267 research outputs found

    On the huntsman spider genera Sparianthina Banks, 1929 and Anaptomecus Simon, 1903 from South and Central America (Araneae, Sparassidae)

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    Th e huntsman spider genera Sparianthina Banks, 1929 and Anaptomecus Simon, 1903 are reviewed. Th e type species of Sparianthina, Sparianthina selenopoides Banks, 1929, is redescribed, illustrated, and recorded from Costa Rica for the fi rst time; a lectotype and paralectotype are designated. Th ree species are transferred to the genus: Sparianthina pumilla (Keyserling, 1880) comb. n. from Heteropoda Latreille, 1804 (lectotype and paralectotype are designated), Sparianthina rufescens (Mello-Leitão, 1940) comb. n. from Anaptomecus and Sparianthina milleri (Caporiacco, 1955) comb. n. from Macrinus Simon, 1887. Th e ♂ of S. rufescens (Mello-Leitão, 1940) comb. n. and the ♀ of S. milleri comb. n. are described for the fi rst time. Th ree new species are described: Sparianthina adisi sp. n., S. deltshevi sp. n., and S. saaristoi sp. n. Th e male and female of Anaptomecus longiventris Simon, 1903 are described for the fi rst time and the species is recorded from Panama for the fi rst time. Two new species are described: Anaptomecus temii sp. n. and A. levyi sp. n.Fil: Jäger, Peter. Senckenberg Research Institute; AlemaniaFil: Rheims, Cristina Anne. Governo do Estado de Sao Paulo. Secretaria da Saude. Instituto Butantan; BrasilFil: Labarque, Facundo Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentin

    Prevalence of symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and associated features in Swiss military recruits: a self-report survey

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    Background Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), defined as the obsessive idea that some aspect of one’s own body or appearance is severely flawed/deformed, is relatively common in the general population and has been shown to have strong associations with mood and anxiety disorders and substance abuse disorders. Furthermore, a previous study on symptoms of BDD among people in the military showed that muscles are an important area of preoccupation. Hence, this study aimed to 1. assess the prevalence of BDD symptoms in Swiss military recruits, 2. specify the areas of preoccupation, and 3. analyze associated features (depression and alcohol/drug abuse). Method A total of 126 Swiss male military recruits (age: M = 20.12, SD = 1.09, range: 18–24) were examined using self-report measurements to assess symptoms of BDD, depression, alcohol/drug abuse. Results The results showed that symptoms of BDD were relatively common (9.5% reached the cutoff value for probable BDD, 84% reported some symptoms), with the muscles as the most common area of preoccupation. A positive correlation (r = .38, p < .001) between depressive symptoms and symptoms of BDD was found, thus no correlation between alcohol/drug abuse and symptoms of BDD. Conclusion The results indicate a need to develop and implement measures for prevention (e.g. raising awareness among the military) and intervention in this specific population

    Palliative chemotherapy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a retrospective cohort analysis of efficacy and toxicity of the FOLFIRINOX regimen focusing on the older patient

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    Background: Pancreatic cancer occurs more frequently in older patients, but these are underrepresented in the phase III clinical studies that established the current treatment standards. This leads to uncertainty regarding the treatment of older patients with potentially toxic but active regimens like FOLFIRINOX. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients treated according to the FOLFIRINOX protocol at our institution between 2010 and 2014 with a focus on older patients. Results: Overall survival in our cohort was 10.2 months. Only 43% of patients did not need dose adaptations, but dose reductions did not lead to an inferior survival. We did not find evidence that patients aged 65 years and older deemed fit enough for palliative treatment had more toxicities or a worse outcome than younger patients. Conclusion: We conclude that treatment with the FOLFIRINOX protocol in patients with pancreatic cancer should not be withhold from patients solely based on their chronological age but rather be based on the patient’s performance status and comorbidities

    QAnon in Deutschland

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    QANON IN DEUTSCHLAND QAnon in Deutschland / Dittrich, Miro (Rights reserved) ( -

    A phase II study for metabolic in vivo response monitoring with sequential 18FDG-PET-CT during treatment with the EGFR-monoclonal-antibody cetuximab in metastatic colorectal cancer: the Heidelberg REMOTUX trial

