360 research outputs found
Contributo para o desenvolvimento do plano de ordenamento e cartografia do Campus de Santa Apólonia - POCCAMPUS
Os Sistemas de Gestão de Bases de Dados (SGB) são plataformas informáticas de gestão espacial que tendo como base informação alfanumérica coadjuvada com informação vectorial e raster, permite a visualização dos resultados em formatos gráficos ou mistos, sendo de extrema importância no contexto actual da era digital. Estes podem ser exportados para sistemas “webSIG” de livre acesso e a partir de um ponto qualquer, o utilizador on-line aceder a essa informação.
Este trabalho foi integrado nas actividades do Plano de Ordenamento e Cartografia do Campus de Santa Apolónia – POCCAMPUS, que o Instituto Politécnico de Bragança se propôs realizar.
Constituíram-se equipas interdisciplinares de engenharia civil, electrotecnia, ambiente, paisagismo, urbanismo e arquitectura, entre outras, havendo a necessidade de mapear a situação actual do campus para tomadas de decisão posteriores. Para a realização desta dissertação de Mestrado avaliámos em pormenor os aspectos relacionados com a gestão do parque arbóreo e espaços verdes, e ainda a luminária do IPB e a sua interacção com o parque arbóreo, permitindo assim uma melhor gestão futura.
O SGB foi desenvolvido com base em ArcMap versão 9.3.1 o qual permitiu integrar ficheiros CAD *.dwg ou *.dxf versão AutoCad, assim como ficheiros de campo *.cor da importação do receptor GPS Trimble GeoXT, e outra informação georreferenciada.
A cada entidade geográfica, previamente organizada tipologicamente em polígonos, pontos ou linhas, foi atribuído um centro geométrico (centróide), o que permitiu fazer a ligação com a informação alfanumérica associada.The Database Management System (SGB) are computer platforms of spatial data management that are based on alphanumeric information assisted with vector and raster data. They allow the visualization of georeferenced data, very useful in the current context of the era digital. These systems can be exported to free access "web mapping" anywhere with Internet access.
This work was integrated into the activities of the “Plano de Ordenamento e Cartografia do Campus de Santa Apolónia – POCCAMPUS”, developed by the “Instituto Politécnico de Bragança”.
They were set up interdisciplinary teams of civil engineering, electrical engineering, environment, landscape, urban planning and architecture, among others, with the need to map the current situation on campus for taking further decision. For the realization of this Master's thesis we evaluated in detail the aspects related to the management of the arboreal park and green spaces, and even the outdoor luminaire of IPB and its interaction with the arboreal park, thus allowing a better future management.
SGB was developed based on ArcMap version 9.3.1 which allowed the integration of CAD * .dwg or * .dxf AutoCad version files, as well as field files * .cor imported from Trimble GPS receiver GeoXT and other georeferenced information.
Each geographical entity, previously organized typologically in polygons, lines or points, was assigned a geometric center (centroid), which allowed to link to the associated alphanumeric information
A importância da análise financeira nas IPSS: análise de um caso prático
A conjuntura económica a nível nacional é de grande incerteza e instabilidade onde cada vez
mais há pessoas carenciadas e desempregadas a necessitar de auxílio.
Esta é uma situação que faz com que mais pessoas recorram a instituições particulares de
solidariedade social e, particularmente a Santas Casas da Misericórdia para pedir ajuda.
Assim analisou-se uma destas instituições, a Irmandade Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Resende
a nível financeiro, que apresenta alguma dificuldade de solver as suas dívidas de curto prazo,
mas que em contraponto não apresenta passivo de longo prazo.
Sempre com o seu compromisso, como guia norteado, os gestores desta Santa Casa da
Misericórdia conseguiram, embora com dificuldades, investir e abrir novas valências como
forma de dar resposta às necessidades da população que servem, assim como manter algumas
valências que, embora influenciem negativamente o desempenho geral da instituição são
consideradas essenciais para os Resendenses.
Desta forma, proporcionaram a expansão da instituição, a criação de postos de trabalho, e o
equilíbrio financeiro da instituição.The economical conjuncture at a national level is at the moment of great uncertainty and
instability, where the number of unemployed and deprived people needing help keeps rising.
This is a situation that makes more people to require help to private institutions of social
solidarity, particularly the Santas Casas da Misericórdia.
Therefore an analysis of one of these institutions was made, the Irmandade Santa Casa da
Misericórdia de Resende, on a financial level, which presents some difficulty of solving their
debts on short term, but does not present long term liabilities.
Always with their compromise as guide, the managers of this Santa Casa da Misericórdia have
managed, although with difficulties, to invest and open new valences responding to the needs
of the population they serve, and to maintain some valences that despite have a negative
influence on the general performance of the institution, are considered essential to
Resende’s population.
In this way, they have accomplished the expansion of the institution, the creation of jobs and
the financial balance of the institution
Sinclinal de Vila Velha de Ródão, Zona Centro-Ibérica, Portugal : litostratigrafia, estrutura e modelo de evolução da tectónica Varisca
A revisão da cartografia geológica à escala 1:25.000 do sinclinal de Vila Velha de Ródão evidenciou a presença de uma sucessão,
datada do Ordovícico Inferior ao Silúrico Inferior, similar à do sinforma D3 de Amêndoa-Carvoeiro e novos elementos sobre a
deformação Varisca. Observaram-se cavalgamentos precoces, posteriormente reactivados como cavalgamentos de geometria em
duplex vergentes para NE (forethrusts), retrocavalgamentos (backthrusts) e retrodobras (backfolds), dobras com clivagem de
plano axial e estruturas lineares; toda esta deformação mostra carácter progressivo, em regime dominantemente coaxial, resultou
da actuação da fase principal D1 da orogenia Varisca. A deformação progressiva é compatível com a compressão máxima NE-SW
que pode originar descolamentos em profundidade do tipo thin-skinned e estruturas triangulares, a várias escalas. À escala
regional, o sinclinal estudado está posicionado entre duas estruturas em flor e é afectado aind por rampas laterais Variscas,
posteriormente reactivadas em desligamentos direitos e esquerdos durante a actuação dos episódios tardi-Variscos e da orogenia
Patients' beliefs about medicines and adherence to medication in ischemic heart disease
Introduction: The phenomenon of adherence to treatment is a motive of worry from the
scientific community, since it is considered as a worldwide problem of high magnitude.
The implications are of great relevance in morbidity, mortality, in the significant increase in the
consumption of health care and in the costs to the health system, particularly in patients with
ischemic heart disease. We intend to evaluate adherence to treatment and relate beliefs about
medicines with adherence to treatment.
Material and methods: This study is descriptive-correlational and cross-sectional. It was
performed on 254 patients with ischemic heart disease who were in follow-up consultation in
the hospital at the time of the questionnaire application. Data collection was performed
through a self-administered questionnaire, integrating the following scales: Measure Adherence
to Treatment and Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire.
Results: The patients had a mean age of 66.94 years (SD = 11.62), 74% were male, 73.2% were
married, 69.3% had education up to the “4th grade”, 57.1% lived in the village, 70.1%
were retired and 49.6% had an income below “one minimum wage”. We found that 50.4% of
patients did not adhere to treatment. Women had a strong belief in the specific needs of the
prescribed medication, while men expressed greater belief in relation to long-term side effects
(P > .05). Patients who expressed a low belief about the harmful potential of medicines revealed
predictors of adherence to medication.
Conclusion: The results are consistent with previous studies in which individuals with lower
beliefs in specific concerns reported higher rates of adherence to medication.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Concerns about lithium extraction: A review and application for Portugal<sup>✰</sup>
The trend towards “clean” mobility is growing steadily, causing an exponential increase in lithium demand. Lithium reserves are therefore an important asset for the countries owning them, opening up opportunities for valuable economic activity. However, lithium mining is not free from social, environmental and health impacts and its extraction is far from being a consensual topic on the regions involved. This paper reviewed the main impacts of lithium exploitation and addressed, in particular, the case of Portugal, ranked as the country with the most promising lithium reserves in Europe. The analysis was based on an application of life-cycle assessment for the case of the Barroso-Alvão region in Northern Portugal. Albeit recognizing the limitations of the study given the scarcity of information, it is possible to envisage the importance of local impacts from lithium extraction specially related to Abiotic Resource Depletion, Ecological Toxicity Potential and Occupational Health Hazards. The conclusion of the study was that it was necessary to properly acknowledge the cultural and social characteristics of the region and account for the local communities' needs and expectations, together with the potential social and economic impacts, for the definition of fair and acceptable policies and pathways for the future.- (undefined
How does sustainability affect consumer choices in the fashion industry?
The fashion industry being one of the most polluting industries in the world means that it is an industry with an immense potential for change. Consumers are central and are closely intertwined with how companies act. This research reflects consumer perspectives and practices towards the topic of sustainability implemented in the fashion industry. The relevance of sustainability in the fashion industry and the key role of consumers in its implementation are undeniable and confirmed by consumers in a representation of general awareness and concern, despite not always being translated into actual practices. A qualitative research methodology, followed by a set of interviews conducted with consumers, revealed that the great majority are implementing a variety of practices when making their buying choices towards fashion items. Barriers such as lack of education, information, knowledge and transparency were identified, and this aspect was shared by consumers as a reason why they are not motivated to make more conscious decisions. Companies should educate consumers from a general perspective and focus on the group of consumers that are not implementing sustainability in the fashion industry in their buying choices, as they represent the potential for the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Comparison of SIMIO and ARENA simulation tools
The purpose of this paper is to establish a comparison between Simio and Arena, helping a vast community of simulation practitioners to gain access to advanced modelling capabilities to address complex problems. Several aspects were compared, such as: concept of simulation models, animation development, modelling philosophies, Simio libraries and Arena templates, concept of entities, interface of the tools and Simio objects versus Arena blocks. The comparison was consolidated through the analysis of two case studies where the authors aimed to emphasize the way each simulation tool addresses some important issues related to model construction. The several compared aspects indicate the many advantages of using the more recent tool. Thus, this object-oriented tool appears to have all the conditions to trigger a widespread paradigm shift in the way practitioners build models.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia in the scope of the project: PEst-OE/EEI/UI0319/2014
Quality of life of survivors from severe sepsis and septic shock may be similar to that of others who survive critical illness
INTRODUCTION: The objective of the present study was to compare the health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) of survivors from severe sepsis and septic shock with HR-QoL in others who survived critical illness not involving sepsis. METHODS: From March 1997 to March 2001, adult patients in an eight-bed medical/surgical intensive care unit (ICU) of a tertiary care hospital admitted with severe sepsis or septic shock (sepsis group; n = 305) were enrolled and compared with patients admitted without sepsis (control group; n = 392). Patients younger than 18 years (n = 48) and those whose ICU stay was 1 day or less (n = 453) were excluded. In addition, patients exhibiting nonsevere sepsis on admission were excluded (n = 87). Finally, patients who developed nonsevere sepsis or severe sepsis/septic shock after admission were also excluded (n = 88). RESULTS: In-hospital mortality rates were 34% in the sepsis group and 26% in the control group. There were no differences in sex, age, main activity (work status), and previous health state between groups. Survivors in the sepsis group had a significantly higher Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score on admission (17 versus 12) and stayed significantly longer in the ICU. A follow-up appointment was held 6 months after ICU discharge, and an EQ-5D (EuroQol five-dimension) questionnaire was administered. A total of 104 sepsis survivors and 133 survivors in the control group answered the EQ-5D questionnaire. Sepsis survivors reported significantly fewer problems only in the anxiety/depression dimension. Although there were no significant differences in the other dimensions of the EQ-5D, there was a trend towards fewer problems being reported by sepsis survivors. CONCLUSION: Evaluation using the EQ-5D at 6 months after ICU discharge indicated that survivors from severe sepsis and septic shock have a similar HR-QoL to that of survivors from critical illness admitted without sepsis
Agent-based micro simulation to assess the performance of roundabouts considering different variables and performance indicators
Traffic congestion problems in intersections are usually solved by building infrastructures such as roundabouts. Several variables influence its performance, e.g. geometry, size and driving behaviour. Thus, it becomes necessary to compare these variables. This paper proposes a simulation model, developed to compare the performance of roundabouts, employing the object and agent modelling paradigms of Simio, to model the individual behaviour of vehicles. The results indicate the optimum size of roundabouts is around 40 meters of diameter and that the driving style has a greater influence on the performance of the roundabout than its unbalancing. In addition, it was found that roundabouts considering unbalancing and human behaviour decreased: The flow of vehicles in 8%, the waiting time per vehicle in 3 minutes, the queue size in 90%, the number of stops per vehicle in 88% and vehicles spent three times more fuel, than the roundabouts that did not consider these variables.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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