30 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of recovery actions on deviant customer behavior — the moderating role of gender.

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    This paper aims to examine how gender interacts with various recovery actions on perceived employee effort, complaint handling satisfaction, and behavioral intention in the case of deviant customer behavior in an East-Asian context. Study 1, a qualitative study, reveals that consumers expect companies to take appropriate remedial actions when a service consumption experience is affected by deviant customer behaviors (e.g., smoking in non designated area). Study 2 employed a 2 (gender) × 6(recovery actions) between subject design in a restaurant setting. Results show that confronting the deviant customer received the highest customer ratings in terms of perceived employee effort, complaint handling satisfaction, and behavioral intention. However, gender moderated the relative effectiveness of recovery actions. Relocating the focal customer was equally good as compensation for women while men were less appreciative of relocation than compensation. In sum, service providers are advised to initiate some form of recovery action in response to deviant customer behaviors

    Una aproximació al comerç quotidià de la ciutat de Barcelona

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    El comerç de proximitat és un factor molt important per a la vitalitat d'una ciutat, tenint impactes en l'economia, la societat i l'entramat urbà que afecten la manera en que la població es relaciona amb el territori. A partir de les dades de l'inventari de locals en planta baixa de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona, es duu a terme un anàlisi per a representar de manera gràfica la distribució dels locals en el territori, dividits en diferents categories de consum quotidià, per tal de poder establir zones de cobertura i comprovar si Barcelona compleix amb l'indicador que publica el Ministeri de Foment respecte a les ciutats grans i mitjanes, com a valor ideal per a la població. A través de l'ús d'eines d'informació geogràfica (GIS), es creen mapes per a visualitzar la distribució dels locals a la ciutat i calcular-ne l'àrea de cobertura, relacionant aquestes dades amb la població de la ciutat.The commerce of proximity is a very important factor for the vitality of a city, having impacts on the economy, society and the urban framework, that affect the way in which the population relates to the territory. Based on data from the inventory of commercial premises on the ground floor of the Barcelona City Council, an analysis is carried out to represent graphically the distribution of commercial premises in the territory, divided into different categories of daily consumption, by such as being able to establish coverage zones and check if Barcelona complies with the indicator published by the Ministry of Public Works regarding large and medium-sized cities, as an ideal value for the population. Through the use of geographic information tools (GIS), maps are created to visualize the distribution of the premises in the city and calculate the coverage area, relating this data to the city's population

    Complete response under sorafenib in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Relationship with dermatologic adverse events.

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    The clinical benefit of sorafenib in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has been undervalued due to the absence of complete responses, even though patients who develop early dermatologic reactions have shown to have a positive outcome. In addition, sorafenib is described as an antiangiogenic drug, but it also acts on immunological cells. Thus, the goal of this study was to assess the complete response rate in a retrospective cohort of HCC patients treated with sorafenib and to describe the profile of the patients who achieve complete response for identifying factors related to this event and their connection with the immunological profile of sorafenib. Ten Spanish centers submitted cases of complete response under sorafenib. The baseline characteristics, development of early dermatologic reactions, and cause of treatment discontinuation were annotated. Radiological images taken before starting sorafenib, at first control, after starting sorafenib, at the time of complete response, and at least 1 month after treatment were centrally reviewed. Of the 1119 patients studied, 20 had been classified as complete responders by the centers, but eight of these patients were excluded after central review. Ten patients had complete disappearance of all tumor sites, and two had just a small residual fibrotic scar. Thus, 12 patients were classified as complete responders (58% HCV, median age 59.7 years, 83.4% Child-Pugh class A, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0 91.7%, and Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer stage C 83.3%). The median overall survival and treatment duration were 85.8 and 40.1 months, respectively. All but one patient developed early dermatologic reactions, and seven patients discontinued sorafenib after achieving complete response due to adverse events, patient decision, or liver decompensation. CONCLUSION: Complete response affects 1% of patients with HCC who are treated with sorafenib. The association of complete response with early dermatologic reactions supports the role of a specific immune/inflammatory patient profile in the improved response to sorafenib

    Safety and preliminary efficacy on cognitive performance and adaptive functionality of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in children with Down syndrome. A randomized phase Ib clinical trial (PERSEUS study)

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    Purpose: Although some caregivers are using epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) off label in hopes of improving cognition in young adults with Down syndrome (DS), nothing is known about its safety, tolerability, and efficacy in the DS pediatric population. We aimed to evaluate safety and tolerability of a dietary supplement containing EGCG and if EGCG improves cognitive and functional performance. Methods: A total of 73 children with DS (aged 6-12 years) were randomized. Participants received 0.5% EGCG (10 mg/kg daily dose) or placebo for 6 months with 3 months follow up after treatment discontinuation. Results: In total, 72 children were treated and 66 completed the study. A total of 38 participants were included in the EGCG group and 35 in the placebo group. Of 72 treated participants, 62 (86%) had 229 treatment-emergent adverse events (AEs). Of 37 participants in the EGCG group, 13 (35%) had 18 drug-related treatment-emergent AEs and 12 of 35 (34%) from the placebo group had 22 events. In the EGCG group, neither severe AEs nor increase in the incidence of AEs related to safety biomarkers were observed. Cognition and functionality were not improved compared with placebo. Secondary efficacy outcomes in girls point to a need for future work. Conclusion: The use of EGCG is safe and well-tolerated in children with DS, but efficacy results do not support its use in this population. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics

    The IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project: A Renewed Call to Participation

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    Over the past two decades, the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Staging Project has been a steady source of evidence-based recommendations for the TNM classification for lung cancer published by the Union for International Cancer Control and the American Joint Committee on Cancer. The Staging and Prognostic Factors Committee of the IASLC is now issuing a call for participation in the next phase of the project, which is designed to inform the ninth edition of the TNM classification for lung cancer. Following the case recruitment model for the eighth edition database, volunteer site participants are asked to submit data on patients whose lung cancer was diagnosed between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2019, to the project by means of a secure, electronic data capture system provided by Cancer Research And Biostatistics in Seattle, Washington. Alternatively, participants may transfer existing data sets. The continued success of the IASLC Staging Project in achieving its objectives will depend on the extent of international participation, the degree to which cases are entered directly into the electronic data capture system, and how closely externally submitted cases conform to the data elements for the project

    A Re-Examination of the Generalizability of the Aaker Brand Personality Measurement Framework

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    Conceptual, logical, and empirical arguments suggest there are important boundary conditions for the successful application of Aaker\u27s brand personality measurement framework. Researchers are encouraged to utilize the framework in situations in which they are likely to have success (aggregating data across diverse product categories) and to proceed with extreme caution when using it in contexts in which they are likely to encounter difficulties (measuring the personality of individual brands or when aggregating data within a specific product category)

    The Brand Personality Scale: An Application for Restaurants

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    A study of a convenience sample of 247 students at Cornell\u27s School of Hotel Administration measured the extent to which respondents differentiated among the personalities of nine restaurants in three segments (quick service, casual dining, and upscale). The study was based on Jennifer L. Aaker\u27s brand-personality scale, which posits five overall personality dimensions comprising 42 traits. The overall dimensions are competence, sincerity, excitement, sophistication, and ruggedness. Respondents rated each of the nine restaurants on Aaker\u27s 42 traits. On balance, the students did not perceive large differences among the restaurants\u27 overall personalities, although certain restaurants were seen as distinctive on individual dimensions. For instance, McDonald\u27s was seen as being more competent and exciting than either Burger King or Wendy\u27s. Chili\u27s was rated as the most rugged of the three casual-dining restaurants, while TGI Friday\u27s was considered to be more exciting than Chili\u27s or Applebee\u27s. Ironically, the students reported the least personality differentiation among the upscale restaurants (all local establishments), even though the chef\u27s or owner\u27s personality usually informs such restaurants. Overall, upscale restaurants were perceived to be more sophisticated than the casual-dining or QSR outlets, while the casual-dining restaurants were seen as more sincere

    Una aproximació al comerç quotidià de la ciutat de Barcelona

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    El comerç de proximitat és un factor molt important per a la vitalitat d'una ciutat, tenint impactes en l'economia, la societat i l'entramat urbà que afecten la manera en que la població es relaciona amb el territori. A partir de les dades de l'inventari de locals en planta baixa de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona, es duu a terme un anàlisi per a representar de manera gràfica la distribució dels locals en el territori, dividits en diferents categories de consum quotidià, per tal de poder establir zones de cobertura i comprovar si Barcelona compleix amb l'indicador que publica el Ministeri de Foment respecte a les ciutats grans i mitjanes, com a valor ideal per a la població. A través de l'ús d'eines d'informació geogràfica (GIS), es creen mapes per a visualitzar la distribució dels locals a la ciutat i calcular-ne l'àrea de cobertura, relacionant aquestes dades amb la població de la ciutat.The commerce of proximity is a very important factor for the vitality of a city, having impacts on the economy, society and the urban framework, that affect the way in which the population relates to the territory. Based on data from the inventory of commercial premises on the ground floor of the Barcelona City Council, an analysis is carried out to represent graphically the distribution of commercial premises in the territory, divided into different categories of daily consumption, by such as being able to establish coverage zones and check if Barcelona complies with the indicator published by the Ministry of Public Works regarding large and medium-sized cities, as an ideal value for the population. Through the use of geographic information tools (GIS), maps are created to visualize the distribution of the premises in the city and calculate the coverage area, relating this data to the city's population

    Generation of the antioxidant hydroxytyrosol from tyrosol present in beer and red wine in a randomized clinical trial

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    Beer and wine contains the simple phenol tyrosol (TYR) which is endogenously converted into hydroxytyrosol (HT), one of the strongest dietary antioxidants, by CYP2A6 and CYP2D6 polymorphic enzymes. We investigated in humans the rate of this bioconversion after beer and red wine (RW) intake. In a single blind, randomized, crossover, controlled clinical trial (n = 20 healthy subjects), we evaluated TYR absorption and biotransformation into HT following a single dose of (i) RW, (ii) Indian pale ale beer (IPA), (iii) blonde beer, and (iv) non-alcoholic beer (free). Individuals were genotyped for CYP2A6 and CYP2D6, and a polygenic activity score (PAS) was derived. RW triggered the highest increase in total TYR recovered, followed by IPA, blonde, and free beers. Although the HT content in beer was minimal, an increase in HT production was observed in all beers following TYR in a dose-response manner, confirming TYR to HT biotransformation. Sex differences were identified in the rate of the conversion following RW. PAS scores correlated linearly with the recoveries of HT (HT:TYR ratios) after RW intake. In conclusion, after beer and RW consumption, TYR is absorbed and endogenously biotransformed into HT. This mechanism could be modulated by sex, genetics, and matrix components