74 research outputs found

    Database of Properties of Meteors

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    A database of properties of meteors, and software that provides access to the database, are being developed as a contribution to continuing efforts to model the characteristics of meteors with increasing accuracy. Such modeling is necessary for evaluation of the risk of penetration of spacecraft by meteors. For each meteor in the database, the record will include an identification, date and time, radiant properties, ballistic coefficient, radar cross section, size, density, and orbital elements. The property of primary interest in the present case is density, and one of the primary goals in this case is to derive densities of meteors from their atmospheric decelerations. The database and software are expected to be valid anywhere in the solar system. The database will incorporate new data plus results of meteoroid analyses that, heretofore, have not been readily available to the aerospace community. Taken together, the database and software constitute a model that is expected to provide improved estimates of densities and to result in improved risk analyses for interplanetary spacecraft. It is planned to distribute the database and software on a compact disk

    Statistical framework for estimating GNSS bias

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    We present a statistical framework for estimating global navigation satellite system (GNSS) non-ionospheric differential time delay bias. The biases are estimated by examining differences of measured line integrated electron densities (TEC) that are scaled to equivalent vertical integrated densities. The spatio-temporal variability, instrumentation dependent errors, and errors due to inaccurate ionospheric altitude profile assumptions are modeled as structure functions. These structure functions determine how the TEC differences are weighted in the linear least-squares minimization procedure, which is used to produce the bias estimates. A method for automatic detection and removal of outlier measurements that do not fit into a model of receiver bias is also described. The same statistical framework can be used for a single receiver station, but it also scales to a large global network of receivers. In addition to the Global Positioning System (GPS), the method is also applicable to other dual frequency GNSS systems, such as GLONASS (Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema). The use of the framework is demonstrated in practice through several examples. A specific implementation of the methods presented here are used to compute GPS receiver biases for measurements in the MIT Haystack Madrigal distributed database system. Results of the new algorithm are compared with the current MIT Haystack Observatory MAPGPS bias determination algorithm. The new method is found to produce estimates of receiver bias that have reduced day-to-day variability and more consistent coincident vertical TEC values.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, submitted to AM

    Diurnal Variation of TEC and S 4 Index During the Period of Low Geomagnetic Activity at Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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    Ile-Ife lies on the equatorial anomaly region where the ionospheric current is greatly influenced by the existence of the equatorial electrojet. The dual frequency SCINDA NovAtel GSV 4004B GPS receiver recently installed at Ile-Ife [on geographical latitude 7°33′N and longitude 4°33′E and geomagnetic dipole (coordinate) of latitude 9.84°N and longitude 77.25°E] is currently operational and recording data from the available global positioning system satellites. The receiver provides the data on total electron content (TEC) and the scintillation index (S[subscript 4]). This paper presents the first sets of results from this station. Data records for the month of February 2010 were analyzed using the WinTec-P software program and these were interpreted to discuss the diurnal variation of the TEC and S[subscript 4] index during the period considered, as having low geomagnetic activity. The vertical TEC in this study showed that the values vary widely from as low as 0 TECu about sunrise to about 35 TECu during the day. Depletion in TEC was also noticed about sunset and marked by the occurrence of scintillations with a maximum index value of 0.3. Results of the IRI models and the observed TEC differ considerably; hence, there is the need to improve IRI models for its adaptability to the Africa ionospheric conditions

    Hemispherical Shifted Symmetry in Polar Cap Patch Occurrence: A Survey of GPS TEC Maps From 2015–2018

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    Much theoretical and observational work has been devoted to studying the occurrence of F region polar cap patches in the Northern Hemisphere; considerably less work has been applied to the Southern Hemisphere. In recent years, the Madrigal database of mappings of total electron content (TEC) has improved in Southern Hemisphere coverage, to the point that we can now carry out a study of patch frequency and occurrence. We find that Southern Hemisphere patch occurrence is very similar to that of the Northern Hemisphere with a half‐year offset, plus an offset in universal time of approximately 12 hr. This is further supported by running an ionospheric model for both hemispheres and applying the same patch‐to‐background technique. Further, we present a simple physical mechanism involving a sunlit dayside plasma source concurrent with a dark polar cap, which yields a patch‐to‐background pattern very much like that seen in the TEC mappings for both hemispheres

