about 500 mg kg-1. The available fluorine content was very low ( lt 1 mg kg-1), being mostly less than 0.2 % from its total amount, so it could be concluded that there was no danger from fluorine accumulation in the plants. Statistically significant correlation coefficient between total and available fluorine contents was not obtained. The total and available fluorine contents have mostly been in the correlation (with positive sign) with soil pH and the content of mechanical fraction silt+clay. Significant correlation coefficients between total fluorine content and the content of some heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Co, Cu, As) were also found, which indicated their mutual geochemical origin.U dolini reke Velike Morave, u delu od Velike Plane do njenog ušća u Dunav uzeti su reprezentativni uzorci zemljišta iz orničnog sloja, po mreži kvadrata veličine 5x5 km. U njima su odredjeni ukupni i pristupačni sadržaji fluora. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena aluvijalna zemljišta (22 uzorka) gajnjače (14) i smonice (4), što odgovara površini od 100. 000 ha. Za ukupni fluor najviše srednje vrednosti su nadjene u aluvijumima (391 ppm), zatim u smonicama (348 ppm) i najmanje u gajnjačama (285 ppm). Ove vrednosti se nalaze u granicama normalnih sadržaja za zemljišta (150-400 ppm), mada se maksimalne vrednosti kreću i oko 500 ppm. Pristupačni sadržaj fluora je u ispitivanim zemljištima jako nizak ( lt 1 ppm), što najčešće čini ispod 0,2 % od ukupnog fluora, pa se može zaključiti da ne postoji opasnost od akumulacije fluora u biljkama koje se gaje na ispitivanom području. Nije nadjena korelativna veza ukupnog sa pristupačnim fluorom. Sadržaji ukupnog i pristupačnog fluora su najčešće bili u korelaciji (pozitivnoj) sa pH vrednošću zemljišta, i sadržajem frakcije prah+glina. Nadjene su i korelativne veze ukupnog fluora sa sadržajima nekih teških metala (Cr, Ni Co, Cu, As), što ukazije na njihovo zajedničko geohemijsko poreklo
Snabdevenost važnijih tipova zemljišta Srbije osnovnim alkalnim elementima Ca, Mg, K i Na
In this paper results are presented of agrochemical and mineralogical analyses of 14 types of important soils in Serbia (Vojvodina and Central Serbia) and total content and availability of base alkali elements (Ca, Mg Na, K) are determined. Total element content was as follows: Ca 2.22%; K 1.77%; Na 0.85% and Mg 0.61%. Total content of alkali metals in the soils investigated and their variations within and between the soil types, is in very good/close correlation with contents of primary and secondary minerals as well as their rates of weathering. Taking in account the average availabilities the most abundant is calcium with 947 mg/100 g, whilst the averages of the other elements (Mg, K and Na) are quite similar and are about of 40 mg/100 g of soil. The results obtained have shown that the soils investigated are well to moderate provided with K, Ca and Mg and that their deficit could not be expected in plant nutrition, apart for some plants/cultures in the case of magnesium due to occasionally higher Ca/Mg and K/Mg ratios.U ovom radu je ispitivano 100 reprezentativnih uzoraka 14 tipova zemljišta Srbije (Vojvodina, Šumadija i Severno Pomoravlje) u pogledu ukupnog i pristupačnog sadržaja osnovnih alkalnih metala (Ca, Mg, K i Na). Takođe je prikazan i prosečan mineraloški sastav ispitivanih zemljišta. Nađeni su sledeći srednji ukupni sadržaji ispitivanih elemenata: Ca - 2,25%; K - 1,77% Na - 0,85% i Mg - 0,61%. Ukupni sadržaji ispitivanih alkalnih metala u našim zemljištima i njihova vapipanja između i unutar zemljišnih tipova u uskoj su vezi sa zastupljenošću određenih primarnih i sekundarnih minerala i njihovom otpornošću na raspadanje. Prema srednjim vrednostima za pristupačne sadržaje najviše ima kalcijuma (947 mg/100 g), a srednji sadržaji za ostale baze (Mg K i Na) su vrlo slični i kreću ce oko 40 mg/100 g. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su ispitivana zemljišta dobro i srednje obezbeđena K, Ca i Mg i da se ne mogu očekivati njihovi deficiti za ishranu biljaka, osim za neke kulture u slučaju magnezijuma, zbog ponekad suviše povišenih odnosa Ca/Mg i K/Mg
The function of cathedral rite elements in the contemporary form of worship of the orthodox church : liturgiological analysis
Савремено православно богослужење представља резултат сложеног
историјског процеса синтезе елемената константинопољске (Евхологион,
Лекционар и Месецослов) и јерусалимске (Часослов, Псалтир и зборници
химни) литургијске традиције. Двe најважније истoријске прекретнице у
овом процесу су студитска синтеза у 8. и неосаваитска синтеза у 14. веку.
