12 research outputs found

    A Tight Bound for Shortest Augmenting Paths on Trees

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    The shortest augmenting path technique is one of the fundamental ideas used in maximum matching and maximum flow algorithms. Since being introduced by Edmonds and Karp in 1972, it has been widely applied in many different settings. Surprisingly, despite this extensive usage, it is still not well understood even in the simplest case: online bipartite matching problem on trees. In this problem a bipartite tree T=(WB,E)T=(W \uplus B, E) is being revealed online, i.e., in each round one vertex from BB with its incident edges arrives. It was conjectured by Chaudhuri et. al. [K. Chaudhuri, C. Daskalakis, R. D. Kleinberg, and H. Lin. Online bipartite perfect matching with augmentations. In INFOCOM 2009] that the total length of all shortest augmenting paths found is O(nlogn)O(n \log n). In this paper, we prove a tight O(nlogn)O(n \log n) upper bound for the total length of shortest augmenting paths for trees improving over O(nlog2n)O(n \log^2 n) bound [B. Bosek, D. Leniowski, P. Sankowski, and A. Zych. Shortest augmenting paths for online matchings on trees. In WAOA 2015].Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Dynamic Coloring of Unit Interval Graphs with Limited Recourse Budget

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    In this paper we study the problem of coloring a unit interval graph which changes dynamically. In our model the unit intervals are added or removed one at the time, and have to be colored immediately, so that no two overlapping intervals share the same color. After each update only a limited number of intervals are allowed to be recolored. The limit on the number of recolorings per update is called the recourse budget. In this paper we show, that if the graph remains k-colorable at all times, the updates consist of insertions only, and the final instance consists of n intervals, then we can achieve an amortized recourse budget of 1˘d4aa(k7logn)\u1d4aa({k⁷ log n}) while maintaining a proper coloring with k colors. This is an exponential improvement over the result in [Bartłomiej Bosek et al., 2020] in terms of both k and n. We complement this result by showing the lower bound of Ω(n)Ω(n) on the amortized recourse budget in the fully dynamic setting. Our incremental algorithm can be efficiently implemented. As an additional application of our techniques we include a new combinatorial result on coloring unit circular arc graphs. Let L be the maximum number of arcs intersecting in one point for some set of unit circular arcs 1˘d49c\u1d49c. We show that if there is a set 1˘d49c\u1d49c' of non-intersecting unit arcs of size L21L²-1 such that 1˘d49c1˘d49c\u1d49c ∪ \u1d49c' does not contain L+1 arcs intersecting in one point, then it is possible to color 1˘d49c\u1d49c with L colors. This complements the work on circular arc coloring [Belkale and Chandran, 2009; Tucker, 1975; Valencia-Pabon, 2003], which specifies sufficient conditions needed to color 1˘d49c\u1d49c with L+1 colors or more

    An Exponential Lower Bound for Cut Sparsifiers in Planar Graphs

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    Given an edge-weighted graph G with a set Q of k terminals, a mimicking network is a graph with the same set of terminals that exactly preserves the sizes of minimum cuts between any partition of the terminals. A natural question in the area of graph compression is to provide as small mimicking networks as possible for input graph G being either an arbitrary graph or coming from a specific graph class. In this note we show an exponential lower bound for cut mimicking networks in planar graphs: there are edge-weighted planar graphs with k terminals that require 2^(k-2) edges in any mimicking network. This nearly matches an upper bound of O(k * 2^(2k)) of Krauthgamer and Rika [SODA 2013, arXiv:1702.05951] and is in sharp contrast with the O(k^2) upper bound under the assumption that all terminals lie on a single face [Goranci, Henzinger, Peng, arXiv:1702.01136]. As a side result we show a hard instance for the double-exponential upper bounds given by Hagerup, Katajainen, Nishimura, and Ragde [JCSS 1998], Khan and Raghavendra [IPL 2014], and Chambers and Eppstein [JGAA 2013]

