38 research outputs found

    Use of UAVs for technical inspection of buildings within the BRAIN massive inspection platform

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are becoming more and more popular for use in a various sectors of the economy. The paper presents the results of experiments using a UAV, equipped with a high resolution digital camera, for a visual assessment of technical condition of a building with connection to a big project implemented in Barcelona that required visual data about buildings and their changes with time. Authors try to find out possibilities for the usefulness of digital images obtained from the UAV deck in concrete examples and figure out if they may be complementary to traditional ways used so far in a project called Building Research Analysis and Information Network, which is a platform for analysis to allow strategic decision-making for the maintenance and the sustainability of building stock.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    UAV, Digital Processing and Vectorization Techniques Applied to Building Condition Assessment and Follow-up

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    The aim of the paper is to explain the basic principles of carrying out an inventory and follow-up of buildings and their condition assessment, by using the Full Interactive Visualization Method for Building Condition Assessment platform. It is a platform enabling the implementation of construction inventory based on the remote cooperation of many specialists in the field of, among others: building construction, architecture, civil engineering, photogrammetry, CAD, UAV. This type of cooperation is of particular importance especially in the context of the current epidemiological situation related to COVID-19. The idea of the presented platform fits into the broadly understanding of Building Information Modeling. After introducing the methodology, stages of the inventory and follow-up process carried out within the platform are illustrated and discussed on the basis of a case study. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the proposed methodology creates a convenient, efficient and inexpensive tool for massive inspection of building resources in large areas. The inventory is based primarily on high-quality photo and video material obtained from the deck of an unmanned aerial vehicle and the expert knowledge of the inspector conducting the inspection. By combining digital images data (photos, 3D model, orthophotos) with substantive data (facade element classification tables, wear / defect classification tables), we get a platform that allows intuitive access to viewing, classification, editing and analysis of selected data

    Exploring conditions and usefulness of UAVs in the BRAIN Massive Inspections Protocol

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    In this paper authors conduct a case study analysis by implementing the use of UAVs in the data collection within the BRAIN framework for the failures diagnosis of facades. The main goal is to assess the conditions and usefulness of UAVs in the BRAIN protocol by analyzing the goodness of fit to the fundamental requirements that support this inspection methodology. This preliminary qualitative approach allows the authors to investigate the benefits and potential of this high performance technology as a complement or alternative tool to the initial method, which is based on visual inspections supported, as maximum, by high resolution digital camera images. For the study a sample of facades has been selected in Poland. A full equipped UAV has been collecting the images. Finally, full procedure, collected data and positive and negative issues has been assessed under the perspective of the requirements involved in a multiscale BRAIN inspection. Overall scoring conditions has been determined and, as a conclusion, it can be stated that the use of UAVs for technical inspections in a population based predictive approach is, and even more it will be in the future, an interesting complementary tool for the data collection.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Rola funduszy europejskich w finansowaniu procesu rewitalizacji miast w Polsce

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    Article is about the legal and economic issues, the process of revitalization of cities in Poland. The purpose of this article is to present the role of the European funds and other sources of financing in the process of revitalizing urban areas at regional and local level. The scope of research article refers to the regional level of the local. At the regional level tested and the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007–2013 and 16 Regional Operational Programmes 2007–2013. Research at the local level based on Local Area Revitalization Program the city of Olsztyn for 2007–2015 and the regeneration of urban areas in Rzeszów for the period 2007–2015. In addition, the article gives an overview of environmental projects. The research demonstrates that European funds are the basis for the financing of investments in revitalization.  Artykuł dotyczy zagadnień ekonomiczno-prawnych procesu rewitalizacji miast w Polsce. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie roli funduszy europejskich oraz udziału innych źródeł w finansowaniu procesu rewitalizacji obszarów zurbanizowanych na poziomie regionalnym i lokalnym. Zakres badań artykułu odnosi się do poziomu regionalnego i lokalnego. Na poziomie regionalnym przebadano Narodowe Strategiczne Ramy Odniesienia 2007–2013 oraz 16 regionalnych programów operacyjnych 2007–2013. Badania na poziomie lokalnym oparto na Lokalnym Programie Rewitalizacji Obszaru Miasta Olsztyn na lata 2007–2015 oraz Programie Rewitalizacji Obszarów Miejskich w Rzeszowie na lata 2007–2015. Ponadto w artykule przedstawiono zestawienie projektów środowiskowych. W wyniku badań dowiedziono, że fundusze europejskie stanowią podstawę finansowania inwestycji rewitalizacyjnych. &nbsp

