2,400 research outputs found

    "Os outros Saxões": imagens da Alemanha na literatura popular eduardiana

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    Dissertação mest., Estudos Ingleses, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1996Se se quiser determinar os contornos do relacionamento (por vezes fricativo) da Grã-Bretanha com o continente, impõe-se ao estudioso da sua cultura, como uma das tarefas mais prementes, procurar deslindar as raízes de tal desconfiança insular no seio da história contemporânea. A nação alemã tem sido, de todas as potências continentais, não só aquele interlocutor com o qual esse relacionamento se tem revelado o mais polémico, mas também a que mais marcou a experiência e o imaginário do povo britânico desde o início do século. As rêveries de Guilherme II e de Adolf Hitler constituiram, indubitavelmente, a mais dura prova à política externa de Londres e o mais terrível pesadelo para a consciência colectiva. Não deixa, pois, de ser pertinente analisar de que modo a Grã-Bretanha aprendeu a lidar com a constante ameaça alemã ao seu espaço fisico e social. É nesse contexto que ganha sentido um olhar sobre a literatura popular eduardiana enquanto instrumento ideológico privilegiado para a diwlgação e consolidação das representações do poder (e do não-poder) junto das massas. Na realidade, vários foram os escritores, mormente os de ficção, que procuraram alertar o leitor quanto ao perigo para a supremacia britânica advindo da constante pressão política, militar e económica exercida pelo crescente imperio alemão. Isso tornou-se particularmente visível em subgéneros que, de uma forma mais ou menos explícita, espelhavam as tensões políticas do momento: o spy thriller, cuja acção tinha lugar nos bastidores da política internacional e à margem dos grandes centros de decisão (aqui representado pelo texto seminal de Erskine Childers, The Riddle of the Sands [1903] e, ainda, por The Thirty-nine Steps [1915] de John Buchan); a invasion novel, onde o próprio territorio nacional era tornado vítima da voragem alienígena (The Invasion of England [1906] de William Le Queux e The War in the Air [1908] de H. G. Wells); e a occupation novel, onde se imaginavam cenários de uma vivência a meias com o inimigo opressor (e o caso da singular narrativa de Saki, When William Came [1913]). Também a adventure novel, apesar de a alimentar uma postura muito mais agressiva face ao “outro”, possui imanentes um quadro de valores e um conjunto de representações do alemão que não podem ser de todo relegados para segundo plano. Os dois textos de Anthony Hope - The Prisioner of Zenda e Rupert of Hentzau - são disso casos significativos. Uma vez que foram escritos um pouco antes das crises internacionais que grassaram ao longo da primeira década do século (em 1894 e 1898, respectivamente), apresentam em termos gerais a figura do alemão a uma luz algo mais favorável do que a dos textos produzidos posteriormente. A sua inclusão no corpus justifica-se porquanto lhes está subjacente um desejo de identificação, senão mesmo de fusão, com o povo alemão que não mais se manifestaria na literatura popular ulterior. As narrativas de Hope encontram-se informadas, ainda que subliminarmente, da busca de uma ancestralidade comum a ambos os povos, de uma consanguinidade que os tornaria, inconscientemente embora, cúmplices na conquista do poder na Europa e no mundo

    Relativismo na Avaliação de Execuções Musicais

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    This is the first of a series of papers in which I present a defense of moderate objectivism about the evaluation of performances of musical works in the Western classical tradition

    Musical Works and Performance Evaluation

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    This paper addresses the following problem: to what extent do ontological considerations about musical works affect our evaluation of performances of those works? I argue for the claim that at least some important grounds on which performances are evaluated are specific to them, in that these grounds are either independent from, or related but not fully determined by, the properties of the works they are of. In the first part of the paper, I explore the relations between good-making features of works and of performances of them. The second and third parts develop two kinds of example in favour of the claim above. In the last part, I discuss the significance of those examples in relation to the ways in which performances are assessed, and explore some further ramifications of them

    O Valor da Arte

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    O artigo parte do consenso sobre a facto de que a arte tem valor para a exploração dos vários problemas sobre esse valor cujas soluções dividem os filósofos da arte. O enfoque é especialmente sobre a dimensão mais actual do debate em torno do tema, que se debruça não tanto sobre questões como o realismo quanto aos valores estéticos e a objectividade e justificação dos juízos de valor estético, mas acima de tudo sobre a natureza do valor artístico – que tipo de valor é e em que propriedades da arte (se nalguma) reside

    Linking content and language-integrated learning (CLIL) and task-based language teaching (TBLT) in an effective way: a methodological proposal

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    CLIL and TBLT are approaches that have increasingly captured the attention of both teachers and researchers, and many of the latter have already discussed the ways in which they can be brought together. One of the challenges encountered in the implementation of CLIL has been the discrepancy between the level required to carry out the work for content learning and the students' actual level. One of the solutions may lie in resorting to TBLT, where language is regarded as action and the learner seen as a social actor engaged in real-life-like activities. However, in CLIL, the task being proposed to the students has to be appropriate to their level and their ability to internalise conceptual knowledge. In order to bridge some of the methodological gaps between CLIL and TBLT, a framework for designing content-oriented tasks, based on the one advanced for the project PETALL, has been developed to help teachers plan their CLIL activities. After a theoretical introduction to the principles of Task-based Learning and its integration with CLIL, a template designed to systematise the task is provided and discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reinventing America on the battlefields of Spain or following the party line: conflicting perceptions of the Spanish Civil War in the present and in the past

