35 research outputs found

    Konsten, staten och kapitalet : En analys av den konstnÀrliga högskolans sociala fÀlt

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    Denna masteravhandling Àr en undersökning av min professionsidentitet som administratör vid en konstnÀrlig högskola, dÀr jag utforskar vilka handlingsutrymmen som finns för mina erfarenheter och mitt omdöme som statlig tjÀnsteman. Mitt syfte Àr att undersöka vad som formar och styr medarbetares roller och positioner pÄ en konstnÀrlig högskola, bÄde för de som verkar inom verksamhetsstödet och de som verkar inom kÀrnverksamheten. Hur uppfattar de sin egen och andras professionsidentitet och uppdrag? Finns det andra faktorer, Àn yrkeskategori, som pÄverkar medarbetarnas omdöme och handling och vad kan det i sÄ fall utgöras av? Finns det sociala strukturer pÄ sÄvÀl makroplan som inom individuella professionsidentiteter som pÄverkar den enskildes uppfattning av lojalitet och plikt inom sitt statliga uppdrag pÄ en konstnÀrlig högskola? Vilka möjligheter och handlingsutrymmen har den enskilde medarbetaren att tillföra sina egna erfarenheter och omdömen?   I min masteravhandling framgÄr att en diskrepans kan uppstÄ mellan uppdraget och de egna förestÀllningarna om yrkesidentiteten. Det Àr faktorer som kan upplevas som en outtalad maktkamp, ett spÀnningsfÀlt, mellan framför allt den konstnÀrliga kÀrnverksamheten och det förvaltande verksamhetsstödet. De teoretiker jag anvÀnder mig av i analysen Àr framförallt Hannah Arendt och Pierre Bourdieu. I min analys lyfter jag fram vikten av att utrymme ges för den kritiska reflektionen i den enskilda medarbetarens yrkesutövning.This master's thesis is a study of my professional identity as an administrator at an art college, where I explore the scope for action for my experiences and my judgment as a government official. My purpose is to investigate what shapes and governs employees' roles and positions at an artistic university, both for those who work in business support and those who work in core business. How do they perceive their own and others' professional identity and mission? Are there factors other than occupational category that affect employees' judgment and action, and if so, what do they consist of? Are there social structures on a macro level, as well as within individual professional identities, that affect the individual's perception of loyalty and duty within his or her state assignment at an artistic university? What opportunities and scope for action does the individual employee have to add their own experiences and assessments? In my master's dissertation it appears that a discrepancy can arise between the assignment and one's own ideas about professional identity. These are factors that can be experienced as an unspoken power struggle, a field of tension, between the artistic core business and the administrative business support, above all. The theorists I refer to in the analysis are mainly Hannah Arendt and Pierre Bourdieu. In my analysis, I highlight the importance of providing space for the critical reflection in the individual employee's professional practice.Författaren Àr anstÀlld som Utbildningsadministratör vid Institutionen för scenkonst. Stockholms konstnÀrliga högskola.</p

    Konsten, staten och kapitalet : En analys av den konstnÀrliga högskolans sociala fÀlt

