76 research outputs found

    From evidence to practice: Implementation of the Housing First program in Poland

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    Likewise in other EU countries, also in Poland a large number of people experience homelessness. In particular, the growing number of long-term homeless people with complex mental problems, for whom effective help is a challenge for stakeholders, i.e. politicians, professionals, scientists and ordinary citizens, is worrying. An innovative solution in this areas is the Housing First (HF) program designed for long-term homeless people with mental problems and/or addictions. The effectiveness of the HF model were shown, among others, by the results of the HOME-EU research project implemented under the Horizon 2020 program. The goal of our article is to present the current situation of homeless people and outline the existing help system. We also want to show what barriers and challenges are connected to the implementation of the HF program in Poland.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Side Effects of National Immunization Program: E-Governance Support Toward Elders' Digital Inclusion

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    In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the European Union (EU) governments develop policies to regulate exclusive health protection actions that consider societal needs with the emphasis on elders. Given that the EU vaccination strategy uses a centralized ICT-based approach, there is little guidance on how seniors are included in national immunization programs (NIP). In this paper, we addressed a knowledge gap of the side effects of e-governance of NIP for the elderly. To fill this gap, we identified 40 side effects by analyzing online textual opinions (tweets, comments, articles) that express public perception regarding the results of the Polish NIP implementation to seniors' digital inclusion, categorized them into 8 categories and assign them to four e-governance functions. The main contribution of this paper is a better understanding of the digital divide and to provide guidelines for government policy improvement

    Will radio frequency identification system replace bar codes in labelling of blood components?

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    W systemach radiowej identyfikacji (RFID, radio frequency identification) pojemniki z krwią i jej składnikami są oznaczane etykietami elektronicznymi wybranego zakresu częstotliwości. Fale elektromagnetyczne generowane przez antenę czytnika aktywują tagi lub modyfikują dane zapisane w ich pamięci, natomiast tagi zwrotnie wysyłają do czytników informacje zapisane wcześniej w ich pamięci. Otrzymana przez czytniki informacja jest dalej przekazywana i zapisywana do bazy danych oprogramowania zestawu.Systemy radiowej identyfikacji w jednostkach służby krwi mogą być stosowane do identyfikacji, monitorowania statusu krwi i jej składników od momentu zarejestrowania się krwiodawcy, poprzez pobranie krwi, otrzymywanie jej składników, kwalifikowanie do użytku klinicznego, transport i przechowywanie, aż do momentu wydania do szpitala lub oddziału. Zaletami systemu jest możliwość identyfikacji składników na odległość, a także w środowisku, gdzie kody kreskowe mogą ulegać uszkodzeniu i być nieczytelne. Jednocześnie można identyfikować więcej niż jeden składnik.Efekt termiczny oddziaływania fal elektromagnetycznych na krew i jej składniki jest znany i brany pod uwagę jako ważny element mogący wpływać na warunki przechowywania. Równolegle z zastosowaniem technik radiowej identyfikacji w jednostkach służby krwi aktualnym stało się więc zagadnienie poszukiwania innego niż termiczny wpływu „in vitro” fal radiowych na ilość, funkcje życiowe i metabolizm krwi i jej składników oraz określenie bezpiecznych parametrów pracy systemu radiowej identyfikacji.Zgodnie z zaleceniami Grupy Roboczej Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Przetaczania Krwi (ISBT WPIT, International Society for Blood Transfusion Working Party on Information Technology), do znakowania pojemników z krwią i jej składnikami są stosowane bierne transpondery, pracujące w pasmie wysokiej częstotliwości (HF, high frequency) 13,56 MHz. Doniesienia innych autorów sugerują możliwość bezpiecznej pracy również z systemem ultra wysokiej częstotliwości (UHF, ultra high frequency) 915 MHz.In radio frequency identification systems (RFID) blood component bags are labelled with tags. Electromagnetic waves activate tags or modify the data stored in their memory. The activated tags send out the information previously written to their memory. The information is then received by the reader and transmitted to a computer software. RFID can be used to identify, monitor the status of blood and blood components from the donationthrough preparation of components, release, transport and storage until delivery to theblood bank or ward.The advantage of RFID system is the ability of component identification from the distance, and in an environment where barcodes can be damaged and become unreadable. RFID systems offer also identification of multiple components at the same time. The thermal effect of electromagnetic waves on the blood cells and tissues is well known and may be considered as an important element that may affect the storage conditions of blood components. There are no other credible scientific and medical reports of adverse health effect of radio waves. The International Society for Blood Transfusion Working Party on Information Technology (ISBT WPIT) developed guidelines for the safe operation of RFID in transfusion medicine. According to this guidelines passive transponders (electronic label), operating in the HF band of 13.56 MHz may be used for identification of blood components. Other authors suggest the possibility of safety use of UHF band of 915 MHz

    Nursing care and dietary procedures in the case of a young patient diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and celiac disease : case study

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    Introduction: About 15% of patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes might also suffer from celiac disease. Celiac disease accompanying type 1 diabetes may lead to the incidence of hypoglycaemia or ketoacidosis and increased risk of complications such as retinopathy and osteoporosis. Aim of the study: An analysis of the case of a patient suffering from type 1 diabetes and celiac disease and the presentation of a nursing care plan. Material and methods: The study describes the case of an 18-year-old female patient who had just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and celiac and was hos-pitalised in September 2017. The information about her medical history and condition was obtained by means of an interview, observa-tion, and analysis of medical records with the application of a survey questionnaire, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), and the Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS). Case description and analysis: The main problems of the patient were connected with celiac symptoms: acute diarrhoea, calf cramps, and overweight caused by dietary mistakes. The patient’s deficit of knowledge about dietary procedures had a negative impact on her somatic and mental condition. Accord-ing to the AIS scale, the patient showed a moderate acceptance towards her illness (a score of 35). Conclusions: Nursing care provided to patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and celiac disease should aim at recognising knowledge and skill defi-cits, education, and emotional support. Patients’ failure to follow dietary recommendations, nutritional deficiencies, and incorrect eating habits frequently result not only from an unwillingness to change eating habits but also from low quality of consumed gluten-free prod-ucts


