69 research outputs found

    Asiakkaiden kokemuksia seniorineuvolatoiminnasta Jyväskylässä

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    The purpose of our Bachelor’s thesis was to survey the senior clinic of the city of Jyväskylä in the aspects of its clients. Our aim was to find out, what was the effect of the senior clinic to its ageing clients. And how the city of Jyväskylä could develop the senior clinic. The research material was consisted of the senior clinic clients who were born in 1935. The theoretical context of our thesis consists of the health and working order of ageing people and the age politics of Jyväskylä city compared to the age politics quality references of Finland. In our thesis we used a qualitative research method. We gathered our research material with half-structured interviews using a three-parted interview frame. The amount of those who complied in the research was 16. The research material was analyzed by means of a content analysis. Our goal was that the results of the research would help Jyväskylä’s home care when developing preventive services to the ageing ones. On the ground of our thesis results, a large part of interviewed people survived independently in daily activities. Things that lowered their working order were different somatic illnesses, which caused that many experienced also mental difficulties. Because the interviewed ones were led to senior clinic for different reasons, also the experiences of getting help varied. A part of interviewed ones got help immediately for many things and found senior clinic visit refreshing. Mainly the clients of senior clinic were led to health services. In the future, the interviewed ones wished from senior clinic continuity, regularity and group activities. The ageing people need health conducive activity. When developing preventive senior services in the city of Jyväskylä, it is important to pay attention users´ own suggestions and needs. On the ground of these results, it’s possible to critically examine the available services and their developing needs.Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa Jyväskylän kaupungin seniorineuvolatoimintaa neuvolan asiakkaiden näkökulmasta. Tavoitteenamme oli selvittää, millainen vaikutus seniorineuvolalla oli ikääntyviin asiakkaisiinsa sekä miten Jyväskylän kaupunki voisi kehittää seniorineuvolatoimintaa. Tutkimusaineistomme muodostivat vuonna 1935 syntyneet seniorineuvolan asiakkaat. Työmme teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä käsittelimme ikääntyvien ihmisten terveyttä ja toimintakykyä sekä Jyväskylän kaupungin ikäpolitiikkaa verraten Suomen ikäpoliittisiin laatusuosituksiin. Työssämme käytimme laadullista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkimusaineiston keräsimme puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla. Tutkimukseen suostuneita haastateltavia oli 16. Näistä naisia oli 13 ja miehiä 3. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysillä. Tavoitteenamme oli, että opinnäytetyön tutkimustulokset ovat avuksi Jyväskylän kaupungin kotihoidolle kehitettäessä ennaltaehkäiseviä palveluita ikääntyville ihmisille. Työmme tulosten perusteella haastateltavista suurin osa oli itsenäisesti päivittäisistä toiminnoistaan selviytyviä. Toimintakykyä alentavia tekijöitä olivat erilaiset somaattiset sairaudet, joiden seurauksena useat kokivat voivansa heikosti myös henkisesti. Koska haastateltavat oli ohjattu neuvolaan eri syistä, myös kokemukset avun saamisesta vaihtelivat. Osa haastateltavista sai avun kerralla useaankin asiaan ja koki seniorineuvolakäynnin virkistäväksi. Pääsääntöisesti seniorineuvolan asiakkaita oli ohjattu terveyspalvelujen piiriin. Tulevaisuudessa haastateltavat toivoivat seniorineuvolatoiminnalta jatkuvuutta, säännöllisyyttä ja erilaista ryhmätoimintaa. Ikääntyvät ihmiset tarvitsevat terveyttä edistävää toimintaa. Kehitettäessä Jyväskylän kaupungin ennaltaehkäiseviä senioripalveluja, on tärkeää ottaa huomioon ikääntyvien palveluiden käyttäjien omat ehdotukset ja tarpeet. Tulosten pohjalta voidaan kriittisesti tarkastella saatavilla olevia palveluita ja niiden kehittämistarpeita

    Response to Bjørnar Olsen

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    Reindeer retrieved from melting snow patches reveal information on prehistoric landscape use in Swedish Sápmi

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    In this study we discuss the remains of reindeer skeletal elements found at two different snow patches at Varánjunnje and Gárránistjåhkkå situated in the National Park of Stuor Muorkke in northern Sweden. Unfortunately, glaciers and snow patches are melting; however, this offers a unique opportunity to study the use of mountainous landscape in the past. Here we compare modern, historic and archaeological reindeer to Forest and Mountain Sámi reindeer herding districts. By using radiocarbon dating and osteological and stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ15N and δ34S) we aim to study reindeer mobility and land use in the past. The results from the morphometric data, stable isotope analysis and radiocarbon dating from prehistoric and historic reindeer (n=40) show that there is very little variation over time in the diet of the reindeer retrieved from the snow patches. We also found that these reindeer must have grazed in different geographic areas. There was no correlation between age, gender, pathological changes and diet, and the castrated reindeer did not differ from other reindeer

    Hunters, fishers, traders – An archaeological and zooarchaeological perspective on the development of the Late Iron Age and medieval northern Fennoscandian trade network.