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    Denna masteravhandling Àr en undersökning av min professionsidentitet som administratör vid en konstnÀrlig högskola, dÀr jag utforskar vilka handlingsutrymmen som finns för mina erfarenheter och mitt omdöme som statlig tjÀnsteman. Mitt syfte Àr att undersöka vad som formar och styr medarbetares roller och positioner pÄ en konstnÀrlig högskola, bÄde för de som verkar inom verksamhetsstödet och de som verkar inom kÀrnverksamheten. Hur uppfattar de sin egen och andras professionsidentitet och uppdrag? Finns det andra faktorer, Àn yrkeskategori, som pÄverkar medarbetarnas omdöme och handling och vad kan det i sÄ fall utgöras av? Finns det sociala strukturer pÄ sÄvÀl makroplan som inom individuella professionsidentiteter som pÄverkar den enskildes uppfattning av lojalitet och plikt inom sitt statliga uppdrag pÄ en konstnÀrlig högskola? Vilka möjligheter och handlingsutrymmen har den enskilde medarbetaren att tillföra sina egna erfarenheter och omdömen?   I min masteravhandling framgÄr att en diskrepans kan uppstÄ mellan uppdraget och de egna förestÀllningarna om yrkesidentiteten. Det Àr faktorer som kan upplevas som en outtalad maktkamp, ett spÀnningsfÀlt, mellan framför allt den konstnÀrliga kÀrnverksamheten och det förvaltande verksamhetsstödet. De teoretiker jag anvÀnder mig av i analysen Àr framförallt Hannah Arendt och Pierre Bourdieu. I min analys lyfter jag fram vikten av att utrymme ges för den kritiska reflektionen i den enskilda medarbetarens yrkesutövning.This master's thesis is a study of my professional identity as an administrator at an art college, where I explore the scope for action for my experiences and my judgment as a government official. My purpose is to investigate what shapes and governs employees' roles and positions at an artistic university, both for those who work in business support and those who work in core business. How do they perceive their own and others' professional identity and mission? Are there factors other than occupational category that affect employees' judgment and action, and if so, what do they consist of? Are there social structures on a macro level, as well as within individual professional identities, that affect the individual's perception of loyalty and duty within his or her state assignment at an artistic university? What opportunities and scope for action does the individual employee have to add their own experiences and assessments? In my master's dissertation it appears that a discrepancy can arise between the assignment and one's own ideas about professional identity. These are factors that can be experienced as an unspoken power struggle, a field of tension, between the artistic core business and the administrative business support, above all. The theorists I refer to in the analysis are mainly Hannah Arendt and Pierre Bourdieu. In my analysis, I highlight the importance of providing space for the critical reflection in the individual employee's professional practice.Författaren Àr anstÀlld som Utbildningsadministratör vid Institutionen för scenkonst. Stockholms konstnÀrliga högskola.</p

    Managing time with dementia : assessment and early detection of the need for time-related interventions and different experiences of time assistive technology

