48 research outputs found

    La violence conjugale chez les couples où l'homme est perçu par sa conjointe comme un joueur problématique

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    Le jeu problématique entraîne des conséquences qui concernent tant les joueurs que leurs proches, surtout leur conjointe. La littérature démontre que les problèmes de jeu sont associés à des relations conjugales conflictuelles, empreintes de tensions et d’une pauvre communication. Bien que l’étude de la relation entre les problèmes de jeu et la violence conjugale soit un domaine en émergence dans la littérature, peu est encore connu sur ce lien, surtout en matière des manifestations qu’elle peut prendre chez ces couples. La présente thèse se divise en deux articles pour lesquels les données autorapportées de 156 femmes en couple hétérosexuel, 54 femmes percevant leur conjoint comme ayant un problème de jeu et 102 femmes n’ayant pas de telles perceptions, ont été recueillies au moyen d’entrevues téléphoniques. Le premier article a pour but de dresser le portrait détaillé des dimensions de la violence les plus connues présentes chez ces couples, soit la violence de types physique, sexuelle, psychologique/verbale. Les résultats démontrent que les conjointes de joueurs problématiques sont plus nombreuses à s’être dites instigatrices de violence physique et de manifestations sévères de violence psychologique/verbale envers leur conjoint. Elles rapportent également, en plus grande proportion, avoir été victimes de violence physique et psychologique/verbale, et ce, plus fréquemment, de même que de formes sévères de ces types de violence. Aucune différence entre les deux groupes n’a été observée quant à la violence sexuelle. Les résultats appuient l’hypothèse d’une présence plus fortement marquée de violence conjugale, tant faite que reçue par les conjointes de joueurs problématiques. Ces résultats mettent en lumière le manque d’habiletés d’adaptation et de gestion de conflits rendant nécessaire, dans une perspective interventionniste, l’inclusion d’un segment de thérapie permettant d’outiller ces couples. Le second article a pour objectif d’explorer une dimension de la violence conjugale peu étudiée, soit la violence de type économique, chez les couples dans lesquels les femmes perçoivent leur conjoint comme ayant un problème de jeu en les comparant aux autres femmes, et d’évaluer les stratégies qu’elles utilisent pour contrôler les habitudes de jeu de celui-ci. Les résultats révèlent que les conjointes de joueurs problématiques sont plus nombreuses que les autres femmes à dévoiler avoir été instigatrices et victimes de violence économique. L’instrument maison utilisé a permis aux femmes de décrire les raisons sous-tendant chacun des comportements endossés. Les conjointes de joueurs problématiques évoquent des raisons et des contextes variés mais, principalement, elles attribuent à la violence économique utilisée un rôle de protection, alors que la violence reçue est davantage rapportée comme assurant au conjoint joueur la continuation de ses activités de jeu. D’autre part, les conjointes de joueurs problématiques tendent à utiliser des stratégies de contrôle des habitudes de jeu, a priori adéquates, telles que la discussion avec le conjoint, la suggestion de ressources d’aide, la gestion des cartes bancaires et la mise en place d’un budget. Elles rapportent aussi utiliser des stratégies qui s'inscrivent davantage dans un contexte de violence économique, telles que la surveillance étroite du joueur, les reproches, les blâmes et les menaces. Les difficultés et l’importance de bien évaluer la présence de violence et de contrôle économique auprès des couples où le conjoint masculin présente un problème de jeu sont discutées et des recommandations, tant pour la recherche que pour la pratique clinique, sont apportées. La présente thèse se veut innovatrice et riche en apportant un portrait détaillé de la violence présente au sein des couples qui ont à composer avec les habitudes de jeu inadaptées de l’un des conjoints et en proposant un nouvel instrument pour l’évaluation de la violence économique.Problem gambling is associated with many negative consequences that affect both gamblers and their relatives, mostly their female partner. Literature has demonstrated that problem gambling was associated with difficult conjugal relationships, characterized by tensions and poor communication. Although the relationship between gambling problems and intimate partner violence is gaining interest in the literature, still very little is known about this actual connection, especially in terms of the various manifestations violence can take among these couples. This thesis is comprised of two articles for which self-reported data from 156 women in a heterosexual relationship, 54 viewing their partner as having a gambling problem and 102 not viewing their partner as having such a gambling problem, were used. The first article aims to provide a detailed picture of the most documented types of violence occurring among these couples, that is, sexual, psychological and verbal violence. The results demonstrate that more female partners of problem gamblers consider having instigated physical violence and severe forms of psychological and physical violence against their partner. These women also are more numerous to reveal having been victims of physical, psychological/verbal violence more frequently, as well as having been victims of the most severe forms of these types of violence. No between group difference was found for sexual violence. The results support the hypothesis according to which there is a greater occurrence of intimate partner violence both instigated by and inflicted upon the female partners of problem gamblers. Those results highlight a lack of coping and conflict management skills thus making necessary, in an interventionist perspective, the inclusion of a section of therapy dedicated to equip those couples. The second article aims to explore economical violence, a type of intimate partner violence rarely addressed in the literature, among couples in which women view their partner as having a gambling problem by comparing them to the other women, and by assessing the control strategies they use to restrain their partner’s gambling habits. Results indicate that more female partners of problem gamblers than other women reveal having instigated and having been victims of economical violence. An instrument specifically designed for this study allowed women to describe the reasons underlying each endorsed behavior. The reasons mentioned by the problem gamblers’ partners, although diverse, attribute to the economical violence used a protection role whereas the violence received is mainly seen as a means for the gambling male partner to maintain his gambling activities. Furthermore, female partners of problem gamblers tend to use a priori adequate gambling habit control strategies, such as discussing with their partner, suggesting help resources, managing bank cards and making a budget, whereas other mentioned strategies, such as controlling the gambler, reproaching, blaming and threatening, most likely correspond to economical violence. The difficulties and the importance of properly assessing this complex dimension of intimate partner violence among couples where the male partner is a problem gambler are discussed and recommendations are given, both for research and clinical practice. The present thesis is innovative and rich in that it provides a detailed picture of the violence that occurs among couples having to deal with the inappropriate gambling habits of one partner and also in that it introduces a new instrument to assess economical violence

