552 research outputs found

    Isolation of Clostridium perfringens from swine carcasses and feces

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    Bacterial hazards are the major concern in the production of food of animal origin. Clostridium perfringens is a common cause of food-borne illness. The illness is characterized by profuse diarrhea and acute abdominal pain. At this study 30 carcass swabs from dorsal area and 30 fecal samples from a swine abattoir were analyzed over C. perfringens presence

    Transcriptome analysis of Taenia solium cysticerci using Open reading Frame ESTS (ORESTES)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human infection by the pork tapeworm <it>Taenia solium </it>affects more than 50 million people worldwide, particularly in underdeveloped and developing countries. Cysticercosis which arises from larval encystation can be life threatening and difficult to treat. Here, we investigate for the first time the transcriptome of the clinically relevant cysticerci larval form.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) produced by the ORESTES method, a total of 1,520 high quality ESTs were generated from 20 ORESTES cDNA mini-libraries and its analysis revealed fragments of genes with promising applications including 51 ESTs matching antigens previously described in other species, as well as 113 sequences representing proteins with potential extracellular localization, with obvious applications for immune-diagnosis or vaccine development.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The set of sequences described here will contribute to deciphering the expression profile of this important parasite and will be informative for the genome assembly and annotation, as well as for studies of intra- and inter-specific sequence variability. Genes of interest for developing new diagnostic and therapeutic tools are described and discussed.</p

    Lixiviação de glyphosate e imazapyr em solos com diferentes texturas e composição química. I - método do bioensaio

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    A mobilidade dos herbicidas no perfil do solo é influenciada por vários processos, tais como, retenção, transformação e transporte. O conhecimento destes fenômenos é fundamental para a perfeita compreensão do destino de tais produtos no ambiente. Dentre as várias técnicas utilizadas nesses estudos, o método do bioensaio apresenta-se como de ótima representatividade e reprodutibilidade. Em razão dessas características, associadas a poucas informações sobre a mobilidade de herbicidas nos solos sob condições tropicais, foi conduzido um bioensaio objetivando verificar o movimento vertical do glyphosate e do imazapyr, em colunas de solos de diferentes texturas e composição química, utilizando-se o tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill var. Santa Clara) como planta-teste. Os resultados desse estudo permitiram concluir que: a) o limite de detecção do bioensaio para o glyphosate e para o imazapyr corresponde ao menor valor de I50, obtido na curva padrão, 331,52 e 5,4 µg L-1, respectivamente; b) as concentrações do glyphosate biologicamente ativo nos lixiviados dos solos de Viçosa e de Sabará encontram-se abaixo do limite de detecção do bioensaio; c) o glyphosate apresentou, na coluna de 1 cm, mobilidade muito baixa nos solos estudados; d) a mobilidade do imazapyr, na coluna de 30 cm, é maior no solo de textura francoarenosa de Viçosa; e) o alto teor de argila e de matéria orgânica do solo de Sabará apresentam-se como os principais fatores de retenção do imazapyr nesse solo.The herbicide mobility in the soil profile is influenced by several processes: retention, transformation and transport. This phenomenon knowledge is essential to the perfect comprehension of these product destines in the environment. Among the several techniques used in such studies, the bioassay method presents optimum representativeness. Because these characteristics and the scarce information about the herbicide mobility in soils under tropical conditions, a bioassay was carried out aiming to verify the vertical movement of glyphosate and imazapyr in soil columns with different textures and chemical composition using the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill var. Santa Clara) as test-plant. According to the results it may be concluded that: a) the bioassay detection boundary for both the glyphosate and imazapyr corresponds to the lowest I50 value obtained in the pattern curve that is 331.52 and 5.4 µg L-1 respectively; b) the concentrations of the biologically active glyphosate in the leaching products of Viçosa and Sabará soils are bellow the bioassay detection boundary; c) in the 1 cm column, the glyphosate presented a very low mobility in the studied soils; d) in the 30 cm column, the imazapyr mobility is greater in the sandy loam texture soil of Viçosa; e) the high clay and organic matter contents in Sabará soil present as the main retention factors of imazapyr in this soil

    Perfil do sono de pacientes em hemodiálise: um estudo transversal no Distrito Federal

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    Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil do sono de pacientes em hemodiálise (HD). Métodos: Estudo transversal com pacientes em hemodiálise de duas clínicas no Distrito Federal, Brasil. Durante a sessão de HD houve a aplicações dos questionários de Índice de Qualidade de Sono de Pittsburgh e Escala de Sonolência de Epworth. Resultados: Foram incluídos 65 pacientes (56,9% homens e 61,4 ± 16,4 anos). Os resultados demonstraram qualidade do sono irregular em 57,6% da amostra. A presença de sonolência diurna excessiva compreendeu 34,6% dos pacientes. Conclusão: Nossos achados mostram um perfil do sono prejudicado em pacientes em HD, evidenciando um preocupante cenário, que pode ser avaliado e identificado com facilidade por meio de instrumentos de rastreio