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    Background: Dementia is one of the most common global diseases. One frequently occurring consequence of dementia is time-related problems, and persons with dementia often need support from significant others to manage time in daily life. With no medical cure available, non-pharmacological interventions, such as the prescription of time assistive technology (AT), become important. Previous research has shown that persons with dementia can benefit from using AT. However, there is a knowledge gap regarding how occupational therapists assess the time processing ability and daily time management of persons with dementia and their experiences of prescribing time AT. Furthermore, while valid and reliable instruments assessing all three levels of time processing ability and daily time management are available for other patient groups, none have yet been evaluated for persons with dementia. Orientation to time and experience of time are known to be linked to dementia; however, expanded knowledge of associations between time processing ability, daily time management, and dementia severity could enhance the comprehension of time-related problems in dementia and further contribute to the identification of time-related problems and the need for time-related interventions. Considering this, it is also important to enhance the body of knowledge on how persons with dementia manage time in daily life and receive support from significant others in their daily time management, as well as examine the experience of time AT from the perspectives of both persons with dementia and significant others. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to explore daily time management in persons with dementia, with a focus on assessments of daily time management and time processing ability, and the prescription and use of time AT from the perspectives of persons with dementia, significant others, and occupational therapists. The specific aims for the four studies are as follows: 1. (I) To explore occupational therapists’ experiences of assessing the need for and prescribing time AT for persons with dementia; 2. (II) To evaluate the psychometric properties of KaTid-Senior, Time-S Senior, and Time-Proxy when used with persons with dementia; 3. (III) To investigate the associations between time processing ability, daily time management, and dementia severity; and 4. (IV) To explore the experiences of persons with dementia and significant others regarding daily time management and their perceptions on how time AT affects their everyday life. Methods: This thesis contains two studies where qualitative methods were applied (study I and IV) and two studies that used quantitative methods (study II and III). In study I, focus group interviews with occupational therapists (n=17, in total) who prescribe time AT for persons with dementia were analysed via qualitative content analysis. In study II and III, persons with dementia (n = 53) and their significant others (n = 49) participated. In study II, Rasch analyses were used to evaluate KaTid-Senior, Time-S Senior, and Time-Proxy regarding the following aspects: rating scale functioning; internal scale validity; person- response validity; unidimensionality; person-separation reliability; and internal consistency. In study III, bivariate analyses were used to investigate associations between time processing ability, daily time management and dementia severity. Linear regression models were used to further predict the role of the subtests in the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) for the time processing ability results. In study IV, semi-structured interviews with persons with dementia (n=6) and significant others (n=9) were carried out three months after obtaining the prescribed time AT. Qualitative content analysis was used for the analysis of interviews. Results: The focus group interviews revealed that the prescription of time AT was a multiplex and time-consuming process that required support from significant others. Due to organisational limitations and time constraints, the occupational therapists were often impeded in following the national prescription guidelines. They also had to take responsibility for keeping up to date with existing time AT and commercial alternatives. The Rasch analyses demonstrated appropriate psychometric properties for KaTid-Senior, Time-S Senior, and Time-Proxy. However, in order to also target persons with mild symptoms of dementia, more challenging items should be added in KaTid-Senior. Moreover, the person- response validity parameters in Time-S Senior need to be remedied. The bivariate analyses showed significant correlations between time processing ability and dementia severity, where the strongest correlation occurred with visuospatial functions. Time processing ability also demonstrated a significant correlation to proxy-rated daily time management. Moreover, proxy-rated daily time management was significantly correlated with dementia severity and persons with dementia’s self-ratings of daily time management. Finally, the interviews with persons with dementia and significant others found that the significant others provided support for daily time management at all stages of dementia. The responsibility for time management, the top level of time processing ability, was successively transferred to the significant others, and the support in time management was often integrated with other kinds of support. Time AT supported time orientation but did not enable independent time management for the persons with dementia; however, it could enhance involvement. Conclusion: Support from significant others is important in all aspects of daily time management for persons with dementia. This also includes support from significant others during the whole prescription process and implementation of time AT. Thus, there is a risk that persons with dementia without support from significant others do not receive time AT interventions or subsequent support in using the device. Specific forms of support need to be developed directed at those individuals to ensure that they have fair opportunities to obtain and benefit from time AT. When assessing time-related problems in dementia, KaTid-Senior, Time-S Senior, and Time- Proxy can validly and reliably be used to assess time processing ability and daily time management, both in clinical research and healthcare settings. The assessments can also increase the possibility of early detection of impaired time processing ability and daily time management problems, facilitating early, timely interventions to enhance occupational performance. Knowledge of the association between time processing ability, dementia severity, and visuospatial functions can further increase the possibility of early identification of time processing ability impairments. However, for a thorough assessment of time-related problems in persons with dementia, objective measures should be used together with self-ratings and proxy-ratings. These findings can be used in clinical research and healthcare settings to promote methods to compensate for time-related problems in dementia. Since support in time management is transferred to significant others at an early stage of dementia, time-related assessments and interventions should be provided at onset to increase the possibility to maintain daily time management skills. Even when not used independently by persons with dementia, time AT and calendars can be used to inform about time management carried out by others, which can increase agency and occupational participation for persons with dementia. As persons without support from significant others comprise an extra vulnerable group, is it important that society has adequate resources to also meet their need of support in daily time management

