65 research outputs found

    Students negotiating the borders between general and special education classes : an ethnographic and participatory research study

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    Although Finnish basic education is based on inclusion, 37% of students receiving special support still study in either separate schools or separate classes in comprehensive schools. In this study we explore how policies of inclusion are implemented in a school with separated special educational needs (SEN) and general education (GE) classes. More specifically we conducted a two-year ethnographic study focusing particularly on exclusion and the sense of belonging in a lower secondary school (students aged 13–16) in the capital region of Finland. During the fieldwork, several students attending the SEN-class expressed an interest in changing from the SEN-class to a GE-class, or in breaking the borders between SEN and GE classes in other ways. As part of the negotiations with the school, students who criticised the GE- and SEN-class division were offered an opportunity to transfer to GE-classes but in the end, all of them wanted to stay in the SEN-class. In this investigation, we focus on the students’ reasoning and the teachers’ reactions when students negotiate the borders between SEN and GE-classes. In this study we found a clash between integration and inclusive thinking.Although Finnish basic education is based on inclusion, 37% of students receiving special support still study in either separate schools or separate classes in comprehensive schools. In this study we explore how policies of inclusion are implemented in a school with separated special educational needs (SEN) and general education (GE) classes. More specifically we conducted a two-year ethnographic study focusing particularly on exclusion and the sense of belonging in a lower secondary school (students aged 13–16) in the capital region of Finland. During the fieldwork, several students attending the SEN-class expressed an interest in changing from the SEN-class to a GE-class, or in breaking the borders between SEN and GE classes in other ways. As part of the negotiations with the school, students who criticised the GE- and SEN-class division were offered an opportunity to transfer to GE-classes but in the end, all of them wanted to stay in the SEN-class. In this investigation, we focus on the students’ reasoning and the teachers’ reactions when students negotiate the borders between SEN and GE-classes. In this study we found a clash between integration and inclusive thinking.Peer reviewe

    Erityisluokka elämänkulussa - Selvitys peruskoulussa erityisluokalla opiskelleiden vammaisten,romaniväestöön kuuluvien ja maahanmuuttajataustaisten nuorten aikuisten koulutus- ja työelämäkokemuksista

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    Tässä selvityksessä tarkastellaan peruskouluaikanaan erityisluokalla opiskelleiden vammaisten, romaniväestöön kuuluvien ja maahanmuuttajataustaisten nuorten aikuisten koulutus- ja työelämäpolkuja. Selvitys on osa Yhdenvertaisuus EtuSijalle (YES) -hanketta ja se on toteutettu yhteistyössä Helsingin yliopiston käyttäytymistieteiden laitoksen, opetusministeriön ja sisäasiainministeriön kanssa

    The academic–vocational divide in three Nordic countries : implications for social class and gender

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    In this study we examine how the academic–vocational divide is manifested today in Finland, Iceland and Sweden in the division between vocationally (VET) and academicallyoriented programmes at the upper-secondary school level. The paper is based on a critical re-analysis of results from previous studies; in it we investigate the implications of this divide for class and gender inequalities. The theoretical lens used for the synthesis is based on Bernstein´s theory of pedagogic codes. In the re-analysis we draw on previous studies of policy, curriculum and educational praxis as well as official statistics. The main conclusions are that contemporary policy and curriculum trends in all three countries are dominated by a neo-liberal discourse stressing principles such as “market relevance” and employability. This trend strengthens the academic–vocational divide, mainly through an organisation of knowledge in VET that separates it from more general and theoretical elements. This trend also seems to affect VET students’ transitions in terms of reduced access to higher education, particularly in male-dominated programmes. We also identify low expectations for VET students, manifested through choice of textbooks and tasks, organisation of teacher teams and the advice of career counsellors.Peer reviewe

    Governmentality of disability in the context of lifelong learning in European Union policy

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    The possibility to participate in education and lifelong learning has been introduced in EU disability policy in recent decades as one of the key means to improve the socioeconomic position of disabled persons. Simultaneously, lifelong learning has been developed as the defining concept of EU education policy to increase social cohesion and economic competitiveness. However, the education, employment rate and socioeconomic status of disabled persons have remained far below the EU average. In this article, we theorize governmentality to explore (1) how EU lifelong learning and disability policy discourses constitute and govern disabled persons and (2) how disabled persons are positioned in the policy discourses. The data consist of the most relevant EU policy documents concerning lifelong learning and disability policy in the twenty-first century. We argue that the policies constitute and govern disabled persons as a group who do not fulfil the premises set for the lifelong learner, and that consequently, policy discourses marginalize disabled persons instead.</p

