13 research outputs found

    Evaluación del uso de servicios de salud y de patrones de multimorbilidad en supervivientes de cáncer de mama de larga duración

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    Antecedents: La supervivència del càncer de mama ha augmentat de manera important en els últims anys gràcies als avanços en el diagnòstic i el tractament, les millores en els programes de cribatge poblacionals i l'augment de l'esperança de vida de la població general. Això es tradueix en un major nombre de supervivents de càncer de mama de llarga durada amb necessitats específiques pel seu risc de recidives i /o de desenvolupar comorbiditats cròniques a causa del tractament del càncer i de l'envelliment. No obstant això, s'ha avaluat poc l'atenció sanitària prestada a aquesta població i la seva adequació, així com la influència de la multimorbiditat en el maneig de la malaltia i en la mortalitat. Objectius: L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és descriure el patró d'utilització de serveis sanitaris i les comorbiditats de les supervivents de càncer de mama de llarga durada a Espanya. En concret, i) analitzar l'evidència científica sobre l'ús de serveis de salut en les dones que sobreviuen el càncer de mama 5 anys o més a través d'una revisió sistemàtica; ii) descriure l'ús d'Atenció Primària i especialitzada en dones que han sobreviscut al càncer de mama segons el temps de supervivència (5-10 anys o > 10 anys) i comparar el seu ús amb el de dones sense història de càncer de mama; iii) identificar patrons de multimorbiditat associats a la llarga supervivència del càncer de mama i analitzar el seu impacte en l'ús de serveis sanitaris i en la mortalitat. Conclusions: L'ús de serveis sanitaris és heterogeni entre les supervivents de càncer de mama de llarga durada en relació a la freqüència de les visites i els professionals visitats. El metge d'atenció primària no era el principal professional sanitari visitat per les supervivents de càncer de mama de llarga durada en més de la meitat dels estudis inclosos a la revisió sistemàtica, tal com indiquen les recomanacions de seguiment. A Espanya, les supervivents de càncer de mama utilitzen més els serveis Atenció Primària, atenció hospitalària i se sotmeten a més proves diagnòstiques que les dones sense càncer de mama, independentment del temps de supervivència des del diagnòstic del càncer. L'ús de serveis sanitaris entre les supervivents disminueix a partir dels 10 anys de supervivència en tots els serveis analitzats, però es manté per sobre del de les dones sense història de càncer de mama. Els patrons de multimorbiditat identificats permeten identificar sub-grups de supervivents de càncer de mama de llarga durada amb necessitats específiques i contribueixen a l'adaptació de les guies de pràctica clínica dirigides a professionals que proporcionen atenció sanitària a aquest grup de dones. Finalment, és essencial incloure l'abordatge de la multimorbiditat per a promoure un seguiment òptim dirigit a les llargues supervivents.Antecedentes: La supervivencia del cáncer de mama ha aumentado de forma importante en los últimos años gracias a los avances en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento, las mejoras en los programas de cribado poblacionales y el aumento de la esperanza de vida de la población general. Esto se traduce en un mayor número de supervivientes de cáncer de mama de larga duración con necesidades específicas por su riesgo de recidivas y /o de desarrollar comorbilidades crónicas debido al tratamiento del cáncer y al envejecimiento. Sin embargo, se ha evaluado poco la atención sanitaria prestada a esta población y la adecuación de la misma, así como la influencia de la multimorbilidad en el manejo de la enfermedad y en la mortalidad. Objetivos: El objetivo principal de esta tesis es describir el patrón de utilización de servicios de salud y las comorbilidades de las supervivientes de cáncer de mama de larga duración en España. En concreto, i) analizar la evidencia científica sobre uso de servicios de salud en las mujeres supervivientes de cáncer de mama 5 años o más a través de una revisión sistemática; ii) describir el uso de Atención Primaria y especializada en mujeres que han sobrevivido al cáncer de mama según tiempo de supervivencia (5-10 años o > 10 años) y compararlo con el de mujeres sin historia de cáncer de mama; iii) identificar patrones de multimorbilidad asociados a la larga supervivencia del cáncer de mama y analizar su impacto en el uso de servicios de salud y en la mortalidad. Conclusiones: El uso de servicios de salud es heterogéneo entre las supervivientes de cáncer de mama de larga duración en relación a la frecuencia de las visitas y los profesionales visitados. El médico de atención primaria no fue el principal profesional sanitario visitado por las supervivientes de cáncer de mama de larga duración en más de la mitad de los estudios incluidos en la revisión sistemática, tal y como indican las recomendaciones de seguimiento. En España, las supervivientes de cáncer de mama utilizan más los servicios Atención Primaria, atención hospitalaria y se someten a más pruebas diagnósticas que las mujeres sin cáncer de mama, independientemente del tiempo de supervivencia desde el diagnóstico del cáncer. El uso de servicios de salud entre las supervivientes disminuye a partir de los 10 años de supervivencia en todos los servicios analizados, pero se mantiene por encima del de las mujeres sin historia de cáncer de mama. Los patrones de multimorbilidad identificados permiten identificar sub-grupos de supervivientes de cáncer de mama de larga duración con necesidades específicas y contribuyen a la adaptación de las guías de práctica clínica dirigidas a profesionales que proporcionan atención sanitaria a este grupo de mujeres. Por último, es esencial incluir el abordaje de la multimorbilidad para promover un seguimiento óptimo dirigido a las largas supervivientes de cáncer de mama.Background: Breast cancer survival has increased significantly in recent years due to advances in diagnosis and treatment, improvements in population- based screening programs, and the increased life expectancy of the general population. This translates into a greater number of long-term breast cancer survivors with specific needs because of their risk of recurrence and/or developing chronic comorbidities due to cancer treatment and aging. However, there has been little evaluation of the healthcare provided to this population and the adequacy of care, as well as the influence of multimorbidity on disease management and mortality. Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to describe the pattern of health services utilization and comorbidities of long-term breast cancer survivors in Spain. Specifically, i) to analyze the scientific evidence on healthcare services use in women who have survived breast cancer 5 years or more through a systematic review; ii) to describe the use of Primary and specialized care in women who have survived breast cancer according to survival time (5-10 years or > 10 years) and compare it with that of women with no history of breast cancer; iii) to identify multimorbidity patterns associated with long survival of breast cancer and analyze their impact on health services use and mortality. Conclusions: Use of health services is heterogeneous among long-term breast cancer survivors in relation to frequency of visits and professionals visited. The primary care physician was not the main health professional visited by long-term breast cancer survivors in more than half of the studies included in the systematic review, as indicated by follow-up recommendations. In Spain, breast cancer survivors use more Primary care services, hospital care and undergo more diagnostic tests than women without breast cancer, regardless of survival time since cancer diagnosis. The use of healthcare services among survivors decreases after 10 years of survival in all services analyzed, but remains above that of women without a history of breast cancer. The multimorbidity patterns identified allow the identification of subgroups of long-term breast cancer survivors with specific needs and contribute to the adaptation of clinical practice guidelines aimed at professionals providing health care to this group of women. Finally, it is essential to include the multimorbidity approach to promote optimal follow- up for long-term breast cancer survivors

