56 research outputs found

    The compositional model of Santo Domingo and Cartagena fortifications between old and new world

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    The work of the Antonelli family has determined the constructive characteristics of Spanish forti- fications in the new world. Their fame is due to Giovanni Battista, the military and hydraulic engineer of Italian origin, and training in the Spanish Crown service. During the second half of the sixteenth century, he designed and built the defense of the Iberian Peninsula’s borders, taking care of Cartagena’s port city, the coast of the Kingdom of Valencia, and the African ports of Oran and Mazalquivir. An extensive work, whose characters are taken from the younger brother, Battista Antonelli, planned the defensive system of fortresses and walls in the Caribbean and, more generally, in the Spanish colonies of Central America. In the first decades of the seventeenth century, the New World was a destination for explorations and observations by the great monarchies of the old continent: the English, French, Dutch, and Spanish fought over lands and businesses on a Caribbean sea that became international. In 1586 Philip II of Spain nominated Battista Antonelli as his engineer, with the specific aim of structuring the defense of the lands of the Corona overseas. Over the years, Antonelli inspects and presents design proposals for many cities in Central America, working from Colombia, Panama, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Cuba. The text addresses, in particular, the description of Cartagena de Indi- as and Santo Domingo, comparing them through the narration of two analysis, training, and docu- mentation projects conducted here by the DAda LAB Research Laboratory

    Chapter Arsinoe 3D. La narrazione digitale di uno scavo archeologico

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Direct use of point clouds in real-time interaction with the cultural heritage in pandemic and post-pandemic tourism on the case of Kłodzko Fortress

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    In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, technology and interactive communication methods increased in importance. One of the sectors most affected by the lockdown was the tourism industry. It became necessary to apply a new approach to the research and development of this field using the virtual world. This paper presents the implementation of direct use of raw point cloud data enriched with digital historical resources on the case of the historic Klodzko Fortress in Poland’s Lower Silesia. Terrestrial laser scanning was used to visualise the real world, later used in a game engine to create space for real-time virtual interaction. Like the touring paths in the real world, the interaction in the adopted solution went beyond observation and understanding of the space unified with historical resources. The project’s overall goal was to create a safe and accessible digital tool to popularise the region’s cultural heritage resources in pandemic and post-pandemic times

    Understanding the Distribution of Marine Megafauna in the English Channel Region: Identifying Key Habitats for Conservation within the Busiest Seaway on Earth

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    The temperate waters of the North-Eastern Atlantic have a long history of maritime resource richness and, as a result, the European Union is endeavouring to maintain regional productivity and biodiversity. At the intersection of these aims lies potential conflict, signalling the need for integrated, cross-border management approaches. This paper focuses on the marine megafauna of the region. This guild of consumers was formerly abundant, but is now depleted and protected under various national and international legislative structures. We present a meta-analysis of available megafauna datasets using presence-only distribution models to characterise suitable habitat and identify spatially-important regions within the English Channel and southern bight of the North Sea. The integration of studies from dedicated and opportunistic observer programmes in the United Kingdom and France provide a valuable perspective on the spatial and seasonal distribution of various taxonomic groups, including large pelagic fishes and sharks, marine mammals, seabirds and marine turtles. The Western English Channel emerged as a hotspot of biodiversity for megafauna, while species richness was low in the Eastern English Channel. Spatial conservation planning is complicated by the highly mobile nature of marine megafauna, however they are important components of the marine environment and understanding their distribution is a first crucial step toward their inclusion into marine ecosystem management

    The Walled city of Verona. Integrated survey systems for the enhancement and promotion of Verona’s city Walls

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    The present study concerns the digital documentation of the city wall of Verona. The "Verona Città Murata" project began in 2015 thanks to the research agreement between the Municipality of Verona (UNESCO office) and the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pavia. The project stems from the request to develop tools to document the site's conservation to initiate timely restoration, management, and maintenance studies. Measures for protecting, conserving, and enhancing a comprehensive and impressive cultural and natural heritage, such as the Magistral Walls and the Veronese Park, are complex and multifaceted. The multi-disciplinary aspect and the use of flexible tools to manage the information and analyses obtained during the study phase are fundamental. The research aims to optimize the fortified system's acquisition process by validating integrated survey methods and assessing point cloud data's potential, limitations, and planimetric and elevation accuracy (TLS, MLS, UAVs). On the one hand, the research products are aimed to structure a methodology of valuable representation for the documentation and diagnostic and conservative analysis of the artifact; on the other hand, they will become a helpful tool for the narrative description of Verona's fortifications to disseminate and valorize the fabric of military technology

