218 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) memaparkan kritik sosial pada novel Orang-Orang Biasa karya Andrea Hirata dan (2) memaparkan bentuk penyampaian kritik sosial pada novel Orang-Orang Biasa karya Andrea Hirata. Subjek penelitian adalah novel Orang-orang Biasa karya Andrea Hirata. Metode penelitian yang digunaka, yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian difokuskan pada penyampaian masalah yang berkaitan dengan pengaruh isu-isu kelas sosial. Permasalahan tersebut kemudian dikaji dengan teori pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Data diperoleh dengan cara teknik pustaka, baca dan catat. Data dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data yang peneliti kumpulkan dan analisa, diperoleh: (1) empat aspek kritik sosial dominan, yaitu (a) kritik sosial ekonomi yang tidak merata dan tidak adil pada masyarakat miskin; (b) kritik sosial pendidikan terhadap warga miskin tidak sesuai harapan yang mana menurunkan tingkat motivasi untuk belajar; (c) kritik sosial kekuasaan meliputi masalah tindak pembulian dan penyalahgunaan kekuasaan untuk kepuasan pribadi; dan (d) kritik sosial moral meliputi tindak terpuji maupun tercela yang berlaku di masyarakat umum; dan (2) bentuk penyampaian kritik sosial secara langsung (eksplisit) yang disampaikan oleh para tokoh melalui tindak aksi maupun dialog dalam novel, mampu dipahami dengan mudah oleh pembaca awam; dan bentuk penyampaian tidak langsung (implisit) yang memerlukan tingkat pemahaman lebih untuk dapat mengungkap maksud utama pengarang. Peneliti menganalisis makna-makna atau amanat tersirat dalam novel, dan kemudian merelevansikan penemuan tersebut dengan kehidupan nyata.Kata Kunci: Kritik Sosial, Aspek Sosial, Sosiologi Sastra, Bentuk Penyampaian Kritik Sosia

    Attraction comes from many sources. Attentional and comparative processes in decoy effects

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    The attraction effect emerges when adding a seemingly irrelevant option(decoy) to a binary choice shifts preference towardsa target option. This suggests that choice behaviour is dynamic, i.e., choice values are developed during deliberation, rather thanmanifesting some pre-existing preference set. Whereas several models of multialternative and multiattribute decision makingconsider dynamic choice processes as crucial to explain the attraction effect, empirically investigating the exact nature of suchprocesses requires complementing choice output with other data. In this study, we focused on asymmetrically dominateddecoys (i.e., decoys that are clearly dominated only by the target option) to examine the attentional and comparative processesresponsible for the attraction effect. Through an eye-tracker paradigm, we showed that the decoy option can affect subjects’preferences in two different and not mutually exclusive ways: by focusing the attention on the salient option and the dominanceattribute, and by increasing comparisons with the choice dominant pattern.Although conceptually and procedurally distinct,both pathways for decoy effects produce an increase in preferencesfor the target option, in line with attentional and dynamicmodels of decision making. Eye-tracking data provide further details to theverification of such models, by highlighting thecontext-dependent nature of attention and the development of similarity-driven competitive decisional processes

    Diplomatica e nuove tecnologie. La tradizione disciplinare tra innovazione e nemesi digitale

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    Are here considered some and various problems connected with the employ of new digital technologies in traditional work about charters edition: f. e. migration of edited corpora, theory not supported by practice, creation of standard for textual coding


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    Abstract:The objective of this research is to find out whether there is anysignificant difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement betweenthe students who are taught through NHT technique and those through PRtechnique. The research was conducted at SMAN 1 Seputih Raman, LampungTengah. Two classes were taken as the sample of the research; class XI IPA 4 andclass XI IPS 4. Pretest-posttest control group design was applied in this research.The result in both experimental classes showed that there was a significantincrease of students’ reading comprehension achievement after they were taughtthrough NHT technique and PR technique (p0.05; p= .000). The data analysisshowed that the mean score in the experimental class increased from 61.48 into73.81. Meanwhile, the mean score in the control class increased from 58.50 into66.92. It can be concluded that NHT technique is more effective to help thestudents improve their reading ability than PR technique is. Thus, it suggests thatthe English teacher should apply a technique especially NHT technique inteaching reading comprehension as one of alternative techniques.Keywords: Reading comprehension achievement, Numbered Heads Together(NHT) technique, Predictive Reading (PR) technique

