18 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of Human Parvovirus 4 Infection in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Human parvovirus 4 infections are primarily associated with parenteral exposure in western countries. By ELISA, we demonstrate frequent seropositivity for antibody to parvovirus 4 viral protein 2 among adult populations throughout sub-Saharan Africa (Burkina Faso, 37%; Cameroon, 25%; Democratic Republic of the Congo, 35%; South Africa, 20%), which implies existence of alternative transmission routes

    Diversité génétique des erythrovirus humains

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    CHATENAY M.-PARIS 11-BU Pharma. (920192101) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Advances in Human B19 Erythrovirus Biology▿

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    Since its discovery, human parvovirus B19 (B19V), now termed erythrovirus, has been associated with many clinical situations (neurological and myocardium infections, persistent B19V DNAemia) in addition to the prototype clinical manifestations, i.e., erythema infectiosum and erythroblastopenia crisis. In 2002, the use of new molecular tools led to the characterization of three different genotypes of human B19 erythrovirus. Although the genomic organization is conserved, the geographic distribution of the different genotypes varies worldwide, and the nucleotidic divergences can impact the molecular diagnosis of B19 virus infection. The cell cycle of the virus remains partially unresolved; however, recent studies have shed light on the mechanism of cell entry and the interactions of B19V proteins with apoptosis pathways

    Performance of HBsAg quantification assays for detection of Hepatitis B virus genotypes and diagnostic escape-variants in clinical samples

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    International audienceBackground: The impact of hepatitis B virus (HBV) genomic variability on the measurement of HBsAg level has been poorly evaluated. Objective: This study was designed to compare the performance of all the available assays measuring HBsAg level in this setting. Study design: A large selection of wild type HBV genotypes (n = 184) and HBsAg strains harboring mutations in the S gene (n = 81) from clinical samples was studied with three HBsAg quantification assays: Architect HBsAg (Abbott), LiaisonXL Murex HBsAg Quant (DiaSorin) and the Elecsys HBsAgII (Roche). Results: The overall percentage of positive results was 99.2% for Abbott, 98.9% for DiaSorin and 98.1% for Roche. Abbott and Roche assays provided an excellent concordance in HBsAg quantification (global mean bias of -0.006 logIU/mL). By contrast, DiaSorin underestimated HBsAg level with values 0.112 logIU/ml and 0.103 logIU/ml lower than Abbott and Roche, respectively. By contrast, DiaSorin slightly over quantified gtC(2.5% over the expected value) while Abbott provided values 6.2% lower than expected and 16.2% lower than what observed for the other genotypes. HBsAg quantitative assays were influenced by HBs protein substitutions irrespective to the genotype but no specific protein pattern that would particularly impair the quantification by one technique has been identified. However, Roche seemed to be particularly impacted by substitutions at 145 residue: 75% of under quantified samples carried a substituted 145 residue. Conclusion: This head-to-head comparison indicates a good correlation between all current systems used to quantify HBsAg but clearly shows an influence of both the genotype and the presence of "a" determinant variants in the absolute quantification of HBsAg. While these discrepancies may not translate into major clinical consequence, they may explain an absence of detection of weak concentration of HBsAg on some systems. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Early MinION™ nanopore single-molecule sequencing technology enables the characterization of hepatitis B virus genetic complexity in clinical samples

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    International audienceUntil recently, the method of choice to characterize viral diversity consisted in cloning PCR amplicons of full-length viral genomes and Sanger-sequencing of multiple clones. However, this is extremely laborious, time-consuming, and low-throughput. Next generation short-read sequencing appears also limited by its inability to directly sequence full-length viral genomes. The MinION™ device recently developed by Oxford Nanopore Technologies can be a promising alternative by applying long-read single-molecule sequencing directly to the overall amplified products generated in a PCR reaction. This new technology was evaluated by using hepatitis B virus (HBV) as a model. Several previously characterized HBV-infected clinical samples were investigated including recombinant virus, variants that harbored deletions and mixed population. Original MinION device was able to generate individual complete 3,200-nt HBV genome sequences and to identify recombinant variants. MinION was particularly efficient in detecting HBV genomes with multiple large in-frame deletions and spliced variants concomitantly with non-deleted parental genomes. However, an average-12% sequencing error rate per individual reads associated to a low throughput challenged single-nucleotide resolution, polymorphism calling and phasing mutations directly from the sequencing reads. Despite this high error rate, the pairwise identity of MinION HBV consensus genome was consistent with Sanger sequencing method. MinION being under continuous development, further studies are needed to evaluate its potential use for viral infection characterization

    A Highly Prevalent Polymorphism in the Core Region Impairs Quantification of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) by the cobas TaqMan HBV Assay