    Mobile Laser Scanner Mapping System's for the efficiency of the survey and representation processes

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    The research activity aims to evaluate the Mobile Laser Scanner mapping system's effectiveness and critical issues based on simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) called KAARTA Stencil. The research introduces a reflection on a series of test datasets resulting from the mobile system's application in an urban context taken as a case study and aimed at the representation and 3D modeling of architectural complexes. In detail, the metric accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated through a comparative analysis of the point cloud data through the evaluation of the surface deviation of the 3D point clouds based on the SLAM system and the data of static measurement systems, more precise to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed acquisition system. For each data were specified the possibilities of representation, the type of representation scale, and the possible manipulations and extractions of 2D profiles to design and analyze architectural elements through mobile systems. The analysis involves a breakdown of the problem of representation, identifying protocols that can be applicable at different levels and scales of reading aimed at the representation and discretization of parts and elements linked together in a hierarchical or interconnected relationship, outlining their criticality and potential

    Hammam de la Mezquita nel complesso dell'Alhambra. Strategie di documentazione per la gestione del patrimonio

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    A inizio del XX secolo vennero ritrovati al di sotto della Chiesa di Santa Maria i resti della moschea costruita da Muhammad III. A fianco della moschea sorgeva l’Hammam. Esempio dell’espressione della cultura Nasride in Andalusia, l’Hammam della Mezquita costituisce oggi un patrimonio culturale di notevole importanza. La struttura originaria, edificata nel XIV secolo per consentire le pratiche di abluzione a servizio della Mezquita, fu parzialmente demolita nel XVI secolo, dopo la conquista dei re cattolici di Granada. L’impianto dei bagni, così come appaiono e si configurano oggi, è il risultato di un processo ricostruttivo avvenuto nel XX secolo, ad opera degli architetti Torres Balbás e Prieto-Moreno. Obiettivo della ricerca, di cui questa pubblicazione costituisce un frammento, è la definizione di un apparato informativo, strutturato nella forma di un modello digitale integrato, descrittivo di tutta l’area, che si configuri come una banca dati utile alla gestione del patrimonio architettonico. Il volume racconta il processo metodologico sviluppato nei due anni di progetto dedicato ai Baños de La Mezquita, analizzando i diversi passaggi di trasformazione del dato, dall’acquisizione alla realizzazione del modello informativo digitale

    Scan to H-BIM, drawing information and model sharing protocols. The case study of the Castiglioni Brugnatelli college (PV)

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    The paper proposes a reflection on methodological protocols for developing scan to H-BIM information models on historical architecture. The case study is the Castiglioni Brugnatelli College, the first university college in Pavia, founded in 1429. In 1954 became the first lay female college to be established in Italy. The experimentation conducted included the development of drawings and models to provide an updated knowledge base of the collegiate complex’s interior rooms and external environments. The H-BIM model aims to allow the managing body of the complex to develop proposals for maintenance and improvement interventions consistent with the image and historical importance of the building. The goal is to understand the weakness and limits of scan to BIM systems applied to historical architecture. The application of mobile laser scanner systems in Cultural Heritage context cannot fail to consider the architectural decoration and an explanatory need that contemplates the imperfect in all its structural, constructive, and ornamental constructive components

    Memoria e modello digitale. La costruzione di un sistema informativo per la salvaguardia del patrimonio architettonico diffuso dell’Upper Kama

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    Following the European guidelines, research in the architecture sector has been committed to seeking open systems, which can be implemented in stages for structuring methodological protocols applicable to digitization to enhance Cultural Heritage. The H2020-RISE- PROMETHEUS project, coordinated by the University of Pavia, aims to define a multi-scalar digital information system to safeguard the historical memory of the heritage and pro- mote Cultural Heritage Routes. That allows the dissemination of the heritage architectural diffuse of the European Cultural Heritage Routes, starting from the pilot case of the Upper Kama territory (Russia). The languages of representation and the analysis processes of the elements result from an international collaboration between universities and companies in a critical, shared process of evaluating the criteria for optimizing infographic languages. The research results are explained in the information modeling protocol, structured based on an analytical approach of morphological, technological, and typological semantiza- tion, from the territorial level to the architectural scale, for the combined management of historical memory, information, and intervention on the work