77 research outputs found

    Sosiaalisen verkoston merkitys naisen johtamisuralle

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Riistatalouden sosioekonomiset tutkimukset. Esisuunnitelma

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    Bone Loss Rate May Interact with Other Risk Factors for Fractures among Elderly Women: A 15-Year Population-Based Study

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    Aim was to investigate fracture risk (FR) according to bone loss (BL) rate. A random sample of 1652 women aged 53.5 years was measured with dual X-ray absorptiometry in femoral neck in 1989 and 1994 and divided into tertiles of annual BL rate: high >0.84%, moderate 0.13%–0.84%, and low <0.13%. Low trauma energy fractures during following 10 years were recorded. There were no differences in FR between BL tertiles in Cox regression model. Factors predicting lower FR in Cox model were in high tertile: high T-score (HR 0.71; 95% CI 0.54–0.93, P = .012), no sister's fracture (HR 0.35; 0.19–0.64, P = .001), no mother's fracture (HR 0.52; 0.31–0.88, P = .015), in moderate tertile: high T-score (HR 0.69;0.53–0.91, P = .008) and good grip strength (HR 0.98; 0.97–0.99, P = .022). In low tertile there were no predictors for FR. BL predicted FR in women with mother's fracture in univariate and multivariate model (OR 2.6; 1.15–5.7, P = .021) but with sister's fracture this was observed only in multivariate model (OR 2.66; 1.09–6.7, P = .039). Accordingly, the risk factors for postmenopausal fractures, especially mother's fracture, may interact with BL

    Video image-based analysis of single human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocyte beating dynamics using digital image correlation

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    Background The functionality of a cardiomyocyte is primarily measured by analyzing the electrophysiological properties of the cell. The analysis of the beating behavior of single cardiomyocytes, especially ones derived from stem cells, is challenging but well warranted. In this study, a video-based method that is non-invasive and label-free is introduced and applied for the study of single human cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. Methods The beating of dissociated stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes was visualized with a microscope and the motion was video-recorded. Minimum quadratic difference, a digital image correlation method, was used for beating analysis with geometrical sectorial cell division and radial/tangential directions. The time series of the temporal displacement vector fields of a single cardiomyocyte was computed from video data. The vector field data was processed to obtain cell-specific, contraction-relaxation dynamics signals. Simulated cardiomyocyte beating was used as a reference and the current clamp of real cardiomyocytes was used to analyze the electrical functionality of the beating cardiomyocytes. Results Our results demonstrate that our sectorized image correlation method is capable of extracting single cell beating characteristics from the video data of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes that have no clear movement axis, and that the method can accurately identify beating phases and time parameters. Conclusion Our video analysis of the beating motion of single human cardiomyocytes provides a robust, non-invasive and label-free method to analyze the mechanobiological functionality of cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. Thus, our method has potential for the high-throughput analysis of cardiomyocyte functions.BioMed Central open acces

    Digitaalinen hyvinvointi perheissÀ : Suomi hyvin kÀytetyn ajan mallimaaksi

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    Digitalisaatiossa Suomi on ollut muutoksen kÀrjessÀ, mutta sen vaikutuksista arkeen ja hyvinvointiin tiedetÀÀn vielÀ vÀhÀn. KÀytössÀ olevat kansalliset mittarit eivÀt tuota tietoa digitaalisten medioiden vaikutuksista hyvinvointiin. Digitaalinen hyvinvointi perheissÀ -hanke on koonnut systemaattisen tutkimuskatsauksen digitaalisten medioiden vaikutuksista perhesuhteissa ja tuottanut uutta tietoa digitaalisesta yhteydenpidosta Suomessa. Tutkimukset osoit-tavat, ettÀ ajankÀyttö ja sosiaaliset suhteet ovat 2010-luvulla kokeneet murroksen. Digitaaliset mediat ovat helpotta-neet kommunikointia, mutta samalla luoneet haasteita lÀheissuhteisiin. LisÀksi on viitteitÀ siitÀ, ettÀ digitalisaation haitat ja hyödyt kasautuvat perheiden eriarvoisuutta lisÀÀvÀsti. Hankkeessa tuotettiin materiaalia yksilöille ja kasvattajille tasapainoisen media-arjen tueksi sekÀ laadittiin Digihyvin-voinnin tiekartta Suomelle yhdessÀ laajan sidosryhmÀn kanssa. Tiekartassa ehdotetaan 17 ratkaisua digitaalisen hyvinvoinnin haasteisiin politiikassa, yhteisöissÀ, palveluissa ja teknologia-alalla. Tuotetut materiaalit juurruttavat tutkimusnÀyttöön perustuvia suosituksia kansalaisten ja alan asiantuntijoiden keskuudessa. Tutkimuksen ja tiekarttatyöskentelyn perusteella hanketoimijat suosittelevat, ettÀ Suomeen perustetaan elin, jonka tehtÀvÀ olisi edistÀÀ tutkimusta ja ymmÀrrystÀ kansalaisten digitaalisesta hyvinvoinnista sekÀ teknologia-alan sosiaa-lista vastuullisuutta.TÀmÀ julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisÀllöstÀ vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikÀ tekstisisÀltö vÀlttÀmÀttÀ edusta valtioneuvoston nÀkemystÀ