    MĂ€ns upplevelser av att leva med urininkontinens

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    Urininkontinens Àr ett av vÄra stora folkhÀlsoproblem. Kvinnor drabbas oftare Àn mÀn, men efter 75-Ärs Älder Àr det ungefÀr lika vanligt hos bÄda könen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur mÀns upplevelser av att leva med urininkontinens belystes i litteraturen. Metoden var en litteraturstudie som baserades pÄ tio vetenskapliga artiklar, bÄde kvalitativa och kvantitativa. Under bearbetningen av artiklarna framtrÀdde olika teman som slutligen resulterade i tre övergripande rubriker. Dessa var ur psykologiskt perspektiv, praktiskt perspektiv och samhÀllsperspektiv. I resultatet framkom det att mÀnnens livskvalitet pÄverkades negativt. De inrÀttade sin vardag efter urininkontinensen och utvecklade strategier för att leva ett sÄ normalt liv som möjligt. Ur praktiskt perspektiv ville mÀnnen alltid ha kontroll pÄ var nÀrmaste toalett fanns. De anpassade ocksÄ intaget av dryck och gick pÄ toaletten förebyggande. MÀnnen kÀnde skam och höll ofta inkontinensen hemlig för sin omgivning. MÄnga upplevde problem inom samlivet och i relationen till sin partner. Studien visade att det fanns ett behov av riktlinjer och behandlingsstrategier inom omrÄdet. Nyckelord: leva med, livskvalitet, mÀn, upplevelse, urininkontinens.Urinary incontinence is one of our major public health problems. Women are affected more often than men, but after 75 years of age, it is equally common in both sexes. The purpose of this study was to examine how men's experiences of living with urinary incontinence are highlighted in the literature. The method was a literature review based on ten scientific articles, both qualitative and quantitative. During the process different perspectives became apparent, i e psychological, practical and social. The results revealed that the men's quality of life was adversely affected. They organized their everyday living around their urinary incontinence, and developed strategies in order to live as normally as possible. From a practical perspective, the men would always make sure they knew where the nearest toilet was. They also adjusted their fluid intake and went to the bathroom as a preventive measure. Psychologically the men felt ashamed and often kept their incontinence a secret from their surrounding family and friends. Socially they experienced problems within their sexlife and in the relationship with their partner. The study showed that there is a need for guidelines and treatment strategies in this field.Keyword: experience, living with, men, quality of life, urinary incontinence

    MĂ€ns upplevelser av att leva med urininkontinens

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    Urininkontinens Àr ett av vÄra stora folkhÀlsoproblem. Kvinnor drabbas oftare Àn mÀn, men efter 75-Ärs Älder Àr det ungefÀr lika vanligt hos bÄda könen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur mÀns upplevelser av att leva med urininkontinens belystes i litteraturen. Metoden var en litteraturstudie som baserades pÄ tio vetenskapliga artiklar, bÄde kvalitativa och kvantitativa. Under bearbetningen av artiklarna framtrÀdde olika teman som slutligen resulterade i tre övergripande rubriker. Dessa var ur psykologiskt perspektiv, praktiskt perspektiv och samhÀllsperspektiv. I resultatet framkom det att mÀnnens livskvalitet pÄverkades negativt. De inrÀttade sin vardag efter urininkontinensen och utvecklade strategier för att leva ett sÄ normalt liv som möjligt. Ur praktiskt perspektiv ville mÀnnen alltid ha kontroll pÄ var nÀrmaste toalett fanns. De anpassade ocksÄ intaget av dryck och gick pÄ toaletten förebyggande. MÀnnen kÀnde skam och höll ofta inkontinensen hemlig för sin omgivning. MÄnga upplevde problem inom samlivet och i relationen till sin partner. Studien visade att det fanns ett behov av riktlinjer och behandlingsstrategier inom omrÄdet. Nyckelord: leva med, livskvalitet, mÀn, upplevelse, urininkontinens.Urinary incontinence is one of our major public health problems. Women are affected more often than men, but after 75 years of age, it is equally common in both sexes. The purpose of this study was to examine how men's experiences of living with urinary incontinence are highlighted in the literature. The method was a literature review based on ten scientific articles, both qualitative and quantitative. During the process different perspectives became apparent, i e psychological, practical and social. The results revealed that the men's quality of life was adversely affected. They organized their everyday living around their urinary incontinence, and developed strategies in order to live as normally as possible. From a practical perspective, the men would always make sure they knew where the nearest toilet was. They also adjusted their fluid intake and went to the bathroom as a preventive measure. Psychologically the men felt ashamed and often kept their incontinence a secret from their surrounding family and friends. Socially they experienced problems within their sexlife and in the relationship with their partner. The study showed that there is a need for guidelines and treatment strategies in this field. Keyword: experience, living with, men, quality of life, urinary incontinence