    Recoloring Interval Graphs with Limited Recourse Budget

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    We consider the problem of coloring an interval graph dynamically. Intervals arrive one after the other and have to be colored immediately such that no two intervals of the same color overlap. In each step only a limited number of intervals may be recolored to maintain a proper coloring (thus interpolating between the well-studied online and offline settings). The number of allowed recolorings per step is the so-called recourse budget. Our main aim is to prove both upper and lower bounds on the required recourse budget for interval graphs, given a bound on the allowed number of colors. For general interval graphs with n vertices and chromatic number k it is known that some recoloring is needed even if we have 2k colors available. We give an algorithm that maintains a 2k-coloring with an amortized recourse budget of 1˘d4aa(logn)\u1d4aa(log n). For maintaining a k-coloring with k ≤ n, we give an amortized upper bound of \u1d4aa(k⋅ k! ⋅ √n), and a lower bound of Ω(k)fork1˘d4aa(n)Ω(k) for k ∈ \u1d4aa(√n), which can be as large as Ω(nΩ(√n). For unit interval graphs it is known that some recoloring is needed even if we have k+1 colors available. We give an algorithm that maintains a (k+1)-coloring with at most 1˘d4aa(k2)\u1d4aa(k²) recolorings per step in the worst case. We also give a lower bound of Ω(logn)Ω(log n) on the amortized recourse budget needed to maintain a k-coloring. Additionally, for general interval graphs we show that if one does not insist on maintaining an explicit coloring, one can have a k-coloring algorithm which does not incur a factor of 1˘d4aa(kk!n)\u1d4aa(k ⋅ k! ⋅ √n) in the running time. For this we provide a data structure, which allows for adding intervals in 1˘d4aa(k2log3n)\u1d4aa(k² log³ n) amortized time per update and querying for the color of a particular interval in 1˘d4aa(logn)time\u1d4aa(log n) time. Between any two updates, the data structure answers consistently with some optimal coloring. The data structure maintains the coloring implicitly, so the notion of recourse budget does not apply to it

    Gap-ETH-Tight Approximation Schemes for Red-Green-Blue Separation and Bicolored Noncrossing Euclidean Travelling Salesman Tours

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    In this paper, we study problems of connecting classes of points via noncrossing structures. Given a set of colored terminal points, we want to find a graph for each color that connects all terminals of its color with the restriction that no two graphs cross each other. We consider these problems both on the Euclidean plane and in planar graphs. On the algorithmic side, we give a Gap-ETH-tight EPTAS for the two-colored traveling salesman problem as well as for the red-blue-green separation problem (in which we want to separate terminals of three colors with two noncrossing polygons of minimum length), both on the Euclidean plane. This improves the work of Arora and Chang (ICALP 2003) who gave a slower PTAS for the simpler red-blue separation problem. For the case of unweighted plane graphs, we also show a PTAS for the two-colored traveling salesman problem. All these results are based on our new patching procedure that might be of independent interest. On the negative side, we show that the problem of connecting terminal pairs with noncrossing paths is NP-hard on the Euclidean plane, and that the problem of finding two noncrossing spanning trees is NP-hard in plane graphs.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figures (colored

    Compact Representation for Matrices of Bounded Twin-Width

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    For every fixed dNd \in \mathbb{N}, we design a data structure that represents a binary n×nn \times n matrix that is dd-twin-ordered. The data structure occupies Od(n)O_d(n) bits, which is the least one could hope for, and can be queried for entries of the matrix in time Od(loglogn)O_d(\log \log n) per query.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Shortest augmenting paths for online matchings on trees

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    The shortest augmenting path (Sap) algorithm is one of the most classical approaches to the maximum matching and maximum flow problems, e.g., using it Edmonds and Karp (J. ACM 19(2), 248–264 1972) have shown the first strongly polynomial time algorithm for the maximum flow problem. Quite astonishingly, although it has been studied for many years already, this approach is far from being fully understood. This is exemplified by the online bipartite matching problem. In this problem a bipartite graph G = (W ⊎ B, E) is being revealed online, i.e., in each round one vertex from B with its incident edges arrives. After arrival of this vertex we augment the current matching by using shortest augmenting path. It was conjectured by Chaudhuri et al. (INFOCOM’09) that the total length of all augmenting paths found by Sap is O(nlogn). However, no better bound than O(n2) is known even for trees. In this paper we prove an O(nlog2n) upper bound for the total length of augmenting paths for trees

