481 research outputs found

    Centre de visistants a la vila d'Hostalric

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    Proposta d'exploració de les referències lectores a partir d'un fòrum

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/28923Es presenten els resultats d'una indagació en el camp de les experiències dels alumnes referides al contacte amb la literatura durant la infantesa i l'adolescència, té com a objectiu principal la recuperació de vivències a l'entorn de l'accés als textos literaris, feta des de la maduresa i des d'una òptica de mediadors. El mitjà emprat per a la recollida de dades és un fòrum virtual. Hem analitzat dos fòrums, de dues assignatures diverses en dos màsters diferents, seguint plantejaments de l'etnografia virtual: problematització, flexibilitat interpretativa i, especialment, mobilitat d'interacció. El resultat de l'anàlisi permet subratllar dos factors que incideixen en les lectures d'infància i adolescència dels participants: les situacions socioculturals i la diferència generacional. D'altra banda, el buidatge d'intervencions revela que els participants es mostren expansius i polèmics en temes com la frontera entre alta i baixa literatura, el paper dels clàssics en l'educació literària i la responsabilitat dels mediadors en l'establiment de criteris per a les tries de lectures. Hem mirat de presentar els resultats d'una forma àgil i directa, que permeti als lectors d'aquest article veure la construcció de la competència literària a través d'un entorn virtual i interactiu

    Job accessibility and employment probability

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    The objective of this paper is to estimate the impact of residential job accessibility on female employment probability in the metropolitan areas of Barcelona and Madrid. Following a “spatial mismatch” framework, we estimate a female employment probability equation where variables controlling for personal characteristics, residential segregation and employment potential on public transport network are included. Data used come from Microcensus 2001 of INE (National Institute of Statistics). The research focuses on the treatment of endogeneity problems and the measurement of accessibility variables. Our results show that low job accessibility in public transport negatively affects employment probability. The intensity of this effect tends to decrease with individual’s educational attainment. A higher degree of residential segregation also reduces job probability in a significant way..

    Estimations of topographically correct regeneration to nerve branches and skin after peripheral nerve injury and repair.

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    Peripheral nerve injury is typically associated with long-term disturbances in sensory localization, despite nerve repair and regeneration. Here, we investigate the extent of correct reinnervation by back-labeling neuronal soma with fluorescent tracers applied in the target area before and after sciatic nerve injury and repair in the rat. The subpopulations of sensory or motor neurons that had regenerated their axons to either the tibial branch or the skin of the third hindlimb digit were calculated from the number of cell bodies labeled by the first and/or second tracer. Compared to the normal control side, 81% of the sensory and 66% of the motor tibial nerve cells regenerated their axons back to this nerve, while 22% of the afferent cells from the third digit reinnervated this digit. Corresponding percentages based on quantification of the surviving population on the experimental side showed 91%, 87%, and 56%, respectively. The results show that nerve injury followed by nerve repair by epineurial suture results in a high but variable amount of topographically correct regeneration, and that proportionally more neurons regenerate into the correct proximal nerve branch than into the correct innervation territory in the ski

    On regeneration and collateral sprouting to hind limb digits after sciatic nerve injury in the rat

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    This study examines the proportions of regenerative and collateral sprouting to the skin after peripheral nerve injury. Methods: In the first experimental paradigm, primary afferent neurones were pre-labelled with Diamidino Yellow (DY), injected in digit 3, followed by sciatic nerve section and repair. After three months of regeneration, digit 3 was re-injected with Fast Blue (FB) to label regernating cells. Fluoro-Gold (FG) was applied to the femoral (FEM) and musculocutaneous (MC) nervers four days later to quantify their contribution to the innveration. In the second experimental paradigm, sciatic nerve was first sectioned and repaired. Three months later, the sciatic was resected, and digit 3 injected with FB. After four more days, FEM and MC were resected and FG injected in all digits. Results: Neurones in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) L5 had a higher rate of correct reinnervation of digit 3 (44-72%) than neurones in DRG L4 (14-44%). Like in control cases, only occasional axons were traced from the FEM and MC. In the second experiment, only occasional labelled neurones appeared. Conclusions: The results indicate differences in the capacity for correct peripheral sensory reinnvervation between segmental levels and that in this model collateral sprouting was practically non-existent compared to regenerative sprouting

