54 research outputs found

    “I am a teacher cleaving a track through the undergrowth of method. I am a bird”: Teaching as a site of female subversion in Sylvia Ashton-Warner’s Spinster

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    The aim of this paper is to scrutinise the influence of teaching on the female identity of Anna Vorontosov, the protagonist of Sylvia Ashton-Warner’s Spinster. Kristeva’s theory of the semiotic and the symbolic is referenced to argue that the work of a teacher enables the heroine to transcend the patriarchal model of experience, predicated on rationality, self-restraint and stability. Through teaching, Anna renews her bond with the semiotic, surpassing the bounds of a unitary and fixed self. After providing an overview of Ashton-Warner’s own career in education, the paper analyses the tensions inherent in the role of a female teacher as represented in the novel and explicates them in Kristevan terms. Subsequently, detailed attention is paid to how the peculiarities of Anna’s teaching method contribute to her enhanced experience of the semiotic and shape her female [email protected] Orzechowska is a PhD candidate at the Institute of English Studies of the University of Warsaw. Her academic interests include New Zealand women’s literature, feminist studies, in particular psychoanalytic feminism, feminist existentialism and motherhood studies.University of WarsawAshton-Warner, S. 1986. Spinster. New York: Simon & Schuster.Ashton-Warner, S. 1963. Teacher. New York: Bantam Books.Durix, C. 2008. Sylvia Ashton-Warner: Portrait of an artist as a woman. World Literature Written in English 19.1: 104-110.Grosz, E. 1989. Sexual Subversion. Three French Feminists. Boston: Allen and Unwin.Gurewitz, S. C. 2016. Key words. In: D. Couchenour & J. Kent Chrisman (eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Development, 779-781. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.Hood, L. 2008. Sylvia!: The Biography of Sylvia Ashton-Warner. Auckland, N.Z.: Penguin.Keltner, S.K. 2011. Kristeva: Thresholds. Cambridge: Polity Press.Kristeva, J. 1977. About Chinese Women. New York: Urizen Books.Kristeva, J. 1997. Motherhood according to Giovanni Bellini. In: K. Oliver (ed.), The Portable Kristeva, 303-330. New York: Columbia UP.Kristeva, J. 1984. Revolution in Poetic Language. New York: Columbia University Press.Oliver, K. 1993. Unravelling the Double-bind: Reading Kristeva. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.McAfee, N. 2004. Julia Kristeva. New York / London: Routledge.Mercer, E. S. 2016. Sylvia Ashton-Warner’s ‘strange cadences’: Rereading Spinster and Incense to Idols. The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 51.3: 1-19.Middleton, S. 2012. Putting Sylvia in her place: history, geographical theory and the ‘New Education.’ Paedagogica Historica 48.2: 263-282.Richards, I. (n.d.) Spinster as a work of art. No Frills New Zealand Literature, www.angelfire.com/nofrillsnzlit/Spinster.html (accessed August 2019).Robertson, J P. & McConaghy, C. 2006. Provocations: Sylvia Ashton-Warner and Excitability in Education. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.Smith, A.-M. 1998. Julia Kristeva: Speaking the Unspeakable. London: The Pluto Press.Tallon Russel, H. 2009. Irigaray and Kierkegaard: On the Construction of the Self. Macon: Mercer University Press.Tamboukou, M. 2000. The paradox of being a woman teacher. Gender and Education 12.4: 463-478.Thompson, N. S. 2000. Reclaiming personal meaning in literacy teaching. The English Journal 89.3: 90-96.Woolbright, M. 1992. The politics of tutoring: feminism within patriarchy. The Writing Centre Journal 13.1: 16-30.26 (3/2019)475

    „Nigdy już tu nie powrócę…” – koncepcja „powrotu” Tadeusza Kantora do jego domu w Hucisku (gmina Gdów)

