34 research outputs found

    Statistical methods for long-term follow-up of infectious diseases

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    The overall aim of this work has been to investigate methodological issues connected to long-term follow-up of infections diseases. The work extended to prevalent cohorts in general. The common denominator for the main methodological efforts in these four papers is issues connected to selection bias. In the first three papers methods for visualizing selection bias in prevalent cohorts were explored and different approaches to adjust for this bias discussed. In the fourth paper, capture-recapture modeling was used to examine ascertainment level for liver cancer in the Swedish Cancer Register. Study 1: In this study we investigated a novel approach to visualize and adjust for selection bias in prevalent cohorts. The method is an extension of the standard interval-based approach, where a risk estimate is calculated for disjointed time periods after inclusion in the cohort of interest. In the proposed method, observation time and events are cumulated, giving more power and more precise estimates which may be useful for studies with few events where it may be difficult to judge what is a true effect and what is random noise. The proposed method, cumulative SIR, is exemplified using data on hepatitis-C virus infection and the outcome liver cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The results using this novel approach were comparable to a standard approach with disjoint intervals. The results indicate that the method may be useful in situations with few events in the cohort. The method is only useful for cohorts where the risk of the studied outcome is fairly stable over time. Study 2: Spurious observations have indicated that there may be a relationship between hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and kidney cancer. In this study the relationship between HCV-infection and kidney cancer was investigated by use of disease registers. In addition the known association of HCV-infection and other forms of kidney disease was explored further. Methods for investigating selection bias explored in Paper I were used, in addition new ideas were investigated which were further developed in paper III. The relationship between HCV-infection and kidney cancer was not confirmed in this study, but the association of HCV-infection with other kidney-related diseases was investigated further. Study 3: For cohorts that may have high hazard immediately after inclusion in the cohort, which then first decreases to later increase with follow-up time, the method of cumulative SIR must not be used. The cumulative properties will obscure the initial decrease and the method cannot give clear answers. In paper III we used restricted cubic splines to model to instantaneous failure rate (hazard). The shape of the hazard function may give an indication of the possible presence of selection bias in the cohort. The proposed method was exemplified using 1) data on HCV-infection where the outcome of interest was ‘kidney disease’ and 2) a cohort a patients with Monoclonal Gammapathy of Uncertain Significance (MGUS) and the outcome of interest ‘death’. The model was useful to study the shape of the hazard in the cohorts and the number of knots was adjusted to give a suitably flexible model, clearly showing the shape of the hazard without being too flexible. Study 4: In this study we explored capture-recapture modeling, using a log-linear model to estimate ascertainment level of the Swedish Cancer Register (CR). We used a three-source model: CR, the National Patient Register (PR) and the Cause of Death Register (DR). Due to the limited degrees of freedom in available data, a full model can not be used. We chose to estimate a single two-way interaction between the most dependent registers (DR and PR) and a three-way interaction. This model will estimate the number of unreported cases of liver cancer to about 25% of the total number of cases in all three registers together, accounting for overlap. The analysis is likely to be biased by false positive cases identified in the PR and/or DR

    Salmonella-associated Deaths, Sweden, 1997–2003

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    We examined excess deaths after infection with Salmonella in a registry-based matched cohort study of 25,060 persons infected abroad and 5,139 infected within Sweden. The domestically infected have an increased standardized mortality ratio, whereas those who acquired Salmonella infection abroad had no excess risk of death

    Mortality following Campylobacter infection: a registry-based linkage study

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    BACKGROUND: Campylobacteriosis is one of the most commonly identified causes of bacterial diarrheal disease and a common cause of gastroenteritis in travellers from developed nations. Despite the widespread occurrence, there is little information on Campylobacter mortality. METHODS: Mortality among a cohort of Campylobacter cases were compared with the general population 0–1, 1–3, 3–12 and more than 12 month after the onset of the illness. The cases were sub-grouped according to if they had been infected domestically or abroad. RESULTS: The standardized mortality ratio for cases infected domestically was 2.9 (95% CI: 1.9–4.0) within the first month following the illness. The risk then gradually diminished and approached 1.0 after one year or more have passed since the illness. This initial excess risk was not attributable to any particular age group (such as the oldest). In contrast, for those infected abroad, a lower standardized mortality ratio 0.3 (95% CI: 0.04–0.8) was shown for the first month after diagnosis compared to what would be expected in the general population. CONCLUSION: Infection with Campylobacter is associated with an increased short-term risk of death among those who were infected domestically. On the contrary, for those infected abroad a lower than expected risk of death was evident. We suggest that the explanation behind this is a "healthy traveler effect" among imported cases, and effects of a more frail than average population among domestic cases

    Musiker eller tiggare? : Olika synpunkter pÄ gatumusiker och deras verksamhet

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    Musiker eller tiggare? : Olika synpunkter pÄ gatumusiker och deras verksamhet

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    Jakten pÄ Brand Equity : En studie om skillnader mellan heltid- och deltidsanstÀllda i relation till en brandingstrategi