    Direct Observations of a Polar Cap Patch Formation Associated With Dayside Reconnection Driven Fast Flow

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    Dayside solar‐produced concentrated F region plasma can be transported from the midlatitude region into the polar cap during geomagnetically disturbed period, creating plasma density irregularities like polar cap patches, which can cause scintillation and degrade performance of satellite communication and navigation at polar latitudes. In this paper, we observed and investigated a dynamic formation process of a polar cap patch during the 13 October 2016 intense geomagnetic storm. During the storm main phase, storm‐enhanced density (SED) was formed within an extended period of strong southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bz condition. Total electron content (TEC) map shows that a polar cap patch was segmented from the SED plume. The Sondrestrom Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) was right underneath the segmentation region and captured the dynamic process. It shows that the patch segmentation was related with a sudden northeastward flow enhancement reaching ~2 km/s near the dayside cusp inflow region. The flow surge was observed along with abrupt E region electron temperature increase, F region ion temperature increase, and density decrease. The upstream solar wind and IMF observations suggest that the flow enhancement was associated with dayside magnetic reconnection triggered by a sudden and short period of IMF By negative excursion. Quantitative estimation suggests that plasma density loss due to enhanced frictional heating was insufficient for the patch segmentation because the elevated F region density peaking at ~500 km made dissociative recombination inefficient. Instead, the patch was segmented from the SED by low‐density plasma transported by the fast flow channel from earlier local time.Key PointsFormation of a polar cap patch was directly observed by the GPS TEC maps and Sondrestrom ISRDayside magnetic reconnection‐driven fast flow near cusp carrying low‐density cold plasma segmented the SED plume into polar cap patchesThe F layer height within SED before it enters the cusp is important in determining the most efficient segmentation mechanismPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154899/1/jgra55613_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154899/2/jgra55613.pd

    GPS TEC observations of dynamics of the mid‐latitude trough during substorms

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95166/1/grl28288.pd

    Ionospheric symmetry caused by geomagnetic declination over North America

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    We describe variations in total electron content (TEC) in the North American sector exhibiting pronounced longitudinal progression and symmetry with respect to zero magnetic declination. Patterns were uncovered by applying an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) decomposition procedure to a 12 year ground-based American longitude sector GPS TEC data set. The first EOF mode describes overall average TEC, while the strong influence of geomagnetic declination on the midlatitude ionosphere is found in the second EOF mode (or the second most significant component). We find a high degree of correlation between spatial variations in the second EOF mode and vertical drifts driven by thermospheric zonal winds, along with well-organized temporal variation. Results strongly suggest a causative mechanism involving varying declination with longitude along with varying zonal wind climatology with local time, season, and solar cycle. This study highlights the efficiency and key role played by the geomagnetic field effect in influencing mesoscale ionospheric structures over a broad midlatitude range.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant ATM-0733510)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant ATM-0856093)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant AGS-1242204)China Scholarship CouncilHaystack Observator

    Ionospheric longitudinal variations at midlatitudes: Incoherent scatter radar observation at Millstone Hill