Међутим, елементи константинопољског предања, који су још у 8. веку
сједињени са јерусалимским у оквиру студитске синтезе, опстали су и у
коначној форми Типика Светог Саве Освећеног, која је после појаве првих
штампаних издања у 16. веку постала општеважећа у читавој Православној
Студија представља управо истраживање наведене синтезе ради
откривања елемената азматског типика у данас актуелној богослужбеној
форми. Стога је средишњи део рада посвећен реконструкцији и компарацији
структура различитих последовања азматског, студитског и неосаваитског
типика. Поређењем последовања Јутрења, Вечерња, Литургије и часова у
наведене три форме, откривени су елементи последовања који су у
савремену форму прешли из азматског типика.
Коначно, последње поглавље истраживања посвећено је
литургиолошкој анализи наведених елемената. Посебно ћемо се осврнути на
значај очувања поменутих елемената у савременој пракси. У складу са
древним пореклом које је посведочено у изворима (Апостолске установе,
Етерија, Свети Јован Златоусти и др.), елементи азматског типика имају
централно и неизоставно место у савременом богослужењу. Истовремено,
они су и највиталнији чиниоци у структурама последовањâ, који су опстали и
поред бурног развоја дневног богослужбеног круга византијског
литургијског типа.The contemporary form of Orthodox worship is the result of a complex historical
process, with synthesized elements of both Constantinopolitan (euchologion,
lectionary, and menaion) and Hagiopolite (Book of the Hours, Psalter, and anthologies
of hymns) liturgical traditions. The two most important turning points in
this historical process were the Studite and Neo-Savvaite syntheses of the 8th and
14th centuries, respectively. However, elements of the Constantinopolitan tradition,
which by the 8th century had merged with the Hagiopolite tradition under the
framework of the Studite synthesis, survived in their final form in the Typikon of St.
Savvas the Sanctified, whose general acceptance across the Orthodox commonwealth
only came after the appearance of the first printed publications of the 16th
Our study contributes to the research of the abovementioned synthesis by
uncovering elements of the cathedral rite in the contemporary liturgical form, as
practiced within the Orthodox Church. Hence, the central part of this study is dedicated
to the reconstruction and structural comparison of various canonical offices
(akolouthiae) of the cathedral, Studite, and Neo-Savvite traditions. By comparing
the offices of matins, vespers, liturgy, and hours within these three traditions, we
can trace the evolutionary development of particular elements of these offices
from the cathedral rite into their contemporary form.