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    BACKGROUND: The epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody cetuximab has proven activity in metastatic colorectal cancer. To date, the mechanisms of action are not completely understood. Especially the impact on tumor glucose metabolism, or tumor vascularization remains largely unclear. The understanding of mechanisms such as early changes in tumor metabolism is of clinical importance since there may be a substantial influence on choice and sequence of drug combinations. Early signals of response to cetuximab may prove useful to identify patients having a relevant clinical treatment benefit. The objective of this trial is to evaluate the predictive relevance of the relative change in (18 )F-Fluorodeoxyglucose tumor uptake for early clinical response during short-term single agent treatment with cetuximab. Early clinical response will be routinely measured according to the response evaluation criteria in solid tumors. Accompanying research includes cytokine immune monitoring and analysis of tumor proteins and tumor genes. METHODS/DESIGN: The REMOTUX trial is an investigator-initiated, prospective, open-label, single-arm, single-center early exploratory predictive study. The first (18 )F-FDG PET-CT is conducted at baseline followed by the run-in phase with cetuximab at days 1 and 8. At day 14, the second (18 )F-FDG PET-CT is performed. Subsequently, patients are treated according to the Folfiri-cetuximab regimen as an active and approved first-line regimen for metastatic colorectal carcinoma. At day 56, clinical response is evaluated with a CT-scan compared to the baseline analysis. Tracer uptake is assessed using standardized uptake values (SUVs). The main hypothesis to be tested in the primary analysis is whether or not the relative change in the SUV from baseline to day 14 has any predictive relevance for early clinical response determined at day 56. Patients are followed until death from any cause or until 24 months after the last patient has ended trial treatment. DISCUSSION: The aim of this trial is to evaluate metabolic changes in metastatic colorectal cancer during short-term single agent treatment with cetuximab and to analyse their potential of predicting early clinical response. This could be helpful to answer the question if early identification of patients not responding to cetuximab is possible. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT200811021020; EudraCT 20090132792

    Late-Stage Modification of Aminoglycoside Antibiotics Overcomes Bacterial Resistance Mediated by APH(3') Kinases

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    The continuous emergence of antimicrobial resistance is causing a threat to patients infected by multidrug‐resistant pathogens. In particular, the clinical use of aminoglycoside antibiotics, broad‐spectrum antibacterials of last resort, is limited due to rising bacterial resistance. One of the major resistance mechanisms in Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria is phosphorylation of these amino sugars at the 3’‐position by O‐phosphotransferases [APH(3’)s]. Structural alteration of these antibiotics at the 3’‐position would be an obvious strategy to tackle this resistance mechanism. However, the access to such derivatives requires cumbersome multi‐step synthesis, which is not appealing for pharma industry in this low‐return‐on‐investment market. To overcome this obstacle and combat bacterial resistance mediated by APH(3’)s, we introduce a novel regioselective modification of aminoglycosides in the 3’‐position via palladium‐catalyzed oxidation. To underline the effectiveness of our method for structural modification of aminoglycosides, we have developed two novel antibiotic candidates overcoming APH(3’)s‐mediated resistance employing only four synthetic steps

    Introduction of innovations in joint arthroplasty: Recommendations from the 'EFORT implant and patient safety initiative'

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    With the implementation of the new MDR 2017/745 by the European Parliament, more robust clinical and pre-clinical data will be required due to a more stringent approval process. The EFORT Implant and Patient Safety Initiative WG1 ‘Introduction of Innovation’, combined knowledge of orthopaedic surgeons, research institutes, orthopaedic device manufacturers, patient representatives and regulatory authorities to develop a comprehensive set of recommendations for the introduction of innovations in joint arthroplasty within the boundaries of MDR 2017/745. Recommendations have been developed to address key questions about pre-clinical and clinical requirements for the introduction of new implants and implant-related instrumentation with the participation of a steering group, invited by the EFORT Board in dialogue with representatives from European National Societies and Speciality Societies. Different degrees of novelty and innovation were described and agreed on in relation to when surgeons can start, using implants and implant-related instrumentation routinely. Before any clinical phase of a new implant, following the pre-market clinical investigation or the equivalent device PMCF pathway, it is a common understanding that all appropriate pre-clinical testing (regulatory mandatory and evident state of the art) – which has to be considered for a specific device – has been successfully completed. Once manufacturers receive the CE mark for a medical device, it can be used in patients routinely when a clinical investigation has been conducted to demonstrate the conformity of devices according to MDR Article 62 or full equivalence for the technical, biological and clinical characteristics has been demonstrated (MDR, Annex XIV, Part A, 3.) and a PMCF study has been initiated

    ED011. Levantamiento de línea base de la diversidad de insectos en 40 fincas en Santa Cruz, Galápagos