    Cognitive Restructuring for the Treatment of Gambling Related Thoughts: a Systematic Review

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    Cognitive restructuring is the best practice for treating gambling related thoughts, but some therapists do not apply this technique due to a lack of training regarding its application. The increase of skill game players (e.g., poker) entering treatment adds a challenge for therapists because these gamblers present with different thoughts than those of other gamblers usually encountered in treatment (e.g., EGM). This systematic review aims to describe how cognitive restructuring is carried out with gamblers, particularly skill game players, based on the evidence available in empirical studies that include cognitive interventions for gambling. Of the 2607 studies collected, 41 were retained. Results highlighted exposure as the most frequently used technique to facilitate identification of gambling related thoughts (imaginal = 19.5%; in vivo = 12.2% of studies). More than half of the studies (63.4%) clearly reported therapeutic techniques aimed at correcting gamblers’ thoughts, of which 30.8% involved visual support to challenge the thoughts (e.g. node link mapping, ABC log, cue-cards). Of the 41 retained studies, 46.3% included skill game players in their sample. However, 94.7% of these studies did not mention if cognitive restructuring had been adapted for these players. It was also observed that several terms referring to gamblers’ thoughts were used interchangeably (e.g. erroneous, dysfunctional, irrational or inadequate thoughts), although these terms could each refer to specific content. Clinical implications of the results are discussed with regards to the needs of therapists, but also in relation to editing constraints of scientific journals that may limit detailed description of cognitive restructuring procedures

    Self-help Treatment for At-risk and Pathological Gamblers: Results From an Efficacy Study

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    Available evidence suggests that self-help treatments may reduce problem gambling severity and gambling behaviour. However, decrease of gambling among control groups and rare assessment of key variables associated with improvement across studies leave the benefits of self-help treatments for problem gambling unclear. The current study assesses the efficacy of a self-help treatment program including three motivational telephone interviews spread over an 11-week period and a cognitive-behavioral self-help workbook. At-risk and pathological gamblers were randomly assigned to the treatment group (n = 31) or the waiting list (n = 31). Relative to the waiting list, the treatment group presented a significant reduction in the number of DSM-5 pathological gambling criteria met, gambling habits (frequency, money and time spent gambling, and gambling consequences at 11 weeks. Perceived self-efficacy and life satisfaction also significantly improved after 11 weeks for the treatment group, whereas no significant changes were observed for the waiting list group. All significant changes reported for the treatment group were maintained throughout 15 and 35-week follow-ups. Results support the efficacy of the self-help program to reduce problem gambling severity, gambling behaviour and to improve overall functioning of gamblers over short and medium term. Findings from this study lend support to the growing body of evidence on the appropriateness of self-help treatments for problem gamblers and help clarify inconsistencies found in the literature. The low dropout rate is discussed with respect to the advantages of the self-help format and clinical and methodological implications of the results are put forth

    Risk perception and risk-taking among skateboarders

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    International audienceSkateboarding is considered to be a high risk activity. Although many studies have identified risk factors associated with skateboarding injuries, few have provided detailed in-depth knowledge on participants' psychological dispositions towards risk behaviors. The aim of this study was to identify individual factors associated with risk perception and risk-taking among skateboarders. Telephone interviews were conducted with 158 skateboarders (mean age = 18.1 years) recruited in 11 Montreal skateparks. Age, self-efficacy, previous injuries, fear of being injured, sensation seeking and experience level were all included in two linear regression models that were run for risk perception and risk-taking. Age, experience level, sensation seeking, and risk perception are significant explanatory variables of risk-taking. Results show that sensation seeking was the only significant factor associated with risk perception. These results allow for a better understanding of the behavior of skateboarders, they highlight the importance of impulsive sensation seeking in risk perception as well as risk-taking. This study characterizes skateboarders who take risks and provides additional information on interventions for injury prevention

    LILAC pilot study : effects of metformin on mTOR activation and HIV reservoir persistence during antiretroviral therapy

