388 research outputs found

    Cognitive Performance in Late Adolescence and the Subsequent Risk of Subdural Hematoma: An Observational Study of a Prospective Nationwide Cohort

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    Anna and Peter Nordström analyzed a prospective nationwide cohort of 440,742 Swedish men and found that reduced cognitive function in young adulthood was associated with increased risk of subdural hematoma later in life, whereas a higher level of education and physical fitness were associated with a decreased risk

    The association of depression with subsequent dementia diagnosis: A Swedish nationwide cohort study from 1964 to 2016.

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    BACKGROUND: Depression is associated with an increased risk of dementia. However, short follow-up times and lack of adjustment for familial factors in previous studies could influence this association. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the association between depression and subsequent dementia, while controlling for familial factors and with a follow-up of over 35 years. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Two cohorts were formed from all individuals aged 50 years or older living in Sweden as of 31 December 2005 (n = 3,341,010). The Swedish National Patient Register was searched from 1964 through 2016 to identify diagnosis of depression and dementia. In the first cohort, individuals diagnosed with depression (n = 119,386) were matched 1:1 with controls without depression diagnosis. The second cohort was a sibling cohort (n = 50,644) consisting of same-sex full sibling pairs with discordant depression status. In the population matched cohort study, a total of 9,802 individuals were diagnosed with dementia during a mean follow-up time of 10.41 (range 0-35) years (5.5% of those diagnosed with depression and 2.6% of those without depression diagnosis (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.47, 95% CI 2.35-2.58; p < 0.001), with a stronger association for vascular dementia (aOR 2.68, 95% CI 2.44-2.95; p < 0.001) than for Alzheimer disease (aOR 1.79, 95% CI 1.68-1.92; p < 0.001). The association with dementia diagnosis was strongest in the first 6 months after depression diagnosis (aOR 15.20, 95% CI 11.85-19.50; p < 0.001), then decreased rapidly but persisted over follow-up of more than 20 years (aOR 1.58, 95% CI 1.27-1.98; p < 0.001). Also in the sibling cohort, the association was strongest in the first 6 months (aOR 20.85, 95% CI 9.63-45.12; p < 0.001), then decreased rapidly but persisted over follow-up of more than 20 years (aOR 2.33, 95% CI 1.32-4.11; p < 0.001). The adjusted models included sex, age at baseline, citizenship, civil status, household income, and diagnoses at baseline. The main limitation of the study methodology is the use of observational data; hence, the associations found are not proof of causal effects. CONCLUSIONS: Depression is associated with increased odds of dementia, even more than 20 years after diagnosis of depression, and the association remains after adjustment for familial factors. Further research is needed to investigate whether successful prevention and treatment of depression decrease the risk of dementia

    Effectiveness of a fourth dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine against all-cause mortality in long-term care facility residents and in the oldest old: A nationwide, retrospective cohort study in Sweden.

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    Background - The effect of a fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine on the risk of death in the oldest and frailest individuals is unknown. Methods - Two matched cohorts were formed using Swedish nationwide registers. In the first, residents of long-term care facilities (LTCFs) given a fourth dose of an mRNA vaccine from 1 January 2022 onwards were matched 1:1 on birth year and county of residence to residents given at least a third dose (N = 24,524). In the second, all individuals aged ≄80 years given a fourth dose were matched 1:1 to individuals given at least a third dose (N = 394,104). Cox regression models were used to estimate hazard ratios for all-cause mortality in fourth-dose recipients as compared with in third-dose recipients, with relative vaccine effectiveness (VE) estimated as 1 minus the hazard ratio. Findings - From 7 days after baseline and onwards, there were 1119 deaths in the LTCF cohort during a median follow-up of 77 days and a maximum follow-up of 126 days. During days 7 to 60, the VE of the fourth dose was 39% (95% CI, 29-48), which declined to 27% (95% CI, -2-48) during days 61 to 126. In the cohort of all individuals aged ≄80 years, there were 5753 deaths during a median follow-up of 73 days and a maximum follow-up of 143 days. During days 7 to 60, the VE of the fourth dose was 71% (95% CI, 69-72), which declined to 54% (95% CI, 48-60) during days 61 to 143. The VE of the fourth dose seemed stronger when it was compared to third-dose recipients where at least four months had passed since vaccination (P Interpretation - As compared with a third dose, a fourth dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, administered during the Omicron era, was associated with reduced risk of death from all causes in residents of LTCFs and in the oldest old during the first two months, after which the protection became slightly lower. These findings suggest that a fourth dose may prevent premature mortality in the oldest and frailest even after the emergence of the Omicron variant, although the timing of vaccination seems to be important with respect to the slight waning observed after two months