    Procesos de apropiación adolescente del espacio público : otra cara de la renovación urbanística en Barcelona

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    Este artículo presenta el papel de la edad como eje de análisis en el marco de la geografía social y cultural. El trabajo de campo incluye grupos de discusión, entrevistas individuales e itinerarios participativos por el barrio, para identificar cuáles son los lugares frecuentados, los lugares preferidos y los lugares evitados por este grupo de población. Nos interesa conocer como desarrollan su vida en el barrio, como ocupan su tiempo cotidiano y como utilizan los espacios públicos. Analizar la vida en el barrio es esencial para entender las diferentes necesidades e intereses de chicos y chicas en relación a sus experiencias y percepciones de los espacios vividosThis article presents the role of age as an important axis of analysis in the framework of social and cultural geography. The fieldwork includes focus groups, interviews and walking tours around the neighborhood, to identify the more used places, the preferred places and the places young people don't like. We want to know how they build their lives in the neighborhood, how they spend their time and how they use public spaces. Analyzing the neighborhood life is essential to understand the different needs and interests of boys and girls in relation to their experiences and perceptions of lived space

    Los lugares de la amistad y la vida cotidiana de chicas y chicos adolescentes en un barrio de Barcelona

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    Este artículo presenta los rasgos que caracterizan la amistad adolescente entre mujeres y varones, sus principales redes y los espacios donde se relacionan y se expresan. El estudio de caso se localiza en el barrio del Besòs de Barcelona (España). En un contexto de fuertes contrastes sociales y urbanísticos, los y las adolescentes construyen sus identidades, donde viven la experiencia de la amistad como red de apoyo mutuo y de solidaridad. A partir de grupos de discusión y entrevistas se ha obtenido información sobre los tiempos y los lugares de la amistad. Concretamente, se identifican cuáles son los lugares del barrio que frecuentan, los lugares preferidos para pasar su tiempo libre, así como los lugares que evitan frecuentar. La amistad emerge como una categoría que se cruza con las de etnicidad, género y clase, y que, a través de las prácticas sociales y espaciales cruza fronteras reales e imaginariasThis paper examines which are the features of adolescent boys and girls friendships, their main networks and spaces where they interact and express themselves. The case study is based on a field work in Besòs district, in the city of Barcelona (Spain). In this context, with relative social inequalities, adolescents are struggling to build up their identities and living, at the same time, the experience of friendship as a network of mutual support and solidarity. Data from focus groups and interviews gave us information about the times and places where groups of teenager friends meet and interact. Specifically, we've identified the places frequented by them, their favorite places, as well as the places they avoid. From their narratives, friendship emerges as a kind of place, as a category that crosses with those of ethnicity, gender and class, when and where teenagers' spatial and social practices of friendship shape real and imagined border

    Lectures de l'impacte de la crisi econòmica en al vida quotidiana dels infants a Catalunya

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    La crisi econòmica i financera afecta intensament la vida quotidiana de les famílies i la infància a Catalunya. Utilitzant una metodologia de tipus qualitatiu, s'estudia el tractament d'aquest tema en els principals informes especialitzats i la premsa. Aquesta aproximació documental es complementa amb entrevistes a persones expertes de l'àmbit educatiu sobre la seva percepció del fenomen. S'observa que cada cop més famílies viuen situació de pobresa i vulnerabilitat. Les escoles i altres espais educatius viuen canvis significatius i s'hi adapten. Les famílies incrementen l'acompanyament dels infants a les escoles i redistribueixen tasques de la llar i de cura de la família entre el seus membres. Les entitats d'atenció social veuen disminuir els recursos mentre les demandes augmenten i es diversifiquen. Aquests efectes de la crisi no són iguals per a tota la població, ni a tot arreu. Es pretén analitzar aquestes diferències socials i espacials incorporant-hi una perspectiva de gènere.Reading on the economic crisis impact on children’s daily life in Catalonia The financial and economic crisis in countries of Southern Europe affects the daily lives of children and young people in Catalonia. Using a qualitative methodology, this paper focus on how this issue is treated by specialized reports and the press. This first approach is complemented with interviews to experts, from the field of education, on their perception of the phenomenon. More and more families live situations of poverty and vulnerability. Schools and after school activities experiment significant changes and try to adapt to them. Moreover, parents are taking children to school more often and housework and family care are readjusted among family members. Accordingly, in a context of fewer resources for social care organizations, the demand increases and become more diversified. The impact of the crisis on children’s daily lives varies in different locations. This article aims to analyse the social and spatial differences taking into account the gender perspective.Lecturas del impacto de la crisis económica en la vida cotidiana de la infancia en Cataluña La crisis económica y financiera afecta intensamente la vida cotidiana de las familias y la infancia de Cataluña. Utilizando una metodología de tipo cualitativo, se estudia cómo se trata este tema en los principales informes especializados y la prensa. Esta aproximación documental se complementa con entrevistas a personas expertas del ámbito educativo sobre su percepción del fenómeno. Se observan cada vez más familias que viven situaciones de pobreza y vulnerabilidad. Las escuelas y otros espacios educativos viven cambios significativos y se adaptan a ellos. Las familias incrementan su tarea de acompañamiento en las escuelas y redistribuyen las tareas del hogar y del cuidado de la familia. Las entidades de atención social ven disminuir los recursos mientras las demandas aumentan y se diversifican. Estos efectos de la crisis no son iguales para toda la población, ni en todos los lugares. Se pretende analizar estas diferencias sociales y espaciales incorporando una perspectiva de género