    Evaluación del uso de servicios de salud y de patrones de multimorbilidad en supervivientes de cáncer de mama de larga duración

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    Antecedents: La supervivència del càncer de mama ha augmentat de manera important en els últims anys gràcies als avanços en el diagnòstic i el tractament, les millores en els programes de cribatge poblacionals i l’augment de l’esperança de vida de la població general. Això es tradueix en un major nombre de supervivents de càncer de mama de llarga durada amb necessitats específiques pel seu risc de recidives i /o de desenvolupar comorbiditats cròniques a causa del tractament del càncer i de l’envelliment. No obstant això, s’ha avaluat poc l’atenció sanitària prestada a aquesta població i la seva adequació, així com la influència de la multimorbiditat en el maneig de la malaltia i en la mortalitat. Objectius: L’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi és descriure el patró d’utilització de serveis sanitaris i les comorbiditats de les supervivents de càncer de mama de llarga durada a Espanya. En concret, i) analitzar l’evidència científica sobre l’ús de serveis de salut en les dones que sobreviuen el càncer de mama 5 anys o més a través d’una revisió sistemàtica; ii) descriure l’ús d’Atenció Primària i especialitzada en dones que han sobreviscut al càncer de mama segons el temps de supervivència (5-10 anys o > 10 anys) i comparar el seu ús amb el de dones sense història de càncer de mama; iii) identificar patrons de multimorbiditat associats a la llarga supervivència del càncer de mama i analitzar el seu impacte en l’ús de serveis sanitaris i en la mortalitat. Conclusions: L’ús de serveis sanitaris és heterogeni entre les supervivents de càncer de mama de llarga durada en relació a la freqüència de les visites i els professionals visitats. El metge d’atenció primària no era el principal professional sanitari visitat per les supervivents de càncer de mama de llarga durada en més de la meitat dels estudis inclosos a la revisió sistemàtica, tal com indiquen les recomanacions de seguiment. A Espanya, les supervivents de càncer de mama utilitzen més els serveis Atenció Primària, atenció hospitalària i se sotmeten a més proves diagnòstiques que les dones sense càncer de mama, independentment del temps de supervivència des del diagnòstic del càncer. L’ús de serveis sanitaris entre les supervivents disminueix a partir dels 10 anys de supervivència en tots els serveis analitzats, però es manté per sobre del de les dones sense història de càncer de mama. Els patrons de multimorbiditat identificats permeten identificar sub-grups de supervivents de càncer de mama de llarga durada amb necessitats específiques i contribueixen a l’adaptació de les guies de pràctica clínica dirigides a professionals que proporcionen atenció sanitària a aquest grup de dones. Finalment, és essencial incloure l’abordatge de la multimorbiditat per a promoure un seguiment òptim dirigit a les llargues supervivents.Antecedentes: La supervivencia del cáncer de mama ha aumentado de forma importante en los últimos años gracias a los avances en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento, las mejoras en los programas de cribado poblacionales y el aumento de la esperanza de vida de la población general. Esto se traduce en un mayor número de supervivientes de cáncer de mama de larga duración con necesidades específicas por su riesgo de recidivas y /o de desarrollar comorbilidades crónicas debido al tratamiento del cáncer y al envejecimiento. Sin embargo, se ha evaluado poco la atención sanitaria prestada a esta población y la adecuación de la misma, así como la influencia de la multimorbilidad en el manejo de la enfermedad y en la mortalidad. Objetivos: El objetivo principal de esta tesis es describir el patrón de utilización de servicios de salud y las comorbilidades de las supervivientes de cáncer de mama de larga duración en España. En concreto, i) analizar la evidencia científica sobre uso de servicios de salud en las mujeres supervivientes de cáncer de mama 5 años o más a través de una revisión sistemática; ii) describir el uso de Atención Primaria y especializada en mujeres que han sobrevivido al cáncer de mama según tiempo de supervivencia (5-10 años o > 10 años) y compararlo con el de mujeres sin historia de cáncer de mama; iii) identificar patrones de multimorbilidad asociados a la larga supervivencia del cáncer de mama y analizar su impacto en el uso de servicios de salud y en la mortalidad. Conclusiones: El uso de servicios de salud es heterogéneo entre las supervivientes de cáncer de mama de larga duración en relación a la frecuencia de las visitas y los profesionales visitados. El médico de atención primaria no fue el principal profesional sanitario visitado por las supervivientes de cáncer de mama de larga duración en más de la mitad de los estudios incluidos en la revisión sistemática, tal y como indican las recomendaciones de seguimiento. En España, las supervivientes de cáncer de mama utilizan más los servicios Atención Primaria, atención hospitalaria y se someten a más pruebas diagnósticas que las mujeres sin cáncer de mama, independientemente del tiempo de supervivencia desde el diagnóstico del cáncer. El uso de servicios de salud entre las supervivientes disminuye a partir de los 10 años de supervivencia en todos los servicios analizados, pero se mantiene por encima del de las mujeres sin historia de cáncer de mama. Los patrones de multimorbilidad identificados permiten identificar sub-grupos de supervivientes de cáncer de mama de larga duración con necesidades específicas y contribuyen a la adaptación de las guías de práctica clínica dirigidas a profesionales que proporcionan atención sanitaria a este grupo de mujeres. Por último, es esencial incluir el abordaje de la multimorbilidad para promover un seguimiento óptimo dirigido a las largas supervivientes de cáncer de mama.Background: Breast cancer survival has increased significantly in recent years due to advances in diagnosis and treatment, improvements in population- based screening programs, and the increased life expectancy of the general population. This translates into a greater number of long-term breast cancer survivors with specific needs because of their risk of recurrence and/or developing chronic comorbidities due to cancer treatment and aging. However, there has been little evaluation of the healthcare provided to this population and the adequacy of care, as well as the influence of multimorbidity on disease management and mortality. Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to describe the pattern of health services utilization and comorbidities of long-term breast cancer survivors in Spain. Specifically, i) to analyze the scientific evidence on healthcare services use in women who have survived breast cancer 5 years or more through a systematic review; ii) to describe the use of Primary and specialized care in women who have survived breast cancer according to survival time (5-10 years or > 10 years) and compare it with that of women with no history of breast cancer; iii) to identify multimorbidity patterns associated with long survival of breast cancer and analyze their impact on health services use and mortality. Conclusions: Use of health services is heterogeneous among long-term breast cancer survivors in relation to frequency of visits and professionals visited. The primary care physician was not the main health professional visited by long-term breast cancer survivors in more than half of the studies included in the systematic review, as indicated by follow-up recommendations. In Spain, breast cancer survivors use more Primary care services, hospital care and undergo more diagnostic tests than women without breast cancer, regardless of survival time since cancer diagnosis. The use of healthcare services among survivors decreases after 10 years of survival in all services analyzed, but remains above that of women without a history of breast cancer. The multimorbidity patterns identified allow the identification of subgroups of long-term breast cancer survivors with specific needs and contribute to the adaptation of clinical practice guidelines aimed at professionals providing health care to this group of women. Finally, it is essential to include the multimorbidity approach to promote optimal follow- up for long-term breast cancer survivors.Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Metodologia de la Recerca Biomèdica i Salut Públic