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    Late Iron Age and medieval trade in northern Fennoscandia has arguably often thought to have been primarily fur trade. However, recent discoveries of Late Iron Age and early medieval sites in the north together with the re­examination of previous evidence reveals a more nuanced picture and indicates that trade in bulk goods – namely inland stockfish and reindeer products – may have played a significant role in the northern trade. This article examines both archaeological and zooarchaeological evidence from several sites in northern Fennoscandia from the perspective of trade economy, and it is suggested that the northern trade began to flourish at the beginning of the Viking Age in the early 9th century and may have been driven by the demand of fish by the European markets. It is also suggested that at the beginning of the 13th century at the latest, the trade economic importance of reindeer became prominent and would increasingly remain so up until the historical period. The authors therefore suggest that although the role of furs in the northern trade was significant, reindeer hunting and inland fishing should also be considered to have been of major trade economic importance

    Chronic Gastritis in Dermatitis Herpetiformis: A Controlled Study

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    Background and Objective. Previous small studies suggest that chronic atrophic gastritis is common in dermatitis herpetiformis (DH). We here examined the frequency and topography of chronic gastritis in 93 untreated DH subjects and in 186 controls with dyspepsia. Methods. Specimens were drawn from the gastric corpus and antrum and examined for atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, and Helicobacter pylori. Duodenal biopsies were taken. Results. Atrophic corpus gastritis was more frequent in DH than in controls (16.0% and 2.7%, resp., P < 0.001); atrophy in the antrum was rare in both groups (3.2% and 1.1%, P = 0.34). Intestinal metaplasia was present in 13 (14.0%) DH and 12 (6.5%) control patients (P = 0.038) and H. pylori in 17 (18.3%) and 17 (9.3%) (P = 0.028), respectively. Small-bowel villous atrophy was seen in 76% of the DH patients, equally in patients with and without chronic gastritis. One DH patient with atrophic gastritis developed gastric cancer. Conclusion. In DH, chronic atrophic gastritis was common in the corpus, but not in the antrum. H. pylori will partly explain this, but corpus atrophy is suggestive of an autoimmune etiology. Atrophic gastritis may increase the risk of gastric cancer. We advocate performing upper endoscopy with sufficient histologic samples in DH

    Carriership of two copies of C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat intermediate-length alleles is a risk factor for ALS in the Finnish population

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    The hexanucleotide repeat expansion in intron 1 of the C9orf72 gene causes amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia. In addition to the effects of the pathogenic expansion, a role of intermediate-length alleles has been suggested in ALS, corticobasal degeneration and Parkinson's disease. Due to the rarity of intermediate-length alleles with over 20 repeats and the geographical variability in their frequency, large studies that account for population stratification are needed to elucidate their effects. To this aim, we used repeat-primed PCR and confirmatory PCR assays to determine the C9orf72 repeat allele lengths in 705 ALS patients and 3958 controls from Finland. After exclusion of expansion carriers (25.5% of the ALS patients and 0.2% of the controls), we compared the frequency of intermediate-length allele carriers of 525 ALS cases and 3950 controls using several intermediate-length allele thresholds (7-45, 17-45, 21-45, 24-45 and 24-30). The carriership of an intermediate-length allele did not associate with ALS (Fisher's test, all p >= 0.15) nor was there any association with survival (p >= 0.33), when we divided our control group into three age groups (18-65, 66-84 and 85-105 years). Carriership of two intermediate-length alleles was associated with ALS, when the longer allele was >= 17 repeats (p=0.002, OR 5.32 95% CI 2.02-14.05) or >= 21 repeats (p=0.00016, OR 15.21 95% CI 3.79-61.0). Our results show that intermediate-length alleles are a risk factor of ALS when present in both alleles, whereas carrying just one intermediate-length allele was not associated with ALS or survival.Peer reviewe