21 research outputs found
Promoción de la salud desde la perspectiva salutogénica en mujeres inmigrantes en riesgo de exclusión social. A salutogenic approach to health promotion among immigrant women at risk of social exclusion
Traditional health promotion programs designed immigrant women at risk of social exclusion have focussed on their needs. The salutogenic approach offers a new perspective to them.
To evaluate the effectiveness of a health promotion program, focused on the empowerment with a salutogenic approach, for immigrant women at risk of social exclusion.
A mixed-methods study, using a sequential exploratory strategy of qualitative and quantitative methodology, was developed within the Programa d’Orientació Laboral de Cà ritas de Girona.
Participants in the study have GRRs and are able to identify them.
Health promotion programs developed from a salutogenic perspective, reduced significantly perceived stress, increased physical quality of life and showed a trend toward increased self-esteem. These activities are more effective in women with lower initial SOC and quality of life scores and higher perceived stress scores. Perceived social support is also a key factor in the empowerment of these immigrant womenLos programas promotores de salud en mujeres immigrantes en riesgo de exclusión social han estado focalizados en necesidades. La perspectiva salutogénica proporciona un nuevo enfoque a dichos programas.
Evaluar la efectividad de un programa promotor de salud, focalizado en el empoderamiento desde una perspectiva salutogénica, en mujeres inmigrantes en riesgo de exclusión social.
Diseño mixto usando una estrategia exploratoria con metodologÃa cualitativa y cuantitativa, en el Programa de Orientación Laboral de Cà ritas de Girona.
Las participantes poseen GRRs y son capaces de identificarlos.
Los programas promotores de salud desde una perspectiva salutogénica reducen significativamente el estrés, aumentan la calidad de vida fÃsica y tienden a aumentar su autoestima. Este fue más efectiva en mujeres con puntuaciones iniciales de SOC, y calidad de vida menores y con mayor percepción de estrés. El apoyo social es un factor determinante para el empoderamiento de esta
Promoción de la salud desde la perspectiva salutogénica en mujeres inmigrantes en riesgo de exclusión social. A salutogenic approach to health promotion among immigrant women at risk of social exclusion
Traditional health promotion programs designed immigrant women at risk of social exclusion have focussed on their needs. The salutogenic approach offers a new perspective to them.
To evaluate the effectiveness of a health promotion program, focused on the empowerment with a salutogenic approach, for immigrant women at risk of social exclusion.
A mixed-methods study, using a sequential exploratory strategy of qualitative and quantitative methodology, was developed within the Programa d’Orientació Laboral de Cà ritas de Girona.
Participants in the study have GRRs and are able to identify them.
Health promotion programs developed from a salutogenic perspective, reduced significantly perceived stress, increased physical quality of life and showed a trend toward increased self-esteem. These activities are more effective in women with lower initial SOC and quality of life scores and higher perceived stress scores. Perceived social support is also a key factor in the empowerment of these immigrant womenLos programas promotores de salud en mujeres immigrantes en riesgo de exclusión social han estado focalizados en necesidades. La perspectiva salutogénica proporciona un nuevo enfoque a dichos programas.
Evaluar la efectividad de un programa promotor de salud, focalizado en el empoderamiento desde una perspectiva salutogénica, en mujeres inmigrantes en riesgo de exclusión social.
Diseño mixto usando una estrategia exploratoria con metodologÃa cualitativa y cuantitativa, en el Programa de Orientación Laboral de Cà ritas de Girona.
Las participantes poseen GRRs y son capaces de identificarlos.