    Health care services use among long-term breast cancer survivors: a systematic review

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    Purpose: Long-term breast cancer survivors are women surviving at least 5 years after diagnosis. This systematic review aimed to summarize the main characteristics and patterns of healthcare service use (frequency of visits, health providers visited, and preventive care performed) among long-term breast cancer survivors. Methods: We used standard Cochrane Collaboration methods and searched the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases up to January 2018. We included English language observational studies reporting health service use among long-term cancer survivors. The quality of the studies was appraised through the ROBINS-I assessment tool. Two independent reviewers performed both the study quality assessment and the data extraction. Results: A total of 23 observational studies were included that reported data on health services use by long-term breast cancer survivors. Despite heterogeneity among studies, about half of them reported that breast cancer survivors visited a medical provider at least once a year, as recommended by breast cancer survival guidelines. Although survivors visited medical providers with the recommended frequency, a substantial number used specialist care instead of primary care during follow-up. The results showed underuse of the recommended annual mammogram. Conclusions: Long-term breast cancer survivors differ in their health services use with regard to the frequency of visits as well as the health providers seen. Our results indicate the need for active surveillance through primary care providers in coordination with specialized care. Implications for cancer survivors: This review could help to standardize the management of breast cancer survivors and decision-makers to adapt their guidelines and clinical protocols

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of peripherally inserted central catheters versus central venous catheters for in-hospital parenteral nutrition

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    Objective: our objective was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the use of peripherally inserted central venous catheters (PICCs) by a vascular access team (VAT) versus central venous catheters (CVCs) for in-hospital total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Methods: the study used a cost-effectiveness analysis based on observational data retrospectively obtained from electronic medical records from 2018 to 2019 in a teaching hospital. We included all interventional procedures requiring PICCs or CVCs with the indication of TPN. We recorded the costs of insertion, maintenance, removal, and complications. The main outcome measure was the incidence rate of catheter-associated bacteremia per 1000 catheter days. Cost-effectiveness analysis was performed from the hospital perspective within the context of the publicly funded Spanish health system. Confidence intervals for costs and effectiveness differences were calculated using bootstrap methods. Results: we analyzed 233 CVCs and 292 PICCs from patients receiving TPN. Average duration was longer for PICC (13 versus 9.4 days, P < 0.001). The main reason for complications in both groups was suspected infection (9.77% CVC versus 5.18% PICC). Complication rates due to bacteremia were 2.44% for CVC and 1.15% for PICC. The difference in the incidence of bacteremia per 1000 catheter days was 1.29 (95% confidence interval, -0.89 to 3.90). Overall, costs were lower for PICCs than for CVCs: the difference in mean overall costs was -€559.9 (95% confidence interval, -€919.9 to -€225.4). Uncertainty analysis showed 86.37% of results with lower costs and higher effectiveness for PICC versus CVC.Conclusions: placement of PICC by VAT compared with CVC for TPN reduces costs and may decrease the rate of bacteremia

