1,698 research outputs found

    The principle of the space activity suit

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    Space activity suit designed for active astronaut working in vacuum environments for up to four hour

    The development of an elastic reverse gradient garment to be used as a countermeasure for cardiovascular deconditioning

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    Using a new nomex lycra elastic fabric and individualized garment engineering techniques, reverse gradient garments (RGG's) were designed, constructed, and tested for effectiveness as a countermeasure against cardiovascular deconditioning. By combining torso compensated positive pressure breathing with a distally diminishing gradient of counterpressure supplied by the elastic fabric on the limbs, the RGG acts to pool blood in the extremities of recumbent persons much as though they were standing erect in 1 g. The RGG stresses the vasculature in a fashion similar to that experienced by the normally active man, hence preventing or limiting the development of post weightlessness orthostatic intolerance and related conditions. Four male, college age subjects received daily treatments with the RGG during a 15 day bedrest study. Four additional subjects also underwent the bedrest, but received no treatments; they served as controls. The preliminary indication was that the RGG was somewhat effective in limiting the deconditioning process

    The development of an elastic reverse gradient garment to be used as a countermeasure for cardiovascular deconditioning

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    Using a new Nomex-Lycra elastic fabric and individualized garment engineering techniques, reverse gradient garments (RGG's) were designed, constructed, and tested for effectiveness as a countermeasure against cardiovascular deconditioning. By combining torso-compensated positive pressure breathing with a distally diminishing gradient of counterpressure supplied by the elastic fabric on the limbs, the RGG acts to pool blood in the extremities of recumbent persons much as though they were standing erect in 1 g. It was theorized that through the use of a dynamic pressurization scheme, the RGG would stress the vasculature in a fashion similar to that experienced by the noramlly active man, hence preventing or limiting the development of post-weightlessness orthostatic intolerance and related conditions. Four male, college-age subjects received daily treatments with the RGG during a 15-day bedrest study. Four additional subjects also underwent the bedrest, but received no treatments; they served as controls. The design and construction of the garments are described, and results of the treatment related measurements are given

    Rate of heat extraction controller for environmental control

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    Automatic control device measures a physiological parameter related to heat production and conditions it to control the heat removal capacity of a watercooled environmental control suit

    Cycles in metabolism and heat loss

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    Using calorimetric techniques, subjects' metabolism, thermoregulation, and body temperatures were monitored continuously for 24-hour days, using three types of experimental routines. A water cooling garment (WCG) was used for direct calorimetry, while partitional calorimetry was used to establish a non-suited comparison for one of the routines. In this replicated routine, called the quiet day, the subjects were sedentary throughout the daytime hours and slept normally at night. Results indicate that the WCG may act to reduce 24-hour total oxygen consumption (VO2) or heat production, possibly due to the lowered energy cost of thermoregulation

    Biuret Staining and X-Ray Microanalysis for Locating Grafted Poly(Methyl Acrylate) on Wool Fibers

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    Biuret reagent was used to stain wool fibers with copper so the location of a small amount of poly(methyl acrylate) grafted onto the fibers could be determined by energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis of copper. The grafted polymer was determined to be located in regions of the fibers where cuticle had been previously damaged. The amount of grafted polymer present was too small for secondary electron imaging to be useful for locating the polymer grafts

    Daya Terima Dan Zat Gizi Permen Jeli Dengan Penambahan Bubuk Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera)

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    Moringa oleifera is local plant rich in nutrients, unfortunately its utilization as a foodstuff is limited. In order to maximize the absorbtion of nutrients inside moringa, it should be made as favor food enjoyed by the people such as jelly candy. This research was conducted to evaluate organoleptic properties and nutritional value (energy and â-caroten) of jelly candy formulated with Moringa leaves powder. Using Comlpetely Randomized Design with 6 times repetition in 4 formulas which are 1 controlled formula and 3 modifi ed formulas (F1, F2, and F3), jelly candy then tested to 32untrained panels. Treatment given in this study was by adding 2%, 4%, and 6% moringa leaves powder into jelly candy formula. Data was analyzed descriptively and statistically using Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney test to fi nd out the difference pair. Recommended formula was chosen by counting the highest mean score of the sensory evaluationtest. The result of sensory evaluation showed that Moringa Jelly Candy was generally accepted with category “like”. However, jelly candy with lowest level of Moringa leaves powder (F1) was most acceptable in terms of color, odor, texture, and fl avor. Statistical analysis showed that the scores of color, odor, and texture were not signifi cantly different (p > 0.05) and fl avor was (p < 0.005) which means that by adding moringa leaves powder into jelly candy formula only infl uence the fl avor of jelly candy. Recommended jelly candy formula is F1 with nutritional analysis showed that per 100 g of jelly candy contains 205,8 kcal and 0.178 mcg of B -caroten

    The Dust Content of Galaxy Clusters

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    We report on the detection of reddening toward z ~ 0.2 galaxy clusters. This is measured by correlating the Sloan Digital Sky Survey cluster and quasar catalogs and by comparing the photometric and spectroscopic properties of quasars behind the clusters to those in the field. We find mean E(B-V) values of a few times 10^-3 mag for sight lines passing ~Mpc from the clusters' center. The reddening curve is typical of dust but cannot be used to distinguish between different dust types. The radial dependence of the extinction is shallow near the cluster center suggesting that most of the detected dust lies at the outskirts of the clusters. Gravitational magnification of background z ~ 1.7 sources seen on Mpc (projected) scales around the clusters is found to be of order a few per cent, in qualitative agreement with theoretical predictions. Contamination by different spectral properties of the lensed quasar population is unlikely but cannot be excluded.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Riparian Shading and Groundwater Enhance Growth Potential for Smallmouth Bass in Ozark Streams

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    Moderation of stream temperatures by riparian shading and groundwater are known to promote growth and survival of salmonid fishes, but effects of riparian shade and groundwater on to be growth of warmwater stream fishes are poorly understood or assumed to be negligible. We used stream temperature models to relate shading from riparian vegetation and groundwater inflow to summer water temperatures in Missouri Ozark streams and evaluated effects of summer water temperatures on smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, growth using a bioenergetics model. Bioenergetics model simulations revealed that adult smallmouth bass in non-spring-fed streams have lower growth potential during summer than fish in spring-fed streams, are subject to mass loss when stream temperatures exceed 27°C, and will likely exhibit greater interannual variation in growth during summer if all growth-influencing factors, other than temperature, are identical between the two stream types. Temperature models indicated that increased riparian shading will expand the longitudinal extent of thermal habitat capable of supporting adult smallmouth bass growth in spring-fed stream reaches when mean daily air temperatures exceed 27°C. Optimum growth temperature (22°C) will be present only in spring-fed streams under these conditions. Potential for increasing shade through riparian restoration is greatest for streams \u3c5 m wide and along north–south reaches of larger streams. However, temperature models also indicated that restoring riparian shading to maximum levels throughout a watershed would increase the total stream mileage capable of supporting positive growth of adult smallmouth bass by only 1–6% when air temperatures are at or near average summer maxima; increases in suitable thermal habitat would be greatest in watersheds with higher spring densities. Riparian management for maintenance or restoration of the thermal habitat of adult smallmouth bass during summer should be focused in areas strongly influenced by groundwater. Restoring riparian shading along spring-fed warmwater streams will likely benefit adult smallmouth bass growth and may ultimately influence population sizes