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    International audienceThe high genetic variability of hepatitis B virus (HBV) can impair DNA quantification. Here, we investigate a major underquantification of HBV by the cobas TaqMan HBV assay (CTM; Roche). In France, between 2005 and 2017, HBV DNA was detected in 3,102 blood donations by use of the CTM (95% limit of detection [LOD], 4.8 IU/ml). HBV strains were sequenced in the S region (LOD, ∼30 IU/ml). Concordant (<i>n</i> = 120) and discordant (<i>n</i> = 45) samples were identified according to the agreement between the plasma viral load (pVL) determined by the CTM and sequencing; all samples were also quantified using the RealTime HBV assay (RTH; Abbott). The viral signature, cloning, and mutagenesis were used to characterize the polymorphism responsible for CTM misquantification. A CTM-RTH discordance (>1 log IU/ml) was found in 14/45 samples that had low pVLs and were successfully genotyped (pVL genoS). PreC/C clones of concordant (C1, C2) and discordant (D1, D2) strains were used to challenge the CTM. Strains D1 and D2 were highly underquantified (42- and 368-fold). In clones, mutating the region corresponding to the CTM reverse primer from a discordant sequence to a concordant sequence restored the levels of quantification to 24% (D1→C1) and 59% (D2→C1) of theoretical levels, while mutating the sequence of a concordant strain to that of a discordant strain led to 78-fold (C1→D1) and 146-fold (C1→D2) decreases in quantification. Moreover, mutating positions 1961 and 1962 was enough to induce a 5-fold underquantification. We conclude that the CTM underestimates pVLs for HBV strains with mutations in the reverse primer target. Specifically, the polymorphism at nucleotides 1961 and 1962 is naturally present in 4.79 and 4.22% of genotype A and D strains, which are highly frequent in Europe, leading to a 5-fold decrease in quantification. Quantification using the new-generation Roche C4800 assay is not affected by this polymorphism

    The VP6 Protein of Rotavirus Interacts with a Large Fraction of Human Naive B Cells via Surface Immunoglobulins

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    Immunity to human group A rotavirus (RV), a major cause of viral gastroenteritis in infants, involves B lymphocytes that provide RV-specific antibodies. Additionally, some arguments suggest that naive B cells could be implicated in the first steps of the immune response against RV. The aim of our study was to analyze the interaction of VP6 and VP7 RV capsid proteins with human B cells depending on the immune status of the individual, i.e., naive or RV experienced. For this purpose, a two-color virus-like particle flow cytometry assay was devised to evaluate the blood B-lymphocyte reactivity to VP6 and VP7 proteins from healthy RV-exposed adults, recently infected infants, and neonates at birth. Both VP6 and VP7 interactions with B cells were mediated by surface immunoglobulins and probably by their Fab portions. VP7-reactive B lymphocytes were mainly detected from RV-experienced patients and almost exclusively in the CD27-positive memory cell fraction. Conversely, VP6-reactive B lymphocytes were detected at similar and high frequencies in adult, infant, and neonate samples. In adult samples, VP6 reacted with about 2% of the CD27-negative (CD27(neg)) naive B cells. These results demonstrated that the VP6 RV protein interacted with a large fraction of naive B lymphocytes from both adults and neonates. We propose that naive B cell-VP6 interaction might influence the strength and quality of the acquired immune response and should be considered for elaborating RV vaccine strategies

    Sensitivities of Four New Commercial Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Assays in Detection of HBsAg Mutant Forms

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    Mutations in hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) involving amino acid substitution within the immunodominant “a” determinant may affect the performance of commercial HBsAg assays. The performances of four HBsAg assays that recently received Conformité Européene marking, Advia Centaur HBsAg (Bayer), Monolisa HBsAg Ultra (Bio-Rad), Liaison HBsAg (Dia Sorin), and Vidas HBsAg Ultra (bioMérieux), were compared with that of the routinely used HBsAg assay AxSYM HBsAg V2 (Abbott). Assays were evaluated for (i) analytical sensitivity performance with a national reference HBsAg panel (including 10 samples with calibrated HBsAg concentrations from 0.04 to 2.24 ng/ml) and (ii) the detection of HBsAg mutants by studying a panel of 35 HBsAg mutants (23 collected from patients and 12 recombinant mutants). The limits of detection of these assays were <0.15 ng/ml (from 0.089 to 0.121 ng/ml). The sensitivity performances for mutant virus detection varied, ranging from 37.1% to 91.4%. The lack of detection of these mutants by commercial assays was probably due to the epitope recognition of the anti-HBs assay reagents in the capture phase and in the conjugates. The prevalence and clinical impact of HBsAg mutants are under investigation. However, the manufacturers must be vigilant in the design of the assays in order to reduce the risk of missing a broad range of described S gene mutants