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    Isolationism and neutrality are two of the recurrent themes in the study of the history of the U.S. foreign policy in the interwar years. The trauma of the Great War, which had swept away 130.000 U.S. lives and had cost $30 billion, had led public opinion to strongly oppose any involvement with European affairs. Besides, the urgent need for economic recovery during the dismal years of the Great Depression did not leave Roosevelt much room for manoeuvre to influence international events. His positions regarding the intentions of the Fascist states remained, at best, ambivalent. These facts notwithstanding, about 2800 U.S. citizens crossed the Atlantic and rushed in to help democratic Spain, which was on the verge of becoming one more hostage in the hands of the Fascism. They joined the other British, Irish and Canadian volunteers and formed the XV International Brigade. 900 Americans never returned home. This alone should challenge the commonly held assumption that the American people were indifferent to the rise of the Fascist threat in Europe. But it also begs other questions. Considering the prevailing isolationist mood, what really motivated them? With what discursive elements did these men construct their anti Fascist representations? How far did their understanding of the Spanish democracy correspond to their own American democratic ideal? In what way did their war experience across the Atlantic mould their perception of U.S. politics (both domestic and foreign)? How far did the Spanish Civil War constitute one first step towards the realization that the U.S. might actually be drawn into another international conflict of unpredictable consequences? Last but not the least, what ideological, political and cultural complicity existed between the men from the English-speaking battalions? In order to unearth some of the answers, I intend to examine their letters and see how these men recorded the historical events in which they took part. Their correspondence emerged from the desire to prove their commitment to a common cause and spoke of a common war experience, but each letter, in its uniqueness, ends up mirroring not only the social and political background of each individual fighter, but also his own particular perspective of the war, of world politics and of the Spanish people. We shall see how these letters differ and converge and how these particular accounts weave, as in an epistolary novel, a larger-than-life narrative of outrage and solidarity, despair and hope

    Motivation and martial arts and combat sports participation: a study protocol

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    [EN] Martial arts and combat sports (MA&CS) popularity has been growing, and their associated benefits are widely known. Several studies report psychological benefits related to MA&CS participation. Albeit there is a broad body of research (following the tenets of self-determination theory - SDT) on motivation in sport and exercise, research in MA&CS motivation is scarce or very specific to single disciplines or styles. The objective of this study is to understand the motivational mechanisms for adherence and retention on MA&C practice, to identify differences between MA&CS on participants’ basic psychological needs and the quality of their motivational regulation. Mediation analysis will be conducted to explore the mechanisms of motivation on MA&CS participation

    Trends in physiotherapy education: retrospective analysis of ECPE congress abstracts

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    Relevance: The last decade both physiotherapy and education faced many demands. Educators are challenged to show evidence and report their best practices. An overview of what has been the focus in the European Congress of Physiotherapy Education (ECPE) and the main areas of interest and developments in the European Higher Education area could provide the opportunity to benchmark towards the policy statement of education of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT), facilitating consistency and perhaps assisting in formulating a relevant research agenda for the future. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to give an overview of the trends in physiotherapy education of the last decennium as it is presented at the conferences of the European Region of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (ER-WCPT). Methods/analysis: A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out and qualitative and quantitative analysis was made on the basis of content and study design/methodology, by three independent reviewers of all abstracts presented at each of the three previous ECPE conferences of 2004 (Estoril – Portugal), 2008 (Stockholm – Sweden), 2012 (Vienna – Austria). Categories for content analyses were developed based on the distribution and main themes used in the conference. Results: A total of n = 350 abstracts were classified. The main topics were divided between ICT – Information Communication Technology, Education and Employment, Continuous Professional Development, Teaching and Learning, Clinical Education, Evidence Based Practice: Teaching and Learning, Clinical Reasoning, Innovation and Curriculum Development, Teaching in Specific Areas, Interdisciplinary. And considering different methodological approaches: Descriptive Studies; Analytical Observational and Experimental Studies; Reviews and Mixed Methods. Discussion and conclusions: This analysis was constrained by lack of transparency on the description of methodologies in the abstracts and also by the different organization of the abstract books. We needed to create a category “Information available doesn’t allow a classification” and make our decisions based on the rather classic distinction of qualitative and quantitative study types and methodology. From the results we can find an increase of total presentations from the first to the last conference. In all conference there is a clear preference for poster presentations and the qualitative studies are more favored. There is an overall increase in research and implementation research from the first conference to the last. Impact and implications: The next step could be a comparison with WCPT congress education related abstracts and the proceedings of educational networks like COHEHRE and ENPHE. This kind of reflection could help researchers and educators create a research agenda and build upon earlier work. It gives an incentive to the development of high quality methodologies. An overview of reports gives the opportunity to compare with published results and could challenge publishing criteria.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio