67 research outputs found

    Development of analytical methods for quantification of tocols and alpha and beta carotene in vegetable oils : application in liquid-liquid equilibrium data os fatty systems

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    Orientador: Eduardo Augusto Caldas BatistaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: Grande parte dos óleos vegetais necessitam ser submetidos a processos de refino antes de serem consumidos. Um processo alternativo às técnicas convencionais de refino é a desacidificação com solvente ou extração líquido-líquido, tendo como vantagem a redução das perdas de compostos minoritários como: tocoferóis, tocotrienóis e alfa e beta caroteno. Tais compostos possuem ação antioxidantes e estão presentes naturalmente nos óleos vegetais, por conta disso, sua permanência após o refino é de grande interesse, uma vez que atualmente a busca por alimentos saudáveis vem ganhando destaque. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram o desenvolvimento de duas metodologias: uma para análise de tocoferóis e tocotrienóis e outra para alfa e beta caroteno em óleos vegetais, além da determinação de dados de equilíbrio líquido-líquido para conhecimento do comportamento de fases e partição dos tocoferóis, tocotrienóis, alfa e beta carotenos entre as fases em equilíbrio líquido-líquido, quando etanol e etanol hidratado são utilizados como solventes nas temperaturas de 25 oC. 35 ºC e 50 ºC. Para o desenvolvimento das duas metodologias foi utilizado cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência acoplada a um espectrômetro de massas com fonte de ionização eletrospray (UHPLC/ESI/MS). As análises cromatográficas foram realizadas sem que os óleos vegetais fossem submetidos a nenhum tratamento prévio para preparo das amostras. Ambas as metodologias desenvolvidas mostraram-se reprodutíveis, precisas e robustas. Foram determinados dados de equilíbrio líquido-líquido de sistemas compostos por óleo vegetal + ácido graxo + solvente, os óleos de buriti, castanha do Brasil, gergelim e gérmen de trigo foram estudados. Os coeficientes de distribuição dos ácidos graxos foram afetados pela adição de água no etanol e muito pouco com a mudança de temperatura. Os coeficientes de distribuição dos tocoferóis e tocotrienóis foram fortemente influenciados pela presença de água, que fez com que os compostos ficassem preferencialmente retidos na fase olesa, apresentando coeficientes de distribuição na ordem de 0,3. Para alfa caroteno e beta caroteno tanto a temperatura quanto a presença de água impactaram nos valores dos coeficientes de distribuição. O aumento do teor de ácidos graxos livres no ponto de mistura foi responsável pelo aumento do coeficiente de distribuição para os tocoferóis, tocotrienóis, alfa caroteno e beta carotenoAbstract: Most parts of vegetable oils need to be submitted to the refinement process before they are consumable. An alternative process to conventional techniques of refinement is de-acidification with solvent or liquid-liquid extraction, that has the advantage of reducing the loss of minor compounds such as: tocopherols, tocotrienols, alpha and beta carotene. These compounds have antioxidant properties and are naturally present in vegetable oils, for this reason, their permanence after the refinement is of great interest, since the search for healthy foods is gaining prominence. The objectives of the study were to develop two methodologies: one for the analyses of tocopherol and tocotrienol and another for alpha and beta carotene in vegetable oils, in addition to the determination of the liquid ¿ liquid equilibrium data to know the behavior of the phases and partition of tocopherols, tocotrienols, alpha and beta carotene between the phases in liquid-liquid equilibrium, when ethanol and hydrated ethanol are utilized as solvents at temperatures of 25 oC. 35 ºC e 50 ºC. For the development of the two methodologies, high efficiency liquid chromatography was utilized coupled with a mass spectrometer that uses electrospray ionization (UHPLC/ESI/MS). The chromatographical analyses were performed without vegetable oils were submitted prior to preparation of the samples. Both the methodologies developed show reproducibility, accuracy and robustness. Liquid-liquid equilibrium data determined of systems composed of vegetable oil + fatty acid + solvent, buriti oil, Brazil nut oil, sesame seed oil and wheat germ were studied. The coefficients of distribution of fatty acids were affected by the addition of water in ethanol and very little with the change in temperature. The distribution coefficients of tocopherols and tocotrienols were strongly influenced by the presence of water, which caused the compounds to be preferentially retained in the olesa phase, presenting distribution coefficients in the order of the 0.3. For alpha carotene and beta carotene, both the temperature and the presence of water had an impact on the values of the distribution coefficients. The increase in the free fatty acids content at the mixing point was responsible for the increase in the distribution coefficient for tocopherols, tocotrienols, alpha carotene and beta caroteneDoutoradoEngenharia de AlimentosDoutora em Engenharia de AlimentosCAPE