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    Incoherent scatter radar (ISR) extra-wide coverage experiments during the period of 1978–2011 at Millstone Hill are used to investigate longitudinal differences in electron density. This work is motivated by a recent finding of the US east-west coast difference in TEC suggesting a combined effect of changing geomagnetic declination and zonal winds. The current study provides strong supporting evidence of the longitudinal change and the plausible mechanism by examining the climatology of electron density Ne on both east and west sides of the radar with a longitude separation of up to 40o for different heights within 300–450 km. Main findings include: 1) The east-west difference can be up to 60% and varies over the course of the day, being positive (East side Ne > West side Ne) in the late evening, and negative (West side Ne > East side Ne) in the pre-noon. 2) The east-west difference exists throughout the year. The positive (relative) difference is most pronounced in winter; the negative (relative) difference is most pronounced in early spring and later summer. 3) The east-west difference tends to enhance toward decreasing solar activity, however, with some seasonal dependence; the enhancements in the positive and negative differences do not take place simultaneously. 4) Both times of largest positive and largest negative east-west differences in Ne are earlier in summer and later in winter. The two times differ by 12–13 h, which remains constant throughout the year. 5) Variations at different heights from 300–450 km are similar. Zonal wind climatology above Millstone Hill is found to be perfectly consistent with what is expected based on the electron density difference between the east and west sides of the site. The magnetic declination-zonal wind mechanism is true for other longitude sectors as well, and may be used to understand longitudinal variations elsewhere. It may also be used to derive thermospheric zonal winds.National Natural Science Foundation (China) (Grant 40890164)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grants ATM-0733510 and ATM- 6920184

    Conjugate ionospheric perturbation during the 2017 solar eclipse

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    An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright 2021 American Geophysical Union.We report new findings of total electron content (TEC) perturbations in the southern hemisphere at conjugate locations to the northern eclipse on August 21, 2017. We identified a persistent conjugate TEC depletion by 10%–15% during the eclipse time, elongating along magnetic latitudes with at least ∼5° latitudinal width. As the Moon's shadow swept southward, this conjugate depletion moved northward and became most pronounced at lower magnetic latitudes (>−20°N). This depletion was coincident with a weakening of the southern crest of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA), while the northern EIA crest stayed almost undisturbed or was slightly enhanced. We suggest these conjugate perturbations were associated with dramatic eclipse initiated plasma pressure reductions in the flux tubes, with a large portion of shorter tubes located at low latitudes underneath the Moon's shadow. These short L-shell tubes intersect with the F region ionosphere at low and equatorial latitudes. The plasma pressure gradient was markedly skewed northward in the flux tubes at low and equatorial latitudes, as was the neutral pressure. These effects caused a general northward motion tendency for plasma within the flux tubes, and inhibited normal southward diffusion of equatorial fountain plasma into the southern EIA region. We also identified posteclipse ionospheric disturbances likely associated with the global propagation of eclipse-induced traveling atmospheric disturbances in alignment with the Moon's shadow moving direction

    An Ionosphere Specification Technique Based on Data Ingestion Algorithm and Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis Method

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    A data ingestion method in reproducing ionospheric electron density and total electron content (TEC) was developed to incorporate TEC products from the Madrigal Database into the NeQuick 2 model. The method is based on retrieving an appropriate global distribution of effective ionization parameter (Az) to drive the NeQuick 2 model, which can be implemented through minimizing the difference between the measured and modeled TEC at each grid in the local time‐modified dip latitude coordinates. The performance of this Madrigal TEC‐driven‐NeQuick 2 result is validated through the comparison with various International Global Navigation Satellite Systems Services global ionospheric maps and ionosonde data. The validation results show that a general accuracy improvement of 30–50% can be achieved after data ingestion. In addition, the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis technique is used to construct a parameterized time‐varying global Az model. The quick convergence of EOF decomposition makes it possible to use the first six EOF series to represent over 90% of the total variances. The intrinsic diurnal variation and spatial distribution in the original data set can be well reflected by the constructed EOF base functions. The associated EOF coefficients can be expressed as a set of linear functions of F10.7 and Ap indices, combined with a series of trigonometric functions with annual/seasonal variation components. The NeQuick TEC driven by EOF‐modeled Az shows 10–15% improvement in accuracy over the standard ionosphere correction algorithm in the Galileo navigation system. These preliminary results demonstrate the effectiveness of the combined data ingestion and EOF modeling technique in improving the specifications of ionospheric density variations.Key PointsThe Madrigal TEC data are ingested into the NeQuick 2 model through deriving an effective ionization parameter (Az)The Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis technique is used to construct a parameterized time‐varying Az model to make a predictionThe TEC data ingestion and EOF modeling are effective in bringing certain systematic improvement of ionosphere now‐cast/forecastPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146373/1/swe20760_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146373/2/swe20760.pd
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