216 research outputs found

    Potenziale von Wertschöpfungsketten für Spezialprodukte des Ökolandbaus in Bayern

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    Im Auftrag des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten wurden fünf Märkte für Spezialprodukte des ökologischen Landbaus analysiert und die Potenziale für den Aufbau regionaler Wertschöpfungsketten überprüft. Von VertreterInnen des bayerischen Öko-Sektors wurden die Produktbereiche Senf, Fruchtzubereitungen, Pseudocerealien, Cerealien und Kartoffelprodukte priorisiert. Neben der Literaturrecherche und der Analyse von statistischem Sekundärmaterial wurden in diesen Produktbereichen acht bis 15 leitfadengestützte Experteninterviews auf den Stufen Erzeugung, Verarbeitung und Vermarktung geführt. In diesem Beitrag wird das breite Spektrum der Ergebnisse dargestellt und die Chancen für regionale Akteure bewertet. Wir schlagen vor, Wertschöpfungsketten in geeigneten bayerischen Öko-Modellregionen zu initiieren und zu fördern

    A within-sibling pair analysis of lifestyle behaviours and BMI z-score in the multi-centre I.Family study

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    Background and aims: By investigating differences in lifestyle behaviours and BMI in sibling pairs, family-level confounding is minimized and causal inference is improved, compared to cross-sectional studies of unrelated children. Thus, we aimed to investigate within-sibling pair differences in different lifestyle behaviours and differences in BMI z-scores in children and adolesents. Methods and results: We examined three groups of sibling pairs 1) all same-sex sibling pairs with maximum 4 years age difference (n = 1209 pairs from 1072 families in 8 countries, mean age 10.7 years, standard deviation 2.4 years), 2) sibling pairs discordant for overweight (n = 262) and 3) twin pairs (n = 85). Usual dietary intake was estimated by 24-h recalls and time spent in light (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was measured by accelerometers. Screen time, sleep and dieting for weight loss were assessed by questionnaires. Within all 3 groups of sibling pairs, more time in MVPA was associated with lower BMI z-score. Higher energy intake was associated with higher BMI z-score within twin pairs and within all sibling pairs who were not currently dieting for weight loss. Regarding LPA, screen time or sleep duration, no or inconsistent associations were observed for the three groups of sibling pairs. Conclusions: MVPA and energy intake were associated with BMI differences within sibling and twin pairs growing up in the same home, thus independent of family-level confounding factors. Future studies should explore whether genetic variants regulating appetite or energy expenditure behaviours account for weight differences in sibling pairs. (C) 2019 The Italian Society of Diabetology, the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, and the Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Management of adult-onset Still's disease:evidence- and consensus-based recommendations by experts

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    Objectives: Adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) is a rare condition characterized by fevers, rash, and arthralgia/arthritis; most doctors treating AOSD in the Netherlands treat &lt;5 patients per year. Currently, there is no internationally accepted treatment guideline for AOSD. The objectives of this study were to conduct a Delphi panel aimed at reaching consensus about diagnostic and treatment strategies for patients with AOSD and to use the outcomes as a basis for a treatment algorithm. Methods: The Delphi panel brought together 18 AOSD experts: rheumatologists, internists and paediatricians. The Delphi process consisted of three rounds. In the first two rounds, online lists of questions and statements were completed. In the third round, final statements were discussed during a virtual meeting and a final vote took place. Consensus threshold was set at 80%. Two targeted literature searches were performed identifying the level of evidence of the consensus-based statements. Results: Consensus was reached on 29 statements, including statements related to diagnosis and diagnostic tests, definition of response and remission, the therapy, the use of methotrexate and tapering of treatment. The panel consented on reduction of the use of glucocorticoids to avoid side effects, and preferred the use of biologics over conventional treatment. The role of IL-1 and IL-6 blocking agents was considered important in the treatment of AOSD. Conclusion: In this Delphi panel, a high level of consensus was achieved on recommendations for diagnosis and therapy of AOSD that can serve as a basis for a treatment guideline.</p

    Management of adult-onset Still's disease:evidence- and consensus-based recommendations by experts

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    Objectives: Adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) is a rare condition characterized by fevers, rash, and arthralgia/arthritis; most doctors treating AOSD in the Netherlands treat &lt;5 patients per year. Currently, there is no internationally accepted treatment guideline for AOSD. The objectives of this study were to conduct a Delphi panel aimed at reaching consensus about diagnostic and treatment strategies for patients with AOSD and to use the outcomes as a basis for a treatment algorithm. Methods: The Delphi panel brought together 18 AOSD experts: rheumatologists, internists and paediatricians. The Delphi process consisted of three rounds. In the first two rounds, online lists of questions and statements were completed. In the third round, final statements were discussed during a virtual meeting and a final vote took place. Consensus threshold was set at 80%. Two targeted literature searches were performed identifying the level of evidence of the consensus-based statements. Results: Consensus was reached on 29 statements, including statements related to diagnosis and diagnostic tests, definition of response and remission, the therapy, the use of methotrexate and tapering of treatment. The panel consented on reduction of the use of glucocorticoids to avoid side effects, and preferred the use of biologics over conventional treatment. The role of IL-1 and IL-6 blocking agents was considered important in the treatment of AOSD. Conclusion: In this Delphi panel, a high level of consensus was achieved on recommendations for diagnosis and therapy of AOSD that can serve as a basis for a treatment guideline.</p