    Automatic diagnosis of the 12-lead ECG using a deep neural network

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    The role of automatic electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis in clinical practice is limited by the accuracy of existing models. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are models composed of stacked transformations that learn tasks by examples. This technology has recently achieved striking success in a variety of task and there are great expectations on how it might improve clinical practice. Here we present a DNN model trained in a dataset with more than 2 million labeled exams analyzed by the Telehealth Network of Minas Gerais and collected under the scope of the CODE (Clinical Outcomes in Digital Electrocardiology) study. The DNN outperform cardiology resident medical doctors in recognizing 6 types of abnormalities in 12-lead ECG recordings, with F1 scores above 80% and specificity over 99%. These results indicate ECG analysis based on DNNs, previously studied in a single-lead setup, generalizes well to 12-lead exams, taking the technology closer to the standard clinical practice

    Population expansion of the invasive Pomacentridae Chromis limbata (Valenciennes, 1833) in Southern Brazilian coast: long-term monitoring, fundamental niche availability and new records

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    Human-mediated species invasions are recognized as a leading cause of global biotic homogenization and extinction. Studies on colonization events since early stages, establishment of new populations and range extension are scarce because of their rarity, difficult detection and monitoring. Chromis limbata is a reef-associated and non-migratory marine fish from the family Pomacentridae found in depths ranging between 3 and 45 m. The original distribution of the species encompassed exclusively the eastern Atlantic, including the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands. It is also commonly reported from West Africa between Senegal and Pointe Noire, Congo. In 2008, vagrant individuals of C. limbata were recorded off the east coast of Santa Catarina Island, South Brazil (27° 41' 44″ S, 48° 27' 53″ W). This study evaluated the increasing densities of C. limbata populations in Santa Catarina State shoreline. Two recent expansions, northwards to São Paulo State and southwards to Rio Grande do Sul State, are discussed, and a niche model of maximum entropy (MaxEnt) was performed to evaluate suitable C. limbata habitats. Brazilian populations are established and significantly increasing in most sites where the species has been detected. The distributional boundaries predicted by the model are clearly wider than their known range of occurrence, evidencing environmental suitability in both hemispheres from areas where the species still does not occur. Ecological processes such as competition, predation and specially habitat selectivity may regulate their populations and overall distribution range. A long-term monitoring programme and population genetics studies are necessary for a better understanding of this invasion and its consequences to natural communities.CNPq, Grant/Award Number: CNPq 475367/2006-5; ECOPERE-SE Project; FAPES, Grant/Award Number: PROFIX program No 10/2018 -T.O.: 348/2018; FAPESC, Grant/Award Number: Biodiversidade Marinha do Estado de Santa Catarina Project PI: A.L. FAPESC 4302/2010-8; FAPESC/CNPq, Grant/Award Number: SISBIOTA-Mar project PI: S.R.F. CNPq 563276/2010-0; FAPESC 6308/2011-8; Petrobras (BR), Grant/Award Number: MAArE Project; King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Nexus+ approach applied to studies of Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in Brazil

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    This paper aims to present the methodology developed within the Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (IVA) to climate change component of the Fourth National Communication (4CN) of Brazil. The methodological choice of this 4CN involves the application of the nexus+ integrated approach, based on studies of impacts and vulnerabilities for water, energy, food and socio-environmental securities, in the different in the territories of Brazilian biomes, coastal areas and cities. For each of these securities it were identified the observed impacts; analysis of risk conditions; definition and assessments of integrated analysis of key impacts at territorial level; inventory, selection and analysis of adaption options in the context of Nexus+, identifying synergies and trade-offs. This process made possible an integrated assessment among the conditioning risk factors, impacts and interactions among proposed adaptation options.This paper aims to present the methodology developed within the Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (IVA) to climate change component of the Fourth National Communication (4CN) of Brazil. The methodological choice of this 4CN involves the application of the nexus+ integrated approach, based on studies of impacts and vulnerabilities for water, energy, food and socio-environmental securities, in the different in the territories of Brazilian biomes, coastal areas and cities. For each of these securities it were identified the observed impacts; analysis of risk conditions; definition and assessments of integrated analysis of key impacts at territorial level; inventory, selection and analysis of adaption options in the context of Nexus+, identifying synergies and trade-offs. This process made possible an integrated assessment among the conditioning risk factors, impacts and interactions among proposed adaptation options