1,095 research outputs found

    Bør Norges Bank reagere sterkere på boligpris- og kredittvekst? : lærdommer fra bankkrisen og dagens finanskrise.

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    I denne masterutredningen har vi tatt for oss boligprisenes og kredittmarkedets utvikling i Norge, med et mål om å bedømme hvorvidt Norges Bank bør ha en sterkere vektlegging av disse størrelsene. Dette gjøres ved å trekke lærdommer fra dagens finansielle krise og den norske bankkrisen på slutten av 1980-tallet. Første del av oppgaven er en innledende forklaring på dagens internasjonale finanskrise. Videre blir økonomisk kriseteori, sentralbankens rentesetting og boligmarkedet gjennomgått. Dette etterfølges av en analyse av den norske bankkrisen og dagens finansielle krise. I analysen beregner vi selv produksjonsgap og konsumgap, mens boligprisgap- og kredittgapberegningene er utført av Norges Bank. Våre korrelasjonsanalyser mellom gapene viser fellestrekk mellom økonomisk kriseteori, dagens krise og bankkrisen. Vi konkluderer med at kredittvekst og boligprisvekst går hånd i hånd og påvirker realøkonomien og finansiell stabilitet. Vi vil argumentere for at Norges Bank bør reagere mer aktivt på endringer i bolig- og kredittmarkedet

    Plant Biomarker Pattern, Screening Programme for Phytochemical Differences in Plants Exposed to Stress

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    A screening programme is developed to investigate phytochemical differences in plants xposed to stress compared with non-exposed plants. The screening programme, in its resent form or in a more simplified form, can be utilized in several different areas as a preliminary broad screening. The screening programme covers the most general groups of compounds found in plants. The following groups of phytochemical compounds are included in the programme: Unspecific compounds, organic acids, lipids, phenolic compounds, carbohydrates, terpenoids and N-, S- and P-containing compounds

    Granulomatosis with polyangiitis and cardio vascular co-morbidity in Denmark. A registry-based study of 21 years of follow-up

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe the epidemiology of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) in Denmark. To investigate if cardiovascular (CV) related comorbidity and death were increased among Danish AAV patients registered with a diagnosis of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) in Denmark. To investigate if there was a temporal relation between diagnosis of GPA and CV disease and death. METHODS: A population-based cohort study was performed using the Danish Civil Registration System, the Danish National Patient Registry and the Danish Cause of Death Register in the period January 1, 1995, to December 31, 2015. Patients registered twice or more with a diagnosis of GPA were included. Annual incidence rate (IR), point prevalence (PP) and standardized mortality rate (SMR) were calculated. The entire adult population in Denmark served as control population. CV morbidity and death caused by CV disease was registered. RESULTS: We identified 1829 individuals with GPA. The median annual IR was 20.5/1,000,000 and PP increased from 64 to 277/1,000,000 in 2015. Overall SMR was 2.14. Among patients with GPA 171 had a hospital diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Compared to the control population, the hazard ratio (HR) of AMI was 2.47 (95% CI 1.24–4.94) during the first 3 months after the GPA diagnosis. From 3 months to one year declining to 1.41 (95%CI 0.80–2.49) and after 10 years the HR was still slightly increased to 1.64 (95%CI 1.20–2.23). The risk of a diagnosis of heart failure (HF) was markedly increased with a HR at 7.22 (95% CI 4.55–11.46) during the first 3 months after a GPA diagnosis, after three months up to one year 2.94 (95%CI 1.87–4.69), and 2.07 (95% CI 1.54–2.78) after 10 years. The total number of CV deaths in the GPA cohort was 307. During the first three months after a GPA diagnosis, the HR was increased to 9.51 (95%CI 7.12–12.70) declining to 2.51 (95% CI 1.77–3.58) after one year, but still increased to 1.56 (95% CI 1.23–1.98) after 10 years. Powered by Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® from Aries Systems Corporation. CONCLUSION: In a population-based study on GPA, we found stable incidence, increasing prevalence and an overall increased SMR. The risk of CV comorbidity and of CV death among patients with a register diagnosis of GPA was increased