    Impact of exercise interventions on physical fitness in breast cancer patients and survivors: a systematic review

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    Background - This systematic review aims to identify the effects of exercise interventions in patients with breast cancer (BCP) and survivors (BCS) on selected variables of physical fitness. Methods - A comprehensive literature search was conducted using Medline and Scopus. Randomized controlled trials with isolated exercise interventions in BCP and BCS women ( Results - Of the 336 studies initially identified, 22 met all the inclusion criteria and were deemed eligible. RoB assessment indicated that the studies had predominantly “some concerns” or had “low RoB”, with only 3 studies presenting a “high RoB”. The mean duration and frequency of exercise interventions were 19 weeks and 3 sessions/week, performed at moderate intensity (65% VO2max and 66% 1RM, for aerobic and resistance-training interventions, respectively). Conclusions - Exercise interventions seem to be a valuable strategy in BCP to avoid the decline of CRF, ST, F and HRQoL. Conversely, improved physical function among BCS is observed for the same variables. Resistance training and combined interventions seem to provide the most encouraging variations of the selected outcomes

    The future of carbon labeling – Factors to consider

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    Compared to other policy instruments that aim to change consumer behavior, information provision is perhaps the least controversial. An important question is how information in the form of carbon labels can contribute to direct food consumption toward reduced climate impact. From a policy guidance perspective, there is a need to identify how the labeling strategy affects consumers’ ability to identify lower emitting food products and the behavioral change due to carbon information. Key aspects of a carbon label are discussed, as well as the implications of different labeling schemes. Drawing on economic and behavioral theories, we propose that, to assist consumers in identifying changes in consumption that contribute to significant reductions in their climate impact, a carbon label must enable comparisons between product groups and not only within narrowly defined product groups. This suggests mandatory labeling, since producers of high-emission products are less likely to display such labels. However, it is important to consider both costs and benefits of labeling schemes and to consider complementing labeling with other policy instruments

    Overlap in serum metabolic profiles between non-related diseases: Implications for LC-MS metabolomics biomarker discovery

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    AbstractUntargeted metabolic profiling has generated large activity in the field of clinical biomarker discovery. Yet, no clinically approved metabolite biomarkers have emerged with failure in validation phases often being a reason. To investigate why, we have applied untargeted metabolic profiling in a retrospective cohort of serum samples representing non-related diseases. Age and gender matched samples from patients diagnosed with pneumonia, congestive heart failure, lymphoma and healthy controls were subject to comprehensive metabolic profiling using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS). The metabolic profile of each diagnosis was compared to the healthy control group and significant metabolites were filtered out using t-test with FDR correction. Metabolites found to be significant between each disease and healthy controls were compared and analyzed for overlap. Results show that despite differences in etiology and clinical disease presentation, the fraction of metabolites with an overlap between two or more diseases was 61%. A majority of these metabolites can be associated with immune responses thus representing non-disease specific events. We show that metabolic serum profiles from patients representing non-related diseases display very similar metabolic differences when compared to healthy controls. Many of the metabolites discovered as disease specific in this study have further been associated with other diseases in the literature. Based on our findings we suggest non-related disease controls in metabolomics biomarker discovery studies to increase the chances of a successful validation and future clinical applications

    Digital exercise interventions for improving measures of central obesity: a systematic review

