57 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Oseltamivir-Zanamivir Combination Compared to Each Monotherapy for Seasonal Influenza: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    Analysis of virological and clinical outcomes from a randomized trial that was terminated early suggest that combined treatment of seasonal influenza in adult outpatients with oseltamivir plus zanamivir is no more effective than either oseltamivir or zanamivir monotherapy

    Chronic Eczematous Eruptions of the Elderly Are Associated with Chronic Exposure to Calcium Channel Blockers: Results from a Case–Control Study

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    It has been suggested that chronic eczematous eruptions of the elderly could be associated with chronic drug exposure. To determine the drugs associated with these eruptions, we conducted a case–control study on 102 cases and 204 controls. Cases were consecutive patients older than 60 years presenting with an eczematous eruption that had evolved continuously or recurrently for more than 3 months without a reliable cause. Two controls were matched to each case on age, sex, in/outpatient origin, and center. Information about drug exposure was obtained from patients and their pharmacists. Drug use for more than 3 months within the year preceding the eruption was compared between cases and controls. An association was found between calcium channel blockers (CCB) and eczema, with a matched OR (odds ratio) of 2.5 (95% CI (confidence interval): 1.3–4.6). To ascertain the course of patients after CCB withdrawal, two ancillary studies were performed on 74 patients with eczematous eruptions from our department before the case–control study period, and on 101 patients registered in the French “Pharmacovigilance” database. Healing of these eruptions after CCB withdrawal occurred in 83 and 68% of these cases, respectively. The long-term use of CCB is a risk factor for chronic eczematous eruptions of the elderly

    Le projet SEBIOPAG-PHYTO : déterminants agricoles parcellaires et paysagers des variations de niveaux de régulation biologique

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    Ce sĂ©minaire est une restitution des principales avancĂ©es obtenues dans le cadre des projets ANR PEERLESS «viabilitĂ© d’une gestion Ă©cologique renforcĂ©e de la santĂ© des plantes dans les paysages agricoles » (2013-2017) et FRB SEBIOPAG-PHYTO «dĂ©terminants agricoles parcellaires et paysagers des variations de niveaux de rĂ©gulation biologique » (2014-2017). Le sĂ©minaire a rassemblĂ© 60 scientifiques, pour moitiĂ© extĂ©rieure aux unitĂ©s INRA partenaires de ces projets. Il s'est dĂ©roulĂ© Ă  Paris Paris les 27-28 novembre 2017

    Les effets conjugués de la gestion parcellaire et du contexte paysager et de sa dynamique sur les bioagresseurs et les niveaux de régulation biologique

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    Ce sĂ©minaire est une restitution des principales avancĂ©es obtenues dans le cadre des projets ANR PEERLESS «viabilitĂ© d’une gestion Ă©cologique renforcĂ©e de la santĂ© des plantes dans les paysages agricoles » (2013-2017) et FRB SEBIOPAG-PHYTO «dĂ©terminants agricoles parcellaires et paysagers des variations de niveaux de rĂ©gulation biologique » (2014-2017). Le sĂ©minaire a rassemblĂ© 60 scientifiques, pour moitiĂ© extĂ©rieure aux unitĂ©s INRA partenaires de ces projets. Il s'est dĂ©roulĂ© Ă  Paris Paris les 27-28 novembre 2017

    Think and Act: Reflective Tool for professionals working with families (TART). Summary version

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    The IO3 aims to help organise and articulate reflection by the professional who works with families in situations of vulnerability or that are at risk and encourages professionals to continue questioning themselves about the processes of accompanying families with a broad, systemic, and ecological perspective. - The content of TART (IO3) is focused on a series of specific challenges of attention and intervention with today’s families in Europe. These challenges are listed in the previous IO by describing situations (IO1) and mentioning the main challenges that were identified by the professionals, parents, and young people (IO2). - The tool can be used both by the direct care professionals themselves to address their own practice, as well as by professionals who are dedicated to supervising teams, or by professionals who guide the professional practices of university students

    Think and Act: Reflective Tool for professionals working with families (TART)

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    This tool, Think and Act: Reflective Tool for Professionals working with Families (TART) (hereinafter TART) has been created within the framework of the Erasmus + Grow in Family Today project (hereinafter GIFT) (2018-FR01-KA202-0488115) with the participation of 4 European countries (France, Spain, Italy and Romania) represented by 4 entities and/or professional services that attend families in vulnerable situations (Caminante-FR, Consell Comarcal del Vallùs Occidental-ESP, Casa di Ramia-IT and Holtis-RO) and the universities of 4 European countries (Pau et Pays de l’Adour University-UPPA-FR; Barcelona University and Lleida University-ESP; Padova University and Verona University-IT; Iasi University-RO). Within the framework of the GIFT project, two previous intellectual outputs have been created that are antecedents to and complement this current output. The first of them "Growing in family today: the challenge of diversity" addresses the issue of the family and the exercise of parenthood in the family today from the perspective of diversity, and identifies the main challenges in terms of intervention, defined by the components of the aforementioned partnership. The second output, entitled “Representations of growing in family today” focuses on the view held by families, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, as well as professionals, of what it means to grow in a family today. Both intellectual outputs are antecedents of this third intellectual output and contribute valuable elements to nurture the reflective processes that are proposed here..

    Piensa y ActĂșa: Herramienta para la ReflexiĂłn de los y las profesionales que trabajan con familias (TART)

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    Piensa y ActĂșa: Herramienta Reflexiva para los y las profesionales que trabajan con familias (TART, por las siglas en inglĂ©s de Think and Act: Reflective Tool for professionals working with families, a partir de ahora, TART) surge en el marco del proyecto Erasmus + Grow in Family Today (a partir de ahora GIFT) (2018-FR01-KA202-0488115) en el que participan cuatro paĂ­ses europeos (Francia, España, Italia y RumanĂ­a) representados por cuatro entidades y/o servicios de profesionales que atienden a familias en situaciĂłn de vulnerabilidad (Caminante-FR, Consell Comarcal del VallĂšs Occidental-ES, Casa di Ramia-IT y Holtis-RU) y por universidades de cuatro paĂ­ses europeos (Universidad de Pau y la RegiĂłn del Adour, FR; Universidad de Barcelona y Universidad de Lleida, ES; Universidad de Padua y Universidad de Verona, IT, y Universidad de Iași, RU). En el marco del proyecto GIFT se han elaborado dos producciones intelectuales previas que son antecedentes de la actual y la complementan. La primera de ellas, “Creciendo en familia hoy: el desafĂ­o de la pluralidad” (2021), aborda el tema de la familia y el ejercicio de la parentalidad en la familia hoy en dĂ­a desde la diversidad e identifica los principales retos en tĂ©rminos de intervenciĂłn definidos por los componentes de dicho partenariado. La segunda producciĂłn titulada “Representations of growing in family today” (2021) se centra en la visiĂłn que tienen las familias, padres, madres, hijos e hijas, asĂ­ como los y las profesionales, de lo que significa crecer en familia hoy. Ambas producciones intelectuales suponen antecedentes de esta tercera producciĂłn intelectual y aportan elementos valiosos para nutrir los procesos reflexivos que se proponen aquĂ­..