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    Agricultural production in Galapagos began in the early 20th century on the 4 inhabited islands. Currently, very little is known about the number, abundance and distribution of insect and plant species in the agricultural area. Information on the presence of invasive species and their impacts on agricultural production is also limited. To ensure the sustainability of human life and the conservation of Galapagos species, it is essential to know the terrestrial biodiversity and the interactions with socio-ecological systems. To fill this information gap, a baseline of insects was established on 40 farms on Santa Cruz Island. Transects were set up to carry out foliage sweeps with entomological nets and manual collections of insects in the crops of each farm. A total of 16,533 individuals were collected and identified at different taxonomic levels, 10,331 were identified at the species level. 135 species of insects were identified, of which 18.7 % corresponded to endemic, 13.3 % to native, and 46.7 % to introduced species. The species: Bromeloecia wolverinei, Ceraeochrysa everes, Coproica bisphanta, Cosmosciara hartii, Dettopsomyia formosa, Pseudolycoriella cavatica, Psychoda alternata, Pullimosina heteroneura, Zagrammosoma lineaticeps are new records for Galapagos. This information is a useful tool to incorporate into sustainable agricultural practices. For this reason, it is recommended to strengthen the entomological survey system and technical support in the agricultural area of Santa Cruz.La producción agrícola en las Galápagos empezó a principios del siglo XX en las cuatro islas habitadas. Actualmente, se conoce muy poco acerca del número, abundancia y distribución de especies de insectos y plantas en el área agropecuaria. La información sobre la presencia de especies invasoras y sus impactos en la producción agrícola también es escasa. Para asegurar la sostenibilidad de la vida humana y la conservación de las especies de las Galápagos, es fundamental conocer esta biodiversidad terrestre y las interacciones con los sistemas socio-ecológicos. Con el propósito de llenar esta brecha de información, se levantó una línea base de insectos en 40 fincas de la Isla Santa Cruz. Para esto, se establecieron transectos en los que se realizaron barridos del follaje con redes entomológicas y colectas manuales de insectos en los cultivos de cada finca. Se colectaron e identificaron a diferentes niveles taxonómicos 16 533 individuos y de estos, 10 331 fueron identificados a nivel de especie. Se identificaron 135 especies de insectos, de estas el 18,7 % corresponde a insectos endémicos, el 13,3 % a nativos, y el 46,7 % a introducidos. Las especies: Bromeloecia wolverinei, Ceraeochrysa everes, Coproica bisphanta, Cosmosciara hartii, Dettopsomyia formosa, Pseudolycoriella cavatica, Psychoda alternata, Pullimosina heteroneura, Zagrammosoma lineaticeps son nuevos registros para Galápagos. Esta información constituye una herramienta útil a la hora de incorporar prácticas agrícolas sostenibles. Por esto, se recomienda reforzar el sistema de vigilancia entomológica y acompañamiento técnico en la zona agropecuaria de Santa Cruz

    BDD-NET – Ein internetbasiertes Programm bei Körperunzufriedenheit zur niedrigschwelligen Behandlung der körperdysmorphen Störung für den deutschen Sprachraum

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    Hintergrund: Die Körperdysmorphe Störung (KDS) ist eine schwerwiegende psychische Störung, die mit starker Scham sowie Leidensdruck und Funktionseinschränkungen einhergeht. Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie stellt die aktuell wirksamste evidenzbasierte Behandlungsmethode dar. Aufgrund zahlreicher Behandlungsbarrieren kommen KDS-Betroffene jedoch selten in der psychotherapeutischen Behandlung an, weshalb niedrigschwelligen Behandlungsmethoden (z.B. aus dem Bereich E-Mental-Health) eine wichtige Rolle zukommen könnten. Erste internationale Studien weisen auf die Wirksamkeit von E-Mental-Health-Angeboten bei KDS hin. Material und Methoden: Dieser Beitrag gibt eine Übersicht zur bisherigen Umsetzung und Evidenz von E-Mental-Health-Angeboten für KDS und stellt die ins Deutsche übersetzte Version des BDD-NET-Programms, eines internetbasierten, manuali­sierten, therapeutenbegleiteten Interventionsprogramms, für die KDS vor, welches aus dem Englischen für den deutschen Sprachraum übersetzt und adaptiert wurde. Ergebnisse: BDD-NET umfasst acht Module, die binnen einer 12-wöchigen Behandlung online bearbeitet werden. Die Online-Plattform bietet für die Patienten die Möglichkeit, mit dem BDD-NET-Therapeuten mittels persönlicher Nachrichten zu kommunizieren. Sämtliche Materialien wurden aus dem Englischen übersetzt und vor allem in kultureller Hinsicht adaptiert. Schlussfolgerungen: BDD-NET könnte ein wichtiger Baustein in der Versorgung von KDS-Betroffenen sein. Die Evaluation steht für den deutschen Sprachraum noch aus. Auf Besonderheiten des Settings (z.B. Störungseinsicht als möglicher Behandlungsfokus) sowie praktische Implikationen wird eingegangen. Zudem werden Voraussetzungen und Rahmenbedingungen für eine perspektivische Dissemination diskutiert