    Diversified transitions and educational equality? Negotiating the transitions of young people with immigrant backgrounds and/or special educational needs

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    The focus of this contribution is on the targeted transition practices of career guidance and on the opportunity structures they frame for young people with immigrant backgrounds and/or special educational needs. By analysing curricular documents and interviews with representatives from the local education authorities, such as administrators, principals, guidance counsellors and special education teachers (n = 16), we aim to examine critically the options provided for these groups of young people. We conclude that targeted transition practices do not recognise enough the heterogeneity of young people, and can therefore be limitative and exclusive.</p

    Feminist ethnography as ‘Troublemaker’ in educational research: analysing barriers of social justice

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    The focus of this article is on the history and current trends of feminist ethnography in Finland. It highlights the impact of feminist ethnography in Finnish educational research and illustrates how feminist ethnography has succeeded in asking novel questions and developing methodologies by drawing on multiple feminist theories. The article is based on a review of studies, selected to represent the multiplicity of themes, theoretical approaches and methodological epiphanies, as well as earlier analyses and memories of researchers who launched feminist educational ethnography in Finland. Drawing predominantly from the British feminist educational ethnography, in Finland feminist ethnography in education took its first steps in the 1990s and achieved a stable position in the early 2000s. Feminist ethnography has contributed to a debate on social justice by highlighting the hidden modes of discrimination and exclusion in educational institutions, thus ‘troubling’ the national self-image as a forerunner of equality and social justice.</p

    Mitään ei saisi enää opettaa - osaamisen tunnustaminen ammatillisessa äidinkielen ja suomen opetuksessa

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    Ammatillisen koulutuksen sääntely muuttui vuoden 2018 alussa uudistamisprosessin myötä. Amisreformiksi kutsutun uudistuksen tavoitteeksi asetettiin muun muassa opintojen ja työelämäsiirtymien jouhevoittaminen niin, että kaikki osaaminen saataisiin työmarkkinoiden käyttöön. Uudistuksessa painotettiin lisäksi, että osaamisen alkuperällä ei ole merkitystä. Etnografista aineistoa hyödyntäen analysoimme osaamisen tunnistamista ja tunnustamista ammatillisen koulutuksen arjessa, etenkin äidinkielen ja suomen kielen opetuksessa. Analyysissä suuntaamme huomiomme viestinnän etnografian avainsanan käsitteen avulla niihin merkityksiin, joita osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen saa koulutuksessa. Osoitamme, että opettajiin kohdistuu paineita tavoitella opiskelijoiden osaamisen kehittämisessä vähimmäistä. Esitämme, että osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen asettuu ristivetoon koulutukseen yleensä liitetyn uuden oppimisen tavoitteen kanssa. Osaamiseen keskittyminen häivyttää näkyvistä opiskelemisen ja opettamisen ja samalla koulutuksen kontekstit.Peer reviewe

    Mitään ei saisi enää opettaa - osaamisen tunnustaminen ammatillisessa äidinkielen ja suomen opetuksessa

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    Ammatillisen koulutuksen sääntely muuttui vuoden 2018 alussa uudistamisprosessin myötä. Amisreformiksi kutsutun uudistuksen tavoitteeksi asetettiin muun muassa opintojen ja työelämäsiirtymien jouhevoittaminen niin, että kaikki osaaminen saataisiin työmarkkinoiden käyttöön. Uudistuksessa painotettiin lisäksi, että osaamisen alkuperällä ei ole merkitystä. Etnografista aineistoa hyödyntäen analysoimme osaamisen tunnistamista ja tunnustamista ammatillisen koulutuksen arjessa, etenkin äidinkielen ja suomen kielen opetuksessa. Analyysissä suuntaamme huomiomme viestinnän etnografian avainsanan käsitteen avulla niihin merkityksiin, joita osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen saa koulutuksessa. Osoitamme, että opettajiin kohdistuu paineita tavoitella opiskelijoiden osaamisen kehittämisessä vähimmäistä. Esitämme, että osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen asettuu ristivetoon koulutukseen yleensä liitetyn uuden oppimisen tavoitteen kanssa. Osaamiseen keskittyminen häivyttää näkyvistä opiskelemisen ja opettamisen ja samalla koulutuksen kontekstit.Peer reviewe