    On Sparse Hitting Sets: From Fair Vertex Cover to Highway Dimension

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    We consider the Sparse Hitting Set (Sparse-HS) problem, where we are given a set system (V,?,?) with two families ?,? of subsets of the universe V. The task is to find a hitting set for ? that minimizes the maximum number of elements in any of the sets of ?. This generalizes several problems that have been studied in the literature. Our focus is on determining the complexity of some of these special cases of Sparse-HS with respect to the sparseness k, which is the optimum number of hitting set elements in any set of ? (i.e., the value of the objective function). For the Sparse Vertex Cover (Sparse-VC) problem, the universe is given by the vertex set V of a graph, and ? is its edge set. We prove NP-hardness for sparseness k ? 2 and polynomial time solvability for k = 1. We also provide a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm for any k. A special case of Sparse-VC is Fair Vertex Cover (Fair-VC), where the family ? is given by vertex neighbourhoods. For this problem it was open whether it is FPT (or even XP) parameterized by the sparseness k. We answer this question in the negative, by proving NP-hardness for constant k. We also provide a polynomial-time (2-1/k)-approximation algorithm for Fair-VC, which is better than any approximation algorithm possible for Sparse-VC or the Vertex Cover problem (under the Unique Games Conjecture). We then switch to a different set of problems derived from Sparse-HS related to the highway dimension, which is a graph parameter modelling transportation networks. In recent years a growing literature has shown interesting algorithms for graphs of low highway dimension. To exploit the structure of such graphs, most of them compute solutions to the r-Shortest Path Cover (r-SPC) problem, where r > 0, ? contains all shortest paths of length between r and 2r, and ? contains all balls of radius 2r. It is known that there is an XP algorithm that computes solutions to r-SPC of sparseness at most h if the input graph has highway dimension h. However it was not known whether a corresponding FPT algorithm exists as well. We prove that r-SPC and also the related r-Highway Dimension (r-HD) problem, which can be used to formally define the highway dimension of a graph, are both W[1]-hard. Furthermore, by the result of Abraham et al. [ICALP 2011] there is a polynomial-time O(log k)-approximation algorithm for r-HD, but for r-SPC such an algorithm is not known. We prove that r-SPC admits a polynomial-time O(log n)-approximation algorithm

    Efficient fully dynamic elimination forests with applications to detecting long paths and cycles

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    We present a data structure that in a dynamic graph of treedepth at most dd, which is modified over time by edge insertions and deletions, maintains an optimum-height elimination forest. The data structure achieves worst-case update time 2O(d2)2^{{\cal O}(d^2)}, which matches the best known parameter dependency in the running time of a static fpt algorithm for computing the treedepth of a graph. This improves a result of Dvo\v{r}\'ak et al. [ESA 2014], who for the same problem achieved update time f(d)f(d) for some non-elementary (i.e. tower-exponential) function ff. As a by-product, we improve known upper bounds on the sizes of minimal obstructions for having treedepth dd from doubly-exponential in dd to dO(d)d^{{\cal O}(d)}. As applications, we design new fully dynamic parameterized data structures for detecting long paths and cycles in general graphs. More precisely, for a fixed parameter kk and a dynamic graph GG, modified over time by edge insertions and deletions, our data structures maintain answers to the following queries: - Does GG contain a simple path on kk vertices? - Does GG contain a simple cycle on at least kk vertices? In the first case, the data structure achieves amortized update time 2O(k2)2^{{\cal O}(k^2)}. In the second case, the amortized update time is 2O(k4)+O(klogn)2^{{\cal O}(k^4)} + {\cal O}(k \log n). In both cases we assume access to a dictionary on the edges of GG.Comment: 74 pages, 5 figure