159 research outputs found

    The Plight of Sociology at the University

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    U tekstu se izveštava o rezultatima socio-empirijskog istraživanja tzv. marksističkog obrazovanja na Univerzitetu u Nišu. Iz obimnog materijala proučavanja ovde se interpretiraju neki podaci vezani za sociologiju, a zanemaruju oni o marksističkoj filozofiji, političkoj ekonomiji i političkom sistemu SFRJ. Sociološka zajednica poseduje institucije za edukaciju svojih pripadnika, ali kao ni jedna druga zajednica dozvoljava prevelik profesionalni nered u svom sektoru. Pravo da se krsti sociologom podjednako ima onaj čija se edukacija odvijala na matičnim fakultetima kao i onaj ko se našao u sociologiji igrom slučaja. Istraživanje je potvrdilo da se na Univerzitetu u Nišu upravo tako nešto zbiva. Ako se za jugoslavensku sociologiju postavlja pitanje koliko je zrela kao nauka nalazi istraživanja pokazuju da je u njoj mnogo opštih mesta, sterilnog pozivanja na autoritete, teorijske poze, kompilacije, ali veoma malo materijala o bazičnim problemima s kojima se sociolozi suočavaju svakodnevno. Sociologija se na Univerzitetu u Nišu predaje i u kombinovanim predmetima sa naslovima »Marksizam i sociologija«, »Marksistička filozofija i sociologija«, »Sociologija i teorija i praksa samoupravljanja«, »Sociologija i filozofija prirodnih nauka«. Pitanje je: ko to treba i da li iko može uspešno da predaje kombinovane predmete? Može li se nastava na kombinovanim predmetima zasnivati na rezultatima naučnoistraživačkog rada? Nisu li zapravo sociolozi kao nastavnici ovih kombinovanih predmeta primorani da kao »univerzalni neznalice« predaju ono za što su nestručni, bitno doprineli udesu sociologije na Univerzitetu u Nišu. Ideološki, eksterni razlog nepovoljnog položaja sociologije je u tezi o neprimerenosti socioloških disciplina koncepciji tzv. integralnog marksističkog obrazovanja. Tako je i sociologija na Univerzitetu u Nišu ustuknula od opšteobrazovnog predmeta koji je bio zastupljen na svim fakultetima i bio tretiran kao matematika na tehničkim fakultetima, do situacije da se bori za svoj dignitet u bezličnom marksističkom obrazovanju i svakojakim veštačkim kombinacijama.The article reports on the results of a socio-empirical research project concerning so-called Marxist education at the University of Niš. From an abundance of data, those referring to sociology are interpreted in this article, and those referring to Marxist philosophy, political economy and the political system of the SFR Yugoslavia are put aside. The sociological community has institutions for educating its members, but as any other community, it does not allow to big a professional disorder within its sector. The right to be christened a sociologist is equally given to both those whose education took place on »parent« faculties, and those who found themselves »in« sociology by chance. This research project confirms that precisely such a process in under way at the University of Niš. If asking ourselves how mature a science Yugoslav sociology is, the results of our research point out that it embodies too many generalities, a sterile reference to authority, theoretical pose, compilation, but very little material concerning fundamental issues sociologists are confronted with daily. At the University of Niš, sociology is also lectured as part of the following composite subjects titled: »Marxism and Sociology«, »Marxist Philosophy and Sociology«, »Sociology and the Theory and Practice of Self-Management«, »Sociology and the Philosophy of Natural Sciences«. The question is: who should and can any one successfully lecture on composite subjects? Can such lecturing be based on research? Haven\u27t sociologists, in fact, as lecturers of these composite subjects, having been compelled, as »universal ignoramuses«, to teach what they have no qualification for, sufficiently contributed to the plight of sociology at the University of Niš? Ideologically, the external reason for such an unpropitious position of sociology can be found in the thesis of the unsuitability of sociological disciplines when the concept of the so-called integral Marxist education is concerned. Thus, at the University of Niš, sociology has also yielded to the »general-education« subject represented at all the faculties, and treated as mathematics at the faculties of technical sciences, and has reached a stage in which it is fighting for dignity surrounded by a nondescript Marxist education and all sorts of artificial combinations