    Appunti sui brevia di XI e XII secolo

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    Among the early middle ages documentary heritage, really poor is the quantity of brevia we can examine; but it doesn't mean this kind of record was unusual, as is shown by some formulae of Chartularium langobardicum (10th century). Nevertheless, they begun to frequently appear since mid 11th Century, in order to resolve new claims that changes in politics and social relations brought out (feudal relations as well as, later, legal activity of cities government, and overall extra-judicial settlement of disputes). This survey has the purpose to analyze summarily the phase, between XIth and XIIth Century, in wich recording per breve became a normal option in these circumstances, when a clean pattern was developed by notarial culture - also provided of courts experience - giving breve a form that remind, in some respects, the previous pleas writing schemes


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya pemahaman siswa dalam menguasai pembelajaran IPA pada materi-materi tertentu khususnya materi sistem peredaran darah manusia. Hal tersebut menyebabkan siswa masih bingung mengenai organ-organ peredaran darah manusia serta minat siswa terhadap materi tersebut masih kurang karena siswa selalu menggangapnya sulit. Materi sistem peredaran darah memerlukan media pembelajaran yang tepat untuk memberikan pemahaman konsep mengenai materi tersebut. Hal tersebut menjadi dasar dari dilakukannya penelitian ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan suatu produk berupa media pembelajaran audio visual berbasis Google Sites pembelajaran IPA materi sistem peredaran darah manusia kelas V sekolah dasar. Google Sites merupakan sebuah platform sederhana berbasis web. Media pembelajaran ini mengandung berbagai unsur media seperti video, audio, dan gambar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian design and development yang menggunakan prosedur ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Penelitian ini melibatkan ahli materi, ahli media, ahli bahasa, ahli pembelajaran, guru dan siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu penilaian dari ahli materi dengan persentase kelayakan 73 (%), ahli media dengan persentase kelayakan 84 (%), ahli bahasa dengan persentase kelayakan 88 (%), dan ahli pembelajaran dengan persentase kelayakan 70(%). Penggunaan media audio visual berbasis Google Sites juga mendapatkan respon yang positif dari guru dan siswa kelas V SD Negeri Tirtayasa yang menjadi partisipan dalam penelitian ini, dengan nilai persentase kelayakan media 85 (%) dari guru dan 88,5 (%) dari siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian maka media audio visual berbasis Google Sites pembelajaran IPA materi sistem peredaran darah manusia sudah sangat baik dan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran di kelas V sekolah dasar. -------- This research is motivated by the lack of understanding of students in mastering science learning on certain materials, especially the material of the human circulatory system. This causes students to still be confused about the organs of human blood circulation and students' interest in the material is still lacking because students always find it difficult. The material of the circulatory system requires appropriate learning media to provide an understanding of the concept of the material. This is the basis for conducting this research. The purpose of this research is to produce a product in the form of audio-visual learning media based on Google Sites for science learning material for the fifth grade of elementary school human circulatory system. Google Sites is a simple web-based platform. This learning media contains various media elements such as video, audio, and images. This research is a design and development research that uses ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) procedures. This research involves material experts, media experts, linguists, learning experts, teachers and students. The results of this study are the assessments of material experts with a feasibility percentage of 73 (%), media experts with a feasibility percentage of 84 (%), linguists with a feasibility percentage of 88 (%), and learning experts with a feasibility percentage of 70 (%). The use of audio-visual media based on Google Sites also received a positive response from teachers and fifth grade students of SD Negeri Tirtayasa who were participants in this study, with a percentage value of media eligibility of 85 (%) from teachers and 88.5 (%) from students. Based on the results of the assessment, the audio-visual media based on Google Sites for science learning material on the human circulatory system is very good and can be used in learning in V grade elementary schools