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    De strukturomvandlingar pĂ„ marknaden som uppstĂ„tt till följd av globaliseringen, finansiella marknadens framvĂ€xt och den informationsteknologiska-revolutionen har inneburit att företag idag prĂ€glas av ett högre tempo och hĂ„rdare konkurrens.   Detta har i sin tur inneburit att företagen blivit allt mer konkurrensmedvetna och anpassat sina verksamheter efter de nya förutsĂ€ttningarna. En del i detta Ă€r att göra organisationen mer flexibel för att stĂ€ndigt kunna anpassa sig efter förĂ€ndringar i efterfrĂ„gan. Företagens flexibilitet krĂ€ver att Ă€ven arbetskraften blir mer flexibel. Detta handlar i praktiken om att företagen i större utstrĂ€ckning erbjuder tillfĂ€lliga anstĂ€llningar och deltidsarbete istĂ€llet för heltidstjĂ€nster.  Arbetsgivarorganisationen svensk Handel (2011) uttalar sig:   ”Vi mĂ„ste kunna ha personal i butikerna pĂ„ de tider nĂ€r kunderna vill handla. DĂ€rför Ă€r deltidsanstĂ€llningar nödvĂ€ndiga inom handeln, sĂ€ger Dag Klackenberg, vd för Svensk Handel.” Vi frĂ„gade oss huruvida det ökade deltidsarbetet medför nĂ„gra negativa konsekvenser för företagen? Eller innebĂ€r det rĂ€tt och slĂ€tt möjlighet till flexibilitet? Efter en litteraturstudie kunde vi konstatera att forskningen pĂ„ deltidsanstĂ€llda visar inkonsekventa resultat och Ă€r bristfĂ€llig inom vissa omrĂ„den. Vi ville med denna studie undersöka ifall det förekommer skillnader mellan hur heltid- kontra deltidsanstĂ€llda fungerar i relation till en mer specifik företagsstrategi. Detta för att fylla igen en del av gapet i forskningen. Vi valde strategin branding som Ă€r sĂ€rskilt lĂ€mpad för serviceföretag. Detta till följd av att flest deltidsarbetare Ă„terfinns i servicebranschen. Dessutom Ă€r branding ett vĂ€l diskuterat och aktuellt Ă€mne. Med en enkĂ€tundersökning har vi dĂ€refter studerat i vilken utstrĂ€ckning det föreligger skillnader mellan hur vĂ€l deltid- kontra heltidsanstĂ€llda inom serviceyrken i VĂ€sterbotten representerar sitt företags brandingstrategi. VĂ„ra resultat visar att deltidsanstĂ€llda inte kan anses representera sitt företags brandingstrategi lika vĂ€l som heltidsanstĂ€llda. Detta till följd av att de inte anser sig ha kunskap om de unika vĂ€rden som ligger till grund för företagets varumĂ€rke, i samma utstrĂ€ckning som heltidsanstĂ€llda. Studien visar Ă€ven att skillnaden mellan arbetsgrupperna inte beror pĂ„ att deltidsarbetare Ă€r mindre motiverade att göra bra ifrĂ„n sig pĂ„ arbetet Ă€n heltidsanstĂ€llda. DĂ€rför kan man anta att skillnaderna istĂ€llet uppstĂ„r till följd av strukturen pĂ„ företaget. Företagen har genom ökad flexibel arbetskraft anpassat sig efter en marknad som prĂ€glas av högre konkurrens. De verkar dĂ€remot ha missat att anpassa sina personalstrategier till den nya arbetskraften

    ”Böcker kommer inte att hjĂ€lpa oss” Om attityder till lĂ€sning hos tjejer pĂ„ yrkesförberedande progam

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    Detta examensarbete har som syfte att förstÄ vad tjejer pÄ yrkesprogram tycker om lÀsning och vad de eventuellt lÀser och vill lÀsa i skolan och pÄ fritiden. VÄra frÄgestÀllningar Àr följande: Vad tycker tjejer pÄ yrkesprogram om lÀsning och vad vill de lÀsa? Hur skiljer sig tjejernas lÀsning pÄ fritiden frÄn den i skolan? VÄrt resultat Àr baserat pÄ intervjuer med fyra tjejer pÄ vÄrd- och omsorgsprogrammet som vi analyserar utifrÄn flera olika teoretiska perspektiv. Vi diskuterar sedan vÄr analys i förhÄllande till tidigare forskning och drar dÀrefter slutsatser. VÄrt resultat visar att tjejerna vill lÀsa lÀttskrivna verkliga berÀttelser som handlar om tjejer, och inte den litteraturen som de menar att skolan framförallt erbjuder dem som bestÄr av en annan sorts berÀttelser. Vi drar slutsatsen att eleverna i sin lÀsning framförallt drivs av en yttre motivation och att de inte ser lÀsning som nÄgot givande utifrÄn programval och framtidsplaner, dÀrför vÀljer de aktivt bort den. Vi diskuterar och problematiserar sedan resultatet av studien med hjÀlp av den tidigare forskning vi anvÀnder oss av, och resonerar kring vilka konsekvenser vÄra resultat ger upphov till i vÄr framtida yrkesutövning. VÄrt examensarbete avslutas med en diskussion kring vÄr metod och ger förslag pÄ vidare forskning pÄ omrÄdet