Los programas promotores de salud desde una perspectiva salutogénica reducen significativamente el estrés, aumentan la calidad de vida fÃsica y tienden a aumentar su autoestima. Este fue más efectiva en mujeres con puntuaciones iniciales de SOC, y calidad de vida menores y con mayor percepción de estrés. El apoyo social es un factor determinante para el empoderamiento de esta
Criterios para valorar propuestas universitarias de aprendizaje servicio (ApS)
This study aims to provide criteria to help to design and evaluate Service-Learning (SL) experiences in universities, and the process to be held to validate them at national level. These basic criteria provide a framework for the promotion of best Service-Learning practices in universities and also help to strengthen its implementation to be considered an innovative practice in the university. Este estudio presenta un conjunto de criterios para ayudar a configurar y valorar las experiencias universitarias con metodologÃa de Aprendizaje servicio (ApS), asà como el proceso que se ha realizado a nivel estatal para validarlos. Estos criterios básicos permitirán ofrecer un marco de referencia para la promoción de buenas prácticas de ApS en el contexto universitario y, a la vez, ayudarán a consolidar su implantación y a impulsar su cualificación como práctica docente innovadora en el marco universitarioEste estudio presenta un conjunto de criterios para ayudar a configurar y valorar las experiencias universitarias con metodologÃa de Aprendizaje servicio (ApS), asà como el proceso que se ha realizado a nivel estatal para validarlos. Estos criterios básicos permitirán ofrecer un marco de referencia para la promoción de buenas prácticas de ApS en el contexto universitario y, a la vez, ayudarán a consolidar su implantación y a impulsar su cualificación como práctica docente innovadora en el marco universitari
Mental health nursing practicum: student and mentor perspectives on stress and satisfaction
Nursing students begin to complete practicum experiences during their first year, increasing the number of applied credits as they progress toward degree completion. This contributes to integrating knowledge and skills from all of their courses and to obtaining the basic competencies of the nursing profession. It is also essential to identify the student’s sources of stress in order to provide strategies to confront them and diminish the potential consequences. Therefore, it is a priority to ascertain the perception of stress and the stressors. This study applied both quantitative and quality methods to achieve its objectives: to analyze the perception of stress and the stress-generating factors faced by third- and fourth-year nursing students during the mental health practicum, and to determine satisfaction with the new mental health practicum in a student survey and in a focus group of mentor nurses. Study results identified four major stress factors before students began the practicum: the difficulty of providing nursing care for the patient with a mental disorder, knowing how to react in an unfamiliar situation, lack of knowledge about mental health services, and the possibility of patient aggression. Only the latter remained as a stressor after the practicum was completed. Student satisfaction with the mental health practicum was highly positive. Mentor nurses were particularly satisfied with the changes in student follow-up and evaluation, emphasizing the importance of reflective practice and students’ self-management of their learning experience as set out by the European Higher Education Are
Mental health nursing practicum: Student and mentor perspectives on stress and satisfaction
Nursing students begin to complete practicum experiences during their first year, increasing the number of applied credits as they progress toward degree completion. This contributes to integrating knowledge and skills from all of their courses and to obtaining the basic competencies of the nursing profession. It is also essential to identify the student’s sources of stress in order to provide strategies to confront them and diminish the potential consequences. Therefore, it is a priority to ascertain the perception of stress and the stressors. This study applied both quantitative and quality methods to achieve its objectives: to analyze the perception of stress and the stress-generating factors faced by third- and fourth-year nursing students during the mental health practicum, and to determine satisfaction with the new mental health practicum in a student survey and in a focus group of mentor nurses. Study results identified four major stress factors before students began the practicum: the difficulty of providing nursing care for the patient with a mental disorder, knowing how to react in an unfamiliar situation, lack of knowledge about mental health services, and the possibility of patient aggression. Only the latter remained as a stressor after the practicum was completed. Student satisfaction with the mental health practicum was highly positive. Mentor nurses were particularly satisfied with the changes in student follow-up and evaluation, emphasizing the importance of reflective practice and students’ self-management of their learning experience as set out by the European Higher Education Area