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    „I won ’t come back here anymore ...” – the concept of Tadeusz Kanor ’s „return ” to his home in Hucisko (municipality Gdów)In the nineties of the twentieth century, Tadeusz Kantor built a house in Hucisko, a small town located in the municipality of Gdów. The design of the artist’s office definitely served a practical aesthetic. It is therefore not surprising that the rhythm of the windows is determined by the functional layout. The artist distributed them so that they could encompass the widest possible view. „Kantorówka” is very modest and intimate, but not without fancy elements. It was built in three months by a highland carpenter. In „Kantorówka” one finds the workshops of Tadeusz Kantor and his wife – Mary Stangret. Today the house is empty. Maria Stangret comes here but rarely. Also, „Cricoteka” no longer organizes activities and trips to the village near Cracow. Yet the manor house in Hucisko is the home of the artist’s „soul” and is ideal for conducting creative workshops and the development of artistic imagination. Kantor wanted his home in Hucisko to become a place for meetings, conferences, exhibitions and educational activities aimed at the local population. He tried to create a meeting place for people of different views, to discuss the art and science, and thus encourage and educate the public. However, his death meant that this vision was never fully realized. Kantor’s house is deserted, and the title of one of his recent dramas „I’ve been here not to come back” takes on an added significance... The Foundation „Given a Chance”, whose statutory aims are based on educational and cultural activities, has proposed to create a summer Theatre Academy in the home of Tadeusz Kantor in Hucisko. The Academy would organize a wide variety of different classes devoted to drama activities, painting and photography workshops, as well as literary – journalistic activities. At the end of each cycle, the Academy would organize a conference and a series of exhibitions of works by people who participated in the workshops. It is proposed that classes should be available to foreigners, so that the work of Tadeusz Kantor could return to his home in Hucisko. This paper also proposes that the above projects should be financed from the European Union funds available for the years 2007–2013

    Cytogenetic characterization of the Arabidopsis thaliana natural tetraploid ecotype Warschau stability during in vitro regeneration

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    The morphological and cytogenetic features of the natural autotetraploid Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Warschau (Wa-1) were investigated. Most of the Warschau plant organs that were analyzed showed higher size values in comparison with diploid Columbia plants. The tetraploid chromosome number was confirmed by analysis of mitotic metaphase cells and rDNA loci were localized. 35S rDNA loci were present on chromosomes 2 and 4, while 5S rDNA, which is polymorphic among A. thaliana ecotypes, were present on chromosomes 4 and 5. Well-characterized autotetraploid plant material was used for in vitro culture to investigate somaclonal variation. Efficient regeneration through organogenesis was achieved. Most of the plants obtained in vitro exhibited an unchanged ploidy level. Detailed cytogenetic analysis that included chromosome, chromocenters and rDNA signals numbers, revealed the stability of regenerants. Based on these data we recommend the ecotype Warschau as a well-characterized plant material for future investigations on the consequences of polyploidy for the genome

    Homocysteine, folate, and cobalamin levels in hyperthyroid women before and after treatment