    Análise econômica de um sistema de integração pecuária-floresta localizado na região norte do estado de Mato Grosso

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    Orientador: Romano Timofeiczyk JuniorCoorientador: João Carlos Garzel Leodoro da SilvaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal Defesa : Curitiba, 17/08/2018Inclui referências: p. 78-93Área de concentração: Economia e política florestalResumo: O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a viabilidade econômica de um sistema de integração pecuária-floresta, gado nelore e espécie florestal de teca, localizado na Fazenda Bacaeri, no município de Alta Floresta, estado de Mato Grosso, bem como elaborar um diagnóstico estratégico de sistemas de integração localizados nesse mesmo município. Os dados da análise econômica foram cedidos pela Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril obtidos a partir de uma base de dados mantida pela fazenda. Já para a elaboração do diagnóstico foram conduzidas 11 entrevistas semiestruturadas a fim de avaliar a percepção de alguns agentes-chave da cadeia agroindustrial, composta por (3) produtores, (3) gerentes de fazenda, (2) profissionais técnicos do setor produtivo da pecuária e florestal e (3) colaboradores instituições públicas (Embrapa e IMEA) e, por meio de consulta bibliográfica, a fim de entender as potencialidades e carências ao incluir a espécie madeireira de teca em áreas de pecuária extensiva. Após a obtenção dos dados econômicos, elaborou-se o fluxo de caixa, detalhando as saídas e entradas. Para a análise da viabilidade econômica, os critérios selecionados foram o Valor Presente Líquido - VPL, Taxa Interna de Retorno - TIR e Índice de Lucratividade - IL, e a Taxa Mínima de Atratividade - TMA utilizada foi de 4,15% a.a. Além disso, foi realizada análise de risco por meio do método probabilístico de Monte Carlo, considerando sete variáveis, sendo elas o preço madeira no corte raso e no desbaste, preço venda boi magro, custo aquisição de animais e da colheita florestal, produtividade no desbaste e corte no raso. Complementarmente, foi elaborada uma análise SWOT considerando a inclusão do componente florestal em áreas de pecuária. O conjunto de indicadores analisados indicaram a viabilidade econômica desse projeto, com VPL de R4.083.307,77,TIRde6,48 4.083.307,77, TIR de 6,48% a.a., e IL no valor de 21,36%. A análise de risco indicou baixo risco envolvido nesse projeto, com uma probabilidade de 14,4% do VPL ficar negativo. De modo geral, o diagnóstico produzido por meio da análise SWOT indica que a inclusão do componente florestal em áreas de pecuária extensiva é internamente forte, bem como a região está sob um ambiente externo favorável e dispõe de características para desenvolver sistemas de integração pecuária-floresta. O sistema de integração pecuária-floresta é economicamente viável, apresentado baixo risco. Por fim, a integração do componente florestal junto à pecuária, além de diversificar a produção apresenta potencial para incrementar a receita do produtor rural, contudo a atividade deve ser incentivada junto aos produtores por meio de iniciativas privadas e políticas públicas, a fim de viabilizar o sistema de integração Pecuária-Floresta. Palavras-chave: Sistema de produção integrado; Indicadores econômicos agropecuários; Custos; Simulação de Monte Carlo; Planejamento florestal.Abstract: This study aimed at analyzing the economic viability of a forest-livestock integration system, nellore breed and teak species, located at Bacaeri farm, in Alta Floresta municipality, Mato Grosso state and at elaborating a strategic diagnosis of integrated systems located in the same municipality. The economic analysis data were provided by Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril and were obtained from a database provided by Bacaeri farm. For the diagnosis, 11 semi-structured interviews were applied to evaluate the perception of key actor of the agro-industrial supply chain, being (3) producers, (3) farm managers, (2) technical professionals from the livestock and forestry productive sector and (3) public organizations employees (Embrapa and IMEA) and through bibliographic research, an understanding of the teak wood sector supply chain was sought. After obtaining the economic data, a cash flow was built detailing revenues and expenses. For this analysis, three financial indicators were chosen: Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate Return (IRR) and the Profitability Index with a Minimum Attractive Rate of Return of 4.15% per year. In addition, a risk analysis using the Monte Carlo probabilistic method was built considering seven variables: the wood price (for thinning and clearcutting), the animal acquisition price, the animal sale price and forest harvesting cost, productivity (for thinning and clearcutting). Besides the economic conjuncture, SWOT analysis was elaborated. The set of indicators analyzed showed the economic profitability of the project, with a positive Net Present Value of R 4,083,307.77, with an Internal Rate of Return of 6,48% per year and a Profitability Index of 21.36%. The risk analysis indicated low risk associated with the project, with a probability of 14.4% that the NPV turned negative. In general, the SWOT analysis indicated that the integration of the forest component in extensive livestock areas has internally strengths, as well as the region is in a favorable external environment and has characteristics to develop forest-livestock integration systems. The forest-livestock integration system is economically feasible with low risk associated. Finally, the integration of the forest component with livestock, in addition to diversifying the production has the potential to increase the rural producer income, however this activity should be encouraged to the producers through private initiatives and public policies, in order to make the integration system Livestock-Forest feasible. Keywords: Productive integration system; Agricultural economic indices; Costs; Monte Carlo simulation; Forest planning