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    Objectives - We aimed to systematically review the potential benefits of digital exercise interventions for improving measures of central obesity including visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and anthropometric surrogates for VAT in overweight or centrally obese adults aged 18 or over. Methods - A systematic literature search was conducted in three databases up until March 2020 (PROSPERO registration nr CRD42019126764). Results - N = 5 studies including 438 participants (age 48–80) with body mass index ≄ 25 kg/m2 met the eligibility criteria and were included. The duration of the interventions ranged from 8 to 24 weeks. No study measured the primary outcome VAT, although in N = 4 studies, waist circumference (WC) decreased by between 1.3 and 5.6 cm in the intervention groups. Conclusions - This systematic review shows that there is no evidence for the effects of digital exercise on VAT, although digital exercise may decrease WC. These findings highlight the need for additional randomized controlled trials to confirm the findings with respect to WC, and to further investigate the effects of digital exercise on VAT. Together, this may have important implications for reducing the burden of physical inactivity and obesity

    Analys av sambandet mellan hÀstens temperament och dess skaderisk

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    Traumatiska skador och kotledsinflammationer kostar hÀstÀgare och försÀkringsbolag stora summor varje Är. För hÀstÀgaren innebÀr dessa skador dessutom förlorad tid för trÀning och tÀvling samt stress och oro. Under Är 2005 genomfördes en större enkÀtstudie (Ànnu ej publicerad) med syfte att identifiera riskfaktorer för uppkomsten av dessa skador. Den innehöll bland annat 10 frÄgor dÀr hÀstÀgare skulle uppslatta hÀstens temperament. Dessa frÄgor Àr utformade som sÄ kallade VAS-skalor (Visual Analogue Scale) och Àr de som analyserats i detta arbete. DÄ beteende inte studerats pÄ detta sÀtt tidigare och det finns en osÀkerhet i hur man skall hantera VAS-skalor analyserades data med 4 olika metoder. Resultaten skiljer sig mellan de olika metoderna sÄ nÄgra klara samband mellan temperament och risk för skador har inte kunnat styrkas. Dock tros detta inte bero pÄ att sÄdana inte finns utan snarare pÄ att studien inte utformats optimalt utifrÄn den aktuella frÄgestÀllningen

    Mid-calf skeletal muscle density and its associations with physical activity, bone health and incident 12-month falls in older adults: The Healthy Ageing Initiative

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    Accepted manuscript version, licensed CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Background - Lower skeletal muscle density, indicating greater infiltration of adipose tissue into muscles, is associated with higher fracture risk in older adults. We aimed to determine whether mid-calf muscle density is associated with falls risk and bone health in community-dwelling older adults. Methods - 2214 community-dwelling men and women who participated in the Healthy Ageing Initiative (Sweden) study at age 70 were included in this analysis. Mid-calf muscle density (mg/cm3) at the proximal tibia, and volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) and architecture at the distal and proximal tibia and radius, were assessed by peripheral quantitative computed tomography. Whole-body lean and fat mass, lumbar spine and total hip areal bone mineral density (aBMD) were assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Participants completed seven-day accelerometer measurements of physical activity intensity, and self-reported falls data were collected 6 and 12 months later. Results - 302 (13.5%) participants reported a fall at the 6- or 12-month interview, and 29 (1.3%) reported a fall at both interviews. After adjustment for confounders, each standard deviation decrease in mid-calf muscle density was associated with a trend towards greater likelihood of experiencing a fall (OR 1.13; 95% CI 1.00, 1.29 per SD lower) and significantly greater likelihood of multiple falls (1.61; 1.16, 2.23). Higher muscle density was not associated with total hip aBMD, and was associated with lower lumbar spine aBMD (B = -0.003; 95% CI -0.005, -0.001 per mg/cm3) and higher proximal cortical vBMD (0.74; 0.20, 1.28) at the radius. At the tibia, muscle density was positively associated with distal total and trabecular vBMD, and proximal total and cortical vBMD, cortical thickness, cortical area and stress-strain index (all P  Conclusions - Lower mid-calf muscle density is independently associated with higher likelihood for multiple incident falls and appears to have localised negative effects on bone structure in older adults

    EL LECTOR [Material grĂĄfico]

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de EducaciĂłn, Cultura y Deporte. SubdirecciĂłn General de CoordinaciĂłn Bibliotecaria, 201