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    Introduction: Hyperhomocysteinaemia is an independent risk factor for premature atherosclerotic vascular disease and venous thrombosis. Hypothyroidism is associated with mild hyperhomocysteinaemia. The aim of the present study was to assess plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) and its determinants (folate, cobalamin) in hyperthyroid patients before and after treatment. Material and methods: Thirty hyperthyroid and thirty healthy premenopausal women were studied. The hyperthyroid patients were investigated in the untreated state and again after restoration of euthyroidism. The levels of homocysteine, folate, cobalamin, and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (fT4), free triiodothyronine (fT3), and renal function were measured before and after treatment. Results: In hyperthyroidism, tHcy was lower than in the control group. The serum level of folate was higher and serum cobalamin was lower in the hyperthyroid state. Following antithyroid drug therapy, tHcy significantly increased and folate decreased. The level of cobalamin remained unchanged. Univariate analysis in the hyperthyroid group indicated that tHcy significantly negatively correlated only with fT3. Conclusions: Lower homocysteine levels in hyperthyroid state can be explained by the influence of thyroid hormone. High level of folate is only partially responsible for these changes.Wstęp: Podwyższone stężenie we krwi homocysteiny jest niezależnym czynnikiem ryzyka przedwczesnej miażdżycy tętnic oraz zmian zakrzepowo-zatorowych naczyń żylnych. Łagodną hiperhomocysteinemię obserwuje się u osób z niedoczynnością tarczycy. Celem pracy była analiza osoczowych stężeń całkowitej homocysteiny (tHcy, total homocysteine), kwasu foliowego oraz witaminy B12 u chorych kobiet z nadczynnością tarczycy przed i po leczeniu. Materiał i metody: Badaniu poddano 30 pacjentek z nadczynnością tarczycy oraz grupę kontrolną 30 zdrowych premenopauzalnych kobiet. Grupa z nadczynnością tarczycy badana była 2-krotnie, przed leczeniem oraz po uzyskaniu eutyreozy. Oznaczano stężenia osoczowe homocysteiny, kwasu foliowego, witaminy B12 oraz tyreotropiny (TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone), wolnej tyroksyny (fT4) i wolnej trójjodotyroniny (fT3). Wyniki: W grupie z nadczynnością tarczycy stężenie tHcy było istotnie niższe w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Stężenie kwasu foliowego było znamiennie wyższe, a witaminy B12 niższe w grupie kobiet z nadczynnością. Po leczeniu tyreostatykami stężenie tHcy istotnie wzrosło, a kwasu foliowego obniżyło się. Stężenie witaminy B12 pozostało niezmienione. Analiza jednoczynnikowa w grupie z nadczynnością tarczycy wykazała, że stężenie tHcy istotnie ujemnie korelowało tylko ze stężeniem fT3. Wnioski: Obniżone stężenie homocysteiny w nadczynności tarczycy może być wyjaśnione wpływem hormonów tarczycy. Wysokie stężenia kwasu foliowego tylko częściowo odpowiadają za te zmiany

    The influence of thyroid hormones on homocysteine and atherosclerotic vascular disease

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    Niedoczynności tarczycy towarzyszy ryzyko wystąpienia chorób układu krążenia o etiologii miażdżycowej, a zwłaszcza choroby niedokrwiennej serca. Na rozwój przedwczesnych zmian aterosklerotycznych wskazują liczne badania epidemiologiczne, kliniczne i autopsyjne. W niedoczynności tarczycy obserwuje się podwyższone wartości rozkurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego krwi w następstwie wzrostu obwodowego oporu naczyniowego, „aterogenny” profil lipidowy – wzrost poziomu całkowitego cholesterolu, frakcji LDL cholesterolu i apolipoproteiny B. Ostatnio bada się rolę „nowych” czynników ryzyka miażdżycy: homocysteiny (Hcy), białka CRP, wykładników dysfunkcji śródbłonka, parametrów układu krzepnięcia w promowaniu zmian naczyniowych u osób z niedoczynnością tarczycy. Całkowite stężenie homocysteiny (tHcy) w osoczu, uznane za niezależny czynnik ryzyka miażdżycy, jest podwyższone w jawnej klinicznie niedoczynności tarczycy i obniża się po włączeniu suplementacji L-tyroksyną. Badania kliniczne pokazują, że niedoczynność tarczycy wpływa na metabolizm kwasu foliowego i enzymów szlaku remetylacji homocysteiny – szczególnie reduktazy metylenotetrahydrofolianowej (MTHFR). Wątrobowa aktywność tego flawoenzymu jest obniżona w niedoczynności tarczycy. Niedobór hormonów tarczycy ogranicza dostępność nukleotydów flawonowych: FMN i FAD, niezbędnych dla odpowiedniej aktywności MTHFR. Sugeruje się również osłabienie aktywności enzymu szlaku transsulfuracji. Wzrost poziomu kreatyniny w niedoczynności tarczycy prawdopodobnie odzwierciedla spadek filtracji kłębkowej i spadek klirensu nerkowego Hcy jest kolejnym mechanizmem wzrostu poziomu Hcy w osoczu u chorych z niedoczynnością tarczycy.Several reports have appeared in the literature proving that hypothyroidism is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease, especially coronary heart disease. This increased risk for premature atherosclerosis is supported by autopsy and epidemiological studies in patients with thyroid hormone deficiency. Hypothyroid patients have increased diastolic blood pressure (as a result of increased systemic vascular resistance), altered lipid profile (elevated levels of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein B). More recently homocysteine, C-reactive protein, increased arterial stiffness, endothelial dysfunction and altered coagulation parameters have been recognized as a “new” risk factors for atherosclerosis in patients with thyroid hormone deficiency. The plasma total homocysteine concentration, an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis, is moderately elevated in overtly hypothyroid patients and it decreases with thyroid replacement therapy. Several experimental study have shown that hypothyroidism affects folate metabolism and the enzymes involved in the remetylation pathway of homocysteine (particularly 5,10-methylenotetrahydrofolate reductase - MTHFR).In hypothyroid condition the hepatic activity of flavoenzyme - MTHFR, is decreased. Thyroid hormone may affect the availability of FMN and FAD - necessary for stabilizing MTHFR. An impairment of enzyme involved in transsulfuration pathway is suggested. The increased serum creatinine level in hypothyroidism probably reflects a reduced glomerular filtration rate, which is linked to impaired renal homocysteine clearance and hyperhomocysteinemia