    RAS and PP2A activities converge on epigenetic gene regulation

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    RAS-mediated human cell transformation requires inhibition of the tumor suppressor protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). However, the phosphoprotein targets and cellular processes in which RAS and PP2A activities converge in human cancers have not been systematically analyzed. Here, we discover that phosphosites co-regulated by RAS and PP2A are enriched on proteins involved in epigenetic gene regulation. As examples, RAS and PP2A co-regulate the same phosphorylation sites on HDAC1/2, KDM1A, MTA1/2, RNF168, and TP53BP1. We validate RAS- and PP2A-elicited regulation of HDAC1/2 chromatin recruitment, of RNF168-TP53BP1 interaction, and of gene expression. Consistent with their known synergistic effects in cancer, RAS activation and PP2A inhibition resulted in epigenetic reporter derepression and activation of oncogenic transcription. Transcriptional derepression by PP2A inhibition was associated with an increase in euchromatin and a decrease in global DNA methylation. Collectively, the results indicate that epigenetic protein complexes constitute a significant point of convergence for RAS hyperactivity and PP2A inhibition in cancer. Furthermore, the work provides an important resource for future studies focusing on phosphoregulation of epigenetic gene regulation in cancer and in other RAS/PP2A-regulated cellular processes.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    The Phenotype of the C9ORF72 Expansion Carriers According to Revised Criteria for bvFTD

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    Background The C9ORF72 expansion is one of the most common genetic etiologies observed with behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD). Revised diagnostic criteria for bvFTD (FTDC) were recently introduced but only a few studies have evaluated the accuracy of these criteria. Objective The objective of the study was to evaluate the applicability of the FTDC criteria and assess the psychiatric history of these patients. Methods The study examined 36 patients carrying the C9ORF72 expansion and suffering from bvFTD (N = 32) or from bvFTD with motor neuron disease (bvFTD-MND, N = 4). Neuropsychological, neuropsychiatric, structural brain imaging and PET/SPECT data were evaluated. Results We found 0.75 sensitivity (SD 0.44, 95% CI 0.57-0.87) for possible bvFTD and 0.64 (SD 0.44, 95% CI 0.57-0.87) for probable bvFTD. The sensitivity was even higher in bvFTD patients without MND, i.e., 0.81 for possible bvFTD and 0.69 for probable bvFTD. PET/SPECT was normal in 17.6% of scanned patients with bvFTD. A history of psychiatric symptoms (psychotic and/or mood symptoms) was detected in 61% of cases. Conclusions The FTDC possible and probable bvFTD criteria seem to identify the majority of the C9ORF72 expansion carriers with bvFTD, even though they exhibit only a limited number of behavioral criteria but a significant amount of psychiatric symptoms. The presence of a normal PET/SPECT does not exclude the possibility the C9ORF72 associated bvFTD.Peer reviewe

    Ideasta kokeiluihin – Loppuraportti perustulokokeilun toteuttamisvaihtoehdoista

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    PÀÀministeri Juha SipilÀn hallitusohjelmaan on kirjattu perustulokokeilun toteuttaminen. Perustulokokeilulla selvitetÀÀn, miten sosiaaliturvaa voitaisiin uudistaa paremmin vastaamaan työelÀmÀn muutoksia, muuttaa sosiaaliturvaa työhön kannustavaksi, vÀhentÀÀ byrokratiaa ja yksinkertaistaa monimutkaista etuusjÀrjestelmÀÀ, joka usein luo erilaisia tulo-, kannustin- ja byrokratialoukkuja. Kokeilun toimeenpanoa varten Valtioneuvoston kanslia tilasi selvityksen perustulon toteuttamisvaihtoehdoista. Hankkeen esiselvitys on luovutettu 30.3.2016, ja siinÀ pohdittiin esimerkiksi nk. puhtaan perustulon, osittaisen perustulon, negatiivisen tuloveron ja muiden mahdollisten mallien soveltuvuutta kokeiluun. Osin esiselvityksen pohjalta hallitus antoi esityksen laiksi perustulokokeilusta (HE 215/2016 vp). KÀsillÀ olevassa loppuraportissa pohditaan perustulon jatkokokeiluiden edellytyksiÀ. Perustulon erilaisten vaikutusten selvittÀmiseksi ehdotetaan kokeiluiden sarjaa, jossa erilaisia perustulomalleja ja niihin liitettyjÀ erilaisia veromalleja kokeiltaisiin iteratiivisesti. Seuraavana askeleena vuonna 2017 alkavaa kokeilua voitaisiin tÀydentÀÀ vuonna 2018 alkavalla kokeilulla, jossa kokeilun kohdevÀestöÀ laajennettaisiin työttömien lisÀksi pienituloisiin ja samalla kokeilun otoskokoa kasvatettaisiin tuntuvasti tilastollisesti merkitsevien tulosten varmistamiseksi. Kansallisen tulorekisterin valmistumisen jÀlkeen kokeiluun voitaisiin ottaa myös negatiivisen tuloveron kaltaisia malleja