    The availability of base elements (Ca, Mg, Na, K) in some important soil types in Serbia

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    In this paper results are presented of agrochemical and mineralogical analyses of 14 types of important soils in Serbia (Vojvodina and Central Serbia) and total content and availability of base alkali elements (Ca, Mg Na, K) are determined. Total element content was as follows: Ca 2.22%; K 1.77%; Na 0.85% and Mg 0.61%. Total content of alkali metals in the soils investigated and their variations within and between the soil types, is in very good/close correlation with contents of primary and secondary minerals as well as their rates of weathering. Taking in account the average availabilities the most abundant is calcium with 947 mg/100 g, whilst the averages of the other elements (Mg, K and Na) are quite similar and are about of 40 mg/100 g of soil. The results obtained have shown that the soils investigated are well to moderate provided with K, Ca and Mg and that their deficit could not be expected in plant nutrition, apart for some plants/cultures in the case of magnesium due to occasionally higher Ca/Mg and K/Mg ratios

    Optimalni model metode konačnih elemenata (MKE) konstrukcije strijele plovnog bagera

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    This paper is presentation of the development of advanced approach for modeling and structural analysis of jib structure which is usually part of waterway bucket dredgers. Object of analysis is a jib structure which will be reconstructed for the excavation of grain material from a river bed. Main goal of paper is to proof benefits of enough sophisticated i.e. “optimal” FEM model for structural analysis of this type of structures in comparison with simple, but not adequate models. Proper stress state is emphasized as primary, but not only condition. It is necessary to reach serviceability and durability state, as well as affordable financial construction circumstances.Rad je kratki prikaz razvitka naprednog pristupa u modeliranju i strukturnoj analizi konstrukcije strijele, koja je uobičajeni dio plovnih bagera. Predmet analize je konstrukcija strijele bagera vedričara rekonstruisanog za iskop šljunka sa dna vodotoka. Cilj rada je da dokaže prednosti dovoljno sofi sticiranog tj. “optimalnog” MKE modela za analizu ovog tipa konstrukcija u odnosu na jednostavne, ali neodgovarajuće modele. Odgovarajuće naponsko stanje je istaknuto kao primarni, ali ne i jedini uvjet za rabljenje bagera. Potrebno je osigurati i odgovarajuće stanje upotrebljivosti i trajnosti, kao i povoljne ekonomske uvjete izrade konstrukcije

    Analysis of polycystic ovary syndrome phenotypes and their impact on metabolic disturbancies