    Elevated Level of DNA Damage and Impaired Repair of Oxidative DNA Damage in Patients with Recurrent Depressive Disorder

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    Background: Depressive disorder (DD), including recurrent DD (rDD), is a severe psychological disease, which affects a large percentage of the world population. Although pathogenesis of the disease is not known, a growing body of evidence shows that inflammation together with oxidative stress may contribute to development of DD. Since reactive oxygen species produced during stress may damage DNA, we wanted to evaluate the extent of DNA damage and efficiency of DNA repair in patients with depression. Material and Methods: We measured and compared the extent of endogenous DNA damage – single- and double-strand breaks, alkali-labile sites, and oxidative damage of the pyrimidines and purines – in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from rDD patients (n=40) and healthy controls (n=46) using comet assay. We also measured DNA damage evoked by hydrogen peroxide and monitored changes in DNA damage during repair incubation. Results: We found an increased number DNA breaks, alkali-labile sites, and oxidative modification of DNA bases in the patients compared to the controls. Exposure to hydrogen peroxide evoked the same increased damage in both groups. Examination of the repair kinetics of both groups revealed that the lesions were more efficiently repaired in the controls than in the patients. Conclusions: For the first time we showed that patients with depression, compared with non-depresses individuals, had more DNA breaks, alkali-labile sites, and oxidative DNA damage, and that those lesions may be accumulated by impairments of the DNA repair systems. More studies must be conducted to elucidate the role of DNA damage and repair in depression

    Student Fieldwork Training in St Petersburg (2006

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    Zgodnie z umową o współpracy zawartą pomiędzy Uniwersytetem Łódzkim i Rosyjskim Państwowym Hydrometeorologicznym Uniwersytetem w Sankt Petersburgu, w dniach od 3 do 15 lipca 2006 r. studenci III roku geografii turyzmu i hotelarstwa wzięli udział w specjalizacyjnych ćwiczeniach terenowych w Federacji Rosyjskiej. Grupa składała się z pięciu studentów i dwóch pracowników Katedry Geografii Miast i Turyzmu. Ćwiczenia odbyły się już po raz czwarty, ponieważ współpraca naukowo- dydaktyczna obu uczelni rozpoczęła się w 2002 r., a coroczna wymiana studentów to jeden z jej ważniejszych elementów

    Seed dispersal in six species of terrestrial orchids in Biebrza National Park (NE Poland)