    Binary blends of biodiesel from macauba (acromia aculeata) kernel oil with other biodiesels

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    CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOMacauba is a palm tree which provides large amount of oil. Particularly its oil from the kernel presents excellent stability to oxidation as it is mainly constituted by saturated organic chains. This stability is inherited by the biodiesel prepared with t292240247CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO404808/2013-1The authors thank the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq (404808/2013-1) for the financial support. The authors would also like to thank Gustavo Giraldi Shimamoto for monitoring the biodiesel synthesis reactio

    Reed as a thermal insulation material: Experimental characterisation of the physical and thermal properties

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    The building sector plays a significant role in reducing global energy use and carbon emissions. In the European Union (EU), the building stock represents 40% of total energy use and in which cooling and heating systems represent over 50%. Portugal is one of the EU countries where the consequences of energy poverty are most evident due to the families' financial inability to adequately climate their homes. The reasons are several, but they are mainly linked to buildings' poor passive thermal performance, resulting from inadequate adaptation to the climatic context and reduced thermal insulation. Thus, it is necessary to develop solutions to increase buildings’ thermal performance and reduce their potential environmental impact, which arises mainly from the significant use of active systems. In this sense, natural building materials are a promising solution, reducing energy use and carbon emissions related to buildings. This research studies the potential use of reed found in Portugal (Arundo donax) as a thermal insulation material. Its physical characterisation and the influence of geometry configuration on its thermal performance are evaluated. Its durability was studied too. Reed stalks were used to carry out the physical and durability tests. A reed board (150 x 150 mm) was built, and its thermal performance was tested in a hotbox. According to the results, the characteristics of reeds found in Portugal make it suitable to be used as a building material. Furthermore, regardless of the configuration studied, the reeds have a satisfactory thermal performance to be used as thermal insulation, under the requirements defined by Portuguese thermal regulation, Re ≥ 0.30 (m2.oC)/W. There is a trend to the mould growth in the reed, but only under favourable conditions. Additionally, considering the abundance of reed throughout the Portuguese territory, this is an eco-friendly and low-cost option that gathers all requirements to be more used in the construction market

    The potential of the reed as a regenerative building material—characterisation of its durability, physical, and thermal performances