    Kollektiv Akademisk Vejledning - en introduktion

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    Kollektiv Akademisk Vejledning (KAV) er en forskningsbaseret kollektiv arbejdsform, som giver de studerende erfaringer med at diskutere faglige spørgsmål i et kollektivt forum. I KAV mødes studerende, som skriver på forskellige opgaver. I vejledningen bruges forskelligheden som drivkraft i vejledningen. Med akademisk understreges vejledning som central læringsaktivitet i udviklingen den akademiske kompetence, det er at give og modtage kritik i vejledningen. Introduktions første del beskriver det teoretiske og metodiske grundlag, som vejledningen bygger på. Her uddybes de udfordringer, som en kollektiv vejledningsform rummer for både studerende og vejledere, og den kommer med bud på, hvordan disse håndteres. Anden del består af et inspirationskatalog med en række konkrete øvelser, som vejlederen kan anvende i vejledningen

    Bananas - on names and definitions in translation studies

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    A multicenter, randomized, controlled study of Training Executive, Attention, and Motor Skills (TEAMS) in Danish preschool children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Rationale and description of the intervention and study protocol

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    Background: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a highly prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder that is often detected during the preschool years. Neuroimaging data indicate that children with ADHD have brains that are characterized by growth and functional anomalies. Data suggest that the diminution of ADHD symptoms is correlated with improved neural functioning and growth. On the basis of these findings, interventions that target neural growth, which indicates neural development, can possibly lead to a more enduring treatment for ADHD. Training Executive, Attention, and Motor Skills (TEAMS) is a non-pharmacological neurocognitive intervention program that targets preschool children with ADHD. The program is designed to stimulate neurocognitive growth through physical activity and play in combination with psychoeducation and guidance for the parents.Population: Children between the ages of three and six years from Region Zealand in Denmark who have been diagnosed with ADHD are offered participation in the trial. According to a calculation of the strength needed to result in a statistically significant outcome, the estimated group size should be, at minimum, 87 children. On the basis of Region Zealand’s visitation history records, the cohort is expected to include approximately 100 to 120 children.Method: The intervention groups participate in eight weekly group sessions that consist of separate parent and children’s groups. The control groups receive the standard treatment program as outlined by the clinical guidelines of Region Zealand. The ADHD Rating Scale-IV and the Danish version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire are used to assess ADHD symptom severity before and after the intervention and to monitor the duration of the outcome. A comparative analysis of data from the intervention and control groups will illustrate the study’s results.Study aim: This is a multicenter, randomized, controlled, single-blind, parallel-group study with the primary aims of testing the TEAMS concept and investigating whether the intervention significantly lowers ADHD symptoms and increases the functionality level after the intervention as compared with the control group. A secondary aim is to monitor the duration and endurance of the outcome for six months after the intervention. This study is currently in progress. Full results and conclusions will be reported after the study’s completion in 2015

    HCHs in solid matter from the River Elbe, its tributaries and the North Sea

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    The River Elbe (Czech: Labe ) is one of the major rivers of Central Europe. It originates in the Krkonoše Mountains of northwestern Czech Republic before traversing Bohemia (Czech Republic), then Germany and flowing into the North Sea at Cuxhaven, 110 km northwest of Hamburg. Its total length is 1,094 km. The Elbe’s major tributaries are the Vltava (German: Moldau), Saale, Havel, Mulde, SchwarzeElster, and Ohre rivers. The Elbe River basin, comprising the Elbe and its tributaries, has a catchment area of 148,268 km2, the fourth largest in Europe. The basin spans four countries, with its largest parts in Germany (65.5%) and the Czech Republic (33.7%). Much smaller parts lie in Austria (0.6%) and Poland (0.2%). The basin is inhabited by 24.5 million people (1). Organochlorine pesticides are man-made organics chemicals. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) have been extensively used and are therefore found widely distributed in the environment. HCHs are listed under the Stockholm Convention on POPs (persistent organic compound) and are included into the priority list of Water Frame Directive. Here we show the results of HCHs in solids matter of 35 different sites along the River Elbe, selected tributaries, and the North SeaJRC.H.1-Water Resource
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