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    Knowledge about seed dispersal is required to explain problems in ecology, phylogeography, and conservation biology. Even though seed dispersal is a fundamental mechanism to understand problems at different levels of biological organization (individual, population, species, landscape), it remains one of the least recognized processes. Similar to other groups of plants, very little is known regarding patterns and distances of seed dispersal in orchids. Orchid seeds are generally assumed to be widely dispersed by wind because of their small size and low weight. Between 2006 and 2008, we conducted a field study of the distances at which orchid seeds are dispersed, and determined factors affecting dispersal. Investigations included 13 populations of six terrestrial orchid species – Cypripedium calceolus, Cephalanthera rubra, Epipactis helleborine, Goodyera repens, Neottia ovata, and Platanthera bifolia. To evaluate seed dispersal in orchid populations, 8.5-cm Petri dishes (traps) with self-adhesive paper were placed along transects, starting from a group of fruiting plants, which were considered to be the dispersal source. Seeds of the investigated orchid species were dispersed over relatively short distances. There were statistically significant negative correlations between seed density and distance from the fruiting plants. Seeds of species with taller fruiting shoots were dispersed farther than those with shorter ones (R = 0.68, p < 0.05). We discuss the causes and consequences of the dispersal patterns of orchid seeds

    Oncogenic osteomalacia — detection of the tumour site upon physical examination

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    Ostemalacja onkogenna jest rzadkim zespołem paranowotworowym wynikającym z obecności guza produkującego fosfatoniny. Pacjenci bez właściwej diagnozy i leczenia cierpią na silne bóle kości, nawracające patologiczne złamania i osłabienie mięśni przez miesiące, a nawet lata. Guz jest zwykle niewielki i może występować w różnych miejscach. Najczęstszym typem nowotworu powodującego onkogeniczną osteomalację jest wariant mezenchymalny w tkankach miękkich. Nasze badanie ma na celu przedstawianie przypadku klinicznego 50-letniej pacjentki z onkogeniczną osteomalacją u której w badaniu fizykalnym znaleźliśmy guz w tkance podskórnej okolicy prawej łopatki, co skróciło czas wdrożenia odpowiedniego leczenia do jednego tygodnia. Na tym przykładzie chcielibyśmy podkreślić rolę badania fizykalnego jako ważnego etapu w procesie diagnostycznym tej rzadkiej choroby i zalecić usuwanie łatwo dostępnych guzów bez przeprowadzania zaawansowanych badań obrazowych jako szybkie, skuteczne i korzystne ekonomicznie postępowanie.Not required for Clinical Vignette

    Single-nucleotide polymorphisms of genes involved in repair of oxidative DNA damage and the risk of recurrent depressive disorder

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    BACKGROUND Depressive disorder, including recurrent type (rDD), is accompanied by increased oxidative stress and activation of inflammatory pathways, which may induce DNA damage. This thesis is supported by the presence of increased levels of DNA damage in depressed patients. Such DNA damage is repaired by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. BER efficiency may be influenced by polymorphisms in BER-related genes. Therefore, we genotyped nine single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in six genes encoding BER proteins. MATERIAL AND METHODS Using TaqMan, we selected and genotyped the following SNPs: c.-441G&gt;A (rs174538) of FEN1, c.2285T&gt;C (rs1136410) of PARP1, c.580C&gt;T (rs1799782) and c.1196A&gt;G (rs25487) of XRCC1, c.*83A&gt;C (rs4796030) and c.*50C&gt;T (rs1052536) of LIG3, c.-7C&gt;T (rs20579) of LIG1, and c.-468T&gt;G (rs1760944) and c.444T&gt;G (rs1130409) of APEX1 in 599 samples (288 rDD patients and 311 controls). RESULTS We found a strong correlation between rDD and both SNPs of LIG3, their haplotypes, as well as a weaker association with the c.-468T&gt;G of APEXI which diminished after Nyholt correction. Polymorphisms of LIG3 were also associated with early onset versus late onset depression, whereas the c.-468T&gt;G polymorphism showed the opposite association. CONCLUSIONS The SNPs of genes involved in the repair of oxidative DNA damage may modulate rDD risk. Since this is an exploratory study, the results should to be treated with caution and further work needs to be done to elucidate the exact involvement of DNA damage and repair mechanisms in the development of this disease