Finally, the conclusion of our research delivers a liturgiological analysis of
the aforementioned elements. In particular, we will underscore the importance of
preserving the said elements within the contemporary practice. And in accordance
with their ancient origin evidenced in the sources (Apostolic Constitutions, Egeria,
St. John Chrysostom, etc.), we will demonstrate how elements of the cathedral rite
function as central and indispensable elements of contemporary liturgical practice,
and how they survived as the most vital components within the structure of these
offices amid the turbulent development of the daily cycle of the Byzantine liturgical
The availability of base elements (Ca, Mg, Na, K) in some important soil types in Serbia
In this paper results are presented of agrochemical and mineralogical analyses of 14 types of important soils in Serbia (Vojvodina and Central Serbia) and total content and availability of base alkali elements (Ca, Mg Na, K) are determined. Total element content was as follows: Ca 2.22%; K 1.77%; Na 0.85% and Mg 0.61%. Total content of alkali metals in the soils investigated and their variations within and between the soil types, is in very good/close correlation with contents of primary and secondary minerals as well as their rates of weathering. Taking in account the average availabilities the most abundant is calcium with 947 mg/100 g, whilst the averages of the other elements (Mg, K and Na) are quite similar and are about of 40 mg/100 g of soil. The results obtained have shown that the soils investigated are well to moderate provided with K, Ca and Mg and that their deficit could not be expected in plant nutrition, apart for some plants/cultures in the case of magnesium due to occasionally higher Ca/Mg and K/Mg ratios
Optimalni model metode konačnih elemenata (MKE) konstrukcije strijele plovnog bagera
This paper is presentation of the development of advanced approach for modeling and structural analysis of jib structure which is usually part of waterway bucket dredgers. Object of analysis is a jib structure which will be reconstructed for the excavation of grain material from a river bed. Main goal of paper is to proof benefits of enough sophisticated i.e. “optimal” FEM model for structural analysis of this type of structures in comparison with simple, but not adequate models. Proper stress state is emphasized as primary, but not only condition. It is necessary to reach serviceability and durability state, as well as affordable financial construction circumstances.Rad je kratki prikaz razvitka naprednog pristupa u modeliranju i strukturnoj analizi konstrukcije strijele, koja je uobičajeni dio plovnih bagera. Predmet analize je konstrukcija strijele bagera vedričara rekonstruisanog za iskop šljunka sa dna vodotoka. Cilj rada je da dokaže prednosti dovoljno sofi sticiranog tj. “optimalnog” MKE modela za analizu ovog tipa konstrukcija u odnosu na jednostavne, ali neodgovarajuće modele. Odgovarajuće naponsko stanje je istaknuto kao primarni, ali ne i jedini uvjet za rabljenje bagera. Potrebno je osigurati i odgovarajuće stanje upotrebljivosti i trajnosti, kao i povoljne ekonomske uvjete izrade konstrukcije
Three new cave-dwelling trechine ground beetles from eastern and southeastern Serbia (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae)
Three new troglobitic trechine ground beetle species are described from three
caves in eastern and southeastern Serbia: Duvalius (Paraduvalius) bogovinae
sp. n., from the Bogovinska Pećina Cave, village of Bogovina, Kučajske
Planine Mts., near Boljevac, eastern Serbia; D. (P.) milutini sp. n., from
the Samar cave system, village of Kopajkošara, Mt. Kalafat, near Svrljig,
southeastern Serbia, and D. (P.) beljanicae sp. n., from the Velika Atula
Cave, village of Strmosten, Mt. Beljanica, near Despotovac, eastern Serbia.
The new species are easily distinguished from relatives. All important
morphological features, along with the diagnoses and illustrations of the new
taxa are presented. The new species are relicts and endemics of eastern and
southeastern Serbia. They probably belong to old phyletic lineages of
Tertiary or even pre-Tertiary origin. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike
Srbije, br. 173038
Adaptive uniform polar quantization