    Les col·leccions sonstenibles de la fast fashion?

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    Treballs Finals de Màster de Comunicació Especialitzada, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2018-2019, Tutor: Francesc Bernat Baltrons i Idoia García de CortázarDes de l‟ensorrament de la fàbrica de Rana Plaza a Dhaka, la capital de Bangladesh, a plena llum del dia i causant la mort de centenars de treballadors que cosien per grans firmes internacionals, les grans empreses del sector tèxtil han estat en el punt de mira per la manca d‟ètica i la vulneració de drets humans en els processos de fabricació dels seus productes. Els fets de Rana Plaza van treure a la llum les condicions de treball que hi ha darrera de tantes i tantes etiquetes de samarretes a 5 euros “Made in Bangladesh”. La premsa internacional va començar a estirar el fil que es va despendre el 24 d‟abril del 2013 de la, fins aleshores, gairebé desconeguda cadena de producció de la indústria de la moda. Se‟n van començar a escriure reportatges i articles acadèmics, però segurament l‟estudi que ha tingut més impacte ha estat el documental The True Cost1. Aquest reportatge, produït l‟any 2015 per Andrew Morgan, destapava no només les condicions de treball i salarials de les fàbriques tèxtils, sinó també la qüestionable ètica de l‟obtenció dels materials utilitzats i les conseqüències ambientals de la indústria

    Unraveling the molecular details of the complete mechanism that governs the synthesis of prostaglandin G2 catalyzed by cyclooxygenase-2

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    This is an open access article published under an ACS AuthorChoice License. See Standard ACS AuthorChoice/Editors' Choice Usage AgreementCyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is the key enzyme involved in the synthesis pathway of prostaglandin G₂ (PGG₂) by transformation of arachidonic acid (AA). Although COX-₂ is one of the principal pharmacological targets by the implication of PGG₂2 in several human diseases, the classical all-radical mechanism proposed for COX-₂ catalysis has never been validated at the molecular level. Herein, molecular dynamics simulations and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations were combined to analyze the six steps of the all-radical mechanism. The results show that O₂ addition on C₁₁ of AA can follow an antarafacial or suprafacial approach with respect to tyrosine 385, but only the antarafacial addition leads to the product with the correct 11R stereochemistry as established in the mechanistic proposal. Moreover, only the reaction pathway coming from the antarafacial intermediate describes a viable 8,12-cyclization to form the prostaglandin-like bicyclo endoperoxide that finally leads, by kinetic control, to PGG₂ with the 15S stereochemistry found experimentally. The formation of the more stable trans ring isomer of natural PGG₂ in an enzymatic environment is also explained. Our molecular analysis shows how COX-2 uses its relatively narrow channel in the active site to restrain certain conformational changes of AA and of the reaction intermediates, so that the PGG2 enzymatic synthesis turns out to be highly regiospecific and stereospecific. A more recent 10-step carbocation-based mechanistic proposal has been discarded