    Characterization and Control of the Microbial Community Affiliated with Copper or Aluminum Heat Exchangers of HVAC Systems

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    Microbial growth in heating ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems with the subsequent contamination of indoor air is of increasing concern. Microbes and the subsequent biofilms grow easily within heat exchangers. A comparative study where heat exchangers fabricated from antimicrobial copper were evaluated for their ability to limit microbial growth was conducted using a full-scale HVAC system under conditions of normal flow rates using single-pass outside air. Resident bacterial and fungal populations were quantitatively assessed by removing triplicate sets of coupons from each exchanger commencing the fourth week after their installation for the next 30 weeks. The intrinsic biofilm associated with each coupon was extracted and characterized using selective and differential media. The predominant organisms isolated from aluminum exchangers were species of Methylobacterium of which at least three colony morphologies and 11 distinct PFGE patterns we found; of the few bacteria isolated from the copper exchangers, the majority were species of Bacillus. The concentrations and type of bacteria recovered from the control, aluminum, exchangers were found to be dependent on the type of plating media used and were 11,411–47,257 CFU cm−2 per coupon surface. The concentration of fungi was found to average 378 CFU cm−2. Significantly lower concentrations of bacteria, 3 CFU cm−2, and fungi, 1 CFU cm−2, were recovered from copper exchangers regardless of the plating media used. Commonly used aluminum heat exchangers developed stable, mixed, bacterial/fungal biofilms in excess of 47,000 organisms per cm2 within 4 weeks of operation, whereas the antimicrobial properties of metallic copper were able to limit the microbial load affiliated with the copper heat exchangers to levels 99.97 % lower during the same time period

    As políticas de microcrédito na região metropolitana de recife: a participação e o empoderamento das mulheres no programa crediamigo / Microcredit policies in the metropolitan region of Recife: the participation and empowerment of women in the crediamigo program

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    Nos últimos anos as mulheres têm se inserido e participado mais ativamente do setor socioprodutivo a partir de atividades microempreendedoras. As políticas de microcrédito no Brasil visam diminuir as desigualdades históricas que se caracterizam por grandes disparidades regionais, o Programa Crediamigo, por exemplo, foi criado para elevar o acesso ao crédito na região nordeste, num contexto de grande concentração econômica na região sudeste, e assim contribuir também com a diminuição da pobreza. Percebe-se que, dentre as variadas desigualdades sociais visualizadas no país, a desigualdade de gênero segue sendo uma pauta importante de debate, requerendo emergência de intervenções. Assim, este trabalho surge como um estudo exploratório que busca contribuir com a discussão que aprofunda a relação do campo de estudos de microcrédito com o campo de estudos sobre as questões de gênero. Tem por objetivo analisar, a partir de dados cadastrais do Programa Crediamigo na Região Metropolitana de Recife/Pernambuco, como se caracteriza a participação das mulheres em ações microempreendedoras, considerando-se a perspectiva do empoderamento. Como resultados, constatamos que o conceito de empoderamento, embora venha sido apresentado de forma indiscriminada em alguns discursos, pode indicar algumas possibilidades de participação das mulheres numa perspectiva relacional que valoriza o trabalho coletivo e solidário, assim como pressupõe a luta feminista. Também comprovamos a crescente participação das mulheres enquanto beneficiárias do Programa Crediamigo, o que pode apontar alguns impactos positivos dessa política na vida das mulheres

    The Anticancer Plant Triterpenoid, Avicin D, Regulates Glucocorticoid Receptor Signaling: Implications for Cellular Metabolism

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    Avicins, a family of apoptotic triterpene electrophiles, are known to regulate cellular metabolism and energy homeostasis, by targeting the mitochondria. Having evolved from “ancient hopanoids,” avicins bear a structural resemblance with glucocorticoids (GCs), which are the endogenous regulators of metabolism and energy balance. These structural and functional similarities prompted us to compare the mode of action of avicin D with dexamethasone (Dex), a prototypical GC. Using cold competition assay, we show that Avicin D competes with Dex for binding to the GC receptor (GR), leading to its nuclear translocation. In contrast to Dex, avicin-induced nuclear translocation of GR does not result in transcriptional activation of GC-dependent genes. Instead we observe a decrease in the expression of GC-dependent metabolic proteins such as PEPCK and FASN. However, like Dex, avicin D treatment does induce a transrepressive effect on the pro-inflammatory transcription factor NF-κB. While avicin's ability to inhibit NF-κB and its downstream targets appear to be GR-dependent, its pro-apoptotic effects were independent of GR expression. Using various deletion mutants of GR, we demonstrate the requirement of both the DNA and ligand binding domains of GR in mediating avicin D's transrepressive effects. Modeling of avicin-GR interaction revealed that avicin molecule binds only to the antagonist confirmation of GR. These findings suggest that avicin D has properties of being a selective GR modulator that separates transactivation from transrepression. Since the gene-activating properties of GR are mainly linked to its metabolic effects, and the negative interference with the activity of transcription factors to its anti-inflammatory and immune suppressive effects, the identification of such a dissociated GR ligand could have great potential for therapeutic use