    How Soundtracks Shape What We See: Analyzing the Influence of Music on Visual Scenes Through Self-Assessment, Eye Tracking, and Pupillometry

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    This article presents two studies that deepen the theme of how soundtracks shape our interpretation of audiovisuals. Embracing a multivariate perspective, Study 1 (N = 118) demonstrated, through an online between-subjects experiment, that two different music scores (melancholic vs. anxious) deeply affected the interpretations of an unknown movie scene in terms of empathy felt toward the main character, impressions of his personality, plot anticipations, and perception of the environment of the scene. With the melancholic music, participants felt empathy toward the character, viewing him as more agreeable and introverted, more oriented to memories than to decisions, while perceiving the environment as cozier. An almost opposite pattern emerged with the anxious music. In Study 2 (N = 92), we replicated the experiment in our lab but with the addition of eye-tracking and pupillometric measurements. Results of Study 1 were largely replicated; moreover, we proved that the anxious score, by increasing the participants’ vigilance and state of alert (wider pupil dilation), favored greater attention to minor details, as in the case of another character who was very hard to be noticed (more time spent on his figure). Results highlight the pervasive nature of the influence of music within the process of interpretation of visual scenes

    Sanksi pelaku Homoseks dalam pasal 292 KUHP dan pasal 63 Qanun Aceh No.6 tahun 2014 tentang hukum Jinayat

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    Homoseks adalah rasa ketertarikan seksual atau perilaku antara individu dengan jenis kelamin yang sama atau gender yang sama sebagai orientasi seksual, adapun perbedaan sanksi bagi pelaku homoseks didalam KUHP orang yang melakukan homoseks dipenjara selama lima tahun sedangkan dalam Qanun Jinayat Aceh dihukum dengan 100 kali cambuk atau denda 1.000 gram emas murni atau penjara 100 bulan . Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memahami bagaimana metode istinbath al ahkam tentang sanksi jinayah homoseks yang berlaku di Aceh, bagaimana Unsur- unsur pidana homoseks di dalam KUHP dan Qanun Jinayat Aceh serta memahami bagaimana ketentuan sanksi homoseks di dalam KUHP dan Qanun Jinayat Aceh dalam perspektif maqashid syariah. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yaitu menggunakan analisis sesuai dengan data dan bersifat normatif yang berhubungan dengan homoseks. Sumber data dibagi menjadi dua yang pertama sumber primer terdiri dari KUHP dan Qanun Jinayat Aceh dan yang kedua data sekunder yaitu data pendukung dari data primer, yang berkaitan dengan masalah homoseks. Penelitian ini berangkat dari pemikiran adanya perbedaan secara yuridis dimana Qanun Aceh menggunakan sumber dalam penetapan hukumana dari alquran dan hadis sedangkan KUHP adalah hukum dari belanda yang sudah dikodifikasi. Adapun metode istinbath dalam perumusan Qanun No 6 Tahun 2014 Pasal 63 tentang liwath menggunakan Al-Quran, Hadis dan Qiyas.Dari unsur-unsur tindak pidana menurut KUHP ialah perbuatan cabul, pelakunya adalah orang dewasa dan korbannya harus anak kecil, dengan jenis kelamin yang sama sedangkan dalam Qanun Jinayat Aceh No 6 Tahun 20014 unsur-unsur tindak pidananya ialah berjenis kelamin yang sama, orangnya telah dibebani hukum, persetubhan melalui dubur dan Persetubuhan dilakukan kerena adanya nafsu atas dasar suka sama suka tanpa ada paksaan. didalam KUHP terdapat unsur untuk memelihara jiwa dan memelihara keturunanakan tetapi sanksi yang diterapkan didalam kuhp kurang sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah maqashid syariah dimana maqashid syariah memiliki tujuan dan maksud tertentu dalam menetapka suatu hukuman. Dan dalam Qanun Jinayat Aceh sanksi yang diberlakukan bagi pelaku homoseks sudah sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah Maqashid Syariah dimana pelaku dihukum sesuai dengan apa yang diperbuat
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