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    Sindrom policističnih jajnika (PCOS) je najčešća endokrinopatija kod žena u reproduktivnoj životnoj dobi. Zbog heterogenih kliničkih manifestacija sindroma, PCOS ima varijabilnu prevalencu, između 6% i 25% u različitim populacijama. Udružen je sa različitim reproduktivnim (hiperandrogenizam, menstrualna disfunkcija, infertilitet, spontani pobačaji u ranoj trudnoći, gestacioni dijabetes, hipertenzivni poremećaji u trudnoći, neonatalne komplikacije) i metaboličkim poremećajima (gojaznost, insulinska rezistencija-IR, oštećena tolerancija glukoze-IGT, dijabetes melitus tip 2-DMT2, hiperlipidemija, hipertenzija). Većina ovih metaboličkih poremećaja se obično manifestuje zajedno formirajući metabolički sindrom (MetS) koji predstavlja poznati faktor rizika za razvoj kardiovaskularnih bolesti (KVB). Po svemu sudeći IR je ključni faktor u etiologiji i metaboličkih ali i reproduktivnih komplikacija PCOS, ali i dalje nije jasno da li je IR intrinzična karakteristika PCOS ili samo posledica gojaznosti. Sa razvojem ESHRE/ASRM Roterdamskih kriterijuma za dijagnozu PCOS, pored ranije poznatih klasičnih fenotipova A (hiperandrogenizam-HA, anovulacija-ANOV i morfološki policistični jajnici prema ultrazvučnom nalazu-PCOM) i B (HA i ANOV), pojavila su se dva nova, ne-klasična fenotipa: C (HA i PCOM) i D (ANOV i PCOM). Iako postoji malo metodološki komplementarnih studija, često verifikovani diskretniji endokrinološki i metabolički poremećaji u ne-klasičnim fenotipovima su razlog kontinuirane debate stručne javnosti o tome da li ovi fenotipovi zaista mogu biti deo kompleksnog sindroma kao što je PCOS. Do sada postoje ograničena saznanja o relativnoj prevalenci kardiometaboličkih faktora rizika u različitim PCOS fenotipovima. Cilj ovog istraživanja je analiza endokrinoloških i metaboličkih karakteristika četiri različita PCOS fenotipa u našoj populaciji. Metodologija: Analizirali smo 365 žena sa PCOS (starosti: 25.48 ± 5.21 godina, indeksa telesne mase-BMI: 25.05 ± 6.24 kg/m2) i 125 zdravih žena (starosti: 30.35 ± 5.62 godina; BMI 24.50 ± 5.16 kg/m2). PCOS je dijagnostikovan pomoću ESHRE/ASRM kriterijumima, koji zahtevaju prisustvo najmanje dva od tri sledeća kriterijuma: ovulatorna disfunkcija, hiperandrogenizam i morfološki policistični jajnici prema nalazu na ultrazvuku...The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age. Because of heterogeneous clinical manifestations of the syndrome, it has variable prevalence that ranges from 6% to 25% in different populations. It is associated with a range of reproductive (hyperandrogenism, menstrual dysfunction, infertility, early pregnancy loss, gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders and neonatal complications) and metabolic features (obesity, insulin resistance-IR, impaired glucose tolerance-IGT, diabetes mellitus type 2-DMT2, hyperlipidemia, hypertension). Majority of these metabolic disturbances are usually manifested together forming metabolic syndrome (MetS), a well known risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). It seems that IR is a key factor in etiology of both metabolic and reproductive complications of PCOS and there is ongoing debate as to whether this IR is intrinsic to PCOS, related to obesity alone or related to both factors. With introduction of ESHRE/ASRM Rotterdam criteria for diagnosis of PCOS, besides previously known classic phenotypes A (hyperandrogenism-HA, anovulation-ANOV and morphologically polycystic ovaries-PCOM) and B (HA and ANOV), two new, non-classic phenotypes: C (ovulatory phenotype: HA+PCOM) and D (non-hyperandrogenic phenotype: ANOV+PCOM) have emerged. Although there are few, methodologically complementary studies, more frequently observed less severe endocrine and metabolic features of non-classic PCOS phenotypes are the reason for ongoing debate weather these phenotypes could really be a part of complex syndrome like PCOS. To date, there is limited understanding of the relative prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors across the different PCOS phenotypes. The aim of the study was to analyze endocrine and metabolic characteristics of four different PCOS phenotypes in our population Methodology: We analyzed 365 women with PCOS (age: 25.48 ± 5.21 years; body mass index-BMI 25.05 ± 6.24 kg/m2) and 125 healthy controls (age: 30.35 ± 5.62 years; BMI 24.50 ± 5.16 kg/m2). PCOS was diagnosed according to the ESHRE/ASRM criteria, requiring the presence of at least two out of the three following criteria: ovulatory dysfunction, androgen excess, and polycystic morphology of ovaries assessed by ultrasound..