    Adherence of long-term breast cancer survivors to follow-up care guidelines: a study based on real-world data from the SURBCAN cohort

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    Purpose: to identify adherence to follow-up recommendations in long-term breast cancer survivors (LTBCS) of the SURBCAN cohort and to identify its determinants, using real-world data. Methods: we conducted a retrospective study using electronic health records from 2012 to 2016 of women diagnosed with incident breast cancer in Spain between 2000 and 2006 and surviving at least 5 years. Adherence to basic follow-up recommendations, adherence according to risk of recurrence, and overall adherence were calculated based on attendance at medical appointments and imaging surveillance, by year of survivorship. Logistic regression models were fitted to depict the association between adherence and its determinants. Results: a total of 2079 LTBCS were followed up for a median of 4.97 years. Of them, 23.6% had survived >= 10 years at baseline. We estimated that 79.5% of LTBCS were overall adherent to at least one visit and one imaging test. Adherence to recommendations decreased over time and no differences were found according to recurrence risk. Determinants of better overall adherence were diagnosis in middle age (50-69 years old), living in a more-deprived area, having fewer years of survival, receiving primary treatment, and being alive at the end of follow-up. Conclusion: we identified women apparently not complying with surveillance visits and tests. Special attention should be paid to the youngest and eldest women at diagnosis and to those with longer survival.The SURBCAN study received funding from the Carlos III Institute, through Projects PI16/0024 and PI19/00056, from the European Fund for Regional Development/European Social Fund (FEDER for its acronym in Spanish), and from the Research Network on Health Services in Chronic Diseases (REDISSEC for its acronym in Spanish) through Project RD16/001/013

    Impact of COVID-19 on Hospital Admissions and Healthcare Quality Indicators in Non-COVID Patients : A Retrospective Study of the First COVID-19 Year in a University Hospital in Spain

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    Few studies have assessed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on non-COVID diseases and healthcare quality. We aimed to evaluate changes in rates of hospitalisations, complications, in-hospital mortality, and readmissions among patients with non-COVID diseases during a one-year period after the pandemic onset. From March 2018 to February 2021 a retrospective observational study of hospital admissions in a university hospital in Spain was conducted. Non-COVID hospitalisations admitted through the emergency department were compared between the pre-COVID period (n = 28,622) and the COVID period (n = 11,904). We assessed rate ratios (RaR), comparing the weekly number of admissions and risk ratios (RR) to examine rates of complications, in-hospital mortality, readmissions, and severity. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. The weekly admission rate dropped by 20.8% during the complete lockdown. We observed significant reductions in admissions related to diseases of the respiratory system and circulatory system. Admissions for endocrine and metabolic diseases increased. The complication rates increased (RR = 1.21, 95% CI: 1.05;1.4), while in-hospital mortality rates held steady during the COVID period (RR = 1.09, 95% CI: 0.98;1.2). Hospital efforts to maintain quality and safety standards despite disruptions translated into a moderate increase in complications but not in in-hospital mortality. Reduced hospitalisations for conditions requiring timely treatment may have significant public health consequences

    Adherence of long-term breast cancer survivors to follow-up care guidelines: a study based on real-world data from the SURBCAN cohort