A simple and complete analysis for an optimal uniform polar quantizer with respect to mean-square error (MSE) as efficient quantization technique for any number of points N (Fixed-Rate) is given. Conditions for the optimality of the polar quantizer and all main equations for phase partitions and optimal number of levels are presented. Improved performance over product polar quantization and scalar uniform quantization proposed in the literature is afforded by allowing a variable number of phases at each magnitude level.Представлено простий і повний аналіз оптимального рівномірного полярного квантування відносно середньоквадратичної помилки як ефективний метод квантування для будь-якого числа точок N (з фіксованою частотою). Також представлені умови оптимальності полярного квантувателя та всі основні рівняння для розділення фаз й оптимальної кількості рівнів. Поліпшена характеристика добутку полярного квантування й скалярного рівномірного квантування, що наведена в літературі, припускається за умови наявності змінного числа фаз при кожному рівні величини.Представлен простой и полный анализ оптимального равномерного полярного квантования относительно среднеквадратической ошибки как эффективный метод квантования для любого числа точек N (с фиксированной частотой). Также представлены условия оптимальности полярного квантователя и все основные уравнения для разделения фаз и оптимальное количество уровней. Улучшенная характеристика произведения полярного квантования и скалярного равномерного квантования, приводимая в литературе, допускается при условии наличия переменного числа фаз при каждом уровне величины
Porast i formiranje plodonosnih tela gljive Pleurotus ostreatus na supstratu obogaćenom neorganskim jedinjenjima selena
Selenium is a trace mineral chemically related to sulfur and tellurium. In the body selenium combines with protein molecules to form selenoproteins and it is distributed in low concentrations and unequally in air, soil and water all over the world. Edible mushrooms are known to be selenium accumulators. Since mushrooms contain relatively high protein levels, and they can accumulate large amounts of selenium, it is reasonable to expect that selenium could be incorporated into proteins. The growth of mycelia and fruit body formation of different medicinal mushroom strains of Pleurotus ostreatus (Hk-35 and P70) over the wide range of concentrations of inorganic form of selenium were examined. Mushrooms were cultivated on agar base media and on substrates based on sawdust. Vegetative growths of mycelium were measured as colony diameter in pure cultures supplemented with inorganic form of Se supplements, prepared as Na2SeO4 and Na2SeO3 in concentrations of: 1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 mg/l. Inorganic form of Se supplements, showed stimulation effects (in concentration of 1-50 mg/l) and toxic effects in higher concentration. On the standard industrial sawdust based substrate, supplemented with 100 mg/kg Na2SeO4 and Na2SeO3, accumulation of Se in fruit bodies was determined by the method of flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The readings were performed on Varian SpectrAA-10 spectrophotometer equipped with VGA-76. Se as Na2SeO4 and Na2SeO3 was effectively taken up from substrates and accumulated in fruit bodies. Mushrooms accumulated selenium between 120 and 250 mg/kg dry weight. In mushrooms cultivated without Se supplement, Se contents were only about 1 mg/kg and in substrate about 0.1 mg/kg.Selen je esencijelni mikroelement, neophodan u malim količinama. Zemljište na teritoriji Evrope ima nizak sadržaj selena. Pečurke sadrže relativno visok nivo proteina, te stoga mogu da usvoje visoke koncentracije selena, koji se inkorporira u proteine formirajući selenoproteine. U radu je ispitivan uticaj većeg broja različitih koncentracija neorganskih jedinjenja selena na porast i formiranje plodonosnih tela medicinski značajne gljive Pleurotus ostreatus (komercijalni sojevi Hk-35 i R70). Porast micelijuma na sladnom agaru praćen je merenjem prečnika kolonije čiste kulture obogaćene neorganskim jedinjenjima selena. Korišćena neorganska jedinjenja selena, u obliku Na2SeO4 i Na2SeO3 (1-50 mg/l), stimulisala su porast micelijuma, dok su veće koncentracije pokazale različit toksičan efekat u zavisnosti od koncentracije dodavanog jedinjenja i soja gljive. Pečurke su zatim gajene na hranljivom supstratu obogaćenom neorganskim jedinjenjima selena koncentracije do 100 mg/kg. Sadržaj selena u plodonosnim telima određen je pomoću AAS (hidridni metod) nakon vlažne digestije i rezultati su očitani na VarianSpectarAA-10 spektrofotometru sa VGA-76 (pomoćni aparat za isparavanje) LSD testom. Analize su pokazale da su gljive upešno usvojile selen u plodonosnom telu. Totalni sadržaj selena u plodonosnom telu pečuraka zavisio je od ispitivanog soja i vrste dodavanog jedinjenja. Pleurotus ostreatus je bolje usvojila selen iz Na2SeO3 nego iz Na2SeO4. Koncentracija usvojenog selena se kretala između 120 i 250 mg/kg suve mase. U pečurkama koje su gajene na supstratu bez dodatka selena, sadržaj selena je iznosio svega oko 1 μg/g, dok se ova vrednost za čist supstrat kretala oko 0.1 mg/kg
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