    Detekcija mehanizama rezistencije na karbapeneme kod enterobakterija i vrste Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    The aims of the research: to examine the presence of genes which encode carbapenemases among enterobacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates with reduced sensitivity to carbapenems by using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR); to determine the most common mechanisms of resistance to carbapenems using phenotypic methods. To evaluate the phenotypic methods in relation to PCR as a reference method, and determine the most common phenotypes. Methods: 107 isolates from the Enterobacteriaceae family and 75 isolates of the species Pseudomonas aeruginosa were examined. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by the Kirby-Bauer disc-diffusion method and the automated Vitek2 system according to the recommendations of the Institute for Clinical and Laboratory Standards (CLSI). Using PCR and phenotypic methods, 56 enterobacterial isolates and 14 isolates of P. aeruginosa were tested. The results of the phenotypic tests were validated by a comparison with genotypic data and expressed through sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive value (PPV and NPV). Results: Carbapenemase genes were detected by the PCR method in 52 Enterobacteriaceae isolates: 24 blaNDM, 16 blaOXA-48, 10 blaNDM/ blaOXA-48, one isolate blaNDM/ blaOXA-48/ blaKPC , one isolate blaKPC/ blaNDM and six blaNDM genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. All of the tested isolates were negative for the blaVIM genes. Among the applied phenotypic tests, high specificity (in excess of 95%) was found for the modified Hodge test, the CARBA NP test, combined disc test and synergistic test, while high sensitivity (greater than 95%) was determined for thechromID CARBA agar. The most common phenotypes of resistance in enterobacteria were isolates resistant to all the tested antibiotics except for colistin and tigecycline, and in the case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to colistin and piperacillin-tazobactam. Conclusions: Based on the results of sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV, the phenotypic methods for the detection of carbapenemase production represent reliable tests for the detection of this resistance mechanism both in enterobacteria and in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Influence of different pore-forming agents on wollastonite microstructures

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    In this study, highly porous macro- and micro-cellular wollastonite-based ceramics was synthesized. Ceramic precursor, methylhydrocyclosiloxane, together with micro-sized CaCO3, was used as starting material. After 20 min of ultrasound treatment, and calcination at 250 oC for 30 min, different pore-forming agents were added to the as-obtained powders. Differential thermal analysis was used to determine characteristic temperatures of processes occurring within powders during heating. Based on the obtained results, sintering regime was set up. Prepared mixtures were pressed into pallets and sintered at 900 oC. During the sintering regime, highly porous wollastonite-based ceramics was obtained. The phase composition of the sintered samples as well as microstructures was analyzed by the means of X-ray diffraction method and SEM. Two-phase system was detected in all samples, CaSiO3 wollastonite and Ca2SiO4 larnite, and their ratio varied with each pore-forming agent. It was observed that addition of different pore-forming agent resulted in significantly different microstructures

    Investigation of different extraction procedures for the determination of major and trace elements in coal by ICP-AES and ion chromatography

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    This paper presents the extraction of major and trace elements from a coal sample, in deionized water, by using three different extraction techniques. Rotary mixing and ultrasonic extraction were examined for different extraction times, while the microwave-assisted extraction was performed at different temperatures. Metal concentrations (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Fe, Mn, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Hg, As, Ni, Se, Sb and Pb) in solution were determined employing inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry; whereas the results obtained for Na, K, Ca and Mg were compared employing ion chromatography. Comparing the rotary-and ultrasonic-assisted extractions, it was shown that the former technique was more efficient for the determination of Fe, Na and Pb, whereas the latter one proved more efficient for the determination of Co and Cr ions. Microwave-assisted extraction was shown to be the most efficient method for all the tested elements in coal. In addition, sequential extraction of the elements was realized using microwave digestion. The results of the sequential extraction experiments indicated associations of investigated elements with a mineral phase and organic matrix. Sequential extraction provided information on possible leaching of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb, Fe and Mn under environmental conditions


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    Finite-time stability for the linear discrete-time system with state delay was investigated in this article. Stability of the system was analyzed using both the Lyapunov-like approach and the discrete Jensen’s inequality. A novel Lyapunov-like functional with a discrete convolution of delayed states was proposed and used for the derivation of the sufficient stability conditions of the investigated system. As a result, the novel stability conditions guarantee that the states of the systems do not exceed the predefined boundaries on a finite time interval. The proposed methodology was illustrated with a numerical example. A computer simulation was performed for the analysis of the dynamical behavior of this system