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    Purpose: to identify adherence to follow-up recommendations in long-term breast cancer survivors (LTBCS) of the SURBCAN cohort and to identify its determinants, using real-world data. Methods: we conducted a retrospective study using electronic health records from 2012 to 2016 of women diagnosed with incident breast cancer in Spain between 2000 and 2006 and surviving at least 5 years. Adherence to basic follow-up recommendations, adherence according to risk of recurrence, and overall adherence were calculated based on attendance at medical appointments and imaging surveillance, by year of survivorship. Logistic regression models were fitted to depict the association between adherence and its determinants. Results: a total of 2079 LTBCS were followed up for a median of 4.97 years. Of them, 23.6% had survived ≥ 10 years at baseline. We estimated that 79.5% of LTBCS were overall adherent to at least one visit and one imaging test. Adherence to recommendations decreased over time and no differences were found according to recurrence risk. Determinants of better overall adherence were diagnosis in middle age (50-69 years old), living in a more-deprived area, having fewer years of survival, receiving primary treatment, and being alive at the end of follow-up. Conclusion: we identified women apparently not complying with surveillance visits and tests. Special attention should be paid to the youngest and eldest women at diagnosis and to those with longer survival

    Common variants in NLRP2 and NLRP3 genes are strong prognostic factors for the outcome of HLA-identical sibling allogeneic stem cell transplantation

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    The inflammasomes are macromolecular cytosolic complexes involved in the production of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and IL-18 in response to several pathogen-derived stimuli. Such interleukins have been implicated in the origin of severe allogeneic stem cell transplant (allo-SCT) complications. We analyzed the relationship between the interindividual variability in inflammasome protein-encoding genes in donors and patients and clinical outcome after allo-SCT. Fourteen common genetic variants in 5 genes of the inflammasome, namely, NLRP1, NLRP2, NLRP3, CARD8, and CASP5, were genotyped in 133 human leukocyte antigen-identical sibling pairs undergoing allo-SCT. In the multivariate analysis, donor variants in NLRP2 and NLRP3 were the most important prognostic factors for the clinical outcome after allo-SCT. Thus, donor TT genotype at rs10925027 in NLRP3 was associated with disease relapse (odds ratio (OR) = 6.3, P = 1 x 10(-7)), and donor GG genotype at rs1043684 in NLRP2 was associated with nonrelapse mortality (OR = 4.4, P = 6 x 10(-4)) and overall survival (OR = 3.1, P = .001). In addition, patient AA genotype at rs5862 in NLRP1 was associated with nonrelapse mortality (OR = 2.8, P = .005) and overall survival (OR = 2.0, P = .009). These results suggest that inflammasome genetic variants are important prognostic factors for the outcome of allo-SCT. If validated in larger studies, including unrelated allo-SCT, NLRPs genotype would become an important factor in donor selection.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Multimorbidity clusters among long-term breast cancer survivors in Spain: Results of the SURBCAN study

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    The disease management of long-term breast cancer survivors (BCS) is hampered by the scarce knowledge of multimorbidity patterns. The aim of our study was to identify multimorbidity clusters among long-term BCS and assess their impact on mortality and health services use. We conducted a retrospective study using electronic health records of 6512 BCS from Spain surviving at least 5 years. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to identify groups of similar patients based on their chronic diagnoses, which were assessed using the Clinical Classifications Software. As a result, multimorbidity clusters were obtained, clinically defined and named according to the comorbidities with higher observed/expected prevalence ratios. Multivariable Cox and negative binomial regression models were fitted to estimate overall mortality risk and probability of contacting health services according to the clusters identified. 83.7% of BCS presented multimorbidity, essential hypertension (34.5%) and obesity and other metabolic disorders (27.4%) being the most prevalent chronic diseases at the beginning of follow-up. Five multimorbidity clusters were identified: C1-unspecific (29.9%), C2-metabolic and neurodegenerative (28.3%), C3-anxiety and fractures (9.7%), C4-musculoskeletal and cardiovascular (9.6%) and C5-thyroid disorders (5.3%). All clusters except C5-thyroid disorders were associated with higher mortality compared to BCS without comorbidities. The risk of mortality in C4 was increased by 64% (adjusted hazard ratio 1.64, 95% confidence interval 1.52-2.07). Stratified analysis showed an increased risk of death among BCS with 5 to 10 years of survival in all clusters. These results help to identify subgroups of long-term BCS with specific needs and mortality risks and to guide BCS clinical practice regarding multimorbidity