El prà cticum d’infermeria en Salut Mental : Visió de l’estudiant i la infermera tutora
En el Grau d’Infermeria el prà cticum es duu a terme des del primer curs, incrementant el número de crèdits de forma progressiva. S'integren els coneixements i habilitats de totes les assignatures del curs, aixà com el desenvolupament d'actituds pròpies de la professió infermera. Identificar les fonts d'estrès és primordial per proporcionar als estudiants estratègies que els ajudin a afrontar-lo i disminuir les seves conseqüències. En aquesta lÃnea, es considera com una acció priorità ria el conèixer la percepció d'estrès i els elements que ho afavoreixen en els estudiants durant el prà cticum de salut mental, aixà com conèixer la percepció dels professors tutors sobre el prà cticu
Mental health nursing practicum: student and mentor perspectives on stress and satisfaction
Nursing students begin to complete practicum experiences during their first year, increasing the number of applied credits as they progress toward degree completion. This contributes to integrating knowledge and skills from all of their courses and to obtaining the basic competencies of the nursing profession. It is also essential to identify the student’s sources of stress in order to provide strategies to confront them and diminish the potential consequences. Therefore, it is a priority to ascertain the perception of stress and the stressors. This study applied both quantitative and quality methods to achieve its objectives: to analyze the perception of stress and the stress-generating factors faced by third- and fourth-year nursing students during the mental health practicum, and to determine satisfaction with the new mental health practicum in a student survey and in a focus group of mentor nurses. Study results identified four major stress factors before students began the practicum: the difficulty of providing nursing care for the patient with a mental disorder, knowing how to react in an unfamiliar situation, lack of knowledge about mental health services, and the possibility of patient aggression. Only the latter remained as a stressor after the practicum was completed. Student satisfaction with the mental health practicum was highly positive. Mentor nurses were particularly satisfied with the changes in student follow-up and evaluation, emphasizing the importance of reflective practice and students’ self-management of their learning experience as set out by the European Higher Education AreaPeer Reviewe
L'Aprenentatge servei a les universitats públiques catalanes: estat actual i qüestions pel debat
L’Aprenentatge Servei (ApS) es presenta com una prà ctica educativa innovadora caracteritzada per combinar processos d’aprenentatge amb la realització d’un servei a la comunitat. Aquesta comunicació vol aprofundir en aquesta prà ctica educativa i conèixer quin és el seu estat actual d’implementació i consideració en les universitats públiques catalanes. Es parteix d’una recerca d’informació en cadascuna de les universitats i d’entrevistes als principals responsables acadèmics. L’objectiu final és formular qüestions que puguin ajudar-nos a resoldre algunes de les problemà tiques detectades i aportar algunes propostes concrete
La institucionalització de l’aprenentatge servei a la universitat espanyola
This communication presents the level of institutionalization of Service Learning at Spanish universities. The study is based on the self-assessment rubric for universities developed by Furco (2011). Once studied the twenty answers of the electronic questionnaire sent to different universities which belong to the Spanish Network on Learning Service - Red Universitaria Española de Aprendizaje-Servicio (ApS-U) -, we can conclude that there is still a low level of institutionalization in such universitiesL’objectiu d’aquesta comunicació és analitzar el grau d’institucionalització de l’aprenentatge servei a les universitats espanyoles. Per fer-ho, es parteix de la rúbrica d’autoavaluació elaborada per Furco (2011). L’estudi s’ha realitzat mitjançant l’enviament d’un qüestionari electrònic i a partir de les respostes de vint professors d’universitats diferents que pertanyen a la Red Universitaria Española de AprendizajeServicio (ApS-U). Els resultats indiquen, en general, un grau baix d’institucionalització d’aquesta prà ctica educativa a les institucions espanyoles d’educació superio
La institucionalització de l’aprenentatge servei a la universitat espanyola [Pòster]
Pòster presentat al VIII Congrés Internacional de Docència Università ria i Innovació (CIDUI), celebrat a Tarragona els dies 2,3 i 4 de juliol de 2014Pòster que sintetitza l'estudi sobre el grau d’institucionalització de l’aprenentatge servei a les universitats espanyole