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    The aim of this study was to assess the reproductive rates among different breeds, mostly used in commodity farm conditions. The studies were obtained at fertility level from 6.27 animals in the Californian breed to 8.49 animals in Popielno White. High rate of failures during rearing was observed in the Californian breed. Litter weight was dependent on the number of births and young rearing, lactation and care of female. Kitten weight at 35 day of age ranged from 603.21g (Alaskan) to 736.10g (Giant Chinchilla). The results indicate the usefulness of a Popielno White breed for the livestock production

    GC-MS analysis of steroids and triterpenoids occurring in leaves and tubers of Tamus edulis Lowe

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    Tamus edulis Lowe is an endemic perennial plant belonging to Dioscoreaceae family. The plant has long climbing stems, ovate leaves, flowers in spikes, fleshy red berries and long tuberous roots. Young shoots and tuberous roots of T. edulis were used traditionally for nourishment and as a herbal medicine. Leaves and roots analyzed in the present study were collected in the northwest of Madeira island. The GC–MS analysis allowed to detect several steroids in free forms in diethyl ether extracts; and diosgenin with its isomer, yamogenin, in hydrolyzates from methanolic extracts.The obtained results reveal that Tamus edulis has some features common with other Dioscorea species, e.g., the presence of steroidal saponins with diosgenin and yamogenin as aglycones, or the phytosterol composition with predominating sitosterol. However, some other traits, like the relatively high content of free steroids (more than 1 mg/g d.w.) and their profile rich in cholesterol derivatives, can distinguish Tamus edulis from other Dioscorea species studied previously for their steroid and triterpenoid profile.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of vegetarian diet on human body

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    All over the world there are more vegetarians than in previous years due to many reasons. One of them is positive influence on health what is shown in the latest research. The aim of the article is to review the influence of vegetarian diet on frequent diseases such as: hypertension, obesity,osteoporosis.An analysis of scientific papers from Pubmed and Google Scholar was performed, which most accurately described the issue of impact vegetarian diet on human health. The following keywords have been used in the search:Vegetarian, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis:vegetarian, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis.The researchers shown than vegetarians have lover systolic blood pressure  and diastolic blood pressure by 10 and 5 mmHg, they also lower overall mortality by 10-15%, risk of heart failure and by ~40%,  stroke by~35% and coronary events by 20%. Vegetarians also have statistically  lower body mass index. What’s more in this diet is more energy efficient thanks too low food energy density and helps keeping leptin on adequate level. Research has shown than vegetarians have lower mineral bone density than non-vegetarian, although some studies has shown that  risk of fractures in vegetarians and non-vegetarians was not affected by diet alternation. Based on the results of the studies above vegetarian diet contributes to lower blood pressure and preventing from cardiovascular diseases. It helps to avoid obesity and  to get rid of weights also doesn’t have negative impact on osteoporosis

    Protokół terapeutyczny w dokumentowaniu procesu napromieniania pacjentów w zakładzie radioterapii

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    SummaryA decision to start radiotherapy should be based on at least two documents:1.Written standards of obligatory clinical procedures which are in fact radiotherapeutic schemes.2.Therapeutic protocols describing all mandatory procedures performed to ensure a safe and proper treatment of the patient.The range of activities described in the therapeutic protocol is very wide.It includes all initial procedures implemented in the simulation room, the CT scanner, in the treatment planning system and the mould- room, and it describes the verification process of the treatment plan, mandatory to start radiotherapy.The therapeutic protocol describes in details what and how should be checked by an internal control system and it qualifies the demands required to sum up the treatment and its’ accordance with the planned radiotherapy scheme.All the activities performed are recorded in a QA protocol, which is an integral part of the therapeutic protocol.In this paper we present the therapeutic protocol in force in the Regional Oncological Hospital in Szczecin and the QA and in-vivo protocols, which assure safe radiotherapy of the patient

    Minimally reduced levels of anti-Spike IgG after nine COVID-19 convalescent plasma donations: a case report

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    Despite intensive research, the physiology of the serological response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and its dynamics during the recovery period remain incompletely understood. Regulation of the immune response seems all the more important as it plays a role in both virus clearance during infection and the potential development of long-term resistance to reinfection. A case of convalescent plasma donor is described in whom was observed a prolonged enhanced immune response to infection in the form of a persistently high level of anti-Spike IgG despite subsequent plasma donations. The presented donor experienced COVID-19 interstitial pneumonia, requiring pharmacotherapy in a hospital setting (therapy involving azithromycin, chloroquine and protease inhibitors), which allowed him to achieve remission. The described donor donated plasma nine times during convalescence, each time showing a satisfactory level of anti-Spike IgG. The presented case highlights the multifactorial regulation of the serological response in the course of SARS-CoV-2 infection, which may include the long-term effect of pharmacotherapy, especially in the field of antiretroviral drugs. While the authors are not yet able to clearly define the importance of antiretroviral therapy in regulating the humoral response in COVID-19 patients, it is supposed it may be important in the subsequent antibody production