    Children and adolescents with pulmonary arterial hypertension : baseline and follow-up data from the polish registry of pulmonary hypertension (BNP-PL)

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    We present the results from the pediatric arm of the Polish Registry of Pulmonary Hypertension. We prospectively enrolled all pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) patients, between the ages of 3 months and 18 years, who had been under the care of each PAH center in Poland between 1 March 2018 and 30 September 2018. The mean prevalence of PAH was 11.6 per million, and the estimated incidence rate was 2.4 per million/year, but it was geographically heterogeneous. Among 80 enrolled children (females, n = 40; 50%), 54 (67.5%) had PAH associated with congenital heart disease (CHD-PAH), 25 (31.25%) had idiopathic PAH (IPAH), and 1 (1.25%) had portopulmonary PAH. At the time of enrolment, 31% of the patients had significant impairment of physical capacity (WHO-FC III). The most frequent comorbidities included shortage of growth (n = 20; 25%), mental retardation (n = 32; 40%), hypothyroidism (n = 19; 23.8%) and Down syndrome (n = 24; 30%). The majority of children were treated with PAH-specific medications, but only half of them with double combination therapy, which improved after changing the reimbursement policy. The underrepresentation of PAH classes other than IPAH and CHD-PAH, and the geographically heterogeneous distribution of PAH prevalence, indicate the need for building awareness of PAH among pediatricians, while a frequent coexistence of PAH with other comorbidities calls for a multidisciplinary approach to the management of PAH children

    Quantum Characterization of a Werner-like Mixture

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    We introduce a Werner-like mixture [R. F. Werner, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 40}, 4277 (1989)] by considering two correlated but different degrees of freedom, one with discrete variables and the other with continuous variables. We evaluate the mixedness of this state, and its degree of entanglement establishing its usefulness for quantum information processing like quantum teleportation. Then, we provide its tomographic characterization. Finally, we show how such a mixture can be generated and measured in a trapped system like one electron in a Penning trap.Comment: 8 pages ReVTeX, 8 eps figure

    Zastosowanie nowych technologii pozyskiwania danych geoprzestrzennych w gospodarce przestrzennej

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    Rozwój technologii satelitarnej, fotogrametrii i teledetekcji sprawił, że tworzone obecnie systemy informacji przestrzennej wykorzystują jako główne źródło danych geometrycznych zdjęcia lotnicze i satelitarne. W ostatnich latach pojawiła się idea stworzenia niezależnego, prostego systemu lokalnego pozyskiwania danych geoprzestrzennych w oparciu o bezzałogowe statki powietrzne (BSP). W artykule przedstawiono obszary zastosowań BSP w gospodarce przestrzennej oraz analizę usług świadczonych za pomocą bezzałogowych statków powietrznych na terenie Polski. Użyteczność wykorzystywania nowych technologii pozyskiwania danych geoprzestrzennych zaprezentowano na wybranych przykładach. Wyniki prac eksperymentalnych pokazują, że bezzałogowe statki powietrzne mogą stanowić narzędzie przydatne dla władz miejskich, dostarczając dane w czasie rzeczywistym, co umożliwia dostęp do wiarygodnej informacji, realizację aktywnego monitoringu oraz usprawnia proces zarządzania przestrzenią. Należy zwrócić uwagę na szersze wykorzystanie BSP w takich obszarach, jak: planowanie i zagospodarowanie przestrzenne, opodatkowanie nieruchomości, zarządzanie własnością publiczną, dostępność informacji przestrzennej, rozstrzyganie sporów przestrzennych oraz zarządzanie kryzysowe

    Application of Technical Measures and Software in Constructing Photorealistic 3D Models of Historical Building Using Ground-Based and Aerial (UAV) Digital Images

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    Preparing digital documentation of historical buildings is a form of protecting cultural heritage. Recently there have been several intensive studies using non-metric digital images to construct realistic 3D models of historical buildings. Increasingly often, non-metric digital images are obtained with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Technologies and methods of UAV flights are quite different from traditional photogrammetric approaches. The lack of technical guidelines for using drones inhibits the process of implementing new methods of data acquisition