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    Knowing the properties of vernacular materials is crucial to heritage conservation and to develop innovative solutions. Reed, considered to be a carbon-neutral and a carbon dioxide sink material, has been used for centuries for diverse uses. Its high availability and properties made it a popular building material, including in Portuguese vernacular architecture. An experimental investigation was conducted to evaluate the physical performance, thermal performance, and durability of the reed found in Portugal since the characterisation of this material was not found in previous studies. The influence of geometric characteristics and the presence of nodes on these properties were also analysed, and the results showed that they are irrelevant. The studied reeds were found to have an adequate thermal performance to be used as thermal insulation. Their thermal resistance (1.8 m2·°C/W) and thermal conductivity (0.06 W/m·°C) are under the requirements defined by Portuguese regulations on thermal insulation materials. Overall, the physical characteristics (moisture content, density, and retraction) are compatible to its use in the construction. Concerning durability, there was only a trend for mould growth in particular environments. The results provide valuable data to be considered in the development of new construction products based on this natural and renewable material. Additionally, considering the studied samples, the reed found in Portugal has characteristics suitable for use as a building material, especially as a thermal insulation material.FEDER funds through the Competitively and Internationalization Operational Programme (POCI) and by national funds through FCT (the Foundation for Science and Technology) within the scope of the project with the reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029328, reVer


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    This study investigates the economic feasibility of a livestock-forest integration system between Nellore cattle and teak species implemented in Fazenda Bacaeri, in the municipality of Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The economic analysis was based on the dataset provided by the Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril and used to elaborate a cash flow, as well as on the following selected criteria, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, and Profitability Index, for a Minimum Attractive Rate of 4.15% annually. The risk analysis was also carried out using the Monte Carlo probabilistic method, considering seven variables, such as the clearcut and thinning wood price, lean cattle selling price, animal acquisition and forest harvesting costs, thinning and clearcutting yield. The calculated analyzed economic indexes are as follows R$ 4,083,307.77 NPV, 6.48% IRR and 21.36% PI, which indicates the economic feasibility of the studied integration system. The risk analysis shows that this is a low-risk project since the probability of NPV being negative was calculated as 14.4%. However, no matter how efficient the risk prediction tools are, producers must have technical assistance from trained professionals to adequately interpret and mitigate the risks. The studied forest-livestock integration system is economically feasible and low risk


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    The study aims to analyze the exploration potential of the main non-timber forest products in the Forest Management Unit number III by the communities around Jamari National Forest. Were used the açaí fruit and Brazilian nuts production data based on the sustainable management plan, as well the Brazilian nut crop production for 2015, 2016 and 2017 reported by traditional communities, "Américo Ventura" and "Linhas 113-119". The data were analyzed and interpreted using economic indicators. As the main results, the productive potential amount of açaí fruit and Brazilian nuts available for harvest in each annual crop is 426,86 tons and 124,13 tons, respectively, providing an estimate of annual income of R79.794,64andR 79.794,64 and R 195.134,63, respectively. For Brazilian nuts, the annually demand raised by the community was approximately 8 tons, from 2015 to 2017. The amount harvested represents 44.77% of the productive capacity of the three units. In addition, the cost-benefit ratio indicates that for each Brazilian Real invested in production the producer receives, on average, R5,72.TheBraziliannutextractionshowstobeaninterestingactivityintermsofproductionandeconomicvalueinbothcommunities,presentinganetannualgainofR 5,72. The Brazilian nut extraction shows to be an interesting activity in terms of production and economic value in both communities, presenting a net annual gain of R 1.812,108 per collector, for a total group of 50 extractivists residing in the communities “Américo Ventura” and “Linhas 113-119”, between 2015 to 2017. Thus, it is concluded that there is a great potential for exploration of these products in partnership with the concession forest, contributing to the sustainable development of extractivist communities