    Olika forskningsperspektiv inom lÀs- och skrivundervisningen

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    Lindhagenska biblioteket, BredgĂ„rden, Åsunden : en katalogisering och klassificering

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    I detta specialarbete finns en stor del av det Lindhagenska biblioteket katalogiserat och klassificerat. Boksamlingen tillhör Rut och Sten Lindhagen pĂ„ BredgĂ„rden intill Åsunden strax utanför Ulricehamn. Drygt 500 böcker Ă€r medtagna, omfattande tiden frĂ„n ungefĂ€r 1500 till Ă„r 1900. De Ă€ldre verken Ă€r oftast pĂ„ latin medan de senare mestadels Ă€r pĂ„ franska och svenska. Huvuddelen av bokbestĂ„ndet upptas av filosofi, historia, juridik, religion och skönlitteratur.Obs! PĂ„ vissa sidor saknas mer eller mindre den vĂ€nstra marginalen, de nedersta raderna samt vissa delar av texten i det tryckta originalet.</p

    MĂ€ns upplevelser av att leva med urininkontinens

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    Urininkontinens Àr ett av vÄra stora folkhÀlsoproblem. Kvinnor drabbas oftare Àn mÀn, men efter 75-Ärs Älder Àr det ungefÀr lika vanligt hos bÄda könen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur mÀns upplevelser av att leva med urininkontinens belystes i litteraturen. Metoden var en litteraturstudie som baserades pÄ tio vetenskapliga artiklar, bÄde kvalitativa och kvantitativa. Under bearbetningen av artiklarna framtrÀdde olika teman som slutligen resulterade i tre övergripande rubriker. Dessa var ur psykologiskt perspektiv, praktiskt perspektiv och samhÀllsperspektiv. I resultatet framkom det att mÀnnens livskvalitet pÄverkades negativt. De inrÀttade sin vardag efter urininkontinensen och utvecklade strategier för att leva ett sÄ normalt liv som möjligt. Ur praktiskt perspektiv ville mÀnnen alltid ha kontroll pÄ var nÀrmaste toalett fanns. De anpassade ocksÄ intaget av dryck och gick pÄ toaletten förebyggande. MÀnnen kÀnde skam och höll ofta inkontinensen hemlig för sin omgivning. MÄnga upplevde problem inom samlivet och i relationen till sin partner. Studien visade att det fanns ett behov av riktlinjer och behandlingsstrategier inom omrÄdet. Nyckelord: leva med, livskvalitet, mÀn, upplevelse, urininkontinens.Urinary incontinence is one of our major public health problems. Women are affected more often than men, but after 75 years of age, it is equally common in both sexes. The purpose of this study was to examine how men's experiences of living with urinary incontinence are highlighted in the literature. The method was a literature review based on ten scientific articles, both qualitative and quantitative. During the process different perspectives became apparent, i e psychological, practical and social. The results revealed that the men's quality of life was adversely affected. They organized their everyday living around their urinary incontinence, and developed strategies in order to live as normally as possible. From a practical perspective, the men would always make sure they knew where the nearest toilet was. They also adjusted their fluid intake and went to the bathroom as a preventive measure. Psychologically the men felt ashamed and often kept their incontinence a secret from their surrounding family and friends. Socially they experienced problems within their sexlife and in the relationship with their partner. The study showed that there is a need for guidelines and treatment strategies in this field.Keyword: experience, living with, men, quality of life, urinary incontinence