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    Background: Chronic inflammation and residual HIV transcription persist in people living with HIV (PLWH) receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART), thus increasing the risk of developing non-AIDS co-morbidities. The mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a key regulator of cellular metabolism and HIV transcription, and therefore represents an interesting novel therapeutic target. Methods: The LILAC pilot clinical trial, performed on non-diabetic ART-treated PLWH with CD4+ /CD8+ T-cell ratios <0.8, evaluated the effects of metformin (12 weeks oral administration; 500-850 mg twice daily), an indirect mTOR inhibitor, on the dynamics of immunological/virological markers and changes in mTOR activation/phosphorylation in blood collected at Baseline, Week 12, and 12 weeks after metformin discontinuation (Week 24) and sigmoid colon biopsies (SCB) collected at Baseline and Week 12. Findings: CD4+ T-cell counts, CD4+ /CD8+ T-cell ratios, plasma markers of inflammation/gut damage, as well as levels of cell-associated integrated HIV-DNA and HIV-RNA, and transcriptionally-inducible HIV reservoirs, underwent minor variations in the blood in response to metformin. The highest levels of mTOR activation/ phosphorylation were observed in SCB at Baseline. Consistently, metformin significantly decreased CD4+ Tcell infiltration in the colon, as well as mTOR activation/phosphorylation, especially in CD4+ T-cells expressing the Th17 marker CCR6. Also, metformin decreased the HIV-RNA/HIV-DNA ratios, a surrogate marker of viral transcription, in colon-infiltrating CD4+ T-cells of 8/13 participants

    Validity and reproducibility of an interviewer-administered food frequency questionnaire for healthy French-Canadian men and women

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the validity (study 1) and the reproducibility (study 2) of an interviewer-administered food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). METHOD: The FFQ was designed at Laval University and contains 91 items and 33 subquestions. Study 1: The FFQ was compared against a 3-day food record (2 week-days and 1 weekend-day), at week 0, 6 and 12 of a nutritional intervention. Study 2: In order to evaluate the reproducibility of the FFQ, 2 registered dietitians administered the FFQ 4-weeks apart among subjects who were not part of the nutritional intervention. RESULTS: Study 1: Mean values for intake of most nutrients assessed by the FFQ and by the 3-day food record were not statistically different. Energy-adjusted correlation coefficients for major macronutrients ranged from 0.36 for proteins to 0.60 for carbohydrates (p ≤ 0.01). Agreement analysis revealed that on average, 35% of the subjects were classified in the same quartile when nutrients were assessed by either the 3-day food record or the FFQ. Study 2: Significant associations were observed between dietary measurements derived from the two FFQs administered 4 weeks apart. Correlation coefficients for the reproducibility of macronutrients ranged from 0.66 for carbohydrates to 0.83 for lipids after energy adjustment. On average, 46% of the subjects were classified in the same quartile when nutrient intakes were assessed by either FFQ. CONCLUSION: These data indicated that the FFQ developed has a good validity and is reproducible

    Upregulated IL-32 expression and reduced gut short chain fatty acid caproic acid in people living with HIV with subclinical atherosclerosis

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    Despite the success of antiretroviral therapy (ART), people living with HIV (PLWH) are still at higher risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) that are mediated by chronic inflammation. Identification of novel inflammatory mediators with the inherent potential to be used as CVD biomarkers and also as therapeutic targets is critically needed for better risk stratification and disease management in PLWH. Here, we investigated the expression and potential role of the multi-isoform proinflammatory cytokine IL-32 in subclinical atherosclerosis in PLWH (n=49 with subclinical atherosclerosis and n=30 without) and HIV- controls (n=25 with subclinical atherosclerosis and n=24 without). While expression of all tested IL-32 isoforms (α, β, γ, D, ϵ, and θ) was significantly higher in peripheral blood from PLWH compared to HIV- controls, IL-32D and IL-32θ isoforms were further upregulated in HIV+ individuals with coronary artery atherosclerosis compared to their counterparts without. Upregulation of these two isoforms was associated with increased plasma levels of IL-18 and IL-1β and downregulation of the atheroprotective protein TRAIL, which together composed a unique atherosclerotic inflammatory signature specific for PLWH compared to HIV- controls. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that modulation of these inflammatory variables was independent of age, smoking, and statin treatment. Furthermore, our in vitro functional data linked IL-32 to macrophage activation and production of IL-18 and downregulation of TRAIL, a mechanism previously shown to be associated with impaired cholesterol metabolism and atherosclerosis. Finally, increased expression of IL-32 isoforms in PLWH with subclinical atherosclerosis was associated with altered gut microbiome (increased pathogenic bacteria; Rothia and Eggerthella species) and lower abundance of the gut metabolite short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) caproic acid, measured in fecal samples from the study participants. Importantly, caproic acid diminished the production of IL-32, IL-18, and IL-1β in human PBMCs in response to bacterial LPS stimulation. In conclusion, our studies identified an HIV-specific atherosclerotic inflammatory signature including specific IL-32 isoforms, which is regulated by the SCFA caproic acid and that may lead to new potential therapies to prevent CVD in ART-treated PLWH