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    The objective of this study was to elaborate a strategic diagnosis about integrating the forest component (teak) into extensive cattle raising areas, in Alta Floresta, northern Mato Grosso state. For this, the SWOT analysis consisted of initially identifying the internal factors, the strengths and weaknesses internal to the organization (interviews) and the external factors, opportunities and threats external to the organization (bibliographic search) to elaborate the External and Internal Factor Evaluation Matrices. The data were obtained from applying semi-structured interviews to some of the key players in the agro-industrial chain, such as (3) producers, (3) farm managers, (2) professional technicians from the livestock field, and (3) collaborators of public institutions, and a bibliographic search/review as well. The answers given by each interviewee were scored according to their relevance. The scores assigned to internal and external factor evaluations were 2.83 and 3.24, higher than the average 2.5, indicating that the integration of forest with pasture areas is internally strong while the studied region has a favorable external environment. In general, the produced diagnosis indicates that the integration of livestock-forest is an attractive activity, promoting production diversity and collaborating with local development. However, there must be strategic planning between the different key players (government, public and private sectors) in order to foster the most appropriate activities for the region, guaranteeing the conditions for the consolidation of the forest-livestock integration system, given its great potential in relation to monoculture systems

    Quanto tempo tenho de vida? Como responder

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    Introdução: Falar aos pacientes que possuem pouco tempo de vida é algo muito doloroso, e muitos médicos não desempenham muito bem essa função, sendo que alguns chegam até a esconder essa informação (PEARL, 2016). O relato da verdade reflete o que a maioria dos pacientes deseja ouvir, bem como possui o direito de saber (PEARL, 2016). Objetivos: Analisar o quanto é importante a atitude do médico na revelação de um mau prognóstico. Metodologia: Foram levantados dados a partir de diferentes artigos e publicações em meios eletrônicos. A partir dos materiais selecionados buscou-se identificar orientações para o médico sobre a comunicação do prognóstico do paciente em fim de vida. Resultados: Encontrou-se que, apesar de fazer parte da vida e do ser humano ter consciência de que é mortal, a morte, geralmente, apresenta-se como um acontecimento longínquo que só vai acontecer com os outros (SILVA; MERIGHI, 2005). Entretanto, quando a morte se aproxima, buscam-se profissionais de saúde que cuidem e falem a verdade com compaixão e respeito para favorecer as decisões do final da vida (PEARL, 2016). As conversações sobre o fim de vida são muito difíceis, pois demandam tempo e são muito mais prolongadas que uma consulta em que o médico discutiria diretivas de tratamento. Alguns médicos escolhem a conveniência de não falar a verdade para evitar desapontar seus pacientes, outros o fazem somente para não perder o próprio tempo, muitos lutam para confrontar seus próprios limites, e outros se justificam prometendo o impossível para salvar o paciente como se quisessem “preservar a esperança” (PEARL, 2016). Na ética médica do século XIX, havia o incentivo à ocultação do prognóstico ao paciente pela intenção de não lhe provocar danos (BRAZ; GEOVANINI, 2013). Já na ética médica contemporânea as virtudes da sinceridade e da honestidade dos profissionais de saúde são consideradas de alto valor, para que o paciente esteja ciente da gravidade da sua doença (BRAZ; GEOVANINI, 2013). O artigo 34 do Código de Ética Médica diz que ao médico é vetado: “deixar de informar ao paciente o diagnóstico, prognóstico, os riscos e os objetivos de tratamento, salvo quando a comunicação direta possa lhe provocar dano, devendo, nesse caso, falar com o representante legal.” (CONSELHO FEDERAL DE MEDICINA, 2016). Porém, é muito difícil um paciente perguntar sobre o tempo de vida restante e, os poucos que perguntam, na verdade, não querem saber a resposta e desistem de escutá-la (INSTITUTO NACIONAL DO CÂNCER, 2013). Entretanto, é necessário avaliar caso por caso, pois muitos pacientes se sentem desolados com a notícia, podendo até cometer atitudes drásticas, como o suicídio (INSTITUTO NACIONAL DO CÂNCER, 2013). Conclusão: Dessa forma, conclui-se que, do ponto de vista ético, o médico, salvo exceções que possam causar dano, com habilidade, deve informar tudo ao paciente sobre sua doença e dar os possíveis alertas, inclusive sobre seu tempo restante de vida. Os resultados permitem inferir que, desde a graduação, especial atenção deve ser dada à formação do médico referente à comunicação de más notícias ao paciente fora de possibilidades terapêuticas.Palavras-chave: Bioética. Comunicação de más notícias. Ética médica